Killer Dreams Ch. 51-55


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I spent Saturday evaluating my options, and it was clear I only had one. If I resign, I can keep my license and apply for a lateral transfer to another department. I don't have much tying me to St. Paul, and I have contacts all over the state thanks to my time in training. If David works out, I could apply in Duluth or the County.

I typed up my letter of resignation and left it on my desk. I'd been naughty, I was horny, and I deserved to get my ass paddled red. David was out of town again, off to Los Angeles for his next book event, so I couldn't ask him to bend me over his knee.

I knew who could do it and made the call. "Mistress Tatiana? It's Talia Devine. I've been naughty, and I need discipline."

She chuckled. "I knew you'd come crawling back to me, you needy slut. Saturdays are busy, but I'll work you in somehow. Be at my dungeon at eight o'clock sharp. I'll give you everything you need and more."

Chapter 53

Mistress Tatiana's POV

Edina Residence

Saturday, October 16, 2021

I prided myself on order. I maintained that discipline in my life, home, and business. Loose ends and chaos were my enemies. That attention to detail and thoroughness made me a good Dominant.

That is why this situation with Thomas made me so angry. Our monthly meetings were for fun and socialization, and our rules ensured play stayed safe. I was in charge of recruiting and supervising the Favors, who played a vital role in those gatherings. Without 'free agent' submissives to play with, the parties would devolve into dick-measuring and posturing among the Dominants.

Thomas endangered all of us by killing our Party Favor.

I had recruited, trained, and set loose ten Party Favors for the September party. One was dead, three more refused the invitation to the October event, and my single recruit got cold feet just before the party. Thomas wasn't around, thank God. The gathering would have descended into chaos, and the other girls would leave.

Michael's emerging dominance wasn't up to Society norms. In our world, Michael was a college student in a room full of Professors. He was eager and willing but did not possess the skills or experience of those around him.

Thomas had sponsored his membership when he'd seen the first signs of a wandering eye. In his mind, monthly sex with willing submissives wasn't cheating. Stepping out on his daughter with office affairs would be unforgivable. Michael's wanderlust could be controlled and monitored at our monthly parties.

The Board eagerly approved his application. He'd delivered the few times we'd asked for his help getting Party Favors out of trouble.

Despite his '50 Shades' level BDSM play, he did well as a member. Michael was friendly and followed the rules. Many Dominants considered him a good friend. The submissives loved to scene under Klinesmith's direction and prayed he'd be their winning bidder. Michael wasn't sadistic, preferring the power exchange that came with having complete control over his submissive. He was imaginative and patient and loved to perform with an audience. Michael would immobilize them, use them hard, and leave them in a puddle after multiple orgasms. It didn't hurt that Michael was well-endowed and had the stamina of a much younger man.

I'd asked Michael once why he joined. He said he loved the parties because he could indulge in kinks his 'vanilla' wife would never consider, like deepthroating and anal. Only the luckiest of Dominants had a lady in public and a collared slut in the bedroom. It also was a chance to bond with his wife's father. Michael had his eyes on the Attorney General election and needed the money and connections her wealthy father held.

Michael Klinesmith's 'suicide' sent shock waves through the party last Saturday. Nobody believed the confession in his suicide note. Thomas had won Allison's auction, and Thomas was one of the few who indulged in breath play. We all knew Michael wasn't the one in charge! His note covered for Thomas, whose sadistic streak and skirting of the rules were well-known. He even dumped the body for him. Why would he off himself now?

Only a few knew about the Board's ultimatum to Thomas Brickline. Thomas then killed his son-in-law, whose only sin was to trust his wife's father. It was classic Brickline; bold, unexpected, and effective. Michael was the only eyewitness to her death, and Minneapolis Police soon closed the Allison Decker case.

His mistake was going beyond her death to the Hardin Book murders.

To the outside world, it was an easy sell. Michael was already a suspect, confessed to one murder, and investigators would gladly connect him to the others. The FBI and local jurisdictions had closed their cases, and everyone was relieved the serial killer was dead.

Not us. We knew the truth. The only reason to frame Michael for the murders was if Thomas was the Hardin Book killer.

Our Society had a member with four bodies to his name.

What did we know that was admissible in court? Nothing. There were no recordings, and no one else was in the room. The only physical evidence of her death was her body. The host deep-cleaned the rooms soon after, and we couldn't take the risk of a search.

To add to the fun this week, one of our recently-departed members was threatening exposure. Colleen had been close to a panic attack when she informed me of her meeting with Lars Anderson on Tuesday afternoon. "Lars knows that Thomas killed his fiancé, and he's not going to let it go. If we don't find a way to get him his revenge, he might burn us all."

"What about the non-disclosure agreements?" All members signed one, including Lars.

"They remain in place, but good luck enforcing one in Sweden," my lawyer replied. "His Wild contract is over, he doesn't own property here, and his money is already back home. There isn't much we can do if he tells the cops about us."

"And he gave us until Monday?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Tuesday night I made the phone calls to set up a Board meeting Saturday at 10. We need Lars to go home and kick Thomas out without either man revealing what he knows of us. "Lars will come whenever we tell him the Board is meeting," Mistress Pauline said. "Thomas is more of a problem. He's sold his company and is on vacation. You'll need something to lure him back."

I had an idea. It would only work once, but it would be enough to get Thomas under our control. This morning, I'd called him about a 'rat problem' in my basement. Brickline had already killed to protect his secret, so the thought of a snitch would bring him to me. "I'll tell him I have a snitch in the basement and tell him he has to deal with it."

"Do you?"

"No, but he doesn't know that."

She laughed. "Don't call now. Wait until Saturday, so he has to change plans and rush back without thinking about it too much." That was a good idea; I'd call him Saturday before lunch. "For a chick, you've got some pretty big balls, Tatiana. Good luck."

I had multiple sessions scheduled on Saturday, the last at seven PM. Two calls came in late in the afternoon. The first was from Thomas Brickline, saying his jet would arrive at Flying Cloud Airport at 9:45. "I have to head home first, but I can be at your place around midnight."

The second was from Talia Devine, and her call surprised me. "Mistress Tatiana? It's Talia Devine. I've been naughty, and I need discipline."

My Detective and budding submissive would be a tempting lure. She was part of the investigation for Tracy Hardin and helped Minneapolis with the Decker case. "I knew you'd come crawling back to me, you needy slut. Saturdays are busy, but I'll work you in somehow. Be at my dungeon at eight o'clock sharp. I'll give you everything you need and more."

I finished my last appointment, ushering him out the door at 7:55. Talia arrived at the side door at precisely eight. "Good, you're on time," I said as I opened the door. I didn't expect the utter devastation in her eyes. "What happened to you?"

She tried to answer but broke down crying. "Come inside, Talia." I brought her into my living room, sitting her on the couch. Now wasn't the time for the dungeon; her head wasn't in the right place. I got her a glass of water. "Tell Mistress what is going on, pet."

"I quit my job. I signed the letter and delivered it to my Captain on the way over here," she said as the tears fell. She told me the story of her affair, the investigation, and the offer to resign to avoid making it all public. "I'm such an idiot! I threw my life away for a guy I barely know! I've made one risky move after another these past few weeks, and it cost me my job! What do I do now?"

"Have you talked to David?"

"I couldn't risk contacting him with the investigation going on."

She didn't get it. "The investigation that is now over? For the job you no longer have?"

She nodded. "What do I tell David?"

"If he is your Master, you tell him everything and let him take care of you. The role of the submissive is to serve him with all you have and trust him for the rest."

She thought about it. "I haven't submitted, have I?"

I shook my head. "You love the thrill of submission, and you yearn to kneel at a Dominant's feet, but I'm not the Dominant you want, am I?" She shook her head. "What would David's reaction be if he knew you were submitting to me tonight? Would it excite him? Or would he think you were cheating on him?" I could see her shoulders deflate. "You deserve a severe punishment for your lack of judgment, but not by me. Go to David, tell him everything, and ask him to take control.

"Yes, Mistress." She got up from the couch, eyes downcast. "Thank you for your time."

"Sit, please," I said. "I know this hasn't gone the way you wanted, but think back to why you risked everything. What did you want that was so important to you?"

"I want David's collar, and I want to find Tracy Hardin's killer."

"The police closed the case. Michael Klinesmith is the killer."

She shook her head slowly. "My gut says no. He's the fall guy." She chuckled a little. "Literally. The killer is still out there and could strike again, and the next book is about a young girl. Klinesmith is the Mr. B you described. Mr. A killed Allison and framed Michael, but you can't say anything because he is a member."

She was good. "I can't have a serial killer at the parties, but I can't go to the cops either. My question to you is simple. Are you willing to take down this guy?"

"He killed two people that David cared about and tried to set him up for a murder charge. Yes, I want him."

"Do this service for us, and I'll sponsor you and David as Society members. We'll even waive the fees for the first year. Imagine being able to attend, not as a Party Favor, but as your Master's collared submissive." I could see her fidget; her pussy was probably clenching with need. "You are uniquely positioned to take down the serial killer while keeping my Society out of it."

She thought about it. "What do I need to do?"

I laid out my plan, and she agreed to her part.

Chapter 54

Lars Anderson's POV

Mistress Tatiana's Residence

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Four other cars filled the driveway by the fence as I pulled into Mistress Tatiana's Edina home. All four were expensive compared to my rental car. My possessions were sold off now, with only a few boxes packed up for shipping back home. There were only a few things left on my to-do list, and punishing Tracy's killer was one of them.

Colleen opened the door as I walked up. She was collared, wearing a silk robe she could remove as soon as the door closed again. I could see the glistening of girl cum on her face and a streak of semen in her hair, so she'd been busy with the guests already. "Good evening, Master Lars. May I take your coat?" She hung my jacket up and hung her robe next to it, leaving herself naked sans heels. I followed her to the formal dining room. "Masters, Mistresses, Master Lars Anderson has arrived."

The Council was sitting around the table with Mistress Tatiana, our host tonight, at the head on the far side. To her left was Mistress Pauline and Master Tony, on her right Judge Christopher. The last member of the Council was the one I wanted dead, and he wasn't here.

Thomas Brickline killed my woman, and he would suffer for that. "Where is Thomas?"

"He's still traveling," Mistress Tatiana said. "His presence is not required for this portion of the meeting. Please sit, Lars."

I took a seat at the far end of the table. Slave Colleen knelt by my chair, and I looked down at her. "May I get you anything, Master?"

"Bourbon and a blowjob, Slave Colleen. With Mistresses' permission, of course. It's been a long day, and I can use some stress relief."

"Serve Master Lars as he directs," Tatiana instructed her. She disappeared to the kitchen before returning with a tumbler filled halfway with the brown liquor. She placed it on the table in front of me, her breast rubbing my shoulder as she leaned down.

I picked up the glass and smelled it as she crawled under the table and between my widely-spread legs. I took a sip, then looked down as she unzipped my slacks and extracted my cock. "No hands, and take your time," I whispered.

"Yes, Master," she said, placing her hands behind her back. Mistress Tatiana collared Colleen over a decade ago, and her oral proficiency was a point of pride. Without that instruction, I wouldn't last five minutes.

I took another sip as she licked at my cock and balls, teasing me with light flicks of the tongue. I smiled at her, looked up, and got down to business. "Why haven't you done anything about Thomas Brickline?"

"What would you have us do, Lars? You and Tracy were the ones who filed formal charges against Thomas and Michael. His disciplinary hearing was supposed to happen at the October meeting."

"You resigned your membership and were out of the country, Tracy was gone, Michael had just committed suicide, and Thomas never showed," Judge Christopher added. "When the complainant doesn't show, our rules require dismissal of the charges."

"So he gets away with it?" I adjusted my hips, giving Colleen room to deep-throat my hard cock. She smiled, pushing me into her throat until her tongue could flick my balls. I held her in place for five seconds, then let her back off to get air. Such a good little slut.

"We have to start the process over again," Master Tony replied. "This meeting is not about Thomas Brickline. He is Society business, and you are no longer a member of the Society."

"In retrospect, that was a mistake," I said. "I was disgusted by the lack of immediate action after Allison's death. After Tracy's funeral, the press coverage was so intense that I had to quit the team and leave the country. I never intended to come back to the States."

"Yet you are here, threatening our Society with exposure," Mistress Pauline said icily.

"I need you to understand how serious this situation is," I replied. "Tracy Hardin was a member of the Society. Allison Decker was an employee of the Society. Both are dead, the killer is walking free, and you are doing nothing." It was hard to get angry at them with my dick deep in the throat of a well-trained slut. I looked down at Colleen; her face was full of saliva, and my slacks were soaked. Tatiana's slave is a talented fellatrix, and I couldn't last much longer like this. "Slow down," I whispered to her. She blinked her eyes and stopped moving, but I was still balls-deep in her throat. She came up for air, then went back to soft licking.

"That would not be a fair characterization of the events, Lars." Tatiana leaned forward. "You must understand our position. We are not law enforcement. We do not have arrest powers, nor can we try him in a court of law. We are a private group of members who cannot afford the disclosure of our kinks and activities. Secrecy is our highest priority, not justice."

"And you came to our lawyer with that threat," Judge Christopher chimed in. "Thomas is a straightforward problem for this Board. We get another member to file a complaint, make the notifications, and hold a hearing at the November meeting. If he is found guilty, we kick him off the Board and out of our Society. His previously signed non-disclosure agreements remain in place, so our secret is not compromised. We remove his cancer from the body, allowing the healing to take place."

"And Brickline just walks?"

"None of us want him to get away with murder," Tatiana replied. "If there was evidence tying him to the murders that wouldn't come back to bite us, it would already be in the hands of police. We are on dangerous ground; Homicide detectives are a curious lot, one in particular. Thomas helped with that, and I don't want that band-aid ripped off again. God only knows what would happen if that Detective started pulling strings again."

Michael. "How exactly did Thomas 'help' you with Michael? Did you order him to murder Michael and make it look like a suicide?"

"Of course not," Judge Christopher said. "That would be highly illegal, opening the Board to conspiracy charges if it ever came out. No, we told Thomas that the police were poking around the Decker case, and he needed to keep it from coming back to us. His actions are just that. His."

"What about the Book Murders? Thomas is the only one who could have done them, and now he's set up Michael to take the blame."

"I don't like it, but I can't do anything about it. The cases are closed, and investigations that might stray into Society business shut down. Brickline's problems are his own, and with his membership terminated, we remain safe. The only person threatening us now is YOU, Lars. I don't appreciate threats from a man I considered my friend."

"I was never going to expose you," I told them. "I needed this meeting to happen, and the threat was enough to get you here." God, Colleen was good! I looked down and whispered, "Finish me." She smiled and went back to deepthroating me. "I wanted to know if you were taking action, and you are not."

Mistress Pauline stared me down. "What will satisfy your need for vengeance, Lars? Do you want Thomas dead at your hands? Or is it enough to watch him die? Would a trial give you justice? Convicting him of Allison's death is impossible with Michael dead, but would a conviction in Michael's case be enough? Would a conviction in Wisconsin for Doctor Ibanez satisfy you? Or do you need him convicted of Tracy's murder?"

"Don't answer that," the Judge said. "I don't want to know. YOU need to know that answer, Lars. Have you gotten what you came here for?"

"I know where the Board sits, and that is enough for now. The rest is my problem," I said. Colleen was moving quickly, and I closed my eyes as my orgasm rolled over me. She took the first shot in her throat, then eased back, allowing the following three spurts to paint her face and hair. "I sure as hell came here," I said to chuckles as Colleen cleaned off the excess and zipped me back up. "Thank you for your slave's services, Mistress Tatiana."

"Return to my service, slut." Colleen crawled out, my load still dripping from her forehead and chin as she knelt at the other end of the table.

"The answer to your question is that I don't know, Mistress Pauline. My need for vengeance may never be satisfied." The old Mistress nodded in response. "I pledge my actions will not blow back on you. I owe you all that much."

"Then our business is concluded," the Judge said as we all stood up. He extended a hand to me. "Good luck, Lars. I'm truly sorry about your loss."

"Thank you, Christopher." I said goodbye to Tony and Pauline. Slave Colleen escorted them to the door, but Tatiana asked me to join them in the dungeon. "Does your slut need a good pounding?"

"She'd love one, but that's not why I asked you to stay," Mistress Tatiana replied. We went down the stairs and sat on the dungeon couch. "I have a plan for Thomas Brickline that gets him his punishment without bringing our Society into play. I need your help to carry it out, but only if you promise me you'll let the police do their job."