Kiss Cam


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I made it clear to Derek that he was to be back from his Saturday golf game by 1:30 at the latest since important guests were coming over and that if he wasn't the locks would be changed; I even had him talk on the phone to the locksmith that I had already paid to be on standby. Derek was miffed, but I knew that he would comply.

Aaron and Megan arrived right on the dot at two o'clock. Megan was better looking than I had remembered but appeared really nervous. When I called Derek into the living room to meet our guests his face lost all of its color and his jaw dropped and Megan's eyes got wide. Suddenly I had a Eureka moment.

I "introduced" Megan and Derek after Aaron introduced me to her. I could tell that both Megan and Derek seemed to calm a little when I introduced them and they politely said "Nice to meet you," when they shook hands.

I know that I shocked the shit out of Aaron when I started some happy-go-lucky banter and then made this announcement (although he seemed to recover his cool when I surreptitiously winked at him): "Aaron and I met at the basketball game that we went to six Saturdays ago; I don't know if you two -- Derek and Megan -- remember each other from that game."

Derek disingenuously said "I did think that you looked familiar, Megan; now I remember."

Megan chimed in "Yeah, you do look familiar."

"Well anyway," I continued, "Aaron and I had a nice talk at halftime and have talked over the phone a few times since and we both realized that we liked bowling and we wanted you two to meet, so we made plans for bowling today. Neither Aaron or I have bowled in a while and Aaron said that Megan used to bowl and I know that some nights you've gone out bowling, Derek, so I thought that this could be a chance to meet some new friends."

Aaron was still perplexed but let me run the show. Derek and Megan seemed to smile in relief.

"So what I've done -- and I hope that this isn't too forward of me -- is get reservations at Southside Bowl & Billiards for a lane at 2:30. I know that you know where that is Derek because you've bowled there with your male buddies and so Aaron and Megan can leave directly from there because I know he has surprise dinner reservations with Megan, and so that we can get to know each other, I'll ride with Aaron and direct him there and Derek you can take Megan. If we leave now we'll make it in plenty of time."

I observed Megan and Derek steal a quick glance and then softly smile. Aaron's eyes were big, but he didn't say anything.

Once I got to Aaron's car he humorously asked "What gives mystery woman?"

"Go to Chester Street and turn right; I'll explain as soon as I make a call," I replied, pulling out my cell phone.

I called Southside Bowl and begged for a lane at 2:30. By offering the owner $50 he agreed to let us "skip the line" and give us a lane by 2:40 at the latest. Then I turned to Aaron "What restaurant do you want me to call to get you and Megan a reservation for tonight?"

"What" Aaron laughed; "are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"I promise I will after I get a reservation; how about Eataly, it's a restaurant Derek and I sometimes go to; they know me; it's a good local Italian Trattoria," I said.

"OK," he chuckled.

I called and tried for 7:00 p. m. but had to settle for 6:30. "OK, 6;30 reservation in your name, I'm sending their website info to your phone right now." After I sent him a text with that information I said "Now I can explain."

"Please do," he laughed. I was very pleased that he had taken this change of plans so well and didn't blow anything. Of course since he is a guy (sorry to be a female chauvinist) he never picked up on what I did. "Derek and Megan are having an affair!"

"What the fuck!" he exclaimed, almost running off the road and getting a long honk from the person in the next lane.

"From their reaction it is clear that they knew each other and were scared shitless that we had brought them together to confront them about it. They were relieved when I made up the bowling story. We can meet tomorrow, exchange information about their activities, turn a PI loose on them, and then decide what we want to do. Going through with our present plan would have been a bad idea since them having an affair will really increase our leverage now WHEN, and not IF, we divorce them." I snarled more than said. I then realized that I was being presumptuous. "Sorry, what I mean is when I divorce Derek; you obviously have to make your own decision."

"If we get ironclad proof Megan is history -- and I want first crack at you," Aaron snarled, then grinned, as he put a hand on my knee for the first time in our relationship.

"You mean you want first crack at my crack?" I cackled.

"You're so nasty," he guffawed.

The rest of the trip we made plans for when and where to meet the next day and for ideas about PIs.

The bowling alley owner came through for us and we were setting up our scoring computer and tying up our bowling shoes by 2:35. Megan and Derek had calmed down when they realized that we weren't going to "out" them. Aaron was purposefully nice, and I was as fake nice as I have ever been in my life. I pretended to have a good mirth-filled time and the others may have actually had one, although I doubt that Aaron was as happy as he appeared to be.

That night I actually fucked Derek; it wasn't even close to making love, and I pretended that it was Aaron -- who I hoped to be actually fucking soon -- as I rode him like a rodeo champion while milking every milliliter of cum out of him with my pc muscles.

First Person Account by Aaron Jacobi

Megan seemed to like Eataly and bought hook, line, and sinker Julie's story about me surprising her by taking her out to dinner there. We went to a club afterward and danced up a storm and that night I fucked her in the concubine position. If what Julie said was true it would be one of my last times with Megan -- plus Julie had gotten me excited and I had no guilt whatsoever that I was thinking of Julie as I deposited a large load in Megan eliciting orgasmic screams from her.

I carefully went through my calendar for the past four months and also did a couple of Internet and credit card searches before I met with Julie at 2:00 p. m. on Sunday in the conference room next to her office at the University.

We quickly established at least six dates -- including the Friday night when Derek supposedly went bowling and Megan to help a friend in crisis -- when Derek and Megan could easily have hooked up. It was also clear that they worked in the same office building, their companies only three floors apart, and from Julie's inspection of Derek's personal credit card that he had purchased all four tickets for the Saturday basketball game that we went to.

We were puzzled as to why they would go to a basketball game together with us. Julie finally opined -- and I agreed with her -- that there were two reasons. The first was to see if we had any suspicion that they were fucking; the second was to have another chance to be together. When I thought back on it they both left our seats after each quarter -- maybe to grope each other or to laugh at how clueless we were.

By 3:30 on Sunday we were convinced that they were having an affair and had scoped out three possible PIs. I would visit two of them on Monday, Julie the other, and we would both visit the one that we felt best about.

We ended our meeting with a kiss that probably was the longest and hottest of our lives -- but we weren't going to be pursuing things any further until after the divorce papers were filed.

Julie made it abundantly clear that she was filing as soon as she had proof from the PI. She had already met with an attorney -- a friend of her brother-in-law's who had a reputation of being the meanest orca in the state. I had already talked to the female orca on the phone and she was willing to represent me too after we had our proof and I met with her personally. If the proof that the PI got was what we expected I would clearly be going the divorce route too. I had never had a divorce case, never wanted to handle one, and didn't want to involve anyone else in my law firm in my personal business therefore I was more than willing to use the same orca as Julie.

Since I knew that once I had proof positive of Megan's affair that I would never have sex with her again -- it would legally be considered reconciliation if I did (I knew enough about divorce law from the Bar Exam to know that without even talking to a specialist) -- and since she was a good fuck and I could fantasize that she was Julie -- between the Sunday that Megan and I met and the time that we got the PI's report I was like an elephant in musth (the male equivalent of "heat" in a female). I hoped that I wouldn't wear Megan out so that she didn't fuck Derek when the PI could find out about it but to my surprise she was actually usually willing, and if she wasn't I just got her drunk and/or gave her a foot rub and then pummeled her brains out in the doggy position (which was the easiest one for fantasizing that it was Julie).

Two weeks and two days after the Saturday when Julie came to the conclusion that Derek and Megan were cheating we met with the two PIs (a man and woman) who we had tasked with exposing them. We thought that the evidence was unassailable and when we showed it to our attorney Judy Orca (not her real name, but it should have been) she almost salivated.

That then raised the question of exactly how we were going to pull off our divorces. We were fortunate to live in a state -- and have an attorney as sharp and well-connected as Judy -- that allows a complainant (the divorce-seeker in our state) to date once the action has been filed and served and the judge grants a preliminary order stating that marital assets are not to be diminished or segregated without written agreement between the parties and precluding for any post-filing sexual involvement to have an effect on the divorce proceeding.

On advice of counsel both Julie and I left our rented homes and moved into inexpensive month by-month apartments the day that the petitions for divorce were filed and served. They were served by the same process server on Derek and Megan on a Friday when they were having lunch together (we wanted it to be when they were fucking but their fuck schedule was -- by their design in hopes of not getting caught -- unpredictable so we settle for when they were simply together).

Only a week after the petitions seeking dissolution of the marriages for adultery were filed and served the Judge entered a preliminary order enjoining waste and misappropriation of the marital assets and precluding all counter-claim for post-service activities as grounds for divorce. The weekend after we got that order Julie and I went to a four star resort about 100 miles away for a three day trip.

I thought that I knew Julie pretty well by the time of our resort trip. I found out that she had lots of surprises, 99% of them between great and fabulous. I should have suspected something when as we kissed before we got into my car for the trip to the resort after one of our steamy thirty second long kisses she stared into my soul more than my eyes and said "I really hope that you fuck half as good as you kiss."

Our first intercourse, which was mutually initiated within ten seconds after the bellman left our room at the resort, was about as animalistic as they come. The vixen was wearing no undergarments, simply pulled down her top exposing a perfect pair of perky C cup round tits (considered by 60% of the general adult public, both male and female, to be the best -- and I was certainly in agreement) and she almost ripped off my pants.

I lifted Julie up by her bare thighs, my cock acted like a heat-seeking missile in finding her pantiles crotch under her skirt while my lips latched onto one of her prominent nipples on her exposed tits, and I pinned her back against the wall. While she clawed my back like a cat on a scratching post and nibbled or bit my ears and neck I acted like a pile driver. She, in sympathy, acted like a peristaltic pump as her powerful pc muscles squeezed and released my cock.

Given the intensity of our rutting we couldn't, and didn't, last long. Soon I was jettisoning wads of seminal fluid into her pulsating pussy and she was clamping her pc muscles on my cock like she needed to hold on to save her life. All of my synapses were fried as I grunted like a drift of pigs while she screamed and then whimpered.

I'm not real sure as to exactly how it happened but when I completely regained control of my faculties we were both on the floor, me on my ass, she with her thighs around my waist. Fortunately neither of us was feeling any recognizable pain. We kissed, ultimately uncoupled, and then showered together. It was then that I noticed how perfectly sleek and toned her body was; her body looked like that of a really tall Olympic gymnast -- with big tits.

After our shower we went to bed, got comfortable, and made sweet love in the missionary position, staring into each other's eyes and smiling the entire time. After our virtually simultaneous overpowering orgasms we lay next to each other, nose to nose. I spoke first.

"It's hard to believe but the reality is even better than the fantasy," I smiled.

"Truer words were never spoken," Julie smiled back.

"I predict that by the end of this visit there will be no doubt in either of our minds as to where we go from here," I continued.

"There already is no doubt in my mind," she countered with a wicked smile.

Then we kissed, and the honey drips from her sweet lips drove me out of my mind -- just like the song Butterfly said!


It was no surprise to me that from what Julie said and from what I observed about Derek that his attempt at reconciliation was perfunctory.

What was surprising was Megan's apparently real attempt to reconcile. If she had try that before the divorce action was filed there might have been a chance. There might have even been a chance before Julie and I went to the resort. However, after the resort trip there was no chance that I could ever be happy with anyone aside from Julie.

Both divorces were granted; Julie and I were married three weeks after the last one came through.

Third Person Report - Epilogue

About three years after Julie and Aaron were married Julie was eight months pregnant and on pregnancy leave from her job which was now Admissions Director of the local University. Julie and Rob were at the University's women's team's basketball game. While Julie needed to make several trips to the bathroom to accommodate her shrinking and stressed bladder she made sure to be in her seat at halftime given what she had worked out with the venue's IT team.

At halftime Julie got a big smile on her face and turned Aaron's head toward the big screen above the court just in front of them. They were within the heart of the Kiss Cam just like four years ago. This time Aaron didn't say anything as they locked lips and he tenderly rubbed her belly. Sirens, bells, and fireworks went off as the entire crowd cheered and the lovers individually internally expressed supreme gratitude for the meeting that their exes orchestrated four years earlier.

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LechemanLecheman23 days ago

Enjoyed the story, well done.

vanyevanye23 days ago

Would have been nice to find out why the wife was cheating, if she actually seemed to care for her husband. Would have added some depth to the story.

oksideshow859419oksideshow85941930 days ago

Great story I was kinda hoping for a little bit more details from the P.I. Report at least idk....

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit10 months ago

Desperately in need of a decent proof-reader! -

That notwithstanding, however:-

The "kiss-cam" angle has had a few outings before, including a really great dramatic one a year or more ago on "Lit-Rot", where the witless out-of-town hubby was phoned by a pal to tune in to channel 555(?) to see live TV coverage of his wife caught passionately snogging with her beau in a private spectator-box! No reason not to run with that plot-device again, just that it obligates a new twist though.

But that "Lover-Boy" had pre-booked all four tickets was quite a challenge to reader credibility! IMHO.

A good try though! A solid 4* from me!

KenfromIndyKenfromIndy10 months ago

Interesting story with a different take! I don’t believe it has been used very often! I can only recall something similar once before that the couple did not suspect. Overall it was well written and I was entertained so all good!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

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