Kiss the Darkness Ch. 05


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Christian stood near the entrance to the shrine of Xagros. He seemed impatient as he looked around the outer temple.

"What is it?" Alexander asked, growing a bit concerned.

"I asked one of the monks to run an errand for me. I had assumed he'd be back by now but..." He stopped and a look of relief crossed his face. "Ah, there he is."

The monk came to Christian and bowed. "I've secured the items you asked for your majesty."

Christian took the packages from the monk and thanked him. The larger package was wrapped in fur and secured with twine. This package Christian handed to Alexander. "A wedding gift." He beamed as he handed it to him. "Go with this monk. He'll show you were you can change. Now go and get ready."

Alexander looked at the package, a bit confused, then back to Christian. "Change?" He asked him.

"You'll understand when you open it. Go now. Don't keep me waiting." He gave Alexander a quick wink and Alexander nodded. The monk motioned for him to follow and Alexander still a bit confused, followed as directed.

They entered a small room off the right side of them temple. Alexander recognized it as a dressing room, probably for brides to make themselves ready for their marriage ceremony. The Shrine was used often for such occasions being that Xagros was the God of love and marriage. Alexander marveled at the elegance of the room. In the far corner was a small, square, looking glass. Alexander had never seen one before and he was quite fascinated with it. He walked to the table that the mirror sat upon and set the bundle down as he looked at his reflection. He'd seen his reflection before, in the water, but never as clear as he was looking at himself now. He reached out and gently touched the glass, then withdrew his hand quickly and turned away.

The monk was smiling at him as he watched Alexander's reaction. "It's not vanity." The monk told him. "You're curious. It's natural. You've never seen one before, have you?"

Alexander shook his head. "No, I have not, but it's wonderful."

The monk nodded. "It is a nice addition. We procured it maybe five years ago from a sailor selling exotic artifacts from other lands. Don't tell the others, but when I first brought it here and unwrapped it, I too stared it for the longest time." He laughed softly. "I never before realized just how ugly I was."

Alexander giggled at the monks joke. He was thankful the man was there to help calm his nerves. He wasn't really nervous about marrying Christian but more nervous about doing something stupid and embarrassing himself or Christian. Alexander had never been the most graceful of men and his lack of finesse was even more evident when he was nervous. He took a deep breath then began to unwrap the package that Christian had given him.

"Do you need anything else?" The monk asked him kindly.

"No, Thank you." Alexander told him. "I think I'm okay."

"Very well then." The monk bowed. "Should you need anything I'll be right outside the door."

Alexander thanked him again and the monk left.

When Alexander had opened the fur he gasped at what he saw within. The fur itself was a cloak. The lining was a dark and shimmering blue that reminded him of the midnight sky. The fur was white with black specks. A gold chain clasp hung to one side and a wolfs head broach was secured to the opposite side. The cloak was extraordinary looking but the clothing inside nearly brought tears to his eyes. Christian had bought him a very elegant looking lace-up, cotton shirt with quilted sleeves. The shirt was light blue with a black collar. Black and white knotted string designs decorated the sleeves just around the elbow. The lacing that spanned from neck to navel was the same blue color as the shirt.

Matching black trousers were also in the bundle. Blue lacing crisscrossed along the outer seam of each leg, completing the look. Alexander was completely in awe as he looked over the garments. The craftsmanship was remarkable, and the material fine and probably very expensive. He picked up the shirt and held it out to see, just admiring the look and feel of it. It was so soft, so utterly perfect that for a moment he wondered if he wouldn't look a bit out of place wearing it. This was the kind of clothing that Princes and Kings wore, not something fit for a commoner. Alexander smirked to himself a bit then. "But you are a Prince." He whispered into the mirror. "Did you forget already?"

He quickly stripped his clothing off and dressed in the things Christian had given him. He put on the cloak and secured the clasp to the broach then stood looking himself over in the mirror. He looked like himself still, but somehow different, more regal. This is how his father would have wanted him to dress and how he probably would have had he been raised in nobility. "Would you be proud of me, father?" He asked. "You and mother both? I know your here with me now, in spirit, but I wish I could have met you in life. If only for a moment."

Alexander offered up a silent prayer for his parents then turned to leave when he heard a faint knock on the door. "Come in." He said, wondering who was there. Perhaps the monk checking to see if he was ready. When the door opened though he saw brother Asgall standing in the door way looking at him.

The old monk smiled. "My, but you do look striking. For a moment I almost thought I was looking at your father."

Alexander blushed. "Thank you."

Asgall nodded then walked into the room. Alexander noticed that he was carrying a small wooden box, encrusted with shimmering jewels. He held the box out to Alexander then opened the lid. Inside the box Alexander found a beautifully crafted silver, braided, circlet with a blue sapphire as the center piece which, when worn, would rest directly in the center of the forehead. Alexander carefully picked it up and looked it over carefully. "It's beautiful." He said. "Whose is it?"

"Well, I suppose, it's yours now." Asgall told him.

Alexander looked at the monk, confused. "Mine?"

Asgall nodded. "Your father had it made for your mother and entrusted it to me. I was to give it to her once she reached Avimur but as you know, that never happened. I suppose, now that they are gone, it belongs to you. The design is simple and can be worn by either men or women. The stone in the center represents purity. I thought it fitting that you might wear it today. That is, if you want to."

Alexander smiled. "I'd love to." He walked to the mirror and stood in front of it, still looking the piece over, then he lifted it to his head and fixed it in place. The ends fit neatly into the two braids he had on either side of his head and the stone in the center rested against his forehead perfectly, as though it had been made for him. He looked himself over in the mirror and imagined what his mother might have looked like wearing the circlet on her brow. It occurred to him then that while he did look a lot like his father, he could see his mother in his features as well. He was small like her, and the wave in his hair was similar as well. He had the shape of his fathers face but not his prominent chin. Alexanders chin was more dainty like his mother's.

He also had her slender neck and nose, as well as her hands though his were slightly larger, his fingers were long and slender as hers had been. He was a perfect mixture of both his parents. Elegant and beautiful. Asgall couldn't help but smile as he watched Alexander. "You look like a Prince now." The monk said. "Come, your groom is waiting."

Alexander turned and nodded. "I'm ready." He told him.

Asgall held the door for him then followed him into the shrine.


Christian was standing with the Priest near the altar when Alexander entered. Asgall came in behind him then went to stand with three other monks who were present as well. Christian's eyes widened as he watched Alexander approach him. He was absolutely breath taking.

Alexander blushed when he saw Christian staring at him. "Do I look alright?" He asked.

Christian nodded. "You're perfect." He whispered.

Alexander lit up. "Thank you." He said, dropping his eyes to the floor. "You look very handsome as well."

Christian slipped his finger under Alexander's chin and lifted his head. "Don't look down." He told him. "Let the world bask in your radiance."

Alexander's blush deepened but he looked up and locked eyes with Christian. Christian touched his face, letting his finger fall down his cheek to his lips. "So very beautiful." He whispered.

The Gwendell cleared his throat, announcing that he was ready to begin. Alexander and Christian both turned to look at him. The Gwendell opened a small book that he held in his hands and from it began to read. "We have come to this holy place to witness a sacred ceremony: The union of Prince Christian Faremanne. Son of King Guillame, and heir to the throne of Avimur. And Prince Alexander MacCraith Kerred. Son of King Ar'gas Kerred, and heir to the throne of Vessard. With great reverence we come together to celebrate the love and devotion shared by these two children of the elements who now stand before you oh great and eternal spirit.

In times past it was believed that the human soul shared a common bond with the divine. It is with this belief that we ask the four elements to bless and sanctify this union, and bestow upon them your virtues.

Xagros, Great God of love and marriage. Bless this union with the gifts of the east. Communication of the heart, mind, and body. New beginnings with each rising of the three suns. The knowledge of growth found within the sharing silence.

Danu, Great mother Goddess. Bless this union with the gifts of the south. Warmth of hearth and home. The heat of the hearts passion. The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times.

Dotarr, Great God of logic and wisdom. Bless this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake and the swift excitement of the river. The refreshing cleansing of the rain, and all the encompassing passion of the sea.

Reeyr, Great God of the hunt. Bless this union with the gifts of the north. Firm foundation on which to build love, life, and family. Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives and a stable home to which you may always return.

Remember the vows that you make here today. Seek strength in one another, give hope to each other, and let your trials help you grow together. The strength of your bond is only as strong as the enduring power of your love, so love long, deep, and steadfast. letting no man nor woman break the will of your love. Under the fold of the elements I sanctify and bless this sacred covenant. As you form this union, you do so choosing to a take a vow that is as sacred today as it was in the days of your ancestors. Now, if you would take these vows, kneel before the eternal spirit."

Christian and Alexander knelt down before the Priest and the altar and the Priest placed a hand atop each of their heads.

"From this day forth you shall feel no rain for each of you will be shelter for the other. You will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. You will feel no loneliness for each of you shall be companion to the other.

Christian, repeat after me. I, Christian, take you Alexander, to be my wedded husband. I take you my soul at the rising of the moon and the setting of the stars. To love and to honor, through all that may come. In all our lives together. That we may meet and know, and love again, and remember, always."

Christian repeated the vows as spoken to him and then the priest turned to Alexander.

"Alexander, repeat after me. I, Alexander, take you Christian, to be my wedded husband. I take you my heart at the rising of the moon and the setting of the stars. To love and to honor, through all that may come. In all our lives together. That we may meet and know, and love again, and remember, always."

Alexander repeated his vows as well and the priest told them to stand. "Join hands." He told them. "Under the fold of the elements, Christian do you take Alexander to be your wedded husband. Do you promise to love and cherish him, unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?"

Christian nodded, "I do."

"Alexander, under the fold of the elements do you take Christian to be your wedded husband. Do you promise to love and cherish him, unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Alexander whispered.

The priest took a gold cord from the belt of his robes and wrapped it securely around each their hands, binding them together. "Just as your hands are bound before the eternal spirit, so too will your lives become one. While this cord will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share and may your love be blessed with eternal joy and happiness." The priest removed the cord. "Christian, I believe that there was something which you wished to give to Alexander. You may now face him and present him with your gift."

Christian turned and faced Alexander. He looked down at Alexander's hand as he held it in his. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the amethyst ring that he had gotten from his mother and placed it on Alexander's finger. "Alexander, this ring was a gift from my mother and I never before saw it's true beauty until day that I met you. When I looked into this ring I was reminded of your eyes. I give you this ring now as a symbol of my undying love for you as well as the commitment and vows that I have taken here today. Alexander, with this ring, I thee wed."

Tears filled Alexander's eyes as he stared at the ring. "Christian, I'm a simple man." He said as he wiped his tears. "I've lived a simple life and have very little in material possessions to show for it. But what I do have is my heart, and that I give to you as a symbol of my undying love for you as well as the commitment and vows that I have taken here today. Christian, with these words, I thee wed."

Christian smiled then leaned over and kissed Alexander deeply and passionately on the lips.

"With the exchanging of gifts, these two are now joined in marriage before the Gods and the witnesses gathered here tonight. What the Gods have brought together, shall never be undone. With the blessing of the eternal spirit the once two have been made one." The priest closed the book and introduced the couple to the witnesses who were present. The monks clapped and cheered in unison.

"Come!" Asgall clapped his hands together as he beamed with excitement. "Some of our brothers have prepared a special treat for you. A traditional wedding cake of fruits and nuts and mead enough for all to share in the celebration." He put his arms around the couple and led them out of the temple to the main hall were the others were waiting.

The hall was a buzz with cheers and congratulatory hand shakes. The mead was poured and passed around and not only was the cake prepared but Alexander watched as the monks began to bring out all kinds of foods that they filled the tables with. Alexander had never seen so much food in all his life, and while he was grateful for all the monks had done, he wanted nothing more than to just retire for the night with his husband. He looked at Christian who raised an eyebrow as he grinned impishly. He knew at that moment that christian wanted to be alone as well but they could not be rude to their hosts. They would stay for a while, celebrate with the brothers, then retire for the night to begin their new life together.

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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories23 days ago

Wow, I’m so glad they were able to marry. I expected the kings men to burst in at any time and carry them away. I keep saying what a great story this is. I’m a true romantic. I know Chase must be as well in order to write this.

One more thing. The attention to detail in this book is astounding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
i love your work, the story and writing are excellent.

Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Beautiful story

I love your treatment of Christian and Alexander. They are so good together, and have survived many difficulties. Christian is a very sexy man with the hairy chest and sexy body. Please write more. I'm anxious to see what happens with Christian's father.

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