Kiss Me Cate Pt. 08


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The irony of my position, kneeling in front of her was not lost on me, and by the expression on Cate's face it wasn't lost on her either. If I'd only followed my instincts when I was looking at those rings, I'd ask her right now. I decided what I was going to do when we got back to Dublin right then. Cate wrapped her arms around my head and hugged me to her breast.

"What did I do to deserve you? You know I'll be careful because I don't want to explain that my boyfriend is loaded and I'm spending it faster than he's making it. Give me a little credit for my own pride."

"I do! I love you so much that I want to lay it all at your feet Cate."

She murmured an 'I love you too' into my hair, and kissed the crown of my head. I lifted my eyes to hers, she took my face in her hands and kissed me so deeply I forgot to breathe.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You know, now would be a good..." She kissed me again. If her intention was to keep me from finishing my statement, she knew how to do it, and how to do it well.

Cate leaned in, our foreheads touched. "Dylan, would you make love to me?" She asked softly.

I thought about why she was asking rather than taking it upon herself to take us there without restraint, something well within her ability. "Of course I will Cate, you never have to ask." I whispered back.

"It's just that..." It was my turn to silence her with a kiss.

"No explanations are necessary."

A smile began to creep across her face. She kissed me again. "I'll freshen up and you'd best be naked when I get back."

There was no hurry, we had nowhere to be. The tempo of our lovemaking followed the slow pace of the night, our desire only deepened and we shunned sleep as long as we could, eventually falling to its grasp. I awoke some time later without opening my eyes. She was stroking me gently.

"Mmm, honestly? You're insatiable." I mumbled with a little laugh.

I heard a faint giggle. "Go back to sleep." She whispered and with a soft kiss on the lips, her hand disappeared. She nestled back against me and I wrapped her in my arms before falling off to sleep again.

I felt a soft kiss on the back of my neck, then a moment later another, her lips traced down my shoulder giving way to a soft bite. I laughed. "You're hungry? After the dinner we had last night?"

"Well there was a fair amount of exercise afterwards." She said with a giggle. "Come on, before the water cools." She hauled me upright despite my protests and attempt to drag her back to bed. She had drawn a bath for both of us and made me climb in first before nestling herself between my legs. I washed her back before I pulled her back against my chest.

"Oh this feels heavenly." She said rubbing her stomach with both hands. I slipped my hands beneath hers and began kneading the muscles beneath the skin. She stretched as much as she could in the confined space, she reached back over her head and encircled the back of mine pulling it forward enough so she could kiss my temple. "I still don't know what I've done to make you treat me like a queen all the time." My hands slid upward and massaged her breasts which were slightly swollen, blue veins faintly visible through the alabaster skin.

I kissed my way from her shoulder to her neck. "Want me to stop?" I said with a chuckle.

"Absolutely not." She said quickly. "More tummy please."

I chuckled as I made my way back down her torso, feeling the muscle beneath the skin ripple as I dug my fingers gently into her flesh. She let out a soft moan. She lifted her leg free of the water and set one then the other on top of mine, effectively parting them as much as possible in the narrow tub. I massaged my way lower, and lower still. She let out a soft gasp as I slid one hand even lower and continued my efforts to help her relax. She leaned slightly left giving me a little more freedom of movement and I used it. Her stomach muscled tightened beneath my fingers as her back arched away from me. I reached further still at the very end of ability and slid my fingers down, pressing into her and drawing them back like a bow across a violin's strings. Her breath escaped in a gasp as she shivered. I didn't let up, and never sped up my pace.

"How does it feel," I whispered, "to be held at the point of falling without being allowed to let go?" Back and forth slowly, circling as I exited and then back again.

She made a desperate moan, a clear demand for release. Another sharp moan escaped her lips. "Please!" She gasped, her hand gripped the edge of the tub, her knuckles white.

"Anything for you my love." I whispered into her ear and began increasing the pace, within moments her hips began to shake, her back arched as she let out several deep moans. Her legs stretched and relaxed atop mine as she collapsed back against my shoulder, her breath coming in ragged gasps. I let my fingers glide slowly on her slick skin before I resumed her belly massage. She did her best to get her breathing back under control as my hands ventured upwards and massaged her breasts again, giving attention to the taut pink nipples.

"Keep this up and we won't make check out time," she gasped, "or the train."

"So? They have later trains." I said laughing and kissed her behind the ear. We lay there as her breathing came back to normal, and with a heavy sigh she slid off my lap into the base of the tub and stood. She opened the drain and turned on the water to warm it up before turning on the shower. "What a lovely view from back here." She leaned forward hugging the wall and turned on the shower which hit me full in the chest with cold water before warming. I gasped and stood up as quickly as was safe. Cate straightened up and laughed as the now hot water cascade over her head. I reached down and gave her a swift swat on the backside causing her to let out a yelp. Once clean and dry, I was pushed out to go pack while she took over the bathroom. She came out in a flash of white cotton wrapped around her torso. She tossed the towel aside and took a moment to appreciate just how incredibly sexy she was.


She looked up at me wide eyed. "What?" She looked around. I stepped forward and took her in my arms and stroked her back gently as I kissed her deeply.

"I just wanted to look at you before you covered up."

She blushed deeply. "I have no idea why." She said laughing.

"Because you're incredibly beautiful, that's why."

She melted against me her body cool in the morning air. After a moment a soft shiver ran over her skin. "Okay, I don't want you to get a chill." I rubbed her back vigorously to warm her up. She dressed quickly.

"Is the cafe in the atrium okay with you?" She asked tilting her head to put an earring in.

"That's fine with me." I said pulling my sweater on. I patted my stomach. "I think I've gained weight on this trip."

"Me too." She said patting her backside. We packed up the rest of our things before going downstairs so we could make a hasty exit to catch the train.

An hour later we were boarding the train back to Dublin. Cate took the window seat though there wouldn't be a lot to see with the light fog that had enveloped the city. She sighed and closed her eyes, reclining her head.


"Yes, and wipe that smirk off your face." She responded without cracking an eyelid. A smirk suddenly appeared on her own. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and her smirk broadened into a full smile. After the train left the city and we were at cruising speed I stepped back to the dining car to get coffee for us while Cate called her mother. I got back to our seats and she was still on the phone.

"Mum, you'll love him. No I know you think he's some scoundrel but he's not. He's a bit quiet, which given Shannon's ability to talk the ears off a spring hare is a good thing." She was quiet for a moment. "Give him a chance. I'm sure you were wringing your hands about Dylan too and look how you much you like him."

I pantomimed shock and pointed at myself, mouth hanging open. Cate smiled and waved me into my seat. I slid the coffee in front of her and set the plated pastry beside it. I chocolate laced croissant of some sort. Her eyes went wide and it was her turn to look shocked at me. "Yes, he does have some tattoos but that's not the point. So does Da and you don't seem to mind his." She had been obviously interrupted. "Mum, he's an engineer with a degree, not some lout skulking around the shipyard." Cate rolled her eyes. "All I'm asking is that you give him a chance." Her voice softened. "Mum, for Shannon's sake, please? You should see the way he looks at her." Cate turned her eyes towards me with a similar look. "They're in love, it's obvious it's not just some fling."

I nodded as I remembered the look on Mik's face when I first saw him at the pub a few nights ago.

"Even Dylan is nodding. Dylan's first words to me upon seeing him were, 'I recognize that look. I have it when I see you.'" She paraphrased but told the truth. "They've been together for months now." I saw Cate's eyes open wide as she stopped the next logical statement comparing them to us. We had only started going together about two months prior, but despite the short amount of time I knew that Cate was the one, and I honestly thought Cate felt the same about me. "Well I told her she should bring him around for dinner some time. You could maybe extend an invitation by way of an olive branch that you're interested in meeting him too, and stop calling him a scoundrel." She added laughing. They made plans for the next day and said their goodbyes. She slipped her phone back into her bag and sighed.

We arrived in Dublin a few hours later to a cold and rainy gray day. "I know the sun is up there, I just don't know what it has against Ireland." I said to Cate. She smiled.

"You wonder why we're so pale? The sun only shines a few months in the spring and summer."

"That cuts it, we're coming back in summer then. I'd like to see this place without carrying an umbrella all the time." I said with a laugh as we tumbled into a taxi. We got back to the apartment, cleaned up and took the car out to get something to eat for lunch.

We sat in the back of a pub and there was nobody at the next table. "So is that an issue for us?" I asked.

"Is what an issue for us?" She looked confused.

"Our situation, your folks know that we're not living a celibate lifestyle." I said laughing.

"Oh that." She added with a quick eye roll. "They gave up on me years ago. I know they hoped I'd be like Sinead and find a nice boring man with a decent job and lead a life of raising kids nearby but then I got the chance to study abroad. Once I'd gotten a taste of life away from home they knew I was a lost cause. I remember coming home from Spain that year in early summer and I was wearing this flashy bright dress and Mum and Da were bug eyed. It wasn't even that short, it was just bright." She smiled. "A bit low cut too."

"I remember a dress like that. It was pale blue and green as I remember, and short." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"This one was yellow and orange, maybe a little red as well. It was lovely actually, not trashy or overly sexy. I think I might have sold it off in one of those consignment shops before I left. I knew I'd hardly have a chance to wear it again. They sent a reserved schoolgirl off to the Mediterranean and got back a wild child."

"Where did she go?" I asked and got a shocked look in return. "What? I don't believe you have anything in the closet that isn't black, dark blue or gray!"

"It's the middle of winter, and I'd say our meeting and subsequent relationship are not exactly conservative reading."

"No it's been more like a romantic comedy." I said laughing and she joined me in full agreement.

"We've already had the initial meeting, the flirtatious repartee and the relationship threatening argument, then made up, the only thing left is..." Cate halted without finishing. Her cheeks colored as her eyes widened. She pursed her lips and looked down at her empty plate.

My grin widened. "What's that?" I coaxed knowing full well she wouldn't go there without prodding. Cate swallowed visibly and took a deep breath. Her expression had changed and was very serious.

"The happy ending. That's what's left Dylan." She looked me straight in the eye daring me to flinch.

"I like happy endings." I said with a smile.

"Don't we all!" Cate said laughing, when the tension was broken. We left the pub arm in arm on the way to the car. "You know that happy endings only happen in the movies."

I shook my head. "So you're saying that nobody is happy?"

"No I'm saying that happily ever after is a myth. Even though I was kissed by a prince I have better sense than to think that it's going to end up like a children's story."

We got to the car and I opened the door. "Would you look at that, a car and not a pumpkin with a few mice tied to it." She rolled her eyes at me, and I returned the expression as she got in, causing us both to laugh. When we got back to the apartment Cate kissed me and I warned her that I could turn into a frog if she wasn't careful.

"So now I'm the wicked queen who puts a curse on the handsome prince? I don't think that's how it works, fairy tale curses aren't like light switches turning on and off."

"Sound logic, but just in case, keep kissing me just to make sure."

We got back to the apartment and relaxed. It had been a busy week and the truth be told I think we were both ready to go home and get back to our regular schedule. I hadn't traveled as much as Cate but we both agreed that one of the best things about travel is eventually going home.

"It's funny how there's a certain level of relaxation on a vacation, then there's the let it all hang out relaxation of being at home."

"The adventure is over and it's time to rest." I nodded.

"I mean I could find us things to do for a month, but some of them require more planning."

"We'll see about coming back this summer then. I was serious about wanting to see the countryside."

Cate smiled. "I'd love that."

We spent the rest of the afternoon in various states of entanglement, at present Cate was laying outstretched on the sofa with her head on my lap. I twirled a lock of her hair between my fingers, straightening it out and letting it fall. She held my other hand tightly to her chest as it rose and fell steadily.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

I didn't answer right away, not because I had some secret but because I enjoyed sharing the silence with her. I tried to think of a way to not break the silence, but I felt it would be rude not to answer. "You."

Her neck arched slightly and her eyes lifted to gaze up at mine, her eyes like small pond reflecting the bluest sky looked up at me, her expression curious. "What about me?"

"How you beautiful you are. How lucky I was to meet you again. How incredible you are in every way." I said smiling. "I was just remembering that day in your apartment, when you had that nasty cold. The misty look in your eyes when you said you weren't going to be able to come home for Christmas. What are you thinking about?"

"How badly my neck is going to hurt if I don't get up soon." She said giggling. I reached beneath her shoulders and lifted her up, her head lolled back as she groaned. She got up, turned around and sat straddling me, her arms thrown over my shoulders. She kissed me with one of her breathtaking kisses. "You're pretty wonderful yourself you know. I honestly don't know how in heaven's name you were single when we met."

I sighed. "Very lucky for me that you were too." I tilted upward and kissed her. She returned it with fervor.

"Mmm, so lucky." She exclaimed before kissing me again.

"Do you think your parents would like to go out to dinner with us before we leave on Saturday?"

"They might, I'll ask them." Her smile was radiant in the fading light of the window behind me. My whole world was right here in front of me, nearly everything I'd never realized that I wanted, and I wanted it forever. I want to ask her now, I want her to know how much she means to me. "You appear to have stopped breathing. Shall I continue to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation?"

A slow smile spread across my face. "Yes please, but you'll just keep taking my breath away."

She let out a low groan as our lips met. "You are marvelous for a girls ego. You know that don't you?"

"You know what else I'm marvelous for?"

"Show me." She mumbled as we kissed. I leaned forward and Cate grabbed me around the neck to keep from falling backward. I placed my hands under her denim clad backside and stood slowly, her legs wrapped around me as if they belonged there. After a kiss she slid down the front of my body setting her feet on the floor. She broke free and turned towards the bedroom tugging on my hand.

She began tearing at my clothing and I hers, at some point we made it into the bed, I don't remember how. Cate sat astride me, she peeled her lips from mine, her teeth pulling my lower lip. "I could eat you up."

"Be my guest." I gasped. Cate just grinned, kissed my chin and began working her way down my body, she tugged my nipple with her teeth while looking me in the eye. I was panting like a race horse after a the quarter mile, she was being relentlessly slow. She kissed her way down my stomach and let out a giggle before rubbing her nose.

"Tickles." She turned her head and looked down. "What have we here?" She blew a puff of air at the tip of my cock and I twitched, ready as I've ever been to have her and quickly. "Would you look at that, it's leaking." She teased and swiped the tip of it with her tongue which caused a deep groan. One of my hands was gripping a handful of the sheets, the other was on her backside and I gave it a quick but gentle swat.

"Tease!" I panted.

"Have you ever seen someone blowing up a party balloon, and knew they were going well beyond the breaking point? That's how this looks right now." She said grasping my cock by the base and gave it a long slow lick. I blew out a sharp breath and arched my back as she proceeded to tilt her head and lick up the other side. "I wonder if I put it in my mouth if it's going to explode in my face." She pondered aloud.

"I guarantee it." I said, my fingers tightened their grip on her backside. She patted my hand to get me to relax a bit. I relaxed my hand and rubbed her ass before letting my fingers wander deeper between her legs.

"Well then we'll just have to test your hypothesis." She licked her way up to the tip and took me into her mouth as deeply as she could and drew back slowly. She started a slow pace of up and down, her hand matching with a swirling up and down stroke. She scooted around and got between my legs and began massaging my balls as she bobbed up and down, not changing her pace. I pushed her hair out of her face and she looked up at me stopped and smiled. "You alright up there? You're making some awful noises." She leaned down and continued licking the length of my shaft before taking it back in her mouth.

"I don't think I can hold off much more." I said gasping for air. She looked up again and made a little interrogative hum in her throat. She sped up, switching between licking my shaft while pumping more firmly with her hand and taking me to the back of her throat. I felt her other hand questing lower, massaging in tight circles. That was end of my control, I couldn't hold back and gasped out her name in warning. She took me as deeply as she could and began sucking hard, pulling her head up slowly as I came. Her hand stroked quickly draining everything I had to give her. She swallowed several times but it wasn't enough and I could see it dribble from the corners of her mouth. She chased down any that she missed and licked her lips, before smiling at me.