Kelly's Summer Fun


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"Oh hey," she proclaimed in a giddy voice. "Frank, Shelly, you're here already!"

She ran over and gave my aunt and uncle each a big hug and then turned to face me. "You must be Kelly," she walked over to me with her arms out wide and then she enveloped me in a warm hug. "It is so nice to meet you," she said with her head next to me.

"Likewise," I smiled at her when our hug ended. God she was a cute girl! She was dressed like I had been earlier in the day - a plaid shirt and cut off denim shorts. Her strawberry blonde hair was in pigtails, and along with her youthful face it belied the fact that she was a year older than me. She had a beautiful smile, and wonderful round cheeks. Even though she was wearing the same type of shirt I had been earlier, and had it tied up above her belly button as I had, she had it unbuttoned much lower. It was plain without having to look too much that she was braless, as her firm B-Cup breasts were partially exposed.

When she turned to head back inside to retrieve something at her mother's request, I saw that the back of her denim shorts were cut very short, to the point that the lower portion of her curvy, yet firm backside was exposed. I thought to myself that it must have been a country thing, because no girl I knew back home dressed like that around her parents, or when company was over. Although given what her mother was wearing I got the feeling that the Pearson family was quite laid back.

We had a wonderful steak and potato dinner, and the pie my aunt had brought for dessert was outstanding. Mr. Pearson had doffed his shirt while he'd been manning the grill, and hadn't bothered to put it back on during dinner. As the after dinner drinks were dispersed I smiled at how relaxing a setting this was.

I didn't participate very much in the conversation but I was still enjoying myself. In fact I realized I was getting a bit tipsy from all the wine. Kendra must have noticed because she asked me if I wanted to take a walk and get some air. I graciously accepted the offer and we excused ourselves.

Kendra lead me down to the river as the sun was beginning to set. "I can't tell you how great it is to have someone around who isn't over the age of forty," she giggled playfully to me.

"I can believe it," I slurred my words a bit as I spoke and that caused me to giggle as well.

Kendra noticed it too and laughed. "It's not that I don't love my folks. They're great." she said with a sigh. "And your aunt and uncle are wonderful," she continued.

"I know," I replied with a smile. "It's just nice to hang with someone your own age," I finished. I paused as I felt a bit of a head rush.

Kendra noticed and smiled at me. "You know what will fix you up? A nice swim."

"Oh," I replied. I did like the idea. "But I didn't bring a swim suit."

Kendra beamed a smile at me. "Who needs one?" she giggled. She grabbed my hand and took me to the water's edge. "Come on," she said as she unbuttoned her shirt and dropped it to the ground. "The water is wonderful this time of evening."

I was correct in my earlier assessment. Kendra was indeed braless. And with her shirt now on the ground, she stood in front of me naked from the waist up. But only for a moment, because in short order she had kicked off her sandals and tugged her shorts down and stepped out of them. I was amazed at how open she was about this, but I was also amazed that I was staring at her. Kendra may not have had my proportions, but she had a KILLER body. Her stomach was flat and toned, her breasts were perky and her ass was so taut that I was sure you could have literally bounced a quarter off of it.

"What are you waiting for?" she smiled at me as she turned to the water and waded in. "I told you the water is perfect!"

I just stood there sheepishly as Kendra dove under the water and then resurfaced. In the light of the early evening I could see the water sparkling over her naked body.

"Have you never skinny dipped before?" she smiled at me.

I shook my head.

"Well it's easy," Kendra chuckled. "You take off your clothes and get into the water," she said with a laugh as she let herself fall back into the water.

I took a deep breath and decided to go for it. After all I was on vacation and I was enjoying myself so far. A nice dip sounded perfect and if Kendra didn't need a bathing suit, neither did I. So I pulled my shirt off over my head and then undid my bra.

"Holy shit," Kendra called from the water. "Those things are huge!"

"Yeah," I giggled back with a roll of my eyes. "Guarantees I'll never drown," I kicked off my sandals and pulled my shorts and undies down together then headed to the water. I waded in a bit and felt the temperature of the water. Kendra was right, it felt wonderful. I dove forward and underneath the water. When I resurfaced I ran my hands through my hair and felt the evening air against my naked skin. God this felt wonderful. I even said as much.

"I told you the water was great this time of evening," Kendra smiled at me as she lay back in the water a bit. "I make it a point of coming down here for a dip every evening."

"Always naked?" I asked innocently as I lowered myself a bit more into the water.

"Oh of course," she replied with a shrug. "It's the only way to do it."

"I have to admit," I moved a bit closer and lowered my voice a bit. "That's probably why I find this to be as nice as I do. It's not just the water," I paused as I tried to find the right words.

"You enjoy the freedom you feel from being naked," Kendra finished for me.

"Exactly," I nodded. I stood up and stretched my arms out to the side. "It feels so liberating."

"I know," Kendra chuckled. "Hell I don't even think I own a bathing suit."

"Really?" I asked as I eased myself back down into the water. "Aren't you worried about your folks catching you?"

"Oh hell no," Kendra replied with a wave of her hand. "They know I do this. In fact they've joined me on more than one occasion."

"You've skinny dipped with your folks?" I asked in amazement.

"Sure," she shrugged. It was like it was no big deal to her. I found it hard to wrap my head around that. But it wasn't as hard as what I was going to have to wrap my head around next. "Hell," Kendra continued. "Your aunt and uncle have even joined in a few times."

As we relaxed in the water Kendra explained to me that she and her parents were nudists. They had been for years and found it totally natural. After her folks had bought this place and gotten to know my aunt and uncle, eventually they got them into the lifestyle too.

I was having a hard time processing that. My aunt and uncle? Nudists? That didn't seem right. But then again, they were a hell of a lot more laid back than my parents so it wasn't that much of a leap I guess.

The truth of the matter was that I was sort of getting it. As I lounged in the water naked with a girl I had just met a few hours earlier, I was amazed at how relaxing and freeing it felt to me.

However that relaxing feeling disappeared for a moment when I heard voices approaching the river. Instinctively I covered my breasts with my hands.

Kendra playfully splashed me with water. "Like that's gonna do anything," she laughed at me. "Your hands aren't that big."

I smiled and sighed, but didn't remove my hands.

"See?" Mr. Pearson called back as he reached the river's edge. "Just like I told you. Kendra's got her skinny dipping."

A moment later Mrs. Pearson and my aunt and uncle appeared behind him. No one seemed upset though.

"Sorry hon," my aunt called out. "Didn't mean to shock you like this."

"That's okay," I replied meekly.

"We were thinking it was time to get going, before it gets too dark for Glen to drive the boat on the river," my aunt continued.

I saw that my uncle had his arm around her shoulder and neither of them seemed the least bit taken aback that their niece was naked out in the water.

"Oh hell, Shell," Mr. Pearson scoffed. "I've told you a thousand times the damn boat has a light on it."

"Okay fine Glen," my aunt scoffed back at him. "Then how about before you're too drunk so you don't fly us off the river and into the Potter's back twenty," she laughed at him.

"Point taken," Mr. Pearson laughed back. "A nice dip should help take the edge off though. You girls mind some company?" he called out to us.

I could feel my eyes bug out of my head, but Kendra replied that 'we' had no problem. I glanced back towards the shore and saw Mr. Pearson drop his shorts. Jesus! He was hung like a horse! The only reason my eyes were diverted away from his huge cock was that I saw Mrs. Pearson stripping down. And so were my aunt and uncle.

With my hands still cupped over my breasts I glanced back at Kendra as the others entered the water.

"Told ya," she shrugged at me with a smile.


After about fifteen minutes of the six of us lounging about in the water, my aunt said we really had to be getting along.

"Killjoy," Mr. Pearson laughed, but she still swam over to the boat dock and crawled out of the water. "Deb? Kendra? Do either of you want to tag along for the ride?"

Mrs. Pearson passed on the offer, but Kendra said she would partake. Mrs. Pearson began making her way out of the water, but paused and beckoned me over. "It was wonderful to meet you Kelly," she held her arms out for another hug and I sheepishly walked up to her, still cupping my breasts. Mrs. Pearson smiled at me. "Don't worry dear, I've had to deal with your aunt for the past year or so."

I don't know why but that relaxed me and I accepted Mrs. Pearson's warm hug and returned it. "Thank you so much for such a wonderful dinner," I said with genuine gratitude.

My aunt and uncle both exchanged hugs with Mrs. Pearson as well, while Kendra had swam over to the boat and joined her father. They were both still naked.

Mrs. Pearson scooped our clothes and walked over to the dock, as my aunt and uncle and I waded through the water over to the boat. We climbed up onto the dock and into the boat where Mrs. Pearson handed us our clothes and bid us a good night.

Mr. Pearson fired up the engine and guided the boat down the river. I sat there next to my aunt and Kendra and realized that there were five people on this boat and we were all naked. I also realized that I was the only one who noticed that or seemed to think it was an issue.

Mr. Pearson dropped us off and more hugs were exchanged before my aunt and uncle and myself made our way up to their house. We were all still naked. I guess I should have been more freaked out by all this than I was, but the truth of it was I thought it was kind of cool.

As we got into the house I turned and faced them both. I stood there with my clothes clutched to my hip, and just smiled at them. "Nudists huh?" I chuckled. "I wish you guys would have told me. I wouldn't have packed as much as I did."

I gave them both a good night hug and headed off to my room.


I woke up the next morning and immediately sensed how wet I was. I moaned slightly and put a hand to my head. I wasn't sure if it was my quick introduction to nudism or the recollections of Mr. Pearson's big cock. But something got my mind going last night.

I rolled out of bed and stood there for a moment totally naked. It had felt great the night before, despite my initial apprehension and it felt great once again. I decided to head out of my bedroom without covering up.

And I was disappointed when I glanced around and saw that neither my aunt nor my uncle was around. I sighed and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then wrapped a towel around myself and headed out.

Once again, neither of them was around but I did take note of the scent of coffee in the air. I walked towards the kitchen and saw a near full pot, so I got myself a cup and poured. As I took a sip I glanced into the backyard. Aunt Shelly and Uncle Frank were both out there, and from what I could tell, they were both naked.

I smiled and moved to the door and opened it up. "Morning!" I called out with a big smile on my face. "Are we still doing the nudist thing?"

My aunt and uncle both turned around with a bit of a start. "Only if you're comfortable with it honey," Aunt Shelly replied.

"Hey," I giggled as I peeled my towel off and let it fall to the floor. "After last night? I think I'm okay."

I couldn't believe it but I was strutting out of my aunt and uncle's place totally naked to join them as they were totally naked. I walked out and crouched down between their chairs and placed my coffee cup on the ground. I placed a hand on both their shoulders. "Thank you so much," I said with a warm smile to both of them.

Aunt Shelly placed a hand over mine and smiled at me. "For what dear?" she asked.

I stood up and smiled at them both. "This," I waved my arms out. "Having me here. It's always been a blast to visit you two, but this is the best ever!" I smiled broadly and gestured to my naked aunt and uncle and then to myself. "This feels right!"

"Glad you approve," Uncle Frank chuckled at me.

"Oh hell Uncle Frank," I gave him a playful swat of my hand as I crouched down and picked up my coffee cup to take a sip. "You don't need my approval."

"No," he nodded.

"But it is nice to have your acceptance," Aunt Shelly added. "And it's wonderful that you're willing to participate," she added with a smile.

"Are you kidding?" I laughed back. "I mean, yes. I was bit freaked out when everyone joined me and Kendra in skinny-dipping, but," I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"You said it," Uncle Frank finished for me. "It feels right."

I looked at him and nodded. "Hell yes it does."


I had ended up sitting with my aunt and uncle while all three of us were naked for about twenty minutes. After that Aunt Shelly and I donned shoes and nothing else, then headed out to their crops to pick vegetables. Uncle Frank had on a pair of boots and walked to the barn to graze the animals.

Aunt Shelly and I made lunch later on, and we all ate together outside while naked. It was so liberating and felt so natural.

A short time later I excused myself to my room and donned a tank top and shorts then headed back outside just as my aunt and uncle were heading into the lake for a swim.

Uncle Frank saw me and laughed a bit. "Had enough nudity for one day?" he asked.

I smiled as I saw Aunt Shelly playfully swat him with her hand. "No it's not that. Is that bike still in the barn Uncle Frank?"

"Yeah, why?" he asked as he waded into the water.

"I wanted to ride over to the Pearsons and thank them for dinner last night," I replied.

"Oh honey," Aunt Shelly smiled at me. "That's nice, but I've already called them and thanked them."

"I'd still like to do it myself," I said with a shrug.

"Good girl," Uncle Frank called to me just before he dove under the water.

I stood there smiling as I watched my aunt and uncle skinny dipping, then turned and headed to the barn and grabbed the bike. As I got onto it and began pedaling away I smiled. It was a nice gesture on my part to bike all that way to thank the Pearsons for dinner. But the truth of the matter was, knowing they were a family of nudists, I was hoping to get another look at Mr. Pearson's big cock.

When I got to the Pearsons' place Kendra answered the door. Totally naked of course.

She was happy to see me and invited me in and welcomed me with a big hug. "Do you always answer the door naked?" I asked with a giggle.

"I took a peek through the side window," she smiled at me. "I saw it was you. If it wasn't someone I know or expect? That's what the 'emergency robe' is for," she gestured to a chair in the alcove near the door that had a robe draped over it. "So what's up?" she asked as she lead me into the house.

"Oh," I replied. I was surprised but I couldn't help but eyeball her backside as she walked in front of me. "I just wanted to come over and thank your parents for a wonderful dinner yesterday."

"That's hilarious," Kendra laughed and turned to me.

"Why?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"My mom and dad just left in the boat five minutes ago to head over to your aunt and uncle's place," she explained.

"Oh great," I groaned.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled at me. "I'll get you a drink and you can come and tan with me out back."

I knew what she meant. And with my newfound respect for nudity, I didn't have a problem stripping down in the living room as Kendra fixed me a drink. We then headed out back totally naked and laid down on her big towel and took in the sun.

"I've got to tell you," Kendra sighed as she stretched herself out. "I'm impressed with how quick you're taking to this."

"Thanks," I replied as I took a sip of my drink. "My aunt and uncle said the same thing when we all had coffee out back naked this morning."

"Atta girl!" Kendra raised her hands in a mock cheering motion.

"Truthfully," I sighed. "I think I always had the same hang-ups about nudity as most people do. But when I was 'in the moment'," I made air-quotes as I said it. "It just felt right," I finished.

"Exactly," she turned her head and nodded at me. "Most people equate nudity with sex. Well, you were around a lot of naked people last night. Did anyone have sex?"

"Not at the time," I chuckled. "Although," I lowered my voice to a near whisper even though we were alone. "I had a hard time not staring at your dad's cock." The second I said it, I regretted it. I was sure Kendra would get offended or disgusted, or both.

Instead she was remarkably at ease about it. "He is hung," she chuckled.

Relieved that my comment hadn't elicited a negative reaction I smiled. "In truth I've always wondered why I'm so fascinated with big dicks like that," I paused and took another sip of my drink. "Something that big would probably split me in half," I chuckled.

"It's not that bad," Kendra replied calmly.

THAT caused my brow to furrow up. I glanced over at Kendra but she just laid there calmly and didn't seem to think she'd said anything out of the ordinary. I wanted to ask her what she meant, but thought that might be pushing things, so I let it go.


Kendra and I laid out in the sun for a couple of hours. We had a few more drinks, took a swim in the lake, and sat back some more. Eventually I decided I should head back even though I did want to thank the Pearsons in person.

Kendra said she understood and walked me to the door. She asked if I was okay to bike home after a few drinks, and offered the chance to wait for her folks to get back and then her dad could return me to my aunt and uncle's in his boat. I assured her that I was fine and headed off.

I did wobble on the bike a few times as I made the twenty-five minute return trip home, but made it uneventfully. I put the bike back into to the barn and headed to the house. I was so sweaty from the bike ride that I just wanted to strip down and jump in the river. So, as I got into the house and closed the door behind me, I began to get undressed. I was just about to head out the back door when I was stopped in my tracks by what I saw.

They were all out there naked. And they were all having sex!

Except they weren't having sex with who they were married to.

Mrs. Pearson was on a lawn chair on her hands and knees with my uncle behind her doing her doggy style. On the ground, Mr. Pearson was on his back, and Aunt Shelly was riding him.

I stood there in shock with my shorts around my ankles and my jaw open wide. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! My aunt and uncle being nudists? Okay, that I was able to accept. But swingers too? This was a bit much.

Yet I stood there watching. And I felt my pussy start to tingle and get wet.

My eyes darted back and forth between the action I was witnessing. Uncle Frank was slamming in and out of Mrs. Pearson with wild abandon and she wailed her approval.