Kerry is Tempted Back to the Club


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Her latest round of dances completed, she made an announcement:

"I need to take a break to change, and.."

One of the guys shouted an interruption, "Don't change! We love you as you are!"

Kerry laughed and replied, "Okay, wise ass, thanks for that. As I was trying to say, I need to get a few things ready for our next round of fun! Be sure to have some food and drink up before the second half of our party starts!"

Taking a quick rest back in the dressing room, Kerry tried to calm down and let her pulse settle down. Being exposed in front of her co-workers, even just topless, had turned out to be even more stimulating than she'd expected. Seeing Tim's erection was another surprise, she hadn't expected that from him, at work he always seemed pretty quiet, even formal. Whatever she thought tonight was going to be like, the situation she was in now was like some separate universe with its own set of rules for her to figure out on the fly.

The party guests snacked and caught up with their drinking in Kerry's absence; they had been too absorbed in her performance to think about their drinks, but now they made up for lost time. By the time she returned most of them were on their second drink of the intermission.

A loud cheer greeted Kerry as she entered the room for the second half of the party. She had on an outfit technically similar to one she might wear in the office; sweater, skirt, button down blouse, camisole, stockings, bra and panties. Though each item was a type of garment similar to her everyday look, these particular pieces of clothing were practically the definition of not safe for work. The sweater was more of a fishnet cover-up, the skirt a clingy knit barely long enough to cover her butt, the blouse lightweight silk and practically transparent, the camisole similar to the blouse but even more sheer, the stockings sheer black with some fine lace at their tops, the bra a lacy black shelf bra, the panties really just a g-string barely able to cover Kerry's pussy. Between all the various layers she was covered pretty well other than her legs, which the guys never came close to seeing this much of at work.

Acknowledging her fans with a broad smile and a wave, Kerry set a duffle bag down near the entrance to the room and danced her way to the center of the space. She motioned for the guys to quiet down so she could say something.

"Thanks a lot, you fellas are great. Does all this noise mean you want me to get naked?"

The predictable roar confirmed that they did.

"Well then, we should get going on that! Notice I said WE? I'd like you all to help me out of all these clothes; I'm wearing enough items right now for you each to remove one, how does that sound?

The cheering confirmed that they'd be happy to assist.

"Alright, lets get started!" she said with a smile, hoping they didn't notice her trembling. She headed over to one of the three guys she didn't know and sat on his lap with her back to him. After a while grinding her butt on his lap she told him it was time to help her undress. He slipped the sweater off her shoulders, taking his time removing it, massaging her shoulders and arms as it came off.

One garment removed, she stood up and motioned for quiet again, then said, "I forgot one small detail. You guys all seem pretty enlightened, I imagine you believe in equal opportunities for men and women, right?"

A positive but more subdued response, perhaps thinking about their wives and girlfriends currently at their own party.

"That being the case, I was thinking if you get to remove a piece of my clothing it would seem fair for me to be able to do the same for you, how does that sound?

A pause, then some pretty enthusiastic cheering.

"Good, then we're in agreement!"

She pointed at the man holding her sweater and said, "You owe me! Since we hadn't worked out the terms before we started I'll go easy on you for now." She knelt in front of him and untied his shoes, slipped them off and tossed them into the middle of the room.

Next up was another of the guys she didn't know. He received her standard grinding on his lap for a minute or so before she stopped gyrating and asked him to pick a piece of clothing. He pointed at her blouse; she nodded and leaned back against him as he reached around her and began undoing buttons. Kerry thought he was taking a lot longer with the buttons near her boobs than was strictly necessary, but didn't really mind. Once he'd finished unbuttoning the blouse he pulled it back over her shoulders and off her arms, draping it around his neck once he had finished removing it. Though her camisole covered almost as much as her blouse, with one less layer covering the sheer fabric of the camisole she was now giving the guys a pretty clear look at her nipples. "My turn!" she said as soon as he was done. She slipped off his lap, gripped the already opened waistband of his pants and yanked them down and completely off, working them over his shoes.

Next in line was Rory, a structural engineer from her office. She gave him the standard lap dance followed by an invitation to take off a piece of her clothing, and was surprised when he went for her shoes; surprised and a little disappointed. She took his pants as well.

Her next stop was the last guy she didn't work with, the best looking of the men present in her opinion. She gave him a little more intense dance than the others she'd done so far and was pleased when he told her he wanted her skirt. She smiled and stepped off his lap, turned to face him and leaned her forehead against his, telling him to go ahead and take it. He lifted the hem of her camisole enough to get to the top of her skirt, maybe a little more, then slipped four fingers and the palm of each hand inside the skirt and hooked his thumbs over the skirt's top edge. He slid the skirt ever so slowly down over her ass, with his open hands massaging her cheeks as they glided down towards her legs. Besides the pleasure she was getting from having this good looking stranger fondle her ass, she was excited knowing her co-workers were all watching as her skirt fell to the floor and her ass came into view. After stepping out of the skirt she took the stranger's pants, a little more slowly and with more physical contact than she had used before.

A little bit flustered by now, Kerry strutted over to give Larry, their office bookkeeper his turn. She was surprised when he chose to not chose to help strip her. He said he was here to party with Jason and the rest of the guys, but knew his wife would be upset if he did anything too raunchy. She kissed him on the cheek and told him his wife was a lucky woman before moving across the room to Tim.

Kerry was surprised but happy to see Tim hadn't bothered to cover up the head of his penis, still sticking up past the waistband of his boxers; if anything even more of his hard on was now out in the open, and he'd already slipped out of his pants! She put a little more intensity into his lap dance, surprising herself as much as him as she squirmed her way back on his lap until his cock was nestled snugly between her ass cheeks! She recognized she was getting into dangerous territory and reluctantly climbed off his lap and asked if he'd like to remove an article of her clothing. "I think I'll take your camisole," he said, smiling. She sat back on his lap and raised her arms as he wrapped his arms around her waist and slipped his hands under the hem of the smooth silk. He lifted the hem by sliding his hands up the front of her body, running his fingers over her uncovered nipples as he went. He lifted her camisole over her head and outstretched arms and draped it over his shoulder. Breathing rapidly and blushing deeply at having just been felt up in plain view by a co-worker while several others watched, it took Kerry a minute to be able to tell Tim what she wanted to take off him, but since he'd already taken his pants off the decision of what to remove was an easy one for her. "Those boxers are mine!" she said with a grin. She knelt in front of him and ran her fingertips up his thighs, tickling his balls lightly on the way up to grip the waistband, then pulled the boxers down his legs and off, sending them to join her collection in the middle of the room. She searched her memories of the fairly small number of erections she'd been this close to in her young life and decided the one Tim was now showing to half the office was the most impressive she had ever seen.

Down to just a bra which put her nipples on display, a tiny g-string and a pair of stockings, Kerry sauntered over to the couch where Jason and Dan sat. Approaching the best man first, she pressed his legs together and straddled them, leaning forward to rub her breasts on his chest while grinding her pussy over his erection, which though easily seen and felt was safely covered by his pants. She let herself enjoy some time dry humping him before sliding off and asking if he'd care to take a piece of clothing off her. He made a show of being unable to decide before pointing at her bra. She sat on his lap with her back towards him and resumed her slow grind on his erection. He slipped her bra's straps down off her shoulders, slowly sliding them down each arm, past the elbow and finally over her hands.

She leaned over to give him access to the hooks. He wrapped his left arm around her waist and raised his forearm up to hold what little fabric there was in place as he popped the hooks on the band around her back loose. He brought his right hand around her and cupped the underside of her right breast, slowly raising his thumb beyond the bra's lacy edge to caress her nipple; when Kerry didn't object to this level of gratuitous contact he repeated the process at her left breast, letting the skimpy bra drop away entirely. She lost track of time for a while as she let herself enjoy his caresses. Eventually, she became aware of the other guys staring and pulled Dan's hands away as she stepped off his lap.

She pointed to his pants, saying, "Too bad you didn't take them off before I got to you like Tim did, I could have taken your undies too!" She knelt between his legs and reached for the zipper and was startled when he stuck his hand down his pants just before she started to unzip them, but understood he was just trying to avoid injury when the removal of his hand after she was done with the zipper revealed that he wasn't wearing anything between his pants and himself. She was grateful she hadn't leaned forward any more than she had to unzip the pants; as it was his newly freed erection was too close to her face for her to focus on. The temptation to open her mouth and lean forward just a bit more was as strong as it was sudden, but she managed to shake the unexpected urge off and contented herself with leaving Dan half-naked as she moved on to the groom.

Stepping over to face Jason, Kerry asked what he'd like to change about her outfit, and offered a tongue in cheek apology: "Sorry there aren't many choices left."

"That makes my choice easy," said Jason, "It has to be the panties! But I'd rather watch you take them off if that's okay?"

"It's your party; if that's what you want then that's what we'll do!" she said, running her hands down over her breasts and across her belly before slipping her right hand into the front of her g-string as her left began to slide the skinny waistband down her hips, alternating between left and right sides. When she finally could feel the band slip below her ass she turned to present that side to Jason, bending at the waist as she pulled the tiny garment down her legs over her stockings, which were now only fabric left still in contact with her body. She did a little bow and asked if she could take a piece of clothing from him. She was more surprised than disappointed when he told her he'd enjoyed her show but had promised his bride-to-be that whatever temptations there might be at the party he'd keep his clothes on.

Kerry realized that the only three men at the party she knew to be married, engaged or seriously involved had all been pretty restrained, proof that not all men were like her ex. That left five others up for some naughtier activity. She had one more treat in mind for them, and herself as well.

She couldn't help thinking about how surreal her current situation was; she had nothing left on but a pair of stockings, having allowed herself to be stripped in part by a bunch of her co-workers. The idea of being naked in their midst had seemed like her worst nightmare when she first found out she'd signed up to strip for them, but her wig, mask, and the fact that never in a million years would they believe she'd do anything like this had combined to allow her this chance to see them in a setting she'd never have been privy to any other way. Her nightmare in the making had turned into a pretty arousing dream!

Moving to the corner of the room she had left her gear in, she made an announcement: "I was recruited to entertain you guys at the last minute, so I didn't have a chance to organize the food selections. It looks like the club came through with a fairly nice spread, I saw pizza, wings, chips and some cheese and crackers; but nobody seems to have done anything about getting you guys any dessert! The good news is that I DID remember to bring something to be the finishing touch for the dessert we don't have; with what I brought and a little creativity I think you can have a nice treat after all!"

As her curious audience looked on Kerry reached into her bag and pulled out a large aerosol can of whipped cream and a towel! An appreciative cheer rang out as she held the can high and shook it up to prepare the first guest's serving. She strode over to the same stranger she had begun her recent round of clothing removal with, spraying a generous helping of whipped cream on her breasts! He eagerly removed every trace of cream, leaving her nipples hard and glistening.

After wiping her chest off with a towel, Kerry moved to another of the three strangers, deciding to go around the room in the same order as before. The second guest got the same treatment; she almost jumped when he tongued and sucked on her nipples, going way beyond what was needed to clean off every bit of cream. After the initial shock she found herself enjoying his attentions!

Next up was her co-worker Rory; she remembered he had been pretty restrained before. Thinking he might be too shy to lick her breasts, she sprayed the whipped cream on her neck and upper chest. It seemed like the right level of raunchiness for Rory, as he dove right in as Kerry leaned over to let him reach the cream.

The handsome stranger was next in order; since he'd given her ass so much attention while removing her skirt she sprayed a generous portion of cream on her butt cheeks. He leaned over to get his mouth low enough to reach her ass and happily cleaned all signs of whipped cream away.

Blushing deeply and laughing, Larry passed on his chance to lick her breasts.

Moving on to Tim, Kerry noticed he still hadn't put on his boxers or pants. She sat on his lap but was careful to not sit too close to his still impressive erection; even being cautious she was nervous having her naked pussy just inches away from his dick. After he had hungrily cleaned the cream off her breasts he surprised her by grabbing the can and spraying whipped cream all over his cock, grinning and saying: "Your turn!" For a second or two she actually thought about several possible ways to clean the cream off which Tim would have loved, but without missing a beat she folded up her towel so it was several layers thick and roughly dragged it over the whipped cream covered dick, clearing most of the cream off without providing Tim with much pleasure.

Moving on to the couch where Jason and Dan were sitting, Kerry offered Jason first choice of spots on her body to lick cream off, but he passed, saying, "You have no idea how much I'd like to, but I can't take a chance on word getting back to my fiance that I'd been licking a stripper! Please give my serving to Dan, he's had a lot of work to do as my best man and nobody will object to whatever he does with you." Jason left the couch and went across the room to talk with some of the guys they both worked with. Once he had left she noticed that she and Dan were alone at their side of the room.

"Okay, then, a double helping for Dan it is!" said Kerry; she'd always thought Dan was kind of cute and had enjoyed the way he made her feel tonight, so she was happy to give him some extra attention. She loaded up her breasts with whipped cream, practically making a cream bra to serve up to the best man. She straddled his legs and he pulled her in close and took advantage of the large helping, slowly working his way from the areas farther from her nipples in toward them, eventually sucking them into his mouth and swirling his tongue around them a few times. She appreciated the difference between Dan and Tim's techniques; while Tim was better endowed she was pretty sure Dan would be far more exciting to be with. She was enjoying being licked clean so much she didn't notice at first that she had slid far enough forward that her pussy lips were just grazing his cock! The head was raised high enough that there was no way he would penetrate her without her changing her position; it startled Kerry but she enjoyed the feeling.

"Now for your second helping," she said, covering basically the same area of her chest as before, but adding some cream on her belly a few inches below her breasts. He pulled her in close again and enjoyed himself as the the area covered with cream grew smaller. As he started to work on her belly she pulled herself higher so he could reach the area below her breasts. She felt her soft inner lips slide up his cock, eventually getting high enough to begin to feel its head. She slid down a bit, then raised herself just a little more than before. She shuddered as she felt the tip of Dan's cock probing the soft wet folds of her pussy; it had been a long time since she'd enjoyed this particular sensation and she didn't want it to end right away. She knew she should back off, but instead started to lower herself on him, rocking her pelvis just enough to allow him to enter her.

"Are you sure? " he asked.

"Is anyone paying attention?" she asked.

"I think Tim is, but all the others are getting some food."

"I don't care if you don't..." as she eased herself down on him she whispered in his ear, "just fuck me!"

Overcome by the intensity of what they were doing, Kerry and Dan both came fairly quickly, so aroused by screwing with assorted friends and co-workers hovering at a buffet table less than thirty feet away that their orgasms happened before anyone but Tim noticed; Kerry was far from quiet as she came, but the music pulsing through the club covered her moaning. She separated herself from Dan and ran to the dressing room, flushed from exertion and blushing beet red. She dressed in her street clothes and stayed hidden away until Nick told her all the guests had left, then went back to the party room to collect her things.

Nick found her gathering up her scattered bits of clothing and handed her an envelope stuffed with cash; together with the tips she'd gathered in her garter her pay for the night came to nearly $1,900. "You really came through for me, I can't thank you enough," he said.

As she made her long drive home Kerry thought about how surreal her last 36 hours had been. After living a chaste homebody's life the last five months she'd gone completely to the other extreme.

She'd stripped naked.

She'd asked a roomful of men, several of whom she worked with, to help strip her themselves.

She'd encouraged them to lick several parts of her body!

And to top off her evening, she'd screwed one of her five colleagues in attendance!