Kiss Me Cate Pt. 05


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"Are you staying?" She asked, laying down wearing one of my tee shirts.

"I will until you fall asleep." I kicked off my shoes and slid in beside her. She wiggled into place against me and sighed.

"Do only let me sleep a few hours. Don't make everyone wait for me if I've slipped off into a coma." She said with a smile. I leaned down and kissed her behind the ear.

"I'll wake you in time." The tension left her body as she drifted off. She had gripped my arm and tucked my hand up under her chin leaving me unable to move without likely waking her so I decided to stay and slipped off as well.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. I roused first and muzzily noticed I'd fallen asleep with the lamp on, and all of my clothes on too. I pulled up the comforter to keep Cate warm and padded to the door. Dad was there.

He whispered. "Your mother was thinking of getting started around seven or so. It's half past six now. I figured you'd like to be there." He added with a smile.

"We would." I smiled. "I didn't plan on a nap but the idea grew on me quickly." I looked over my shoulder at the gentle rise of the comforter. "We'll be down in a bit. Just going to kick the old lady out of bed and splash a little water in my face." He grinned and nodded.

"Old lady huh?" She said as soon as the door closed.

"Well looks who's awake from her afternoon nap." I said chuckling. I went over to her and gave her a lingering kiss.

"Don't get your head to close to the sink, it might get dunked." She said kissing me again before heaving herself upright. She rubbed her hands up and down her face trying to wake herself up. "I must look a fright."

"Well you do look like something leftover from Halloween. It could just be the hair though." I said smiling.

"Dunked for sure." She said squinting at me. She climbed out of bed and padded to the bathroom and closed the door. We were downstairs in time. Jim and Pam camped on the love seat, Cate and I on the sofa.

"Tradition dictates, here at least, that we dismantle the stockings first, and then we each open a single gift tonight." Dad said, mostly for Cate's benefit. "This was a small fail safe measure to make sure we got to sleep at least until there was some daylight on Christmas mornings." He added with a laugh. "It gave those two something to play with in the morning while they waited until we got up, not that they didn't make enough noise to wake us up earlier. Truth is we sort of enjoyed making them wait a little longer."

"I knew it!" Jimmy cried out. "You're a mean one Dad."

He handed out the stockings to their respective owners, I looked over at Cate whose eyes went wide when she felt that it was full and heavy. Things started getting unwrapped and paper started piling up around our feet. We laughed, and exclaimed as the items were revealed. Jimmy shook his flask and pouted when he found it was empty.

Pam made a sudden gasping noise and we all looked at her holding a small velvet box. Jimmy smiled and opened it and proceeded to pop 'the question' on her. The shock on her face was apparent. I was guessing at this point that it was an unexpected surprise.

"Are you serious?" She whispered. In an effort to prove it he slid out of his chair and took a knee in front of her.

"Very serious. Will you marry me Pam?" There was a charged silence and she exploded out of her chair nearly tackling him to the floor.

"I think that's a yes." I said side-long to Cate. "But don't quote me on that, wait until she comes up for air to be sure." We all started laughing.

"When you two are through down there, we're a bit curious as to the answer too." Dad said.

Pam raised her head and yelled, "Yes!" before pinning Jimmy to the floor with kisses again.

"Well good, I'll get the champagne, you get a bucket of ice water to throw on them, will you dear?" He said to Mom as they went into the kitchen together.

Cate leaned into me and smiled. "Have you hit bottom yet?" I said nodding at her stocking. She looked at me with her squinty shrewdness and reached into the bottom. A look of absolute horror came across her face as she slowly pulled a small velvet box, just like Pam's, out of the stocking.

"Tell me you didn't." She whispered harshly.

"Didn't what?" I asked innocently. She looked at the box as if it were a bomb about to go off. Pam and Jimmy recovered enough to realize other people were still in the room. Pam looked up and gasped.

"Oh my God!" She said as she spotted the box.

Cate looked at me and at the box, the fear palpable. Jimmy and Pam looked on expectantly. Cate finally reached for the lid, tipping it back to reveal a pair of pearl and sapphire earrings. She sighed, a smile spreading across her face. Pam looked crestfallen. It appears she was hoping for a double-header. Jimmy was chuckling under his breath at some point he got an elbow to the stomach to shut him up. There was no way I'd do something like that to ruin their special day. I also wouldn't put Cate on the spot like that. If and I hoped when the day came she would see it coming far more clearly than that.

"They're beautiful." She said and turned to me and gave me a big kiss. She leaned in closer to my ear. "You don't realize how close to death you just were." I smiled wider.

"I'm smarter than I look. Though it was fun to ask the jeweler to pack them in a smaller box to see your reaction."

"You scoundrel!" She whispered harshly into my ear before kissing it.

Champagne was poured and we all wished them a wonderful life together. Eventually Dad started handing out a single gift of his choosing to each person. "That's it until morning, so you'll have to keep yourselves occupied with them until tomorrow morning."

We all giggled at that. As the newest arrival, Cate was asked to go first. She carefully unwrapped the box and opened it to find a navy cashmere sweater from my folks. She thanked them profusely holding it up against her and stroking the fabric.

"Pam you're up. I'm not sure you're going to beat the last thing you opened, but we'll see."

We made the rounds, when it got to me, I opened the box after shredding the familiar paper and tag stating it was from Cate. Jimmy had said that maybe I shouldn't open that one in public in case it was lingerie or something.

"I certainly hope I brought the right box or he's going to look awfully funny trying on that negligee for everyone to see." Cate added to uproarious laughter. In the box was a very fine cut dress shirt with the sleeve turned over the front showing the cuff. Inside the neck of the shirt was a smaller velvet box which caused me to look over at Cate sharply.

"How's that saying go? Turnabout is fair play?" She looked around innocently not meeting my gaze. I pantomimed the horrified look as I reached for the box carefully.

"Tell me you didn't!" I said dramatically.

"Didn't what?" She asked smiling. Jimmy and Pam were both laughing hysterically, the folks who hadn't witnessed the exchange were looking on with nervous smiles. I reached carefully for the lid and flipped it back, wincing and shutting both eyes as if defusing a bomb, and waiting for it to go off. Inside were a pair of gold and onyx cufflinks with the initial B engraved on them. I was dumbstruck.

"They're beautiful." I said, all joking aside.

"Merry Christmas." She said and gave me a kiss. "You can wear it on our first date."

Pam's mouth dropped open. "I thought you two were living together?"

Cate looked abashed. "Well we're not doing things in a traditional way. We're sort of playing it as it happens." I grinned and kissed Cate deeply.

"Well we've been out, the usual pizza and beers. There was that one time you were completely confused and asked me what a burrito was." I said, and Cate nodded.

"Pub food and action flick night." She said smiling, bringing up our last night in Geneva.

"Wine tasting along the lake." I said nodding. Everyone had started smiling realizing we hadn't just slipped into bed on our first meeting.

"Ooh did you bring your parents that ice wine we picked up for them?"

"Nice, you spoiled the surprise." I said rolling my eyes. "It's under the tree."

Cate grinned nervously. "Sorry."

Mom announced that the pies should be warmed through in a few minutes. So we started gathering around the kitchen island, food was laid out and Mom set out the pies. The smell was heavenly, Jimmy and I made groaning noises.

"What are they again?" Cate whispered. "You two seem awfully excited."

"Pork pies, Mom has some long handed down recipe from her family and she only makes them for Christmas, mostly because there is absolutely nothing healthy about them. They are so good though I, well we, could eat them every week."

"The family secrets." She said rubbing her hands like a criminal.

I laughed. "I can make them, they're just not the same as when she does."

"More love, less salt next time." Mom said patting me on the arm.

"Teaspoons, tablespoons, who keeps track of these things?" I said laughing. We cut into them and I put the first slice on a plate handing it to Cate. "You're about to be blown away."

"That is delicious!"

"I don't believe in recipe conspiracies Cate, if you'd like a copy of the recipe I can make you one. Food and traditions are to be shared, not coveted like a squirrel burying nuts." Mom said.

"I would, I'd like to share it with my mother. She'd love it too."

"It's not the healthiest of foods, it's farm country fare, as Dylan said I try to limit making it to once a year. I think it makes it a special treat that way too."

We excused ourselves from the table and went and changed for the midnight mass. I borrowed a jacket and tie from Dad since I didn't want to look like a drudge next to a princess. I had to smile at Cate's foresight to have already washed and ironed my new shirt. I shot the cuffs and affixed the cufflinks fumbling a bit. Dad walked into their bedroom and nodded with a smile. "Here." He pulled open the drawer and pulled a pocket square to match the tie and tucked it in for me. "You're lucky Dylan, she is one special lady."

"Don't I know it. Sometimes I look at her and I feel like there's nobody else on earth, like everybody else melts away." He just gave me a little smile and nodded.

"I know we haven't really been church goers since you were small, but don't let that make you wonder. We still believe, your mother and I, we just had a few disagreements with the local clergy at the time and decided that we'd teach you two our beliefs, our way. Keep an open mind, for her sake, and yours."

"Cate's said she's the same way. She doesn't like the politics, which is probably why this is the first trip we've made to church since we started seeing each other."

"I like her even more then. She's a smart one." He said snugging the tie a bit and centering it. We went back downstairs and he insisted I use his overcoat as well rather than my ski parka over a suit coat. We both turned towards the stairs where Cate descended slowly, her head tilted slightly as she put in her earring. I stood there dumbstruck, she was wearing a dress I hadn't seen before, light gray with a large plaid print which stopped above her knees, she wore dark gray tights and black heels. She looked up at me before she got to the bottom step and stopped. She had pulled her hair back into a pony tail and her face glowed in the dim lighting. Our gaze locked for what seemed like forever. She slowly closed her eyes, her long lashes descending to her cheeks and a little smile played across her lips

"Wow." Somebody whispered behind me. I couldn't agree more. She got to the bottom step and looked up at me again.

"Are you ready?" I still hadn't moved and felt a slight nudge in the shoulder which caused a fit of giggles among the observers.

"Yea, uh yes!" I said enthusiastically.

"I remember that look." I heard Mom whisper behind me.

"You should, you saw it often enough." Dad replied.

Cate turned towards the coat closet and I jumped realizing I still hadn't moved. I got there as she did and took her coat and held it out for her to put on. She turned and wrapped it and began on the buttons.

"Are you alright?" She said softly.

"You are so beautiful." I said as softly.

"Thank you." She said leaning forward and kissing me on the cheek. She looked at me for a moment. I had stopped again just to take her in, she had little make up, her lips were slightly shiny but the same color. Her eyes seemed brighter but I wasn't able to tell why, I just floated gently in their warmth. She leaned forward. "You may want a coat, it's cold outside." A chuckle floated from the onlookers who I'd completely forgotten about. I looked over and blushed furiously and reached for the coat dad had pulled out for me.

"You may want to drive Cate, he seems a little awestruck at the moment." Pam said.

Jimmy chose that moment to go completely against personality and responded in kind. "Can you blame him? She looks absolutely stunning."

"Be careful, it may be slippery driving out there. Lock up when you get in." Dad said, unable to keep the grin off his face.

"Thanks." I said and reached for the door opening it for Cate. We walked gingerly to the car a mix of salt and ice crunching beneath our feet. I opened the door and helped her in.

"Is everybody alright in there?" She asked as I closed the door and started the car.

"They're fine." I said chuckling.

"What was that all about then?"

"You seriously have no idea?" She shook her head. "That's what I love about you. You can stun a crowd into awed silence just by walking into the room and you have no idea why. I think Jimmy put it best. You look stunning, and seems that you're oblivious to the fact." Her mouth dropped open and she blushed furiously. "Pam must have agreed, she didn't even scold Jimmy for saying it." I said laughing again. We arrived at the little stone church I'd attended as a kid, I parked in the small lot at the back. The air was frosty and we walked quickly around and entered the vestibule. There were some people milling about chatting jovially. Cate stopped and pulled me aside.

"Give me a moment." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small rolled bundle of cream lace. She unfurled it, folding it neatly and draped it over her head and tossed the trailing end over her shoulder. "Habit I picked up in Spain." She wrinkled her nose with a little smile. She walked over to the font and dipped her fingertips in and crossed herself. "It looks like it may be a full house, we'd better find a seat." I crossed myself and we went into the nave. People spoke more quietly but still just as lively inside. An air of anticipation lay over the crowd. The mixed scent of balsam fir, from garlands strung around church, and incense wafted through the air. We found a pew with an opening half way down the aisle. Cate genuflected more gracefully than I and entered the pew.

"Dylan?" I heard, and turned to see who was speaking. "That is you."

"Hi Mister Jackson." I said holding my hand out for a shake.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Good thanks. May I introduce my girlfriend Catelyn Murray. We're students over at the university." They shook.

"Mister Jackson was unlucky enough to be my high school math teacher for two years. I guess he didn't learn after the first year." I said laughing.

"Don't let him kid you. He was an invaluable asset when they nearly doubled my class size. He took to it like a duck to water. He and his buddy Joe ended up tutoring half of the football team during study hall."

We caught up with our work and schooling. "That's terrific." He said to Cate. "I'm always happy when I meet women who are actively pursuing study in STEM fields. I wish you good luck on your doctorate." Cate smiled broadly and thanked him. Altar boys began milling about and preparing for the processional, the organist began playing as people settled. Everyone stood and turned towards the center aisle as the priest and his entourage made their way up the aisle while someone sang Adeste Fideles from the choir loft. Her voice was clear and strong and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I felt a slight brush against my hip and without looking down took Cate's hand in mine. The service was beautiful, I let go of Cate only when necessary. As the service came to a close the recessional began down the aisle to Ave Maria. We waited for the larger part of the congregation to leave before we tried to go.

"That was a beautiful service." She said, here eyes shining. "Thank you for bringing me." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We said goodbye to the Jacksons, I heard a faint statement from Mrs. Jackson stating that we were a handsome couple. I grinned at that and started to look around and noticed that Cate was the subject of several appreciative glances from the men, and we were in general smiled upon by the ladies of the church. When we got to the vestibule I helped Cate into her coat again. She reached up and gently pulled her veil off and began folding it.

"Is it common to wear those in Ireland?"

"Not really, not any more. It was in Spain, and I kind of liked it. I've worn it a few times at home and nobody really paid it much attention. Most of the older ladies wear bonnets or hats with a bit of lace these days. You can find out next week. Since New Years is on a Sunday I'm sure there will be a big mass. I hope you packed your suit." She said with a smile. I had, and not for that reason. Remembering her description of her father as a tall, broad man who I knew I had to make something of a good impression on.

On the drive home we sat in silence linked by hand and heart in the darkness. Christmas hymns playing softly on the radio. "Are you excited to be coming home with me?" There was an odd note in her voice and as I puzzled to work out what it was she continued. "I mean, are you doing it for me or because of me?" I lifted her hand and kissed the back gently.

I thought about the question for a moment. If she'd asked me a few weeks ago I would have said because of her, but tonight I realized it was as I'd said all along. It's about us, not her, and not me. "I'm doing it for us." I waited for a moment and I could feel the compulsion radiating from her in waves to explain further. "Since you're a fan of brutal honesty I guess I should start there."

"Uh oh." She said skeptically.

"No, nothing bad." I added with a chuckle. "What I mean to say is that, well at the beginning, even I would have to admit what I felt was infatuation. When you showed me that you were interested in me as well it all changed. I was ready to be a heart-broken college kid and move on until the day you kissed me." I said smiling. "The morning I made you breakfast, almost in bed. You told me not to take it the wrong way, and I'll be damned if I didn't try, but when a beautiful girl kisses you, reason flees."

"And now?"

"Now I realize it wasn't infatuation, it was love. I had no idea I could feel like this, and I never want it to end. I want to immerse myself in it, in you and everything that brought us to this point. I want to see where you grew up, meet your family and learn everything there is to know about you."

"You sound like a stalker." She said laughing. I laughed at that knowing that anybody else would hear that and agree with her.

"Cate, we've only been together a month, and I already feel like I never want the day to come that I'm not waking up to a tangled mess of dark hair in my face and you tucked warmly against me." Her other hand came up and clasped mine between hers. "Truth is, I knew the day you said that when I was with you that you didn't feel alone." She lifted my hand and laid it on her cheek. I could feel the damp of tears.

"When I was sick, you made me take a nap, but didn't leave." She said, her voice rough with emotion. "When I came out of my bedroom and you were there head down of your laptop, the room felt brighter, warmer because you were there." I brushed my thumb down her cheek and wiped away the tears. "You looked up at me, your eyes so big and dark, the warmth, no, the love, just poured out of them and I felt like I was floating in it. I looked hideous, and it didn't matter to you."