Kim Vs. Rival - Ch. 9R


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The idea of having to walk to school naked and horny as hell was devastating to me, I knew that if I wasn't fast enough to cum when the bus came that I'd not stop masturbating, no, I'd finish first and run to make it to school despite being naked, meaning any number of people could see me on the way over.

Yet again, that prospect made me horny.

the bell rung on the last class and I didn't even bother getting any of my things before I rushed out and made a straight line to the bus, I sat down and awaited my arrival home, getting molested the entire time but lacking the energy to cum by everyone's hands, I got inside and in my room, I cleaned my face and I lay face down in my pillow and ass pointing skyward on the bed, by the time I had gotten home, I was more than recovered, my extremely wet and sensitive pussy was practically begging me to start finger fucking it almost immediately, god, tomorrow's task was going to be amazing.

I came almost immediately, I think I even squirted a little after the drought in the second half of the school day, and I was so loud that I was worried my parents would hear, but nobody had bothered me, so it was fine.

On the fourth day, I left to the bus stop naked again, I was here a bit early, I'd naturally avoided coming here earlier than I had to for obvious reasons, but today was special, there was even another girl there taking the bus before mine, who went wide eyed when she saw me, it hit me that her friends on the bus would see me naked too.

I sat down, feeling a little tingle as I realized the girl was sneaking a picture with her phone as I began to tease myself in preparation.

As soon as the girl's bus arrived, I could see its passengers gawking at me wide-eyed before the bus departed with one more student, scrambling to get their phones out and capture this incredible event that they were witnessing, and I started masturbating in earnest the moment that the bus had left.

I needed to time this correctly, I had to make sure that I was on the edge of orgasm all up to the time when my bus arrived, and make sure to cum instantly when it did, so I sat there fingering my leaking pussy and pinching my nipple in anticipation, making sure not to go too hard until the right moment.

And that moment came soon, the instant that I saw the bus I felt my climax approaching, just the thought that I was going to be cumming out in the bus stop for many of my classmates ramped up my arousal.

When the bus came to a halt and I saw what I assumed was the entirety of the bus glued to the window watching me in anticipation of my great explosion, and naturally their phones were ready to capture evidence of my degradation, which came swiftly when I realized just how many eyes were on me.

Thankfully, I exploded almost immediately, I let out a long stream of cum onto the pavement as my toes curled in an earth shaking orgasm as I moaned in ecstasy, I saw everyone in the bus clap before some of them started pointing at the bus door, which had opened only a few moments ago.

Panicked, I realized that I didn't have much time to let my orgasm's afterglow wash over me, I hurried on shaky legs to the bus, thankfully managing to make it into bus, where I noticed that the bus driver was taking in the sight of my naked body, I wondered if he'd been shown any videos of my many masturbations.

I hurried to the back of the bus where I noticed that Luna was actually there this time waiting for me, and I felt her hand pinching my nipple and kneading my breast, grinning after surely witnessing me completing the task she set out for me.

"Very good Kim, you squirted like a good little slut." she gave a sharp pinch as she said that, causing me to yelp in pleasure "just like I told you to."

""Thank you." I couldn't really talk back as I lowered my head and replied, I knew that this was just the beginning, but I didn't know how it would get worse (or better, depending on how you look at this).

"Honestly Kim, I didn't know you were such a pervert, making this much of a mess even after you just came." Luna laughed, she pinched my nipple again and immediately let her hand go down to pinch my protruding clit "I wasn't sure at first if you were going to make it, but you sure proved me wrong, I guess this simple a task isn't too hard for a slut like you."

Being called a pervert and a slut made my chest tighten, but I knew it was true, after all, I was here sitting completely naked, and under Luna's complete control, all after I had just given everyone on this bus a major spectacle by cumming to a squirting orgasm at a public bus stop, all by my own choice.

"Well, we're not done by a long shot, Kim, I want you to masturbate again for us here," Luna commanded me, I nodded and began teasing my right breast and sopping mess of a pussy "Remember Kim, you're not allowed to cum until I tell you to."

Even though I had just cum in splendid fashion as everyone can attest to, I was still wet and excited, so my finger slipped right into my pussy with ease, Luna even started to kiss and bite my left nipple, which made this go much faster.

When I announced that I was going to cum again, Luna made sure to tell me that I wasn't allowed to cum, I slowed down a bit, and Luna told me that I was to cum on the count of five, and so with everyone watching, she began to count down until she reached zero.

Then, and only then, did Luna announce that I was allowed to cum.

I was moaning and writhing around as I orgasmed near instantly for everybody, creaming the seat I was on as I saw the people clapping and cheering for me, and then we resumed our normal day once me and Luna arrived to school, I thought it especially humiliating when Luna thought it'd be cute to put two fingers into my pussy and drag me to our first class that way, she told everyone that she wanted them to see just how much she had me wrapped around her finger.

At class, Luna did the same thing as yesterday, except this time I had to cum in the first minute after each class ended, or I wouldn't be allowed to cum anymore, she also made sure to remind me that I wasn't allowed to touch myself during class, since this was a time of learning and not time to indulge little sluts like me.

I knew that Luna didn't really care about any of that, she probably did it so that I couldn't make sure that I'd cum in the first minute without trying, but that precaution was unwarranted, I had become so easy to arouse, honestly if she'd wanted it, I could cum in less than thirty seconds, that's just how sensitive I'd become.

Of course, I was still required to inform Luna of my upcoming orgasm, and I was only allowed to have it after she counted me down and gave me permission, after which I was treated to more fondling and play from my classmates, who also had to follow the rule of asking permission from Luna to make me cum.

There was even another visit to the cafeteria this time (I'd stayed in class yesterday since I wouldn't be allowed to eat anyways), she made me bring lunch to everyone and serve them, and once again made me lie down on a table and masturbate for everyone as they took time from their lunch to watch me play with myself.

I was so exhausted by the end of the day, this time I didn't bother masturbating in my own house, I was legitimately satisfied by today's events.

On the fifth day, the bus driver stopped me as I was getting on, he told me that he'd gotten permission from Luna to make me cum once, and so I had to let him finger my pussy as he made me cum, honestly it didn't even take thirty seconds before I had coated his fingers in my juices, he made some comment about me being a huge slut as he wiped his hand on my thighs, gave my ass a squeeze and a slap before sending me away, where my friends received me at the back of the bus.

"Luna told us that we can do whatever we want today." My friends said, and so they began having their way with me, groping and fingering every inch of me until, once again, I came in the bus in front of everyone "Only rule is that we have to ask her if it's okay to do beforehand."

This wasn't the end of it, as one of the boys said that Luna said it was okay to get a blowjob from me as long as they made me cum first, which as was just demonstrated by the bus driver, was not a tall task anyways, hearing this, all the boys on the bus cheered, and as you can imagine, this meant that half of the boys on the bus managed to put their cocks in my mouth, I spent the majority of the bus ride on my knees with my head bobbing up and down any given boy's shaft, and I couldn't even get off the bus before the driver grabbed me and told me he expects the same since he made me cum already, I was not willing or able to refuse anyways, and ended up sucking his dick as well.

Ironically, the bus driver may have had the smallest cock among the bunch I'd already sampled today.

In class today, Luna had dispensed with the notion of class time being for learning, I suppose that was fair since it was the last day, but it also meant that I was simply turned into a sex toy, even the teachers had given in and began groping and fingering me, calling me up frequently just to display me being toyed with in front of everyone.

The Maths teacher even warned that if I didn't solve a problem correctly, I'd have to give him a BJ as punishment and that I'd have to wear his load on my face for the rest of the class, honestly, I don't think I would have written the right answer even if I had known it.

Suffice to say, he soon unzipped his pants and I had his meat in my mouth, sucking away like the slut I was being called from the kids watching me, and returning to my seat with his cum all over my face.

These weren't even classes for me anymore, I was traded between rooms as everyone did as they pleased with my body, with the occasional blowjob punctuating the many orgasms I was being given.

By the end of the day, I was led to the auditorium by Luna where she sat me down in front of a fully seated hall, I got on the stage to the cheering masses, and could feel my loins tingling just from that fact alone.

Luna began talking to everyone, telling them about the week I had being her slave, and how she's been training me to cum on her command, and even just hearing her say the word "cum" to this audience made me squirm a little.

She then turned to me and told me that she was going to command me to cum on the count of five without even touching me, she'd never actually done this to me before, but considering just how easy it had become to make me orgasm, I wouldn't really doubt that it was possible.

"Okay Kim? I'll count down from five, and when I order you to, you will have an orgasm in front of everyone, understood?"

I nodded my head nervously, wondering if it was actually going to work.

"Five..." Luna announced, holding up five fingers to the crowd.

"Four..." she counted down, tucking her thumb against her palm.

"Three..." by this point, the crowd had begun chanting with her.

"Two..." I was actually beginning to feel my loins tingle in anticipation of Luna's command.

"One..." God, this was so unbearable, I wanted to cum so badly.


She actually did it, as if a switch had turned and flood gates had opened, my hips bucked as a rush of orgasmic pleasure bolted through my spine and to the rest of my body, I opened my mouth but I don't think any voice came from it, but I was definitely having an orgasm, and it was the same sort of pleasurable pain I'd feel when I've had too many orgasms that day, I wasn't squirting like always thanks to all the pleasure inflicted on me throughout today, but it certainly felt like an orgasm.

The crowd cheered, even though I wasn't squirting like always, they could tell that they were watching me orgasm, after all, they had all seen it happen so many times throughout this week.

"And that's not all, I can make her keep having one after another!" Luna announced, and that shocked me back to reality, having to orgasm repeatedly wasn't new to me, but not after it started hurt.

I begged her not to, telling her that I was too worn out by this point, but Luna didn't care, she kept counting down from five before giving the command, and I was helpless in the face of her absolute control, I came on demand as many times as she wanted, the pain nearly overtaking the pleasure of my orgasms, she even managed to just skip the countdown and made me cum three times in a row as a finale.

I was delirious when she finally stopped, begging her to stop, when she leaned down next to me.

"Tell everyone here Kim, I own you, tell everyone that I am superior to you." she whispered in my ears as I moaned from the last orgasm, as I locked eyes with her, she shifted her gaze down to her chest and put her hand there, before looking back to mine and pinching my nipple painfully "in every way."

Once I looked around, I saw all eyes waiting, a countless number of people watching me intently, ready to hear me admit it.

In the one second I hesitated, Luna stood up again and commanded to cum again, for my disobedience, my body convulsed in pleasure, before I swiftly gave in:

"Yes, I admit it, Luna owns me, I am her bitc- Ahhh!" Another command by Luna made me moan out loud mid-sentence "She owns my body, my breasts, my pussy, my ass, everything!!"

I breathlessly shouted out to the crowd as another orgasm hit me, this time Luna didn't even say anything, that one came from me realizing what I was saying, the crowd clapped happily as Luna took a bow to the crowd.

"Luna is superior to me in every way." I gasped out!

"Louder bitch!" Luna said, she didn't even have to command to cum specifically, every command from her sent orgasms through my body.

"Luna owns me!" I said again, this time I was louder.

"Again!" Another orgasm.

"Luna owns me!!" I yelled it out this time.

"Tell them you're my cumslut!" An even bigger orgasm.

"I'm Luna's cumslut!" I shouted, my voice almost hoarse.

And that's when I woke up!

Covered in sweat, panting like crazy, what the hell was that dream!? No, not a dream, that was absolutely a nightmare! It just occurred to me that I was groggily mumbling that last sentence in my sleep.

A thought occurred to me, I let my fingers wander down nervously to my panties, where my crotch was...

"Oh thank god..." It was dry! I couldn't imagine what I'd do if I was actually wet.

I slumped back down onto my pillow, running the dream back in my head.

Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I last saw Luna, not since graduation.

"It's been what... a month?" I mumbled, now that the panic subsided, I was slowly drifting back to sleep "I wonder if she's still as big a slut as I remember..."

In my half-asleep state, I recalled that I did something similar to Luna near the end of the year.

Remembering that incident, I couldn't help but let the hand that checked for wetness sneak down again.

As expected, I was starting to get in the mood, and I let my fingers find their way into my panties where I began rubbing, remembering the sight of Luna naked in front of the whole class and masturbating on my command.

I should see how she's doing...

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Cream_CaramelCream_Caramelabout 2 months agoAuthor

Hello everyone, I don't usually like to advertise my Patreon too much, but I feel it's extra important to do so especially after how this April Fools' chapter got delayed here.

In case you are not aware, this story has been up on my Patreon and other free platforms for over a week now (since April 1st, obviously), and I realized it was quite impossible for me to time this release properly on Literotica.

This is why I urge everyone to at least follow me on Patreon, you can do so without paying any money, there's a button on the page where you can get e-mails about my free posts and basically just read these stories the day I finish them.

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