Kiss the Darkness Ch. 00 - Prologue


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The men questioned the reason for their being there. They should be at the palace, guarding the main gates, not sneaking around the country side at night, it made no sense.

"Hold your tongues." Girart sneered at them. "The King has tasked us with this assignment, who are we to question him?"

"But Captain, if you would at least tell us why..."

Girart held up his hand and the men went silent. "Stay ready." He whispered into the darkness. "The carriage approaches."


Nan looked across the carriage to her charge and smiled. "Fret not my dear, won't be long now."

Ismey nodded though she could not force a smile. She was perfectly content in the small cabin they had been staying in since leaving Rollus. Plainvin wasn't nearly as beautiful as Rollus had been but it was pleasant enough and the residents were kind. Still, she missed the place of her birth. She missed her sisters and her mother. The day her father had thrown her out was the worst moment of her life. She had no regrets about her choices though. She loved Kerred with all her heart. He was kind, loving, and very passionate. Nothing she'd ever heard of the Draveil seemed to be true of Kerred Ar'gas. Perhaps he was the exception or perhaps, the rumors of the race had been greatly exaggerated.

Whatever the reason was, the only truth that Ismey knew was that she loved him and he loved her. Kerred had arranged for her to stay at the palace, to birth their child there, behind the safety of the massive gates of Avimur. Though Ismey thought it unnecessary, she knew that Kerred had her and their child's best interest in mind. The Draveil had many enemies, especially after the battle on Rune beach. If any of those enemies discovered that the Demon King had an heir, the child's life would surely have been in danger.

Ismey was a beauty. Her long red tresses were pulled back at the sides, wound into a pleated bun and pinned to the back of her head. Her eyes were a bright green, and they glowed with an almost celestial hue. Many of the young men in her village had sought her hand and her father would have been happy to have given her to most of them. He wanted her to wed a man that he of course found suitable for her. Someone of good breading from an effluent family. Someone who could provide for her and give her the life that she was accustomed to.

She was the daughter of a noble after all, and she deserved to be the lady of a lavish home with servants and stewards. At least that was what her father had wanted for her. Ismey herself cared little for such things. She would have been happy with the son of a butcher if she loved him. It wasn't a butchers son who caught her eye though, it was Kerred.

The first time she had seen him she knew that he was the one she was meant to wed. His other-worldly beauty had all the young maids entranced but it was Ismey whom he was drawn to.

She remembered him walking towards her. His dark eyes and jet black hair that framed his face cast a shadow across his features but Ismey was not frightened. She found him to be mysterious and so very handsome. She scarcely believed it when she was told that he was a Draveil. She'd always imagined them looking more demonic, with horns and monstrous features. There was nothing monstrous about him though, he was a God in her eyes.

Their romance was a whirlwind. The rest of the world seemed to have disappeared and all that existed was Kerred. When he asked Ismey to marry him she accepted without hesitation. They went to her father that night and told him of their plans to wed. Ismey's father was furious. He would not allow his daughter to marry a demon, and he forbid the two from ever seeing each other again. Ismey was distraught but she wouldn't allow her father's hatred to keep her from the man that she loved so she agreed to meet Kerred one night and marry him in secret. She kept this secret from her father for as long as she could but when he found that she was with child, she knew she would not be able to hide her condition for long.

When her father discovered her deception he banished her from his house and declared that she was no longer his daughter. It broke Ismey's heart to leave her family home, but her life was now with her husband and she would one day rule Vessard at his side.

But, that was a long time from now. Now, she was on her way to the Palace in Avimur. A place she didn't know, to stay with people who were strangers to her. She sighed as she looked out the small window of the carriage. How she longed for her love. Longed to be in his arms, to place her head against his chest and listen to the steady beat of the heart many people claimed he did not have. But even that would have to wait. Avimur, he told her, was a place for a lady, not an encampment in the mountains with a group of love sick warriors. She trusted that her love knew what he was doing and she agreed to relocate for the sake of their child.

The carriage had come to a stop. Ismey looked up, confused. Nan pulled back the cloth that covered the window and peeked out. It was dark, even the moon had abandoned them.

"Hey there." Nan called to the driver. "Why have we stopped?"

No answer.

Nan looked to Ismey and shrugged. "Maybe something's happened to one of the horses."

The door suddenly opened and the women looked to the man standing before them. A guard from the palace. "My Lady." The guard said as he bowed. "I am Girart, the Captain of the King's guard. My men and I are here to escort you the rest of the way to the palace. We have another carriage in route. It shouldn't be long before it arrives. I must ask you both to exit and wait with us here."

Nan narrowed her eyes as she looked the guard over. "Why wasn't I told of this?" She demanded.

"I beg your pardon madame." Again Girart bowed. "The secrecy is unfortunate but necessary for Lady Ismey's safety. I assure you, this was all arranged by King Guillame himself. Now, if you please." He moved to the side and allowed the women to exit the carriage. The driver and the footman removed the luggage and placed it in a pile next to the road.

"You may go now." Girart said to the driver. "These women are under our protection now."

The driver nodded. He and the footman climbed back up onto the carriage and, bidding the ladies a farewell, drove off into the night.

Ismey looked around. The forest was dark and almost silent with only the sounds of nature around them. She had a very uneasy feeling about what was happening.

Nan stared up at the guard, puffing her chest out like a mother hen, ready to attack. "Where is this other carriage?" She demanded. "You see the Lady is in a delicate condition. It is not good for her nor the child to have her out in the cold like this."

Girart ignored her protest and instead turned to his men. "Restrain the old woman." He commanded, his tone wavering and unsure.

At once the guards did as commanded. They surrounded the old woman and took hold of her arms.

"What is this?" She spat. "What are you doing?"

"Silence crone." One of the men told her.

She continued to fight against them, cursing and demanding to be let free. Ismey was horrified by what was happening. She realized now that no carriage was coming for them. "Who are you?" Ismey asked the Guard. "Why are you doing this?" Tears began to stream down her face.

"I am so very sorry for this My Lady." Girart reached into his shirt and pulled out a small dagger.

"But, I am acting on the King's orders. Though I may not understand his wisdom, I am bound by honor to obey."

"Honor?" Ismey shrieked. "Honor? There is no honor in this!"

Girart bowed his head as he moved towards her. "Again my Lady, I am deeply sorry for this."

"If you are sorry then don't do this." She pleaded with him. "Spare me and my child and we will leave. We will run and never return but please, give my child a chance to live."

"Cowards!" Nan screamed at the guards. "Curse you all, and curse your wicked King! This treachery will not go unpunished, mark my words. When Lord Ar'gas hears of this..."

Girart shook his head. "Madame, the demon Ar'gas is already dead. There is no one to avenge you now. The demon army has fallen."

"No!" Ismey gasped. "No, it can't be, I don't believe you, you lie!"

"I assure you my Lady, I do not lie. The King has already dispatched them all."

Nan stared at Girart, eyes wide and unbelieving. "You're monsters." She hissed. "All of you, Monsters!"

"Aye, mistress. The world is full of monsters, and I am but one."


Guillame walked around the encampment, watching as the Draveil soldiers gasped for breath, reaching towards him, begging for help. They had no idea that the plague which befell them was caused by the King himself. One by one they began to expire, choking on their own black blood. Those that didn't die swiftly were ended by a brutal thrust of Guillame's sword.

As the last one fell, Guillame came upon Ar'gas. He was laying on the ground next to the dying fire. A trail of dark blood ran from his mouth over his chin. He reached his hand up to Guillame but Guillame could only stare at him, in disgust.

"Why?" Ar'gas glared up at the man who had betrayed him. He saw the blood of his fallen

warriors on the mans sword and he saw the look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Why?" Guillame repeated the question back to him. "Because I will not have my Kingdom defiled by the evil of demons. You and your kind have no right to exist in this realm. I thank you for your help with the Dronar, now I can rid my lands of two monsters."

"No..."Ar'gas whispered through ragged breaths. "There"

Guillame narrowed his eyes and spat at the ground. "I am a hero to my people. They sings song about me and exalt my name."

"Pride." Ar'gas sneered. "Vain pride." He mustered what strength he had left and reached for his sword but Guillame quickly kicked his hand away.

"You're time is at an end, Demon Lord." Guillame picked up Ar'gas's sword and held it over him. "By now your whore is dead, your heir along with her, and now I send you to join her retched soul back in the pits of Vessard where you belong."

Ar'gas stared at Guillame with rage in his eyes. He was about to speak but Guillame thrust the sword into his throat, severing his head. "It is time for man to reign, not the time of demons."

Guillame turned and walked back to his horse, taking the Demon King's sword with him as a trophy. "Come, Filib." He spoke to his Paige who had been watching the entire scene in horror. "It is time we return home." The King told him. "And put all this unpleasantness behind us."


Girart took Ismey by the hair and pulled her head back, exposing her throat. "It'll be quick and painless." He told her.

Ismey sobbed when she felt the cool metal of his blade against her flesh. "Please Sir." She begged him, "Don't do this. Spare me, spare my child. We have done nothing to you or to your King, we are innocent."

Girart gripped the hilt of the blade tighter, his hand shaking. He looked back to the old woman and the men holding her. He knew what he was doing was wrong, in his heart he knew it. Such an act and the gates of Vinac would be closed to him forever but more than that, the words the girl spoke were true. She was an innocent, as was her unborn child. What had she done to deserve such a fate? Girart was sworn by his oath to uphold the law and protect the innocent. Allowing this crime to happen would mean turning his back on all that he stood for, what he had sworn an oath to, and what values he expected his men to uphold.

How could he return to Avimur and look his men in the eyes knowing that he had betrayed his very soul?

Girart lowered the blade and sighed. "Run." He whispered to the girl. "Take your ladies maid and run. Never return here."

Sobbing, Ismey agreed.

Girart motioned for the men to release the old woman. "Sir?"

"Do not question me!" Girart glared at them. "Release her, and never speak of what happened here tonight. As far as anyone is concerned, these two are dead."

The men did as they were commanded and released the old woman.

"Thank you." Ismey told him. "I will never forget your kindness."

"Stay hidden." Girart told her. "If the King discovers my deception it will be both our heads in a basket."

Ismey nodded. "Come Nan." She said as she took the old woman's hand. "We must leave this place at once."

The two women quickly ran passed the guards and disappeared into the cover and darkness of the trees. The Guards looked to their captain with confusion and concern.

"We'll sleep better tonight." Girart told them. "These women's blood won't be on our hands."

"What of the King?" One of the Guards asked.

"Let me handle the King. As I said before, as far as anyone knows our orders were carried out. We need not tell them any different."

"As you say Sir." The Guards followed their captain back to where their horses waited. They returned to Avimur in silence, none speaking of what had happened there. As far as King Guillame would know, the last of the Draveil was dead.

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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStoriesabout 1 month ago

A good story, but a little hard to follow due to the unusual names. Not sure how it will turn into a gay story

Chancem77Chancem77over 4 years agoAuthor
Chapter One

Chapter one is awaiting approval and will be posted shortly.

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