Kerry's Hubby Sees Her in a New Way

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Caught at a strip club, he sees what he'll be missing...
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Kerry was NOT a happy woman.

She knew that her husband's job as a site superintendent for a construction company required out of town travel, but Tony's latest assignment was by far the longest one she had ever had to deal with; a full six months of his being away all week, only being home from Friday night to Sunday night. He told her they could talk or share a video call every night, but she knew from some shorter assignments he'd had that contact over the phone was a poor substitute for really being together and tended to taper off after a while.

The first couple of months went about as well as they could; Tony managed to get a few Fridays off and dutifully called every night he was away. Still, Kerry was getting weary of living with the long-distance relationship. Ten weeks into his assignment she took two vacation days and made the three-hour drive to the town Tony was staying in, planning to surprise him and get a feel for how he was living on the road. The mini-reunion got off to a poor start, with Tony not showing up at his hotel until after 10 PM, clearly several beers away from his work day. The fridge in his room had two kinds of beer, a few condiments and an out of date carton of orange juice, but at least it was organized; the rest of the room had laundry scattered about and the desk was covered in work documents. She was particularly unimpressed by the porn website his laptop had apparently had on the screen all day; videos of strippers, of course!

Despite his apparent tendency to live like some kind of frat boy, she reminded herself that he hadn't been expecting a visit and held her tongue. The visit ended much better than it had begun; Kerry went out early the next morning to stock up his fridge and pantry while Tony stayed in bed nursing his hangover. He enjoyed waking up to find his beautiful wife naked and slipping under the covers; his first home-cooked weekday breakfast in three months paled in comparison to the wake-up sex but also did him good, and they parted on a happy note.

Since Kerry had the day off, she decided to do some sightseeing and a little shopping. She had a walk in a pretty waterfront park, enjoyed a fine lunch, visited some shops and caught a movie she'd meant to see but missed in her town. She didn't get on the road for home until almost 6 PM, but since she'd be home by 9:30 the timing seemed reasonable. Just over halfway home she realized she was coming up on an exit which was near The Doll Haus, the club she'd stripped at a few months ago. She often thought about her experiences there, more than ever when Tony was away and her vibrator was her closest companion. As vivid as her memories of those nights were, they almost seemed more like something she'd imagined than something she had really done.

Since she'd already begun to feel like her drive had been long enough that a short break to stretch her legs and have a coffee was in order she thought it would be interesting to have a visit to the club without the stress she'd been under during her earlier visits. She pulled off the Interstate and a few minutes later was looking for a space in the strip club's parking lot. She parked and began walking towards the entrance, looking forward to saying hello to a few of the staff she'd met there and wondering how the place would compare to her memories. She smiled thinking how much less intense this visit would be, with her staying fully dressed for a change!

The idea that this would be a stress-free stroll down a particularly exciting stretch of memory lane went out the window before she even got close to the door. Her good mood evaporated the instant she noticed the large red pickup truck parked near the entrance. The one which looked exactly like Tony's truck. The one with his license plate on the back! "Shit!" she shouted, "I can't believe him! He's hanging out at a strip club the same day we had sex?"

Kerry quickly changed direction, not wanting to have to explain her presence there in case she crossed paths with Tony. She hurried back to her car and moved it to a new parking spot, a little closer to Tony's truck than before, but backed in so her license plate would be out of sight. She stared at the entrance non-stop, still hanging on to some unlikely hope that Tony had loaned the truck to a co-worker. Her vigilance was rewarded and her spirits lifted when she saw two guys she had never seen before approach the truck; but when she saw them climb into the truck and leave the driver's seat open she went back to her focus on the club's front door. Less than a minute later she slumped in her seat when she saw Tony come out the door, climb into the truck and drive off.

Kerry sat in her car for a half-hour, thoroughly dejected. Tony had promised to give up his strip club habit and clearly had gone back on his word. She wondered if he'd ever intended to follow through, or if he had just assumed he'd never get caught and had no intention of giving up the habit. After a good long cry, she began to develop a plan to get back at her wayward husband. She left her car and headed for the club's entrance for the second time that night, this time not so much to revisit the scene of some earlier wildness as to somehow find a way to put Tony in his place.

"Hey, I remember you!" the bouncer said as she entered the club, "Been a while, but it's nice to see you. Are you here to..."

"Nope, at least not tonight," Kerry replied. "Is Nick around?"

"In his office, I think, you know the way?"

"I don't, actually," Kerry answered, realizing how little of the club she'd actually visited in her two earlier visits.

"Come on, I'll show you; I'll bet Nick will be glad to see you, especially if you're looking for work. We're down a couple girls at the moment."

Kerry followed the bouncer through the crowded sea of tables and up a short flight of stairs. He knocked on a door at the top of the stairs and waited, opening it for her after hearing a buzzer. He stepped in and said, "We've got a visitor to see you." then turned to head back to his post by the door.

Nick smiled and motioned for Kerry to take a seat, saying, "Great to see you, what brings you here tonight, the usual?"

Kerry laughed, "No, I'll be staying dressed until I make it home tonight. I've been on the road for a few hours and realized I was passing close by. I just thought I'd stop in to say hello and have a cup of coffee before tackling the rest of my ride home."

"Too bad," Nick replied, we're shorthanded right now, that job offer I made the last time you were here definitely still stands."

"I'll admit to being flattered, and my experiences here were incredible, but I'm not ready to give up my day job just yet. I couldn't help you out much with your dancer shortage anyway; the most I could possibly manage would be 3 or 4 hours at a time, and even that only from Tuesday through Thursday."

Nick leaned forward on his desk and said, "Sounds great! My dancers have been working six days a week with our current vacancies and they'd appreciate getting some time off, especially since the days you mentioned tend to be quieter and less lucrative for them, with less lap dance customers."

Kerry was taken aback by Nick's willingness to accept her schedule limitations, saying, "I really wasn't expecting to be having this conversation, I'd have to give it some thought, dancing as a regular isn't something I've ever considered."

"Think it over and let me know; with your looks and anywhere near the enthusiasm you showed here before I'm sure you'd make a good income even on the slower nights. Now go get that coffee and have a safe drive home."

Kerry's thoughts were all over the place as she drove home; before her conversation with Nick, she'd thought of challenging Tony's lies about patronizing strippers, but had no idea how to go about it. She thought about how shocked he'd be if she could confront him with details of exactly when and where he'd been misbehaving, even being able to describe in detail just how he'd been acting inside the club. Working there would make catching him possible.

The fact that she'd have to really be working as a stripper, getting naked several times a night for the pleasure of anyone with the price of admission in order to catch Tony in the act did give her pause. The two times she'd stripped at the club before had been for a specific purpose and only amounted to well under an hour of admittedly outrageous behavior; what she was considering now was way more extreme.

In the end, the memories about her previous stripping experiences helped tip the scales in favor of taking Nick up on his offer; her frequent reliving of the two nights she'd danced before helped override her doubts. She checked the photos she'd sent Tony from her previous visits to the club and was relieved to see that Nick's face was mostly hidden, so Tony wouldn't have connected her photos with the club.

The next afternoon Kerry called Nick with a couple more concerns; "I can't believe I'm considering this, but I'm interested in taking you up on your offer. The one thing holding me back is the idea of someone I know recognizing me. Would you have a problem with me wearing a wig and some kind of mask?"

His reply was what she hoped it would be, but still gave her goosebumps; "It will be a shame to hide that pretty face, but I don't have a problem with it as long as by the end of your sets the wig and mask are all you're wearing!"

Feeling a little flushed discussing stripping nude while sitting at her post at her day job as a receptionist, she told Nick: "Then I guess I'll see you next Tuesday!" After their call ended she had a lot of trouble focusing on her clerical tasks, mostly thinking about putting together a collection of sexy outfits, and also about how she'd look getting out of them.

Several days, three trips to the mall and one to a second-hand store later, Kerry found herself in the Doll Haus parking lot again, this time near the employee entrance. She gave some serious thought to dropping this whole crazy scheme; she'd never pictured herself as a real working stripper, but that was what she was about to become. She thought to herself, " Four years of college and four more working in a professional office and now I'm going to work for tips stuffed in a garter? I could have saved my folks a lot of money by skipping all that and taking up stripping years ago!" Her determination to catch Tony at the club got her to open the car door, and her memories of how aroused getting naked for a cheering crowd had made her got her the rest of the way to the employee entrance.

Her first night was a very slow Tuesday, with only a handful of customers, most of whom weren't feeling prosperous enough to spring for a lap dance. A couple of Kerry's fellow dancers, Wendy and Gina, spent some of their free time giving her a sort of Stripper 101 course; how to maximize tipping while on the stage, where to set up her clothes and accessories backstage, how to deal with the occasional mean drunk, a whole range of topics.

When Gina offered to give her a short introduction to the rules about taking patrons into a separate room for a private lap dance, Kerry waved her off, saying: "I don't plan on doing that, at least not for a while. Thanks anyway."

Gina took Kerry's rejection as an insult, as if Kerry thought she was better than her, telling her, "Must be nice to be able to turn down money, I wish I could be so picky!:

Kerry didn't want to get on anyone's bad side on her first night, so she apologized, "I just meant that I'm not sure I can handle that much contact with a stranger, not yet anyway, especially if I'm not wearing much. I'm just beginning to realize how little I know - I'd be glad to have you show me the ropes."

Gina smiled and said, "Let's get together after your set and I'll give you the benefit of my years of experience!"

"My set! I almost forgot I'm up in a minute!"

Kerry hustled backstage to be able to make her entrance, putting on a purple feathered half mask and checking her makeup in a full-length mirror right by the stage door, "Just the right mix of slutty and innocent, and I like myself as a redhead," she thought as she crossed paths with a very naked Wendy, leaving the stage and clutching a few bills. Kerry stepped onto the stage just as her first song started up, Bad Girls by Donna Summer; she smiled as she skipped out to the end of the stage. Skipping made the handful of patrons snap to attention, as she was wearing a tight t-shirt cropped way too high to ever wear in public, barely coming below her nipples. The high cut and her location well above the seats allowed the guys along the stage to see she had decided to go without a bra for this set, with a lot of shapely underboob already on display.

Kerry slowed to a strut as she paced around the edge of the stage, lifting the front of her shirt over her boobs but keeping them covered with her hands, squeezing and pulling on them. She slid the top back down to more or less cover her chest but rewarded her first tipper as a professional stripper with a quick flash of her entire right breast.

With her boobs somewhat covered again, Kerry ran her left hand down from her chest, over her belly right down to the top edge of the waistband of her short-as-could-be shorts, then back up her torso for some time caressing her nipples, tantalizingly close to being, but not quite, in view. While most of the small crowd was distracted by her left hand's travels, she slipped her right hand into the front of the shorts, popped the button open and took advantage of the extra space to let her hand slide deeper for a while. As the first song closed she smiled as she thought to herself, "It's like I've got these guys hypnotized, even without taking anything off! Time to let them have a little of what they came for!"

As her second song, Little Red Corvette began, and Kerry sauntered to the center of the stage, where she spun around slowly on one foot while pointing first at her shirt and then at her shorts. The audience caught on to her little bit of interactive stripping and began shouting out their preference; "Shirt! Shorts! Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shorts! Shirt! Shirt! Shorts!" She bowed to her audience's desires, at least this one desire, beginning by pulling the back of her shirt over her head, holding the front edge down to remain somewhat decent. Once her head was free she started to stretch her right sleeve down over her elbow and completely off over her hand. She repeated the process for the left sleeve, all the while clutching the loose bit of fabric to her breasts. She had completely bared her arms, back, and shoulders; a lot of skin was showing, but not exactly what her fans were hoping for. A moment later she gave them what they wanted, hoisting the shirt over her head and tossing it to the small crowd. Basking for a moment in the cheering, Kerry set off on a topless tour of the railing seats, collecting several tips as she went; treating her top as disposable had apparently got the customers attention, judging by the generosity of the tips!

She took her time, catching her breath after her first serious bit of exposure, thinking, "I guess I haven't become jaded, the shock of exposing myself still hits me just like the first time!" Realizing her third song was about to start, she made her way back to the center of the stage and began unzipping her shorts. It wasn't easy to tease the crowd with such a ridiculously short zipper, but they still seemed to get excited by the zipper reaching the end of its travel. Kerry bent slightly at the waist to make her butt stand out as she slid the shorts down over it, dropping them to the stage floor just as the song ended. Her fans cheered wildly as she wiggled her ass as Beyonce's version of Fever began, getting all eyes in the room to focus on the lacy purple thong now visible.

Knowing she needed to set aside some time for collecting tips after parting ways with her panties and before her third song ended, Kerry stayed near the center of the stage, moving in a small circle while teasing her viewers with some false starts at sliding them off. In a blatant play for more tips, she strode over to the most crowded side of the stage and slid the thong down almost to her knees, then motioned to the biggest guy there to finish the job for her. He was happy to oblige, sneaking in a gentle caress of her calves and sending a pleasant shiver up her spine while he was at it. From there she made her now customary tour around the edge of the stage, getting a fair collection of bills considering the small audience. Thinking about how close the guys standing at the rail now were to her naked pussy sent another shiver up her spine just as her final song ended.

Sitting in the dressing room, still a little dazed by how much of a thrill her set provided her with, Kerry didn't notice Gina approaching until the older woman spoke, saying, "Nice set, you actually seemed to be enjoying yourself. Nothing wrong with that, and it usually brings out the tips. If you can get dressed for your next set quickly I can take you for a quick training session in the private dance room."

Kerry dressed quickly in her next outfit, matching black lace bra and thong under a little black skirt and a sheer button-down blouse, then joined Gina at the entrance to the private dance room; rooms, really as the space had a half dozen compartments the size of a walk-in closet. Kerry was surprised at just how private the cubicles were, with only a small peephole on the door for the room's bouncer to check up on the goings-on inside if he heard signs of trouble. "Do you feel safe in there, alone with a customer? she asked Gina.

"It's a small town, so most of our dances are for regulars we've gotten to know. One look at the bouncer is enough to make most guys follow the rules." Gina replied.

"What exactly are the rules," Kerry asked, "I don't see anything posted."

"We just announce them before we go into the private room, it doesn't take long;

"1 - The dancer can touch the guest, he can't touch her unless she tells him otherwise.

2 - If the dancer tells a guest to stop whatever he's doing, he stops or deals with the bouncer.

3 - Officially, no sex of any kind is allowed. Grinding, rubbing, stroking are okay.

3A - In reality, whatever the dancer is comfortable with and doesn't make too much noise is allowed.

4 - $20 gets you one song, each twenty after that gets you two more."

"Okay, now I'm really curious," Kerry said, "how often does, you know, 3A stuff happen?"

"Sorry, it's sort of a Don't Ask - Don't Tell kind of thing." said Gina, "I can tell you it DOES definitely happen, but don't want to go into detail. I've got a guest who's been waiting at the bar for me to give him a dance or two if you'd like to see how it works."

"You mean watch know..."

"Just a regular dance is my guess, he's not exactly a high roller and isn't much to look at."

Thinking she should know as much as possible about what sort of things Tony could be doing here, Kerry agreed to observe Gina's dance.

Gina explained all the rules to Denny and introduced Kerry (as Elise), saying she was a trainee. He was only too glad to have a second scantily dressed woman in the room. The odd trio entered a cubicle and Gina wasted no time in getting topless, pulling her lacy black camisole over her head and tossing it at Denny. She climbed on his lap and arched her back, raising her breasts to his face level and dragging her nipples slowly across his mouth. She stepped off his lap just long enough to step out of her panties, then sat on him again with her back to him. She took control of his hands, placing them on her breasts and left them there as she gyrated on his lap for the remainder of the song.