Kiss Me Cate Pt. 10


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"What? You don't like my lunches?" I said with a pout.

"No, it's not that. It's just that I was only about twenty at the time and I didn't realize that they were starting to act if it was a date, and they were competing for who could get me to go." She shivered. "After that I never went anywhere with anyone I worked with again." She gave me a shrewd look. "Until you."

"When did we work together?"

She gaped at me. "Ahem? You were my teaching assistant for the first semester!"

"Pfft, that was volunteer work on my part, it's not as if I was getting paid." I rolled my eyes at her for a change causing her to laugh.

She smiled. "That it was and I silently thank you every day for saving my bacon."

"You're not always silent about it, and bacon sounds good." We ordered a couple of pints and lunch. Cate ended up pushing the remainder of her chips towards me. I couldn't get used to referring to french fries as chips and not thinking of them as crisps. She wiped her hands and grabbed her phone and began tapping away with both thumbs. She reviewed for a moment and tapped away again before putting aside her phone.

I watched her with a critical eye, her hair pulled back in a ponytail left her ears exposed, light pink curves with small black dot earrings in the lobes. Her forehead was bright and clear in the soft window light from above, a slightly pinched look on her brow as she concentrated on her typing. Her eyes were surprisingly dark in this light, like the sea on a moonlit night. She had a long straight nose and high cheeks which curved smoothly down to two long curved laugh lines. Her lips were full and I felt my heart skip as I thought about the number of times I've felt them on mine, and wanted to again, and again, forever. Her lower lip jutted out for a moment and drew back above her chin with it's slightest hint of a dimple. If I hadn't been thoroughly smitten the first day I laid eyes on her, then it would have hit me like a steel beam now.

"Sorry, I wanted to see if Shannon is available to talk tonight or if she's working." Her eyes went wide when she looked up at me. "You look odd. What are you thinking?"

I felt the smile creep across my face. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," I said softly, "and if you hadn't already said 'yes' I would get down on my knees right now and beg you to marry me."

Her lower lip began to quiver and her eyes welled up before she leaned forward and kissed me, her fists tightening in my hair. She tasted like stout, and tomatoes and all I wanted was more. I was nearly out of breath when she released my mouth. I gasped and grinned up at her smiling face, a tear ran down her cheek. I leaned up and kissed the tear away.

"That's just one of the reasons I said yes." She answered just as softly.

The server cleared her throat which brought a deep blush to Cate's face as she sat back in her seat, the smile on her face impossible to hide.

"Is there anything else I can get for you folks today?" Her grin was nearly as wide as Cate's.

Cate looked at me and gave a slight shake to her head. I agreed and asked her for the tab. We made our way slowly along the still busy streets, people moving from streets to stages in search of festivities. We stopped to listen to a small group playing traditional music on tin whistles, fiddles and drums. We moved along after a few tunes and kept walking. Cate asked me if I wanted to keep going to see what other events we could find and I said it was up to her. She began turning us northward away from the center of the celebration. By late afternoon we were started looking for transportation to get us back to the hotel. When we were seated on the eastbound bus Cate checked her phone again and not seeing a reply from Shannon put it away.

We opted for a hot bath together to relax from all the walking. Cate laid her head back on my shoulder, she turned her head and I kissed her temple.

"So have you thought any more about our earlier discussion?" Cate asked.

"Which one?" I chuckled.

"Staying here in Ireland over the summer."

"I haven't really thought about it since this morning when I brought it up to you."

Cate was silent for a bit, her breathing slow as I absently watched her chest rise and fall.

"I can get behind it so long as we don't try moving this year. It will be too much work to look for a home, move and settle in and run back here to get ready for the wedding."

"I agree with you on that. Buying a house is not the sort of thing we'll do on the internet."

"If we stay we need to keep it frugal, one of those apartments would be good if we can find one for an extended stay."

"I might call Aoife on that, see if she knows anyone in real estate who could help us out." Cate's phone began to ring and I felt her tense and grasp for the safety handle on the edge of the tub. When she stood I got showered with water as she turned.

"Damn!" She stepped out of the tub and reached for the robe and wrapped it around herself and dashed out of the bathroom. She came walking back a few moments later speaking with someone. She mouthed her sister Shannon's name as she sat on the edge of the tub.

"I imagine you're very busy, that's why I texted you rather than calling earlier." Cate paused. "Tea and honey, with a healthy dose of whiskey. Yes I know I'll make a great doctor." She laughed. "Listen I'm sorry to ask this by phone but we weren't smart enough to plan for a trip down to Cork this time around. Would you please be my maid of honor at the wedding?" Cate grimaced in anticipation of the response. She pulled the phone away just in time for me to hear the answer squealed. Cate hit the speakerphone in time for me to hear the answer. She let out another squeal and asked who her counterpart would be next to me. "I think it's going to be Dylan's brother Jimmy."

"Hi Shannon." I said answering her question.

"Listen we'll let you go."

"Busy were ye?" Shannon asked with a coy lilt to her voice.

"Yes, we were in the bath when you called."

"Oh really, both of you?" Shannon asked. "Does that mean that Dylan is in the nip right now? Turn on the camera!"

"So help me I will end this call and see if Sinead will do it." Cate sounded angry but I could tell she wasn't from the grin on her face.

"As the day I was born, I didn't bring a swimsuit." I replied.

"Be still my heart. Since you're about to be a brother I probably shouldn't be givin' ye a hard time."

"What would Mik think?"

"Oh, I nearly forgot about him." She said with a giggle.

"I hate to interrupt you two but we're looking to get a place here for a few months this summer to make it easier to get things done before the wedding."

"That's marvelous! You should shack up with Mum & Dad." Shannon's laugh was slightly evil in tone.

"I'm not sure that would work for any of the parties involved." Cate replied, her tone as cool as the bath water had gotten. "Keep August the fourth available for the wedding and I'll be in touch when we plan to come back, to do a little dress shopping."

"What colors? I can do a little shopping ahead of that." Shannon added with a laugh.

"Well for me ivory and for you I was hoping for a dusty rose, a nice summer combination I think." Cate winked at me. The two chattered a little more before I stood and drained the tub. I realized Cate had stopped talking.

"Cate?" Shannon called her name.

"Uh, I have to go, I'll call you soon and we can go over everything." I looked over and Cate's gaze was riveted on me.

"Is everything all right?"

"Yes, I just got a chill and want to warm back up in the bath." She said.

"Ah! Understood. You two don't do anything I wouldn't do now. Love you, bye!" Shannon said and the call ended.

"Sorry about that."

"About what?" I flipped the drain open and the water began to gurgle away. Cate took the robe back off and stepped towards the tub and turned the hot water on and stepped into the nearly drained tub and kissed me.

"About this." She kissed me and ran her hand down my stomach and gripped me gently.

I felt a laugh rumble in my chest. "That wasn't a problem."

"Let's give it a thorough rinse before we get dirty again." Her eyes were closed, the sheepish grin on her face told me she was embarrassed by her own boldness.

"Well one of us needs to turn the knob for that." I added hoping to embolden her further. Her hand twisted gently and stroked towards her causing me to moan. "That's not the knob I meant." Her grin widened as her eyes opened to narrow slits.

"It works for me."

"Well I need to get you wet first, to rinse you off."

"You're half way there." She leaned forward and bit my lower lip. I eventually got the shower on and ran my hands up her back pulling her to me. Her surprised giggle turned into a moan as my hands ran down her back, taking her by the ass and pulled her firmly against me. I kissed her, my tongue darted out to wrestle with hers.

"Let's dry off and take this to bed. We've been on our feet enough today." She said with a smile. We toweled each other off before Cate took me by the hand and led me to the bed. She pulled back the covers and climbed in and scooted over making room and held her hand out to me drawing me down to her. I had a momentary flash of concern thinking of how sailors used to be drawn to their deaths by a siren. I dove in without single thought to my fate. She was rather assertive and drew me over her, her hands and body pushing and moving to align us.

She growled in frustration and shoved me off of her and gave me a scowl before pushing me over onto my back and mounted me causing us both to gasp. "That's better." She said as she leaned forward, grinding herself on me in slow circles before she kissed me again. She sat up just enough to get some purchase on the mattress on either side of me and began rocking back and forth not rising much before grinding back down hard on me. She let out a low guttural moan, her breathing was shallow as her damp hair floated back and forth like loose sails on a light breeze. She grasped for one of my hands and brought it up to her chest and pressed to her breast firmly. I took control of that and the other soon joined in pinching her nipples and tugging at the soft flesh. She moaned again as my hips flexed up each time she ground down on me. She was like a woman possessed, I'd never seen her like this and it was inflaming me, causing my breathing to speed up too. I was reaching my crescendo and wanted nothing more than to roll her onto her back and finish her off quickly. I gritted my teeth and forced some calm into my mind, I wanted to see where this was going and didn't want to overtake her, I wanted her to run with it. She leaned down on me and began grinding her pubic bone into me, taking short fast strokes, her fast breathing turning to full fledged panting as she moaned. Her body began to shake as I tugged and twisted her nipples and rubbed her breasts hard. She moaned out again longer and she began to shake as her orgasm peaked. She collapsed on me, her body still shaking and I wrapped my arms around her holding her to my chest.

After her breathing came under control she pushed herself up off of me and sat up and leaned her head back and laughed. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"I don't either but if I could find a way to bottle it I would." I said. She looked me in the eye for a long moment and sat up and rested back down on me, the fire in her eyes told me she wasn't done. One side of her mouth quirked up as the rocking motion continued.

"I'm impressed that you made your way through that your control is rather impressive." Her eyes flashed.

"You and me both." I said grinning broadly.

"What does it take to make the cool collected Dylan to lose his control?" She asked, she rose slowly and settled down, the pace neither sped up or slowed. Her eyebrows rose in question silently asserting that it wasn't a rhetorical question.

"You." I said. She smiled and rolled her eyes and stopped.

"Be honest."

I thought for a moment and looked her in the eyes. "Last week, you were getting ready for class and slid those gray wool slacks over your backside and tucked in your top and put your heels on, lifting your leg behind you to tug one on." She began rising and settling again, a broad smile on her face. I swallowed hard and continued. "You leaned forward in front of the mirror and put on your earrings and I just let my eyes roam over you. Those pants do wonders to show off your ass." She took my hands and brought them around to the very spot and placed them on her ass as it rose and lowered. "You put on that lip gloss you like, puckering in the mirror to get it just right and pursed your lips. You rubbed your eyebrow a little before spotting me watching you in the mirror and you blew me a kiss and winked at me before you asked if you could take the last of the coffee for the trip to work as you stood straight and turned. I think I nodded, but I don't think I breathed for a solid five minutes as you left the room."

"That seems pretty mundane to get you all worked up."

I grinned. "It was a close call because another minute and I would have had those pants on the floor and you back in bed if you hadn't left the room."

"Really?" She said with a big grin just before she puckered up and blew me a kiss and winked at me again. That was the breaking point. I pulled her down and rolled her onto her back and drove my entire body forward into her. She cried out in surprise before bringing her heels up to my ass and encouraged me to show her what she would have received last week. I kissed her deeply, her lower lip tugged between my teeth as I kept driving into her. One hand slid down my back encouraging me as the other tugged my head down to her. I kissed my way up her jaw and down her neck before sinking my teeth into the softness of her shoulder. She began chanting encouragement, her heels dug into me and I let go of her shoulder and groaned as I pushed forward one last time. My release was draining on body and spirit and I lowered myself and laid down on her. Her arms came up around me and she nuzzled the damp hair at my temple and kissed me there, her lips lingering. When I got my breathing under control I kissed her shoulder. Her legs relaxed but stayed around my own.

"So you like the gray suit do you?" She asked cheerily, and after a pause we both broke out laughing.

I gasped catching my breath. "It doesn't have the same effect just hanging in the closet, I can assure you of that."

The next day saw us packing up for the trip home, and having dinner with her parents again before we left. Her father appeared ragged and Cate doted on him, not letting him get up when he needed a refill on his drink. Cate turned a painful expression and sucked air between her teeth when she sat back down and rubbed her thighs through her jeans.

"Have you injured yourself then?" Her father asked.

Cate scrunched up her nose and smiled. "We came upon a troupe of dancers yesterday that were bringing people up on their stage to show them how to dance. It's been a long time." She added the last with a chuckle.

I grinned. "You were great." Inwardly I was laughing but held my tongue. We both did join in on an impromptu lesson in step dancing yesterday, but that wasn't the true source of the problem. Her father didn't need to know about that, and I wanted to live.

"A good hot soak will help you out there." He said.

We talked about the sights and celebrations we'd witnessed during our trip through the city the previous day. Her father said that it was the usual mix of fights, drunks and such that accompanies a large event like that. After dinner we made our farewells with promises to let them know when and where we would return after school was out.

We disembarked the plane in New York to a mix of sleet and snow. Cate and I grimaced at one another as we made our way to the car.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

I have read through a lot of your stories now, and I do enjoy them. As you start your stories, you always invite criticism so I will offer one grammatical tidbit. Your use of the pronoun "I" needs a little more understanding.

"She stopped teasing Cate and I and ...." In this instance you should have used, "Cate and me..." You would not say she stopped teasing I, you would say she stopped teasing me.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 3 years ago

good story just curious where its heading what with all the sex I'm getting worn out!

SAV12SAV12almost 5 years ago


Member389Member389almost 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I didn't think it felt rushed Anonymous.

Thanks, I hope to visit there one day myself (surprise, I've never been, this is more of a dream than anything.) I did work with someone from Dublin for a few years so I've picked up a few of their more colorful metaphors which I've used.

Other Anonymous, I've written quite a few other stories that I'm editing now. Cate will be finished up soon, and then on to polishing up the others.

Apophasis, give it a chance. I'm sorry you didn't feel enough tension in that chapter to keep your interest. I don't feel all romance needs some over-arching plot swing to increase the drama (at least not in every chapter.) Sometimes things go right, but they may not last. The downside of serialized writing is that some chapters are set ups and some are knock downs. Might I recommend my story Summer In Maine, where nobody is rich, some are beautiful, and things work out a lot more quietly. Admittedly I wished half way through this story that I hadn't gone down the road where Dylan is rich, but that's another story entirely.

apophasisapophasisalmost 6 years ago
This story has more than run its course

It isn't bad, but once the internal and external issues are resolved in a romance, the story loses a lot of the tension and the magic, and that's what's happened here.

This is now a story of a young, beautiful, and rich couple in love doing things with minimal cares and concerns. While it is fine to read about people who are happy and sharing their love, it is hard to relate to people considering living in another country for a few months to make planning their fairy tail castle wedding easier when most of us have to get up and work 5 days a week.

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