Kinky Tina Needs Help Pt. 05


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Sara says in a breathy voice, "I could get used to this. Peg says you can go an hour."

I ask, "How long will it take them to find us?"

Sara giggles, "Right now, I don't give a damn. They can march me down Wall Street if it feels this good."

She reaches her hands up to my chest. I work out these days because I don't do as much physical labor at work. I attend meetings and such to make all the critical decisions an office manager must make. I still make my way down to the manufacturing floor daily, I'm just not as involved as I once was.

I can hear my wives talking, they are on a nearby path.

I use a louder than normal voice, "Peg, I am over here. Continue to the beach, turn, then follow the first path up."

Next thing I know, small branches are breaking as they break a trail from where they were.

I laugh as I say, "I guess the direct route works as well."

Beth is flustered with some leaves in her face, "What? Did you say something?"

Beth, Tina, and Peg are all lined up watching me fuck a young woman they know all so well. The amazing thing is that they're not mad about this.

Peg gives me a sly look, "I see it didn't take you long to ensnare a child and force yourself on her."

She knows damn well that did not happen and she approved of everything that will happen this weekend.

I shoot back, "Oh fine, give this sweet innocent child a complex. Go ahead, scar her for life."

Tina laughs hard, "Innocent? If I know you, she practically had to rape you. Sara, can we hear your side of the story?"

I like Sara's response, "No offense, but no. You're interrupting a milestone event in my life. Please leave."

Beth giggles, "So vulgar, yet in such a sweet way. Yes, all innocence is lost. She has been officially corrupted by man."

Wendy and Iggy are walking up the path.

Iggy adds to the conversation, "Your right mom, mom, and mom. She has been corrupted. To save you from man, I will personally sacrifice myself, and take all of your evenings."

All three laugh.

Peg is the first to respond, "Beth, you know the great thing about wisecracking teens?"

Beth plays along, "Why no I don't. Please tell the class."

Peg is laughing as she says, "They make nice fertilizer. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets between us and our man. You threaten our nights again, and you will be homeless, penniless, and parentless."

Iggy is taken back by the ferocity, "Geez mom, way to go overboard."

I have heard enough of this shit. I move to high gear, and I am fucking Sara considerably faster.

Sara is in awe of her feelings and what I am doing to her. She has never experienced anything like this before. For many young women, it's like a roller coaster, done way too soon. With me, I last much longer. I am building her up slowly, so she can enjoy this. If I go too fast, she will explode, and I might break her.

I give her an unusual smile, she could care less, but it amuses me that she is going to blow up into a million pieces. She also doesn't seem to give a damn that others are here now. She will get embarrassed after.

I feel bad, I am dripping on this beautiful woman. I am giving her everything I have. I am going as fast as I can. I need to end this. I am almost out of energy myself. She is lasting too long.

Almost too quickly and louder than I expected, I tell everyone, "Hand on her body." I take a few quick breaths. "Massage a body part."

Like a shark in a feeding madness, everyone digs in. Beth and Peg cup a breast and softly run their thumbs over her nipples. Tina pulls her hair so it's above her head where Tina is. She then does something I have never seen. She gently massages her neck and scalp.

Wendy and Iggy go for her arms. Oh my, they are such teases. They must have done this before. Each of them takes the pads of their fingertips and runs it along the hair of her arms. It seems to tickle Sara.

For the first time ever, I start slowing down. I have exceeded my capacity to quick fuck. Beth and Peg see my obvious situation. Simultaneously, they tweak the nipple in their hands. Everything together set off a stick of dynamite inside of Sara.

Immediately, her pussy clamps down on my cock. It's not enough to stop me, but she tried. She doesn't have as much of a scream as she does a lion's roar. Her back arches, her head twists from side to side, and then she is silent.

I hold on for dear life as she arches her back, because I am shooting out four strong doses of life creating elixir into this beautiful creature that just gave me the fucking of a lifetime. She isn't as good as my loves but having them there and sharing in the experience made it very emotional for me.

I wanted to give them my love, but it funneled into Sara. She got a hell of a fucking for her first time.

I hear Iggy giggling, "DAD! You killed Sara."

Her words barely register. My body is shutting down. I have no gas in the tank. I fall to my side; Iggy is freaking out. She is screaming my name as I fall to the side. I feel someone guide me softly to the ground. It wasn't that far, but it's nice soft landing.


My dream includes the sounds of laughing, giggling, and splashing. People are having fun. I twitch as I go from dream world to real world.

The body in front of me softly says, "Fuck."

Sara is in front me, "Yeah. It's pretty good being in that position."

Sara is wrapped tightly in my arms with my hands on her breasts. Peg is behind me; I am using her breasts as pillows. That's a wonderful feeling as well.

I hear Tina, Beth, Iggy, and Wendy playing in the water. My stomach growls.

Sara and Peg both giggle. The splashing and laughing stop. They're discussing lunch as they walk closer to us. I sit up. Sara pulls forward, away from me. Peg rolls to her back and then stands up.

Tina commands, "We all need a shower. I have American and Italian subs planned. I need the table set, lettuce, tomato, onion cut, bread sliced in half, drinks, chips, and pickles. There are two showers. GET GOING!"

Iggy, Sara, and Wendy run up the path. Iggy and Wendy are interrogating their friend about pain and if she had any fun.

Tina is laughing, "Did you hear that? They asked if she had any fun."

Beth is all smiles, "I know firsthand what that's like. She had fun."

Peg is laughing, "We all know. Only a blind person missed the joy in her face."


The shower in our room was used for three showers. I stay in the shower as Tina, Beth, and Peg take turns. I clean them and they clean me. Each of them starts with and end with my cock. It's so clean, it's like a mirror.

Tina had given instructions. As bodies emerge from the rooms, mom and more help make lunch. It seems Sara and I are starving. I have never seen that girl eat so much. I have an epiphany during lunch.

We all help clean up, load the dishwasher, and then start it up.

I ask Wendy, "Do you know how to drive the boat?"

Wendy has a smile on her face, "Oh yes. We water ski, I have to take turns so others can ski."

I smile, "Do you go out there naked, out on the lake?"

Wendy looks nervous, "Um yeah. Of course, we do."

I turn on my heels and walk out the front door. Everyone quickly follows me. I look a little harder at the sign on the front of the house. They all look nervous. The sign is painted well. However, it's on cardboard. I rip it off the house. I was attached with nonstick tape. The box is from a small file cabinet I recently purchased online.

Before they say a word, "No way Wendy's parents use a hand painted sign. They pay people to do it professionally. They would use wood or some other permanent material. It would have trim and the paint would have at least four colors, not just one. This is a fake and you all lied to me.

"Iggy, I am really disappointed in you. All of you, inside. Shirts, shorts, shoes, hats, and sunscreen. On the dock in fifteen minutes or I leave without you. GO!"

The Keystone Kops all scrambled to get inside first. I walk in their wake. Boxers, shorts, sandals, t-shirt, my hat, and then I am spreading sunscreen on. I walk leisurely to the dock. By the time I am down there, everyone else has already passed me by. Perfect.

They're all lined up at attention. As I am standing, looking at the group with a critical eye, Peg steps out of line.

Peg looks sad, her bottom lip is quivering and the ends of her mouth droop to make a frowny face. Damn, I have never seen this. She is making me feel bad already.

Peg's face is down, her voice quivers with sadness, "It's my fault. I made the sign. You were going to avoid the girls and deny them their first sex lesson from a master. I wanted you to fuck them. I thought it might motivate you and make our sex life more ... sizzling, like it used to be."

Well, I sure feel like an ass now. I step up to Peg, embrace her in a light kiss that graduates to a sultry kiss. I have a hand on her back holding her up as I lean her back, making her perpendicular to the ground. When I am done, I bring her back up. She blushes.

I give orders, "Everyone in the boat. Time to have some fun."

This time, they enter the boat in an orderly fashion. Everyone takes a turn as captain. Wendy takes a turn water skiing. Nobody else has the guts to do what she makes look very easy. None of us are fooled. I am last to steer the boat and it's fun. I go the fastest. On our way back to the dock, I am going slower, I want this time to last.

There is a boat with several middle-aged men on it. They look like they finished fishing, and they are on an intercept course. I slow down, they slow down. Neither of us wants a large wave crashing into us.

At 100 yards, I yell out, "I want you to take off your life preservers." I slow down more. At fifty yards, I yell out, "I want all of you to point at me. I want all of you to do the finger across the neck motion." We are now at twenty yards, "I want all of you to point at them." I pause. "I want all of you to grab your shirts and pull up, so you are flashing your tits at them."

Not one of them complained.

I yell out again, "Sit down and hold on!"

I slammed the throttle, and we left a rooster plume that splashed the men.

I yell out, "Life preservers back on!"

I slow down to my previous speed. All the women are giggling and are saying, "Did you see their faces?" and "Did you see their eyes pop out?"

Tina comes up next to me and plants a kiss on me while placing my hand on her breast, which I squeeze.

She giggles, "Damn that was fun. That reminds me of high school when you told me what to do."

Iggy heard that, "What did you just say? What did you do in High School?"

Peg sounds interested, "I haven't heard this story either. Are you two holding out on us?"

I am smooth, "I think this is a story for around the fire tonight.

After we get back, I keep Wendy behind and send the rest to start dinner.

I ask Wendy, "Can you show me where the Marina is? I want to leave your parents with a full tank of gas."

We had spent all our time North of the house, on the larger section of the lake. Naturally, Wendy took me to the South end. She expertly maneuvers in the dock and we fill up. I go to pay, and he won't take my money. Wendy's father has a deal set up to bill him quarterly.

I tell Wendy, "We used the boat, I certainly didn't mind paying."

Wendy is amazing, "They overcharge for gas. Dad gets a discount for buying so much and paying on time. He wants people using the boat. If it doesn't get used, engine issues start cropping up. Boat engines need to be used. I am driving, sit back and relax."

I sat in the back, along the long seat and enjoy the wind in my face and an occasional spray of water. In the middle of the lake, Wendy stops the engines and then plops down next to me.

She has a tear in her eye, "I can't do it. I know we all agreed to it, but I can't. I want a man I love to take my cherry. Hopefully, that will be the man I will marry. I know you're a stud. I know sex will be awesome. I just don't want to cheapen it with someone I don't love."

Now the water works turn on. I hold her close to me.

I suggest, "How about we have sex, but you remain a virgin?"

She looks at me, stutters, and says, "Wha, wha, what?"

I continue, "You missed a lot of what I did with Sara. You ok with doing some of that?"

Tentatively, she says, "Yesssssss?"

I suggest, "I tell you what. How about I show you some stuff and then you decide if you want to or not, and we will keep my thing out of your thing. I think you're going to like this a lot."

Wendy is suddenly shy, "So I will still be a virgin?"

I chuckle, "Oh yes. You can still have an orgasm without vaginal sex. One more thing. Don't you ever let someone pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. I respect you for saving yourself. You're cool with me kid.

"Now. I bet you think you know how to kiss, right?" She gives me that duhhhh look. "Well, come here." I pick her up and she sits across my lap. "Try this out."

I use my hand to twist her face towards me and tilt her head a bit. I bring my lips in close and we lightly touch our lips. My other hand is holding her body. Her heart is beating quickly. Gently, I apply a tad more pressure. I hold her close to me, she can feel the warmth of my body. I add more pressure and now she is holding me back, her hand is around the back of my neck.

I open my mouth a bit; yet I do nothing else yet. There is a lag, but Wendy follows me and opens her mouth. My tongue makes three quick forages into her mouth, and then I wait to see what she does. My next three insertions are in a pattern, right, left, and middle. She repeats my pattern. I go again, but left, right, and middle this time. There is a lag, then she repeats my pattern. This time, when she does middle, my tongue bounces off center and goes along the side of our tongues.

We don't move. I wait a second, then I slide my tongue back and then forth again. She matches me. I circle her tongue and then go freestyle where anything goes. She catches on and is aggressive. After several minutes, I retract my tongue, and then slowly pull away.

In a soft voice she says, "Mom and dad certainly need to learn a lot about kissing."

I look at her. I process her statement. We both laugh out loud.

While laughing, I suggest, with tears in my eyes, "Try your grandparents."

Looking back, dumb line. It was funny at the time.

I stand up and set her down in the boat, between the seats. I am near her feet. I pick up her legs by the ankles and as I dive in, I throw her legs over my shoulders. I place my hands on the strings for her bikini bottoms and look up into her eyes.

Wendy nods her head up and down. I pull the strings, allowing the bikini to fall away. I place my hands under her butt cheeks, to cushion her body. I lean farther down and use the tip of my tongue to lick from her belly button down to her slit. Wendy shivers.

An excited Wendy asks me, "What the hell was that? That was great."

I snicker, "Oh Wendy, you better lean back. I am going to do some amazing things to your body."

Wendy lays back with an apprehensive look on her face. I lean forward and use my wet tongue to guide a path from a few inches above the clit right down to her clit. I then curl my tongue around her protruding bean and fuck it with my tongue.

Wendy's already in a highly excited state. No sooner than I wrap my tongue around her clit does she blow up. I mean nuclear, no life exists. Surprisingly, no scream, no shout, no death wail. She goes rigid and then after about thirty seconds of not breathing, she relaxes. At that point, a huge smile appears on her face. That's the only sign of life that registers.

Typically, I go right into something else. However, Wendy is defenseless and easy to get off. I don't want them running together too fast, especially since she has shown the ability to stop breathing.

With a quick shake of her body, she regained control of her body and her eyes open.

Wendy has a soft but clear voice, "Um, if you don't mind, I, um, I could go for more of that. Yeah, um, that was pretty good."

Pretty good my ass. I wiped her out and she had a massive orgasm. No respect from kids these days. Her peach is puffy and on full display. Because of her lack of experience, her lips aren't hanging out. I insert my tongue to reach them.

I am soft and gentle as I slide my tongue up and down. I don't move my head. That would allow me to access the entire length. Instead, I concentrate on what's easy to access. I use a soft tongue motion, to pry the bits apart. I want to run my tongue up and down. That's exactly what I do.

This time, Wendy is more vocal. I am going slow; she has more time to enjoy the sensations I am providing. She sounds like a porno, "Ooooo. Ahhhh. Oh yeah." Here I thought all that crap was fake, and here she is doing it for me. She starts twisting her hips which makes it harder for me to keep her happy. I use more force to hold her in place. I had my hands on her hips, but that was more for balance. Now they are performing a service.

With zero warning, Wendy explodes again. This is one crazy woman. No screaming, grunting, or moaning. She does an awesome job of breathing. Yet she goes from a lazy blue-sky afternoon to Chernobyl in a flash.

When she wakes up, she has that awesome smile on her face again and she is blushing.

Wendy is excited, "Hot damn that is good. I could take a whole day of that. Any more though and I will need you to fuck me. Besides, I don't want anyone to know we did anything."

I get up and help her dress while I comment, "Good luck with keeping this from your friends."

Wendy looks me in the eyes, "I won't say anything, and I want you to keep this between ourselves. This isn't their business."

Children know so little. With that ear-to-ear grin, as soon as they see her, they will know we did something. They can guess all they want; I won't say anything.

As I sit back down, the boat engines come to life, and soon we are speeding back to the house. She came in much faster than I would have, but it stopped exactly where she wanted it to. That is some nifty driving.

We hold hands as we walk up the path to the house. Iggy and Sara heard the engines roaring and have come running to see their friend. They know we were gone too long.

Iggy is excited as she asks Wendy, "How was it? What did you do? How many orgasms did you get?"

Wendy tries to lie, "We just went to get gas. It took a long time to fill up the boat and we were in line. Besides, there were too many people around us to do anything."

Sara is direct, "Fuck you! We know you had sex, tell us about it."

Wendy is adamant, "He did NOT fuck me! You know I am saving myself."

Iggy plays lawyer, "The evidence is against you. The knots on your suit aren't even like they were before you left. You have a huge smile on your face like you won the lottery. The kicker is that you have a positively radiant glow about you of a woman that is truly happy. You were just fucked."

Sara grabs a hand and starts pulling her. Iggy also grabs a hand and pulls. I hear one of them yell, "To the bedroom." I stop and walk back to the beach. I get in the hammock and rest. They took a lot of my energy; I need to rest. I end up falling asleep.

Chapter 34 -- Iggy's Turn

It's only an hour before three whining girls are pushing me to wake up.

I hear, "Daaaaaad, wake up! Dinner is ready!"

I open my eyes. Wendy is stroking my cock and my shorts and down to my ankles. Swell. They assist me in exiting the hammock and pulling up my shorts. Sara holds my cock while the other two pull up my shorts.

Sara's excuse, "We don't want that thing getting caught in the zipper."

I use my snarky voice, "That is why I wear boxers."

Iggy is whining, "Daaaaad, dinner is ready, it's getting cold. Hurry up."
