Kimmy Moves In Pt. 01

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Niece needed a place to live while going to college.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/05/2021
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At 32 years old, I was enjoying the bachelor life, living in Greenwich Village, just a few blocks away from NYU, where I worked as a researcher, since my graduation from there, eight years ago. I had a genuinely nice loft apartment, with plenty of room to spare for whenever I had friends over, or when family came into city for a visit.

Usually, the only one to visit me on a frequent basis was my Mom, whenever she had the need to get away from my asshole of a stepfather. They lived in Brooklyn, so when she came to visit, I would have her stay the night. Occasionally, my older sister, Carrie, and her family would visit, but that was becoming a lot less frequent since her and her husband were busy running their consulting business, in Jersey City.

It was a beautiful mid-August, Saturday morning and I had just got back home from the coffee shop, with a coffee in one hand and a bag of pastries on the other. I came into my place and sat the bag down on the table when my phone rang. It was my sister, Carrie.


"Hi Adam, it's Sissy."

"Hello weirdo," I said in a mocking tone. My sister and I were forever teasing one another, so this was nothing unusual.

"Listen, shithead, don't make me come over there and kick your ass," she said playfully.

"Whatever, you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag," I laughed as I said that.

"Ya, you might be right, but what do I need to fight for when I have a young strapping little brother to fight for me," she quipped.

We both laughed and she then got really sweet and asked, "Adam, I have a really huge favor to ask you. You know that Kimmy, is going to be starting her first year there at NYU this fall, and things are just a bit tight for us now. Do you think it would be okay if she stayed with you for a semester until we got caught up on a few things?"

Kimmy, now 18 years old, was my sister's oldest of three children that she had. She was a beautiful young woman now, and wickedly smart, earning several scholarships to attend NYU. Unfortunately, those scholarships did not cover the full expense and my sister and her husband would still have to fund a sizeable portion of her expenses, and Kimmy was planning to get a part time job for spending money.

Kimmy was not my brother-in-law's real daughter, but he had always been a real standup guy, when him and my sister had gotten married, and treated Kimmy as if she was his own child. My sister had the misfortune of getting pregnant by some punk kid, she dated in high school, but he ran off, leaving the area shortly after finding out Carrie was pregnant.

I did not hesitate to answer Carrie and said, "Sure, she can stay here, I have plenty of room. I have some stuff stored in the spare bedroom, but I can have it cleared out by the time she comes. It's just some boxes of stuff that I've been wanting to get rid of anyway."

"Thank you so much, Adam! I really appreciate this and I am sure Kimmy will be so happy to hear it when I tell her. She was really hoping you would say yes, especially with you being her favorite uncle and all."

I half laughed and said, "I'm her ONLY uncle, you weirdo, and you are welcome. You know I love you guys and would do anything for you after all the help you gave me in the past."

"What is family for, right? Anyway, she is wanting to get situated soon, so is next weekend too soon for her to come?"

"No, not at all, Sis. I'll have the room ready and cleaned up for her by then so just bring her on over."

"Awesome and thanks again, Adam, you are a lifesaver!"

"You're welcome, Carrie. Give my love to the rest of the family and see you next weekend."

"Okay, see you then," Carrie said, then hung up.

I smiled as I put the phone down, then looked around my place, seeing that it was going to need a good cleaning if I was going to have my niece living here with me. As a bachelor, I was not the best housekeeper. I kept the place neat and tidy from clutter, but I knew it would need a good deep cleaning.

I called up a friend of mine, who owned a cleaning service, and contracted a couple of her girls to come this week and clean, while I got rid of the boxes I had stored in the spare bedroom. I bought some new sheets for the bed and a pretty comforter set. Then, I picked up a nice desk at used furniture warehouse, a few blocks away, and had it delivered. I cleaned it up nice and hoped Kimmy would feel welcomed, and at home, when she arrived.

That following Saturday came and Carrie and Kimmy arrived at my place, with suitcases and a laptop computer in hand.

"Hi guys, come on in! Here, let me help with those bags," I said as I quickly took two of the suitcases from Carrie and set them down.

"Hi Uncle Adam! Thank you so much for letting me stay here," Kimmy said excitedly as she threw one arm around me in a hug, while the other held on to her laptop bag.

"Yeah, thanks again, Adam," Carrie said with a smile.

"Ah, you're welcome! Let's take your stuff into your room, Kimmy," I replied picking up the suitcases and leading her and Carrie into the spare bedroom.

Carrie and Kimmy were both blown away by how nice I had set up the room, with the new comforter on the bed and the desk all polished up with a small vase of silk flowers on it.

I just smiled as I looked at Carrie, who was beaming and had tears in her eyes. She mouthed the words, "thank you," just as Kimmy said, "Oh my gosh! This is so nice, Uncle Adam! Thank you so much!"

Kimmy came over and gave me a hard, rib crushing hug. I wrapped my hands around her and gave her a kiss on the head, and said, "Think nothing of it, I'm happy to have you here, Kimmy."

Kimmy had grown into such a lovely young woman now, with her short blonde pixie style hair, fashion model long lean body, pouty lips, and a gorgeous smile. She honestly had fit the story of the ugly duckling that turned into a swan, to a T. She was always so skinny and bony growing up but had filled out just enough in the right places that you could clearly tell that she was a woman now, and not a gangly flat chested kid.

I ordered up some lunch to be delivered for us, and the three of us had a few laughs talking about Carrie and I growing up while we ate. Soon afterward, Carrie announced that she had to head back to Jersey, so she gave Kimmy a hug, then hugged me, thanking me once again. I pinched her on the butt, out of Kimmy's line of site, then winked at her grinning face when she pulled back from our embrace.

After Carrie left and Kimmy went in to get settled into her room, I could not help but think about the secret times, Carrie and I spent together in the past. We had always been awfully close growing up and when I was in college, her and I shared some very passionate taboo intimacy before she met her husband.

Her and I never did anything after they got married, but the thoughts were there in the back of her mind. When she came to visit, I could tell that Carrie was holding back, out of respect for her marital vows, but I always remembered just how amazing she was when we made love those few times and just how wonderful she felt when I was inside her.

That night, as I was getting ready to turn in for the night, Kimmy came out to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I was putting the last of the dinner dishes into the dish washer when she walked by me. That was when I got a good look at just how much my niece had filled out.

Kimmy only had on a light blue camisole top, the just came down past her midriff, and a simple pair of matching cotton panties on. She looked incredible from the back and when she turned towards me, I could just make out the shadow of her light pubic hair hiding behind her panties and her barely a B cup breasts with their cute puffy nipples pushing out of her top.

"Uh, are you okay with me dressing like this around the apartment, Uncle Adam? This is how I normally dress before bed at home, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I will wear a robe," she said innocently.

"Nah, I'm fine with it, Kimmy. That's how your Mom dressed around me when were still living at home, so I'm good," I said with confidence, not wanting to give her any inclination that mind was thinking anything but good clean thoughts.

"Okay," she said with a smile, then came over and gave me a soft hug then finished, "Goodnight, Uncle Adam, see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Kimmy, see you in the morning," I replied.

She turned and said, "Oh, can you just call me Kim now? Kimmy just seems so childish anymore, especially if we run into each other on campus."

"Okay, Kim, but on one condition, just call me Adam from now on," I smiled and winked at her.

Kimmy nodded with a grin and said, "Deal."

She turned and headed into her room and I just stood there, my thoughts going completely south as I watch her cute panty covered ass sashay through the doorway into the bedroom. I wondered if she had had sex yet, and if she had, how lucky the guy would have been.

Thinking about her like that, awakened my now very erect cock, inside my khaki shorts that I was wearing, and it was trying to create a tent in them where there was not enough room to do so. I quickly finished the dishes and headed into my bedroom to relieve myself of the pressure that was now building.

I laid back on the bed, undid my shorts and pushed them down, releasing my eight-inch throbbing flesh into my hand. I began to stroke my prick, thinking about Carrie, how long it had been since I was last laid, and now with the added thoughts of Kimmy, and how sexy she looked tonight.

Over the next week or so, after she had moved in, the two of us got into a routine of sharing the large bathroom and having meals together, chatting about whatever we liked, but I looked forward to those evening times, where I would get to see her, scantily clad, walking around the apartment before bed and the evening would end with me going in and masturbating on my bed, spilling my seed all over my chest, thinking about being inside her.

It was a Friday night, the last weekend before fall semester started at NYU, and I had a few friends over for a last bit of social time before the semester would have me terribly busy once again. We shared some finger foods, some amazing wine and enjoyable conversation before my friends headed home for the night. Kimmy changed into her usual nighttime attire, while I cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, then put away the leftover food and tossed the wine bottles into the recycling bin.

When I was done, we sat down at the table for a bit to talk while I finished my glass of wine. It was then that I could tell that she was a more than a little bit drunk and I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and said, "Kim, did you sneak into the wine?"

Kimmy giggled a little and nodded, then said, "I cannot tell a lie, so yes I did."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Oh my goodness. Okay, I'll let this slide, but we'll keep this a secret from your mother, okay?"

Kimmy nodded again and said, "Oh, I wouldn't think of telling her, Uncle Adam. Oops, (hiccup) I mean, Adam."

"Maybe you should head to bed now, because I think you had just a bit too much to drink young lady," I said in a mockingly stern tone.

Kimmy giggled again and said, "Okay, maybe you're right. I am feeling a little woozy, but I have to ask you something first, Adam, while I have the courage."

I looked at her as she was hesitant to keep going and I said, "Okay, what's your question, Kim?"

She looked at me square in the eye and said, "How many times have you and Mom had sex?"

My mouth about hit the floor as I was totally blow away by her question. How did she know? Did Carrie tell her? Did she find out somehow on her own? I was dumbfounded.

Kimmy laughed and said, "Uh huh, I knew it! That's why you can't answer! I could tell by the way you two looked at each other. You two are so naughty! Oh, and I think it's hot so don't get uptight about it. I won't say anything to anyone. Well, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, Adam!"

I was still sitting there in total shock as Kimmy got up from the table, with a shit eating grin on her face and headed into her room. Just before she got to the door, she pulled the camisole she was wearing up and over her head, turned towards me, revealing those sweet sexy puffy nipples of hers, then danced into the bedroom, out of view.

I sat there for a while, not sure what to do. I had given up the secret Carrie and I had shared for so long, without saying a word. To say Kimmy was smart, well that would be an understatement. I gulped down the last bit of my wine, put the glass in the dishwasher and headed to bed.

I tossed and turned in bed that night, thinking about Carrie and I, then about Kimmy and her sweet sexy body, replaying the image of her in her panties and now those beautiful puffy nipples. I felt my prick rise to the occasion once more, so I knew the only way to get any sleep, was to jerk off, so I pushed the bed covers down, wrapped my hand around my hard flesh and began to stroke myself slowly.

Just as I got into a nice rhythm, my door opened. I froze in mid stroke as standing there looking directly at me, was Kimmy. I could not move or speak, as I just laid there with my hand still holding my erection.

A smile then began to form on Kimmy's face as she said, "I'm sorry for interrupting you, Adam, but I couldn't sleep. Is it okay if I come in?"

I went to pull the covers up over me, but Kimmy said, "Oh please don't cover yourself, because I really want to watch you, Adam."

"Kim, I'm not sure this is a good idea and you really should knock next time," I said, trying to be the responsible uncle and not fully expose myself to her.

"Uncle Adam, please, I know that you have been looking at me with lust in your eyes ever since that first night I came here, so let's not pretend that there isn't some sexual tension going on between us, okay?"

Kimmy walked over to my bed, clad in just her tiny panties and a small tank top, which gave little to hide her hard nipples, and sat down beside me, pulling the covers back down to uncover my fat prick once more. She grinned at my exposed cock and ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

"Wow, you have a gorgeous penis, Adam. I have only seen a few, but I can honestly say that yours is amazing," Kimmy said, not taking her eyes off my dick.

That only caused the blood to pulse into my flesh that much more as I really began to throb with excitement. I said to her, "Kim, have you ever been with a man before, sexually?"

She smiled and nodded, saying, "Only once. I was at a party last summer and this guy I liked from school took me into the bedroom and we had sex. I guess he didn't like the face that I was a virgin and did not know how to do things, because he never called me after that."

"Boys can be real assholes," I said.

"Adam, can I touch you?"

I hesitated for a second then said with a smile, "Yeah, if you want to."

Kimmy smiled at me and nodded, then gently took my pulsating cock into her small hand. She softly explored up and down my flesh at first, then wrapped her fingers around me, only managing to get them about three quarters of the way around. I could barely contain myself at the intense pleasure she was giving me, just by her inexperienced touch.

"Your skin is so soft, Adam, almost as if you were covered in silk," Kimmy said, then added, "I am not so sure if you will fit inside me, though, because you are huge!"

I chuckled and said, "Vaginas stretch enough to give birth, Kim, so with the right preparation, I am sure you could take me inside you, which by the way, I would love to show you the ways of proper love making techniques."

Kimmy nodded, emphatically and said, "That would be awesome, Adam! I can't tell you how turned on I am right now, just touching you like this."

"Okay, have you given a guy head before? You mentioned seeing a few cocks before so can I assume that you have?"

"I tried once with one of the neighborhood boys, but again, my lack of experience turned him off, too. He said that I scraped him too much with my teeth," she said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I am sure with some gently coaching, I can have you giving head like a pro in no time at all," I said to her with confidence.

Kimmy smiled and said, "Okay!"

She positioned herself closer to my cock, moving it with her hand so it was aimed directly at her mouth. When her lips touched the tip of the head, she gave it a sweet kiss then looked up at me and smiled again. Then she opened her mouth and lowered it just over the head, closing her lips just below it.

I moaned in pleasure as her warm wet mouth engulf me and her tongue lick softly around my swollen flesh. I gently guided her, telling her exactly how to give me the most pleasure by moving her mouth slowly up and down my glands, then pausing to lick the underside of the head, then taking me back inside her sweet mouth once more.

Kimmy could only get a little past the head before her gag reflex kicked in and I explained to her that in time, she would be able to get more of me inside, as her skill level increased. She was already doing an amazing job of pleasing me and I made sure I let her know it.

"Oh my God, Kim, you are doing an amazing job, and I have to say, if you don't stop soon, I'm going to cum."

Kimmy pulled back and said, "Well, that is something that I want to do, too, Adam. I want to take a man's cum into my mouth and swallow it, but just not sure if I am quite ready yet."

I nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, that is definitely something you will have to work up to. Maybe just try a little at a time so you do not have an unpleasant experience. Some guys cum a lot and that can put off their partners at first and to be honest, I am one of those guys, so let's just take that slow."

Kimmy bit her lip then asked, "Adam, I have never had a man go down on me. Would you be willing to do that for me?"

I chuckled a little and said, "Oh sweetheart, you don't have to ask me twice."

Kimmy smiled, then stood up and boldly peeled off her tank, once more revealing her small breasts to me, but instead of her soft puffy nipples from before, they had hardened to the size of large pencil erasers. Then she slid her panties down, uncovering her gorgeous pussy, in all its glory, to my hungry eyes.

She stood there for a moment, letting me take in all her nakedness before saying, "Do you think I have a sexy body, Adam?"

I let out a heavy breath and said, "Oh my, Kim, you are beyond sexy! You are absolutely gorgeous!"

Kimmy's face blushed and she managed to get out with a huge smile, "Thank you so much. I was beginning to think I was too skinny."

"No, you look amazing, sweetheart," I said as she climbed back on the bed, then laid down beside me, looking at me with her beautiful eyes and that wanton look on her face. The same look her mother had, those many times we were together.

I turned towards her and leaned in to kiss her, softly at first, then growing a little more passionate. Kimmy moaned softly into my mouth, as I began exploring her tight body with my hand, circling her nipples with my fingertips then slowly moving down across her firm tummy until I reached the top of her mound.

I paused for just a moment then moved my fingers down through her very sparse pubic hair. I continued kissing her as my fingers found the cleft of her vulva and slid down inside them. She was soaking wet to the point that her slippery fluids had covered her sex completely and when I found her clitoris, brushing it softly, Kimmy let out a squeal right in my mouth.

Her breathing had become very ragged, as I gently massaged her pussy. I then pulled back from our kiss, then slowly kissed my way from her lips, down her throat, across her chest, taking each one of her sweet nipples into my mouth and swirling around them with my tongue.