Kiss the Darkness Ch. 08


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Jivete began to panic. "Christian, please. Look into my eyes."

"No!" Christian moved past her. "I don't know what game you're playing but it's not going to work." He shook her hand off and turned his back on her. "I suggest you return to your own apartments, My Lady."


"Do not touch me again." He said low and darkly. "Go now and I will forget this encounter but should you ever threaten my husband again, I will have you thrown in the dungeons! I hope I've made myself clear."

"Very." Jivete narrowed her eyes as she watched Christian walk away. The rage inside building like an all consuming flame.

Once Christian was gone Amos stepped out from behind a pillar and looked at Jivete with concern. "What happened?" He asked her.

Jivete crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. "Alexander's hold on him is much stronger than I had anticipated."

"A love enchantment?"

Jivete shook her head. "Alexander was raised a simple farm boy. He hasn't the knowledge or skill to cast such a powerful spell. Christian is truly in love with the boy."

Amos laughed. "Well that should be easy to break."

"You think so?" Jivete turned and looked at him sternly. "Love is the most powerful force in all the world. It is not so easily broken and it can withstand even the most deadly of curses."

"Then what are we to do?"

Jivete smiled suddenly and the smile sent chills down even Amos's spine. "We shall have to attack the one thing that can not be so easily healed. We have to attack the heart. Once Alexander's heart is broken so will be his spirits and then we will be able to sever the bond between them. Once Alexander is out of the picture Christian will have no choice but to marry me."

"But, do you think you can make him love you?"

Jivete laughed. "I do not want his love you fool. Once I am queen and rule over this land I'll have no further use of Prince Christian. You may do with him as you see fit."

Amos bowed. "Thank you, My Lady."

"We have some preparations to make though. I know what to do but I will need your help."

"Of course, My Lady. I am but your humble servant."

Jivete smiled sweetly. "I know you are, my dear Amos. You are the only one I trust. I know you will never betray me."

"Never." Amos bowed again. "You are my Queen and my loyalty is to you and you alone."


Christian rushed into the outer room of his chambers and shut the door. He leaned against it as he brought his hands to his head and tried to clear the fog away. He still wasn't sure just what had happened out there, but whatever it was, it had scared him shitless. It all began to seem like a dream, making him question whether it had actually happened at all. He was shaking all over, and a film of perspiration began to form on his forehead. He did his best to compose himself though when he heard Alexander calling his name from the other room.

Taking a deep breath and steadying his hands, he walked into the bed chambers where he found Alexander standing next to the bed post, wearing one of Christian's robes. Christian smiled when he saw him there. The robe all but swallowed him whole. His hair, untethered, fell in a cascade of long ebony locks that curled slightly at the ends. The sight of him brought so much joy to Christian's heart that his encounter with Jivete quickly left his mind and all he could think about was the love he felt for Alexander.

He went to him at once and scooped the boy up in his arms, crushing him against his body as he pressed their lips together and indulged in a long, passionate kiss. After what seem an eternity of total bliss, Christian finally broke the kiss and smiled as he looked deep into Alexander's eyes, admiring everything about them as he felt himself drifting in an amethyst sea.

Alexander giggled a bit as he watched Christian. "I take it the meeting with your father went well?"

"My my father. But who can think of him at such a time. All I want to think about right now is you."

Alexander touched Christian's face and smiled. "I was worried when I awoke and didn't find you beside me. Luckily Reece was kind enough to tell me where you had gone."

"I'm sorry for that." Christian touched Alexander's hair and smiled at him apologetically. "I was summoned early and I didn't want to wake you. I'm afraid that will be somewhat of a normal occurrence. Matters of state often leave me with precious little time for anything else."

"You're here now." Alexander said as he wrapped his arms around Christian and embraced him. "That's all the matters."

Christian hugged him back, sliding one hand beneath Alexander's hair while the other rested at the small of his back. He held onto him tightly, planting tiny kisses on his head. Alexander closed his eyes and smiled contently. "This is nice." He murmured.

"It is." Christian agreed. "Did you ever think we would be here?"

"No." Alexander confessed. "But I'd had hope."

"Hope." Christian whispered into Alexander's ear. "And the belief that anything is possible..."

"Umm." Alexander smiled. "Anything is possible when I am with you."

"Anything..." Christian laughed suddenly as he pulled back and looked at Alexander. He appeared so tiny in his arms, so frail, and helpless. "Anything but that robe. That robe, my darling, is utterly impossible."

Alexander looked down, feigning disappointment. "Do you not think it looks good on me?"

"Absolutely not." Christian laughed. "You're practically swimming in it."

"Oh well..." Alexander grinned a naughty little grin as he looked up into Christians eyes. "I suppose I'll have to find something a bit more suitable. But in the mean time..." He untied the robe and let it slip down, over his shoulders, falling to the floor and creating a pool of fabric around his bare feet. "I suppose that I can just go without." He raised an eyebrow as he watched Christian. The look on the mans face went from mild amusement to total desire.

Alexander stood before him now, completely nude and poised. Christian let his eyes fall upon the visage before him and he visually traced every line of his husbands body from the small but firm muscles of his arms, over the hard pink flesh of his nipples, the curve of his hips, down to the quivering erection between his legs. Christian felt his own erection growing. A serge of excitement erupted throughout Christian's body and he suddenly wanted to throw Alexander on the bed and devour him entirely.

"Does your heart beat as fast as mine?" Alexander asked as he reached out and took Christians hand in his. He slowly brought it to his chest and laid Christian's palm over his heart so that Christian could feel the pulsing frenzy within him.

"More so." Christian whispered. He slid his hand down over Alexander chest, letting his thumb massage his nipple for a moment before sliding down over his hip and then caressing his ass.

Alexander moaned softly as Christians fingers explored his body. He closed his eyes and licked his lips as he imagined all the things that Christian would do to him. He longed to feel Christian's body pressed against him, his lips kissing him, his tongue tasting him, and he could tell by the way Christian looked at him, the hunger in his eyes, that he wanted the same.

Alexander wrapped his arms around Christians neck and leaned in close, his lips brushing Christian's ear. "Make love to me." He whispered.

That was enough for Christian. He scooped Alexander up in his arms and carried him to the bed, gently laying him down against the soft pillows. Within a minute Christian's clothes were on the floor and he climbed into the bed, situating himself between Alexander's legs. Alexander drew his knees up then put his arms around Christian and pulled him close. Their bare skin touched and Alexander felt his entire body come alive. More kisses followed, then some licking. Christian ran his tongue over Alexander's erect nipples so slowly that it sent chills radiating through Alexander's body.

Alexander squeezed his knees together, pinning Christian's hips between them. The insides of Alexander's thighs were warm and slightly wet from his pre-juices; which only aroused Christian more. He kissed Alexander hard on the mouth, sucking at his tongue and lips. He kissed his chin and then the side of his face as he made his way to Alexander's neck. Christian placed a hand on Alexander's throat and let his fingers softly encircle the tender flesh as he pushed his head to the side. He assaulted Alexander's neck with his lips, biting and sucking at his flesh as Alexander moaned. Christian traced the line of his jaw with his thumb then began kissing Alexanders chest, trailing a line of kisses down over his stomach to his navel.

Alexander reached out and grabbed the headboard as he arched his back and moaned louder. Christian let his hand glide over the length of Alexander's body to his chest, then back down, until his hands were resting on his hips. Christian raised up onto his knees then in a quick and effortless movement, he picked Alexander up at the waist and pulled his on to his lap. Alexander wrapped his legs around Christian's waist and his arms instinctively went around his neck. Christian kissed the dip in Alexander's neck between the collar bones. Alexander looked at Christian and Christian could see the desire building up in Alexander's eyes.

Alexander was panting heavily, his heart pounding fiercely, and without a single word spoken between them each knew what the other was thinking. Christian reached down between them and took himself in hand. He positioned himself just outside of Alexander's opening then waited as Alexander slowly, and with caution, lowered himself onto Christian. Alexander bit his bottom lip as he felt the length of Christian pushing into him. Christian gripped Alexander's ass and pulled him close. He could feel himself sinking deeper and deeper inside of Alexander until he was completely swallowed by the warm, wet, sweetness of Alexander's body.

They began to move in unison. Each of them matching the speed and rhythm of the other. Alexander allowed his head to drop back, exposing his throat to Christian's urgent kisses. As the passion between them intensified, Alexander's movements became faster and more aggressive. Christian moved his hips faster in an attempt to match Alexander's speed. He held tightly to Alexander's waist, pulling him against him over and over as their bodies collided together.

Finally Christian lay Alexander back against the bed then lifted one of his legs onto his shoulder and began pushing himself into Alexander over and over making the boy cry out in pure elation. Alexander gripped the sheets tight in his hands as Christian moved faster and harder into him. Both of them breathing rapidly, Alexander whimpering with delight. Christian thrust himself forward and out again, repeating the motion until he brought himself, and Alexander, to the point of climax. In one last final thrust Christian released with a low groan. His seed spilled, filling Alexander, then he slowly pulled out. His juices dripped from the head of his organ and at the same time Alexander felt his own surrender as his juices erupted onto his belly.

Christian lowered Alexander's leg onto the bed once more then lay beside him, panting heavily. Alexander turned onto his side and laid his head against Christian's chest. Christian wrapped an arm protectively around the boy, pulling him closer. He looked into Alexander's eyes and smiled at him. "I love you." Christian whispered as he kissed Alexander on the lips.

"And I you." Alexander whispered back. "More than you could ever know."


Lady Donovan stood on the balcony of her apartments looking out over the gardens below. A beautiful pond sat amid a garland of rose bushes. White swans bathed in the crystal blue waters. The leaves on the trees had already began to turn but the garden below seemed locked in an eternal spring. The lady would have found it odd that such beauty still existed in the mid of autumn yet there was something magical about the Kingdom of Avimur. The Kingdom had long been shrouded in mystery, since before the time of the three Kings when the lands had been ruled by the Fae and the Draveil. That was before the time of man. Before human nature had corrupted those who were born pure of heart.

Some semblance of that old world still remained no matter how hard Guillame tried to drive it out.

Even his attempts to rid the world of the Draveil had failed. Before Alexander had shown up with the Prince, Lady Donovan thought the Draveil capable of nothing but evil, but now she knew that was not the case. She saw the way the two looked at one another and she could see the love in that boys eyes. There was something good and pure about him, like the ones of old, before greed and hatred had poisoned the hearts of those who dwelt on the very lands of which Avimur was built.

Seeing Christian walk in with his new husband came as somewhat of a relief for that meant Jivete would not be married to Christian after all. It was the first time that Lady Donovan felt any kind of peace over the last two years. Before the darkness had crept in and overtook her house. Looking down over the garden she felt that strange sense of peace once more. The darkness could not corrupt the flowers nor beauty of that place. It was shielded by something greater than evil. It was as if a bit of Vinac existed here, on Apra, guiding her people and giving them hope.


Lady Donovan was brought back to reality by the voice of Jivete. Though she spoke to her in a calm and somewhat fond manner, the Lady could not come to think of the girl as her daughter. At least, not anymore. She looked like her daughter, sounded like her, and had all of her knowledge and mannerisms but it was just an act. The thing that called her mother was a creature unknown to her and her true daughter, all but lost for all she knew.

"Mother?" Jivete called out to her again.

"By what right do you call me Mother?" The Lady spoke in a cold whisper.

"That is what you are." Jivete smiled sweetly as the Lady turned to look at her. "My Mother, Arlana Donovan."

"No." Arlana hissed. "I am not your mother. I know not where my child is but I know, with certainty, that you are not she. My child was kind, caring, and full of love. You are evil."

"It pains me to hear you say such things, Mother. I am your daughter. At least, the only daughter you have now."

A tear fell from Arlana's eye as she nodded. She knew the truth now, that her daughter was gone and only this creature remained in her place. "For all that you are and what you have done you will one day burn. I only wish that I would be there to see it but alas, that will not happen."

"You're right. It will never happen." Jivete narrowed her eyes as she stared at the woman angrily. "I will one day be Queen and I will rule over this land. All those who oppose me with pay with their lives. That includes you, Mother."

Arlana laughed bitterly. "And how do you plan to achieve that? Christian is married. Do you honestly think he will leave his husband for you?"

"Yes, he will." Jivete grinned wickedly. "I have a plan to drive them apart and then Christian will come to me for comfort and once I have him snared he will not be able to escape. But for this plan to work we have to maintain this charade of a happy family. You, me, and Father. So clean yourself up, put on something elegant and join the Queen and I in the parlor for tea. It's important that she not think anything is amiss."

Arlana shook her head sadly as more tears began to fall. "I'll not help you in your plan to destroy these people nor this Kingdom. My only hope is that the King sees you for what you are before it's too late."

Jivete narrowed her eyes. Her anger had reached its boiling point. "Now you hear me you stupid woman, you will do as you are told or there will be hell to pay. I will not allow you, or anyone else, to ruin my plans! Now dress yourself appropriately and be down stairs in an hour!"

"I'm sorry, but you will have to carry out your plans without me." Arlana lifted her skirts then stepped onto a chair near the wall of the balcony.

"What are you doing?" Jivete watched as Arlana moved from the chair to the wall itself so that she was standing, the heels of her shoes teetering dangerously close to the edge. Jivete rolled her eyes. "What are you trying to prove?" She sneered. "Get down from there at once."

Arlana shook her head. "You can not win. For all the power and evil that is in your heart, you can not win, and I will be watching your fall from hell, and laughing as you are destroyed."

Before Jivete could react, Arlana flung herself from the balcony wall and fell to the cobblestone walk below. Jivete ran to the edge of the wall and looked down to see the Lady's lifeless and broken body, twisted painfully, where she landed. Blood began to pool around her, staining the walk way. A woman screamed and in an instant the palace guards raced to the scene. Jivete could do nothing but watch in horror, her entire body shaking with rage and she suddenly cried out. "No!"

The guards looked up and saw her staring at the corpse of what they thought was her mother and they assumed that the young Lady was in shock but it was fear that Jivete was suddenly feeling. Were her plans beginning to unravel? Certainly this turn of events would cause suspicion. She had to be careful and try to find a way to make her 'Mothers' suicide work to her advantage. But how? Even now, as she looked into the wide open and dead eyes, Jivete could feel the Lady Arlana laughing at her from beyond the grave. Jivete shivered. For the first time she was worried. For the first time her future seemed uncertain. But this wasn't the end, not by a long shot. In fact, it was only beginning.

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Chancem77Chancem7723 days agoAuthor

The rest of it is on my amazon page under Chance McGinnis

ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories24 days ago

This is chapter 8. I just went to find chapter 9 and nothing else is here. You have got to be kidding me! Please don’t tell me this was never finished because I will be pissed! First, I love this story. I have been glued to it and I never get to know the ending…..seriously

ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories24 days ago

This story is amazing! I can’t put it down.

LebluesummerLebluesummerover 1 year ago

More chapters please.

StraycatndcStraycatndcover 1 year ago

I just finished this story on the Kindle. I highly recommended this purchase. Such a fantastic ending. Also check out Night Angel. Another amazing story from this author.

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