Kiss Me Cate Pt. 12


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I was still occasionally surprised by Cate's admissions to pent up desire, even more so when it referred to me when I wasn't even aware of it. I never really considered myself a hot guy, just average.

"Really?" I cleared my throat.

"Really." She flashed her eyes at me, smiled and looked at the shirts again. "This is a lovely shade of blue, it goes with your eyes." Suddenly a sales clerk appeared as if from thin air and I was being properly measured for a shirt.

We walked down the street, another bag in hand. "Is that how I sound to you when I say things like that?"

Cate smiled without turning to look at me. "Sometimes. You're not the only one who feels like that you know."

"Don't restrain yourself next time." I said with a laugh.

It was quite a boost to the ego and I smiled as we found a ride back to Ravello. We were in the hotel where she carefully piled the receipts in case we needed them at customs. She packed away the clothing she wasn't going to wear here and ended up snugging the two new pairs of shoes into my case.

"You know if I get bag checked at customs, they're going to know those aren't mine. I'd never fit into a ladies size nine."

Cate laughed. "Be glad I didn't put a dress or lingerie in there."

I sighed as I looked out the open doors to the patio and the sea beyond. I didn't want this to end. I wanted to be in paradise with her forever. Her hands circled my waist, her cheek lay on my back. "I don't want to leave either."

"Mind reader."

"Well since we don't have much longer why don't we take a nap before dinner?" I felt her hands meet on the buttons of my shirt and laughed.

"Is this one of those times?"

"Mmm hmm." She kissed the back of my neck as she dragged the shirt off my shoulders. I turned to face her and returned the favor, letting gravity assist me as I kissed from her neck to her shoulder as the bra strap slipped down her arm.

She turned me so I was back to the bed and slipped her thumbs into the waistband of my shorts to guide me backward. When I reached the bed I stopped and she moved her hands to the front of my shorts to remove them. She pushed me back onto the bed and knelt pushing my knees apart causing me to gasp. She leaned forward and kissed her way from my hip to my cock, letting it rest against her cheek as she ran her tongue lightly up the side of it. She reached the top and licked the collected moisture there. She started down the other side the same way, her tongue just dragging gently along the skin and I felt myself only getting harder.

"You know?" She said softly. "I have you to thank for showing me the truth."

"What truth is that?" I gasped and looked up at the ceiling trying to gather my wits as my wife slowly undid any whole thoughts I had floating around in my head.

"Well the boys are pumped up as lads, keeping track of their conquests like footballers tracking their wins and losses. The girls are taught to avoid it until their married, then just let him have at it. As if our enjoyment of sex wasn't important."

"Repressed by conservative attitudes and religion I imagine." I was able to spit out as she took one of my balls into her mouth sucking on it gently before letting it drop. She began a slow line of licks up the bottom of my cock and was near to begging her to take me into her mouth.

"Exactly that. You showed me that I could enjoy myself, in fact you worked rather diligently towards that goal from the very first time." She licked the tip again clearing the little pool that had collected before she leaned down and took the other ball into her mouth, rolling it across her tongue.

"I knew, I knew that day." I gasped. Her tongue began working its way back up my cock, her hand wrapping around the base as she licked it slowly.

"Knew what?"

"I knew that I was in love with you, that day in your office, you were scared, you cried."

She stopped. "That was only the second time you'd ever seen me." Her tone inquisitive.

"I knew. You were defenseless and you weren't afraid of me. You let me in, you let me see the real you. You trusted me." I felt my control coming slowly back to me but she never let go of the base of my cock. She sat up and placed my cock between her breasts and pinned it there rubbing it back and forth. She pet it like a kitten as she kept talking softly.

"I thought that happened on Thanksgiving night when I asked you to sleep with me." I looked up to see her smiling down at me, my cock pressed to her chest as she stroked it gently.

"Never would have happened if you hadn't already trusted me."

"True." She dipped her chin and kissed my cock, making sure it didn't wane due to lack of attention.

"I knew then." I gasped as her mouth settled on the tip and her tongue flicked out with a quick stroke.

"What did you know?"

"I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, that I would ask you to marry me one day."

"Here we are." She smiled.

"Remember once when I told you that love was when we moved the focus from ourselves to another? That first day in your office at the university. I knew I would do anything and everything in my power to make you happy. I stand by that promise."

"I know you do." She leaned forward and engulfed my cock. She sat up letting it pop free. "I plan on doing the very same for you." She lowered her head again and took me into her mouth and sucked gently, her tongue working me into a froth. She backed off leaving me shaking.

"I never knew what it was like to have someone devote all of their energy to achieving my pleasure as you have."

"Cate! I'm dying." I gasped. She laughed.

"It's not pleasurable when you're on the edge of the precipice Dylan?" She stroked my balls gently, almost painful slow. She took me into her mouth taking deep strokes until she gagged slightly, her hands working their own magic bringing me over the edge as I filled her mouth with a loud groan. She tried but couldn't contain the eruption she'd caused. She even tilted her head back a laughed at the end.

"I deserved that. Dear I've made a mess." She stood and went to the bath coming back a moment later with a wet washcloth and hand towel and proceeded to clean up the mess she'd made of me while I tried to catch my breath.

"What brought that on?" I asked.

She climbed over me, straddling my torso and leaned down nose to nose with me. "What ever do you mean dear husband?"

I couldn't help myself but to laugh at her innocent demeanor. I pulled her down to my chest and kissed her.

"How are these still on?" I tugged the fabric of her panties away from her backside.

"How have they not burst into flames is the real question." She replaced her tongue in my mouth and I rolled her onto her back and saved us both from a possible fire hazard by removing them.

Her body was all curves and I couldn't keep from exploring it with my hands, my mouth followed soon after as I kissed my way down her chest spending time agonizing over her breasts, teasing the nipples until they were red and angry, standing erect and demanding further attention. They would have to wait as my tongue traced its way down the slight curve in the muscles of her stomach. I paused at her belly button and tickled it causing her to jerk, and her hand to tighten in my hair. I kept moving across the smooth skin. I took her legs spreading them wide apart as I moved between them to reach my goal. I didn't continue my original path as I began slowly working my way up the inside of her thigh with my tongue.

Her amusement at the route I took to my target ended quickly when I reached the top of her thigh and slipped my tongue into her. She let out a low moan and brought her thighs together to hold me in place. I slid my tongue upward circling her clit and her hips rose and pushed towards me with the insistence of a wave on an incoming tide. I felt her heel dig into shoulder as she pulled me closer, the moans were getting louder. I scrambled over her and slipped into her making her gasp as I continued to massage her clit. She moaned louder as she began to orgasm, her grip on me was intense and with a few deep strokes I was past the point of holding back.

"Oh yes!" She cried out as her legs wrapped around my hips pulling me closer. She had to grab my hand to get me to stop stroking her and pulled me towards her. I only just caught myself before crashing into her chest. She kissed me deeply, coming up for air repeatedly. She bit my lower lip and growled.

"I could just eat you up."

"You tried that just a little while ago." I gasped.

Cate laughed and tightened the grip she had on my hips.

"I am never letting you go." She kissed me again.

"This is going to make for an awkward first day of class for both of us."

"I..." Her lips pursed and she let out deep sigh obviously holding back what she was about to say.

"What?" I smiled and kissed her again.

"I wish we'd done this earlier." She bit her lip to cover the grin.

"We did, but we got hungry and went out for a pizza. Remember?"

"Not this!" She drew her legs in tighter pushing me deeper into her causing her to let out a little moan. "Well yes this. I meant waiting until the last weeks of the summer to get married. I would love to spend more time in your arms, away from the world."

"Missus Butler, you are a hopeless romantic."

"Mister Butler, I never realized how much hope I harbored before we met."

"You say the sweetest things."

Cate just grinned foolishly at me before kissing me again.

It wasn't surprising that we did end up napping a bit before dinner thanks to a day of strenuous activity, the least of which was walking around the little town.

Cate wanted to dress up a little for our last night and we had dinner at a restaurant on the beach below. She remarked how handsome I looked. Before we'd left the room she had unbuttoned another button on my dress shirt and I asked her if I should wear one of her gold chains to fill out the look. She leaned in and kissed the spot where it would lay and bit gently into the skin.

"I love that cologne."

"I'd better feed you before you become dangerous."

"You've picked up quite a bit of sun while we've been here." Her eyes flashed at me as we stepped out of he hotel into the dusk. The suns heat had soaked into the earth and the evening was still warm.

I hadn't gotten used to the concept of being fed in courses. I was a, pile it on a plate and I'll eat at my own pace kind of guy, but when in Rome, or in this case Amalfi, one went with the local custom.

"You know what you would love? Spain. I think that the tapas are what gave rise to bar food in America." Cate remarked between courses. "No actual meal, just snacks all night long."

"That sounds like my kind of place. I'll have to look when our first vacation comes up and make reservations." I said grinning. Cate rolled her eyes and I know she was worried I was serious.

Her brows rose as she leaned forward, speaking low. "We're going to have some long talks coming up, you and I."

"The kind where you sit on my chest and tell me how things are going to be?"

She grinned. "Exactly."

"Why do I feel like I'm about to be put on an allowance again?"

Cate just laughed as the waiter arrived with the next course.

We walked along the beach in the moonlight, shoes dangling from our fingertips. We weren't the only ones with the idea but there were few enough that it wasn't crowded. There were waves crashing against rocks off shore, water lapped at the sand just below us.

"Things are going to be different now, aren't they?"

Cate let out a low chuckle. "Not so different, I think. Fearing the loss of your rich young bachelor lifestyle already?"

I laughed. "That's not what I meant."

"What then?"

We walked past rows of beach chairs and closed umbrellas stuck in the sand. I felt her hand tighten on mine signaling concern over the silence and I smiled. We had our own way of communicating, such small gestures, no loud declarations were necessary any more.

"It's hard to put my finger on but it's as if I feel now more than I ever have before that it's time to plan for the future. I'm not just living in the moment wandering around by myself any more, it's time to plan a destination, to set the navigation and go."

"Those are words any parent would love to hear from their adult children. I know mine did when they heard I'd applied to work in London. They weren't too happy with the idea of me leaving the country, but the fear was overcome by the happiness that I would begin carving out my life."

"Yea, mom and dad have asked me several times what I plan to do. We even had the talk. "That money won't last forever, or long, if you don't do something lasting and stable." Now I have you to think about too."

Cate laughed. "You don't think you're the only one do you?"


"I have you to think about too. No more running off to foreign shores when ever I get bored with my job, or my surroundings. It was endlessly fascinating, and I'm glad I had the chance to do it while I was young, but it's time for me to settle a bit too."

"Let's not get boring." I said with a laugh.

"Sensible shoes, a tweed jacket and a sea of new faces each semester. I'll have more classes to teach now." Her voice was a mix of fear and excitement.

"You're going to be terrific. A fresh blast of air into the musty halls of the computer department."

"And you? Are you and Charlie planning on taking over the world?"

I laughed. It was all I could do to convince Charlie to not sell out to me and walk away because she worried about how having her for a partner would affect my relationship with Cate. Despite the fact they had become fast friends she still worried about it. Cate didn't after she'd met Charlie, and overcome the shock of the situation, she realized that there was little beyond the physical aspect to our relationship which hadn't lasted long. One night over a second bottle of wine, sitting in our living room Charlie had admitted what ended our relationship. She had used her fingers to make air quotes as she said relationship.

"He didn't have much going on up here yet. When he wasn't trying to get into my pants there wasn't much to it." She'd tapped her temple. "One night when I straight armed him to the far corner of the sofa it was as if he had no idea what to do. He didn't have the capacity for a conversation. He was a bucket of hormones with an erection." She had laughed about it, then apologized to me for being so blunt.

Cate had stated that not much had changed, but at least I'd learned to carry on a conversation. Her hand had squeezed my thigh hard in an effort to inform me she was only joking. I was thankful that I didn't take that moment to crack a joke about showing them both a good time. I was fairly sure that Charlie wouldn't be offended. She would have come back with a smart-ass remark stating that I wouldn't have been able to handle the both of them. Cate would have likely beaten me to a pulp or walked out on me, or both.

"No we haven't got any designs on taking over the world. She told me I should brush up my writing and see about getting something published, it would look great on a resume."

Cate nodded. "What do you want to do after graduation?"

I took a deep breath and let it out with a chuckle.

"Good question. I don't know, but I'd better start thinking about it as soon as we get back. Otherwise my wife might divorce me for being a deadbeat."

"That seems drastic. What a wretch she must be!" She said, joining in the humor. She pulled me closer and kissed me on the cheek. "Not to worry, I'll do my best to not let us starve, though you may have to get used to my cooking."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to tighten the reins a little on my spendthrift ways."

"I'm finally getting it through your head!" She laughed and kissed me again.

"Hmm, and you with a birthday in a few months, then there's Christmas. I was thinking of spending it with your folks this year since we spent last year with mine. By then you'll have another little niece to lavish your affection on. I thought you might like to meet her."

"Sinead's not due until just about Christmas, but I would love to see them both." She grinned. "I'll show you how the other half lives on that trip. You'll get to see the planes wings from the rear for a change."

"Steerage? Like a commoner?" I acted offended.

"The accommodations are quite nice, hardly any rats." She added.

I laughed. "Yes dear."

"I know it's almost seven hours but it's not that bad. I'm tall too but saving nearly half the price on the tickets we'll manage. Especially if it becomes a sort of regular thing."

"Then there's the house shopping."

"Another reason to keep our noses clean, they don't just give them away you know."

We had run out of sand and were coming upon a jetty of worn rocks laid far into the water to stop the beach erosion. We turned back and I guided us toward steps up to the roadway. We stopped and brushed the sand off, donning our shoes once again as we looked for an available ride back up to Ravello.

Cate had begun packing after she'd changed into gym shorts and a tank top. Her new tan was making it look like they were going to end up on the floor before bedtime. We'd be staying with her parents on this trip back to Dublin, where it was now proper for us to be sharing a room under their roof, where we would collect the rest of our luggage for the trip back home a few days later.

* * * *

"I cannot believe I have to be in the office in three days. We should have married as soon as we got out of class this spring." She said as she wheeled her suitcase down the hall to the bedroom.

"I agree, but I'm sure that proposing to you the day we met might have seemed over confident if not a bit sudden." I said. I could hear her laughing.

The apartment air was stale from being closed up for nearly two months. I opened the windows as soon as we got home to air it out. We had unpacked some of our things and finally crashed in front of the TV. I ran out to pick up a few groceries so we would have some milk for the coffee in the morning. I told Cate to rest when she asked if I needed help, she was as beat as I was from all the travel. When I got back, I found her laid out on the sofa like a landed trout with the TV still on.

I did my best to be quiet as I put things away but she padded into the kitchen bleary eyed to see what was available.

"Ah! Signora, siete bella!" I said and kissed her on both cheeks, taking longer with her lips. She smiled and looked over the bags. "Are you hungry?"

"Not for a meal no, but did you pick up anything to snack on?" She pawed through the groceries and found a large bag of grapes, broke off a stem from the bunch, gave them a rinse and popped one into her mouth. She pulled another off and aimed it at mine and popped it in when I opened up.

"They're much better in Italy."

"In a glass." She said grinning.

Life returned to normal pretty quickly. Cate and I went into her office a couple days early to clean and dust. The janitorial staff didn't do a lot of dusting, mostly just floors and trash cans. She'd bought a few plants to put on the window ledge and restocked her personal caffeine bar on the top of her bookcase with new coffee and tea. Less than a week later there was a photograph of us on our honeymoon in Ravello on the bookcase too.

The next week she was back hitting her stride in the classroom. I had peeked in on her a few times and was pleasantly surprised to see a couple female students had signed up and stuck it out.

I began my own classes and dove into more in-depth classes towards my own degree. We kept up with my folks and had dinner with them on occasion. Pam and Jimmy were starting their wedding plans. The truth was that Pam was planning and Jimmy was just agreeing with whatever she said.