Kiss My Apocalips Ch. 06

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Hazy Mountain Hannah.
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Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 01/24/2024
Created 11/22/2023
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Kiss My Apocalips

The story of Jacob Jones and the end of the world

CHAPTER SIX -- Hazy Mountain Hannah

I had never been the subject of veneration before. What are you supposed to do when another human being drops to her knees in front of you in apparent supplication and adoration, and then asks how she can please you? I think if I had been a lesser man, I might have told her that I'd give just about anything for one little peek at those breasts; but I was not a lesser man, and nobody will ever know I had that particular thought.

Doriana was suddenly right behind me, and she leaned into me and whispered very softly into my left ear. "Easy, Jacob. There's a lot going on with this woman that we need to try and understand. Have you noticed her eyes?"

I frowned, started to say something, then thought better of it and just shook my head.

"She's on something. I don't think it's straight coke; and it certainly isn't an opioid; she's wound up tighter than a cheap watch. Maybe it's a psychotic?"

I thought that an odd choice of phrase. I'd never wound a watch. The woman started to look up, but didn't. Keeping her head lowered, she pleaded: "Please don't listen to whatever that bitch is telling you, Master! This place is yours! So am I! I can give you whatever you want! You don't need them!"

I started to turn toward Doriana, but she put her hand on my shoulder and stopped me. Shifting my eyes, I looked at her as best I could without changing my posture before the kneeling female. I stole a glance at Sadie, but she shook her head slightly and gave me a look that let me know she had no idea how to handle this situation. Doriana put her lips back to my ear. "Try being very strict with her. Harshly so. The sterner the better. If she objects again, tell her that you think less of her than us other girls."

Okay, that simply wasn't going to happen; not to my way of thinking. I didn't believe I was capable of pulling that off, even if I decided to try. I shook my head and looked down at the woman again. "I need to converse with the others in my party. Be at ease while I speak with them."

"Please, Master," she implored. "I can give you whatever you want! You don't need them! They don't even seem to respect you properly! They're unworthy! And one of them is black! How could you even let her come near you? They can't ...."

"ENOUGH!" I roared at the top of my lungs. The prostrated female threw herself forward, her forearms on the ground, her nose pressed into the surface. She was visibly shaking. "You will NOT question me!" I boomed. "I consider you beneath any other female present! Especially HER! I command you not to speak unless I ask you a question! Do you understand me, woman?" My shouts echoed off of something faraway.

"Yes, Master. I am sorry, Master," she spoke into the ground.

Shaking with rage, I turned on my heel and looked directly at Wanda. Each of the other girls were staring at her, as well. She simply shrugged; her expression relatively mild. "What? You don't think that still happens? Get real, people!"

In an effort to calm myself, I purposefully walked around this Hannah person and picked up her shotgun. It was heavier than any we had in that truck back at the farm; a huge double-barreled thing. I walked it over to Wanda and handed it to her. "I'm sorry it still happens," I told her levelly. "I've never heard a comment like that before, and it really pisses me off."

She stood on tiptoe and kissed me on the lips. "You're sweet, lover. Now, get over it and get on with it. What are we going to do about this woman?"

I thought about it as I retrieved my assault rifle and holstered my pistol. The girls took my lead and did the same. I sighed. "Any ideas, Doriana?"

The blonde frowned in thought. "First things first. Is she the only one here? How did she know about the people being gone?"

Hannah stayed in the same position and said nothing.

"SIT UP!" I screamed. "You heard what she just said! Answer the fucking questions!"

Wanda gave me a stern look, but I ignored her. The older woman sat back in her original kneeling position, but she looked only at me, not at any of the girls.

"I'm all alone here. The men were supposed to drive up Friday night. When they didn't show up, I tried to contact each of them on my phone, then on the sat-phone. No one answered. I drove down on Sunday morning, all the way to Florence, but all of the people were gone! I didn't know what to do! So, I drove back up here and I continued with my training, the way the Masters had told me to."

"Bingo!" Doriana said, nodding. "And your 'training' includes taking some sort of injection or pill, doesn't it?"

When she had been silent for five seconds, I shouted: "Answer her!" I would have thrown in the word "bitch," but I didn't want to incur Wanda's ire.

"Yes! I take a pill and watch the video they left for me. I had just finished with today's session when I heard you driving up to the courtyard!"

"Did you hear our drone yesterday?" I asked. "And why do you keep the gate open?"

"Yes, Master. I heard it, but I didn't know what to do about it. I could have tried to shoot it down; but I thought that if all the Masters were gone, then I wanted another Master to come and take over this compound. That's why I left the gate open. I needed you to come and claim it. To come and claim me!"

"Oh crap!" I muttered.

"What time did you start your lesson today?" Doriana asked.

Hannah glanced at me momentarily, then quickly answered. "Eight-thirty."

Doriana checked her watch. "So, your lessons last three hours?"

Now, the woman seemed unsure. Again, she looked at me before responding. "I ... I don't really know. Sometimes, I ... uh ... sort of ... uh ... fall asleep."

"Sometimes?" Doriana asked pointedly.

Hannah faltered again. "Um ... every time, I guess."

Doriana nodded. "Some kind of misogynistic mind control," she muttered. "Maybe drug-induced hypnosis?" She turned toward Wanda. "Hannah here might not be a bigot, after all. It might have been programmed into her."

I shifted nervously. "Uh ... you're talking about her as if she wasn't right here."

"Oh, it's just the thing she likes; to be talked about and belittled and embarrassed in front of others. Isn't that so, Hannah? That's undoubtedly been part of these 'lessons' she's been subjecting herself to. We can work on changing her later. For now, let's encourage it. It will get us the answers we need more quickly. Now, Hannah, tell your Master here how to accomplish that. How can he dominate you and humiliate you into doing what he wants?"

The woman looked up into Doriana's eyes with newfound respect; but she looked toward me before responding. "You could bind me, Master! I know where there's a set of handcuffs, just inside there. I could get them for you. And ... you could make me strip in front of all these women. I could be naked and cuffed. And you could make me suck your cock in front of them. Or, you could take me in the ass." She considered. "You're not very old. I bet you've never had a boob-job from someone like me. Or you could ...."

"That's enough!" I said raggedly, holding up a warning finger. She fell silent, but kept looking expectantly at me. "What's it going to be, Doriana? Um ... not counting those last few things."

"Bound and naked. Perfect," she responded.

"Go," I told the woman, and she sprang to her feet and ran toward the door of the structure. As soon as she opened it, the cow mooed again.

"Holy shit!" I said softly. "This is NOT the sort of thing that usually happens in post-apocalypse novels! Zombies or cannibals I think I could take! But what am I supposed to do with somebody like HER?"

"Well, you could try to stop staring at her tits," Wanda muttered.

"I don't think I can stop staring at her tits," Sofia said, shaking her head. "That's practically all there is to her!"

"I think maybe some of her brains have drained into those things," Doriana commented. "It would certainly explain some of the things she's said."

"I really haven't noticed whatever it is you're all talking about," I told them innocently.

Wanda poked me in the arm. The conversation lagged, and we looked around the empty parking area, at the garden beyond, then back at the barn, or whatever the structure was.

"Shouldn't she be back by now?" Sadie asked.

Just as I was starting to feel VERY nervous, the door opened and the woman reappeared. She was running toward us, and her naked breasts were literally moving in every conceivable direction. It was totally mesmerizing. I found myself wondering if there was a scientific name for this type of dynamic; a sort of bouncing, stretching, jiggling, flopping, flying, liquid, springing motion. Every one of us was struck utterly dumb.

She came to a halt in front of me, breathing hard, though it seemed to take those breasts a good ten more seconds to cease moving. For the first time, I saw that each of the woman's nipples was pierced with a gold stud. She tried to hand me a set of handcuffs.

"Give them to her," I told her. "Ask her to cuff you. Ask nicely."

She turned toward Doriana and stared directly into her eyes, apparently forgetting her mistrust of other females. "Please," she whispered. "Make them tight. Please." The blonde reached out and took the cuffs, along with a small key on a long loop of string; and immediately, Hannah turned her back on her and put her hands behind her, wrists together.

Doriana took her time, first putting the string with the key around her own neck; then she repositioned Hannah's hands so that they were one on top of the other, facing in opposite directions. This caused the woman to thrust her chest out even more. "Why do you want them tight?" she asked. When there had been no answer in several seconds, she ordered: "Tell me!" The handcuffs clicked as they ratcheted closed.

"I want to be reminded of how helpless I am."

"How's this? Do you think this is tight enough?"

"Just a little tighter? Please?"

"You have started being a good girl for us. I'll give you just a little more as a reward." I heard one more click from each side. Doriana slid a hand around the woman's body and stroked her right breast with soft, tickling fingertips. "That's all you get. Now, face me and thank me for giving you what you most desire."

Hannah turned slowly and stared into the other girl's eyes. "Thank you ... Mistress."

Doriana grasped her around the waist and pulled them together until their noses almost touched. Hannah's breasts ballooned into the younger woman's chest and ribcage, but it seemed they were ignored for the moment. "Our master has assigned me to be your overseer," Doriana said softly, her lips grazing those of the other woman lightly. When Hannah's eyes started to shift toward me, the blonde became firm. "No! Don't consult him! Until you can prove yourself to him through your devotion and obedience to ME, then he doesn't consider you worthy! You have insulted his favorite woman, and he is furious with you!"

Again, the dark-haired woman's eyes started to shift in my direction, but she caught herself and returned them to Doriana's. "I ... I am so sorry."

The blonde moved even closer, pressing her lips to Hannah's ear. She whispered, but I heard every word. "The next hour or two will be the most important of your entire life. If you show the proper deference and obedience; and always, always tell us the truth, then I might be able to convince him to stay here; and perhaps accept the idea of allowing you to serve him. But if you displease him again, then there will be nothing further I can do on your behalf; and he will leave this place and abandon you to live here all alone forever."

When she pulled back a little, there were tears in the woman's eyes. That last statement seemed to have terrified the poor creature. In response, Doriana kissed her, softly, tenderly on the lips. "Don't despair. As long as you tell us the absolute truth, I think I can convince him to keep you. Hopefully, in time, you will find, as we all have, that he is a just and deserving master, even if he is a bit firm at times."

Hannah tried to express something, failed, and she tried again, her voice coming in a sort of gasping mumble. "I ... I've never kissed another woman before."

"Your submission toward me earned my respect." She turned the handcuffed woman away from me. "Now. This is Sadie. I want you to take her and show her where we can park our vehicles. Can we put them in your barn?"

"Yes, Mistress. There is room inside." She looked at Sadie. "I will show you ... um ... Mistress."

"Just call me Sadie."

"Uh ... Sadie. This way, please."

They walked away toward the far end of the structure. Now that I had started thinking of the thing as a barn, I began seeing similarities, though this was one BIG barn! I could see some metal tracks along one area, set into the ground, that might be for large doors. As soon as the new woman was out of earshot, Wanda walked up behind me. "Oh, Just and Deserving Master, would you like us to pull the vehicles up for you?"

I turned to Doriana. "You WERE laying it on a bit thick, there," I chided.

"Please, everybody, just play along for another hour or so until we figure this woman out. That poor creature is really messed up! I'd like to help her, but I have no idea what they've done to make her this way."

I sighed. "Okay, then, let's look around. Remember, we don't have to take this place, if we don't want to. Let's all just do the tour, make mental notes of the pros and cons, and we'll convene to discuss it all afterward. In the meantime, if you see something that might have a bearing on our ... um ... well-endowed hostess, let Doriana know right away. Agreed?"

There were no objections, so Doriana and I began walking toward this huge barn-thing, while the other two girls went back for the minivan and the truck. As we got closer, a high-pitched whine directed our attention toward the end of the building, where a large door began opening very slowly along that metal track I'd seen. As I've mentioned before, the solar panels in the roof had been spaced strangely, rather than covering the whole surface of the southern side, like most solar arrays in the Pacific Northwest. I couldn't figure out the reason for that, but it would make sense that the electric motor that was opening the entrance was a small one, and would therefore take a long time to operate. The opening was about the size of a normal barn door, but it only took up about a third of this side of the structure. By the time it had run fully open, the vehicles were there, and the girls drove them inside and parked them in what appeared to be normal parking spaces, replete with charging stations.

There was a strong smell of hay, dirt and manure, common to all barns; but the air was fresher than most, due primarily to the fact that this was a MUCH larger area. We saw a spacious stall that housed the cow we had been hearing, as well as a calf, which was nursing from its mother. Slightly further on, I saw a horse, which also had a foal. I didn't know anything about livestock, and I had no idea how old the baby animals were. I heard some pigs down toward the far end, as well as some sheep in a large pen, and I found it odd that none of the beasts were being kept outdoors. Pieces of farm equipment of varying sizes were parked neatly against the far wall, and there were dozens, perhaps hundreds, of hay bales everywhere; though they were stacked neatly, almost like walls between the various animals and equipment.

The entire space was interspersed with heavy metal I-beam posts about twenty feet apart in every direction. Once again, these only seemed to add to the effect that things were spaced apart and separated. They rose to an altitude of about fifteen feet, where they supported a latticework of steel beams which obviously was the base of the floor for the next story above. I didn't know what was over us, but it looked as if this could structurally support a Sherman tank, if they happened to have one up there.

We were all together now. "Welcome to the Hazy Mountain Farm," Hannah said, looking from one of us to the other. Her breasts swayed slowly left and right. "May I answer any questions?"

Sofia was about to speak, but I cut her off. "We will have many questions about the barn later. Right now, I'd like to see the next level up."

"Please follow me, Master," the naked woman said softly, and she led us to a stairway near the place the vehicles were parked. It was a straight, single set of steps with a metal railing, all the way up along the wall nearest the door. There was another staircase like it, but it was all the way on the opposite side of the barn. This one ended in one of the corners of the building, and a hallway turned and revealed long, long corridors that went along each outer wall, as well as a double row of passageways that seemed to intersect in the middle, like a tic tac toe layout inside a huge square of other hallways. Spaced evenly along these corridors were doorways.

The first space we entered was filled with row upon row of steel shelving, and every shelf was filled with boxes. This room seemed to house machine parts. Further along, I found tool boxes, most of which were still sealed in original store packaging. There were cases of synthetic motor oil stacked in plastic tubs, obviously in the event something leaked. I wandered out and into the storage space next door. Gardening implements and supplies. Hand tools and parts for power tools I had yet to see.

"The place where you did your training session this morning," Doriana said. "Is it up here?"

"Yes, Mistress. I'll show you."

If my bearings were correct, she was leading us toward the center of the structure. We passed some open rooms. One was like a conference room, one seemed to be some sort of command center, or perhaps a communications room, with various computers along the walls and a large table in the center. I just glanced quickly inside each, until I got to one that really caught my attention.

"Holy shit!" I shouted in awe. I turned and walked inside a room that was a fully-stocked exercise room. The weight machine must have run twenty-five grand, at least, and it was brand new. There were elliptical trainers, stair machines, treadmills, rowing machines. Against the far wall, I saw dumbbell sets, a heavy bag, a speed bag, a double-end bag, jump ropes, an array of exercise benches. This was absolutely amazing!

"Are you going to have an orgasm without us?" Wanda asked sexily.

"This is incredible!" I exclaimed. "I haven't worked out in almost two weeks! I really might have to spend an hour in here today!"

"There's a small locker room and a shower room in here," Sadie said from somewhere off to my left. "Only one though. We would all have to shower together."

"What an interesting thought ...." Wanda muttered, a faraway look in her eye.

Doriana suddenly appeared. I hadn't realized until that moment that she hadn't been with us. "Down here. You guys really need to see this."

With one, last longing glance, I turned and followed the others out along the corridor and into a room that was right out of some sci-fi movie. The lighting was perfect, if you were going for a disturbingly evil sort of vibe, with blank computer monitors lining one wall, medical equipment of all kinds against another, and some small refrigerators containing rows of test tubes and fluid bottles on the far side underneath numerous cabinets. In the center of the room, Hannah was sprawled in all her naked glory, sort of half-reclining on something that reminded me of a barber's chair. The handcuffs were gone; and her left arm was on the armrest, while her right hand was stroking her bare sex. She wore one of the latest versions of a VR helmet, slim and snug against the top half of her head. Her pigtails made the thing look utterly ridiculous as they stuck up through it at weird angles.