Keynote Speaker

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A woman's fantasy of sex in front of a conference.
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Note: Ok, this didn't actually happen. But the idea popped into my head and completely distracted me from the speech I had been so looking forward to hearing. Thought I would share it anyway.


To put it mildly, I'm a science nerd. Specifically about chemistry. I spend just about every day in a lab working on pharmaceuticals. Unless I'm in meetings. Then I just try to stay awake. Anyway, I've spent the last several years working on protein degradation. In nature, protein degradation is what happens in digestion. But in some of our research, we are looking for ways to enhance protein degradation as a way to fight several diseases. It also has potential to lead to dietary enhancement and weight loss.

But that's beside the point. What was really exciting was that a Nobel Prize winner for chemistry was set to be the keynote speaker at a conference in Florida. I pulled in all the favors my boss owed me and got approved to fly to Florida to attend the conference. Man, I was bouncing off the walls when that got approved. I was actually going to get to see my hero speak about something I do every day. I might even get to meet him. I got my airline tickets and hotel and got everything set.

Living in Kansas City, I don't get to the beach very often. So, that was a great perk about the conference, being right on the water in Miami. Key West would have been better, but beggars can't be choosers. I bought a couple of new bikinis that had come out this spring (couldn't use them yet in the Midwest). One was reasonably conservative, the other a bit more showy since I was going to be in Florida and not know anyone there. Even though I'm pale, and a science nerd, I still think I fill a bikini pretty well. My boobs didn't come in until late in college, which may or may not have been a good thing. I wasn't really pursued in college until senior year when they came in. And by then I had focused on school and was doing pretty well.

Well, the calendar finally cooperated and I headed down to Miami for three days of science nerdiness. My hero guy was scheduled to speak first thing in the morning to welcome everyone to the conference, so I came in the night before to make sure I was ready. Got in about 9 p.m. and just headed to the room to clear out the email that had come in during the day and get ready for the conference. Getting unpacked I had second thoughts about the smaller bikini I brought for the beach but reminded myself that nobody here knew me and I would be just like everyone else in Miami. I also brought some of my sexier outfits in case I ended up going out in the evening or snuck off to do some shopping. I rarely wore any of those outfits in Kansas, but when in Rome...

Morning finally arrived. Well, it arrived a little early, what with the one hour difference. But I got up in time and got showered and ready to go when I realized I had one slight problem. I had packed a suit with a nice dark grey skirt and matching jacket. But in all the packing I managed to forget to pack the white button up shirt to go under the jacket. My heart sank and my stomach lurched. Here I was, thirty minutes from the conference starting, too early in the morning to try to find a new shirt, and I'm stuck. None of my shirts matched at all. They would look really stupid under the suit jacket.

My few options ran through my head. Not go to the conference until I could get a shirt and end up missing the keynote speaker that was the whole reason for me to be there. Wear something really stupid under the jacket. Or wear the jacket with it fully buttoned and hope not to stand out too bad.

I tried it on and it didn't seem too bad. With the jacket buttoned it just looked like a somewhat low cut outfit. Like I said, my boobs had come in, so I had to be extra careful. But that was my outfit for the morning and I bustled down to the conference center, checked in and got a seat as close as possible to the front (there were about 300 people in the room). I put down my pad folio to save my spot and went to get a cup of coffee. As I was getting my coffee the conference organizer began the day, making the various welcomes and announcements. By the time I doctored the coffee and grabbed a muffin they were starting to do the introduction to Dr. Schnorr, my Nobel Prize winner. I walked from the back of the room to the front, zig zagging between the round tables to get back to my seat and finally sat down just as the Dr. was stepping to the podium.

While I had read many of the good doctor's papers, I realized I had never seen a picture of him before. I was expecting one of those old university professor types. You know, gray hair and beard. Spare tire and all that. What I saw though made me gasp a little. Wow! Tall, cut, with a full head of nearly black hair. Chiseled features and really well dressed. And there I was, about 15 feet away.

Ok. All that I've written above is what actually happened. What happens below, sadly, only happened in my head. I have no idea what he spoke about after the first 5 minutes because I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

Dr. Schnorr started his presentation. "Thank you for the gracious comments and introduction Dr. Petersen. I wish my mom were here to hear you say those nice things. She wanted me to be a baseball player, so she's always been disappointed in me." This got some chuckles from the audience, many of whom probably couldn't tell the difference between a football and a baseball. The doctor continued, "You may think I'm here to talk about chemistry and proteins and the future of diagnostics. But I'm not. And I hope that doesn't disappoint you. I'm here to talk about leadership in science. You see, you can't be just a scientist. You need to go beyond that. Some of you already have. You can be a leader; you can be a teacher, or even a mentor. But you can't just live your life in the lab and not communicate with the world around you. You need to take things further."

"For example, here we are in this room with what, 200, 250, maybe 300 people. And I bet that if you didn't already know them, you probably haven't spoken to anyone else at your table." Many in the crowd laughed, although a bit nervously. "Please take the next minute to introduce yourselves to the people at your table." There was actually a collective gasp at this point, as the social introverts sucked in all the air in their fear of having to actually talk to someone.

"On second thought, hold that. Don't introduce yourself just yet. Let me try something." Dr. Schnorr walked away from the podium and reached behind him to apparently turn on the lapel microphone. "Is this mike working? Good. Let's try something different today." He walked off the stage and headed straight for my table. My table. My heart started racing. I mean, really racing. Here's this surprisingly attractive Nobel Prize winner, the reason I came to this conference, walking to my table! The tables were round, with 6 chairs at each, with a gap at the end closest to the lectern, so that people didn't have to turn their backs from the table. I was on the far right and the doctor walked up to the person on the far left.

"Please, stand up," he told the man. "What's your name?" He held up the regular microphone to the man.

"B-bob. Er Dr. Hastings" the man bumbled.

"Great to meet you!"

"How about you? Stand up and tell everyone your name." He did this for the other four men at the table, all fitting the mold of the university science teacher or researcher who lived in his lab. They all mumbled through basic introductions. My heart was popping out of my chest in fear. Here I am, about to be stood up to meet my hero, right here in front of everyone.

And then I remembered how I was dressed, with just a push-up bra under my suit jacket. Amazingly, my heart rate actually increased.

My turn! He put his left hand on my shoulder and grabbed my right hand as he asked me to stand. I gazed into his eyes. I'm only 5'4" and he was at least 6'. So I had some room to look up and realized his eyes were this remarkably clear sky blue. Wow. "And you, what is your name?"

"S-S- Sarah," I finally got out.

"Nice to meet you Sarah." I started to sit down, but he had other plans. "Sarah, please turn around to the crowd and tell everyone what you work on. I could tell that my face was flushing a deep scarlet as I turned. Dr. Schnorr's left hand pushed a little on my shoulder as he held the mike to me from behind. The pressure on that part of the jacket caused it to gape open a lot. From his vantage over my right shoulder he would have a perfect view into my jacket at my left boob. Fortunately, in my bra, even though it was a push up. My brain reeled at the idea that my hero had a virtually unimpeded view of my tit.

He held the mike to me and I can't believe it, but I actually got out that I worked on protein enhancement and degradation, just like his work. "That's great," he said. "And, please tell the group what you do in that effort. As he was saying this I noticed that the hand he held the mike in had slid down a little and was resting against my jacket. And then, suddenly, my jacket opened a bit more. I glanced down and saw that he had managed to unbutton one of the two buttons of my jacket right there in front of everyone. "Sarah, what do you do in protein enhancement?" He lifted the mike back up to my mouth, but with the pressure on my shoulder, my jacket was almost completely open. Basically, everyone to my right could see into my jacket and know that I had no shirt on underneath, just a bra.

At that point, I have to admit that I could feel my pussy juices flowing like crazy. Was this Nobel Prize winner really undressing me here? What do I do? With the mike in my face I actually managed to describe the research I was doing, probably giving away some of our corporate secrets in the process.

"Excellent. Now, tell us how you communicate your results to your team." I looked over my shoulder at him and he looked at me, winked one of those perfect blue eyes, smiled with his perfectly sculpted lips, and I felt the second and last button on my jacket pop open.

I can't imagine my face could be any redder. In fact, I think I was sweating a little at the brow. Here I am, in front of 300 people in a conference room at 9:30 in the morning, and I'm being undressed by this amazing man. My jacket is open and everyone can see there is no shirt underneath. As he talks, I feel him put right hand on my other shoulder and then pull with both hands. My jacket gave no resistance and as I stood there, he pulled it off my shoulders and then completely off. All 300 people, 600 eyes, were focused on my bra covered boobs. 34d if you must know. If the bra were not heavily lined, my nipples would have been clearly evident. Even so, they might have been. My pussy was on fire and I squirmed a little under the gaze of all those people, probably 95% of them male. I've never been more embarrassed in my life. Nor ever more turned on.

I really have no idea what he said from here on out, just that he was standing behind me as I stood there in front of all those people who could see me in my bra. As he spoke, I felt his left hand drop to my hip, and soon I felt my skirt loosen as the top clasp released. And then the zipper came down and next thing I knew the whole skirt dropped to the floor. My embarrassment level pegged off the charts and the flush was probably not just in my face, but my chest too. I couldn't help it, but I leaned back against him and moaned at the contact. The moan was picked up by his microphone and broadcast through the room. I had chosen some moderately sexy underwear, not really expecting to show them to the entire group. But they were lacy and high cut, and to anyone in the next few tables it was probably clear that they were soaked. Everyone could see just about everything as I stood there.

Dr. Schnorr continued talking to the audience, about leadership and mentorship I think, as I leaned against him. I felt his right hand run along my right leg as his left hand moved to my back and, as expected, suddenly the tension on my bra eased. And another second later, it fell to the floor and I stood there, baring my breasts to the entire conference. Now, without the bra, my nipples were exposed to the cold air of the ballroom, as well as the eyes of all those men, and they were poking out at least an inch. I think I actually heard them begging to be rubbed, sucked on, and abused in many ways. Wait, that was me. Every part of me wanted to be abused like the nasty girl I always wanted to be but never could bring myself to be.

Again, I leaned back and moaned even louder, picked up by the lapel mike the doctor wore. His right hand rose up my leg and finally, finally, touched my right boob. Instead of a moan, this time I couldn't hold back a very loud "ungh!" My left hand reached up and over my head to rub on his hair as his hand caressed and pulled on my boob and tweaked my nipple. I've read stories about feeling electricity from the nipple, but this is the first time I've ever felt it. Again, "ungh!" was about all I could say. My hand rolled through his perfect hair as his right hand rubbed my chest. His left hand started moving dangerously close to my pussy and I could feel my legs struggle to hold me up.

Still talking to the crowd, Dr. Schnorr turned me to the side so that my ass was pressed to the table. He pushed me back so that I ended up laying on my back on our round table, my pad folio pressing into my back. Like a gentleman, he pulled the pad folio from underneath me and handed it to the professor to the left for safe keeping. I lay there on my back on the table, with him between my legs, still speaking to the crowd through his lapel mike about taking control, or leadership, or something. His hands wrestled with my tits and all I alternated between throwing my hands above my head and then pulling his hips toward my sopping wet pussy. How can he talk to a crowd while I'm laying there on the table, aching?

His hands left my electrified tits and slid down my body toward my thighs. I lifted my legs and ass as high in the air as I could, begging with body language for him to tear my panties off. And he complied. My black lace panties slid down my legs and off my feet, leaving me absolutely, totally, and irretrievably naked, laying on a table in front of 300 of my would-be colleagues.

Lying on the table I looked first at Dr. Schnoor's perfect eyes, my legs mostly open, and feet resting over his shoulders, high heels bouncing. Then, I looked to the right and saw first the other men at my table, and then the other people in the crowd. All wide-eyed at what was happening. All of them were staring at my naked tits. Most of them completely slack-jawed at the sight.

I reached down but the doctor was way ahead of me. I felt his wrists at his zipper and realized he was doing what I so desperately needed to do. He was pulling his cock out. Normally, I call it a penis, in a scientific way. But in this case, it is a cock. Yes, I rushed him and once the snake was free I pushed his hands away and began yanking on it. His cock was everything I hoped. I rubbed the circumcised head and yanked it, and yanked it and yanked it. If I had to guess, it was probably at least 8 inches and solid. My pussy was screaming and it needed to be filled. With my left hand I grabbed and pulled his ass toward me, and with the left I yanked and guided his cock into me. My legs still bounced over his shoulders, high heels the only article of clothing left.

Finally, his cock pushed through and entered. I couldn't even say "ungh" anymore. Just some other neanderthalic noise came from somewhere in my body. Amazingly, he was still talking to the audience as his cock crowded into my pussy. He began pumping and I looked down to see my tits bouncing in rhythm with the fucking. All 300 people in the room could see him pounding into me, with my big boobs bounding with each thrust. In my head all I could think was, "Nobel Prize winner. Fucking me. Right here. Right now. Fucking me. Fucking me. Fucking me. They're all watching. They wish they were me! Ungh. Ungh. Ungh!"

I looked over to my left, toward the stage and saw the two large screens on either side. A camera crew had been set up to show the speakers on a screen for those in the back and they had focused on me. I watched as my boobs bounced and bounced and bounced with each thrust. My legs spread wide, one over the Dr.'s shoulder and the other now wrapped around his waist.

And that was all it took. The orgasm hit me like none I've ever had before; wave after wave until my head spun and my toes tingled. My screams broadcast over his lapel mike, along with his continued presentation. My naked body broadcast onto the two large screens showing sheen of sweat and the outbreak of sex blush on my chest.

Once I stopped screaming, the Dr. pulled out of my pussy and continued to speak. I could do nothing but lay there, my legs dangling from the edge of the table and my chest heaving.

"What did you think of his presentation?"

"Miss? What did you think of the presentation?"

I blushed as I came back to reality and looked over at the nerdy scientist guy sitting next to me at the table. Could he tell that I had just fantasized about the keynote speaker and had an orgasm while sitting there? I looked around and most of the other people in the room had already left, heading to the breakout sessions. A glance down to my pad folio showed almost no notes about the presentation. I missed the whole thing.


"Oh, um. Yeah. I guess so. I think I'm just floored by the experience."

"Well, they're cleaning up the room. We should probably head to the next session," he said, and I realized he wasn't looking me in the eye. Rather, he was standing over me, looking straight into my mostly open jacket with a great view. My horniness had the best of me and rather than close up my jacket I ended up staring at his pants, a bulge very apparent.

"Sure, let's head to the next session. I'm Sarah."

With that start, the next few days got a bit more interesting than I had intended.

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DiannahDiannahabout 12 years ago
Well done!

You are an awesome writer! You took an outlandish fantasy, completely unrealistic, and made it a hot read! That takes some skill. Keep writing!

monolithic_brownmonolithic_brownabout 12 years ago
Unexpected arousal!

I love the freshness of your "voice".

CharlieGGCharlieGGabout 12 years ago

I'll be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did! Very well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Ive been to a Nobel Prize winners lecture.....none have been as good as this one...


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