Kitten Love


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"I just think you need to take some time before you go making any huge decisions."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Is there something you want more than me? More than being with me?" Mia's voice quavered.

The answer to that was easy. "No, nothing."

"What about a family? Children? Don't you want that? With me?"

Mitch thought about it. He thought he was ready to have that with Jess, he wanted it, but there were times the daunting thought of being a family man scared him more than a towering inferno ever could. Now, thinking of having that with Mia...the idea just left him with a warm and happy feeling and above it all a feeling of...rightness.

"I want that very much Mia," Mitch said.

She flopped back on top of him with her arms going around his neck as she plastered his face with kisses. "Whoa! Whoa there!" Mitch said laughing as he tried to get words out between her kisses. "We still haven't decided what's best for you."

"I'm a grown woman; I can decide what's best for me," Mia said adamantly.

"I just don't want you resenting me someday for not letting you have a life. It's an important part of being human to know you can be independent."

"Am I a bad human then if the most important thing to me is you?"

"No Honey, it makes you the most perfect human in the world to me," Mitch said as his voice strained. "You are the most important thing in my life as well. That's why I'm saying these things now. I want you to be happy. Promise me you'll remember that you have options and whatever you want to do or be, I'll be there to help you?"

"I promise, and it does sound interesting knowing that I have so many choices now. It's scary too. I just want to wrap myself in your arms and have you keep me safe."

"I'll always be there for that," Mitch said placing his arms around her.

The water in the tub had started to cool and the skin on Mitch's hands was wrinkled. "Let's say we get out of here before we turn into a couple of pink raisins," he said. Mia nodded.

They rinsed each other off; Mitch might have languished a bit washing the suds off Mia's luxurious creamy body. After drying off, Mitch carried Mia to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She stretched out with her arms reaching over her head and her back arched in a way to make her rib bones visible. Above a taut tummy, her small breasts lay flat on her chest with aroused nipples standing straight up. She had a seductive smile on her face that begged Mitch to join her.

* * *

It took a couple of days before Mitch finally made it out of his house. Being with Mia was a mighty addiction that he had no real desire to cure. However, as difficult as it was to tear himself away from Mia's body, he knew they needed a time out. Although Mia insisted she was fine he couldn't help but notice she was walking a little bowlegged and Mitch had to admit he was feeling a little raw himself. He also knew he had to at least get started in helping Mia establish a life as a human and the first thing they needed to do was get her some clothes.

Mitch left Mia alone to go to a nearby store and buy her a dress, some underwear, and shoes. What he bought wasn't very glamorous and he wasn't too sure about the sizes, but he thought the outfit should serve her well enough to be out in public while they shopped together for the rest of her wardrobe.

When he came home Mia immediately went to his side and wrapped herself around his arm. She looked distraught.

"What's wrong Honey?" Mitch asked.

"I just missed you," Mia said quietly.

"I wasn't gone that long."

Mia shrugged. "I still missed you," and buried her head in his chest.

Mitch sighed. "As much as I love you needing to be around me, you are going to have to learn to do things on your own and be on your own at times," he said as he stroked her hair. Mia shuddered. "Hey sweetie, I'm never going to be far from you and I'll always be there for you when you absolutely need me, I promise. But being human means you have to know you can do things on your own if you have to. Okay?" Mia nodded.

* * *

Mitch took Mia to the local mall and at first she was extremely shy and stayed so close to Mitch she seemed plastered to him, but eventually the new sights and sounds aroused her curiosity and she began to loosen up. She was still leery of all the different people but she didn't seem as frightened anymore.

Mitch was concerned about having to explain in detail every little thing about human life. He knew he had the patience to teach her anything and everything he could that she needed to know, and what he didn't know or couldn't teach her he was prepared to find someone who could. What concerned him was how he would explain this grown up woman not having the fundamental knowledge most people did in modern society. However, as it turned out, Mitch was worrying for nothing.

It seemed that when Mia was turned into a human, most of the common knowledge that she would need was instilled in her. She could read and write, she had basic, or even advanced, math skills, and an understanding of her surroundings and how things functioned that any adult woman should know. There were gaps in her knowledge to be sure, or, as Mitch was becoming to understand, Mia's stubborn refusal to go along with the "sillier" aspects of human life, but all in all she seemed to have a good cognitional base to grasp basic ideas. When it came to shopping, she knew what each particular item of clothing was, like dress, blouse, slacks, bra, panties, and so on. She understood what they were for and how to wear them and she had her own taste in choosing items she liked. She even knew what make-up and other cosmetics were and how to use them.

Mia may have been given instinctual knowledge on how things worked, but she had never experienced any of this before. She continued to stay close to Mitch and avoid contact with other people, but her wariness soon took a backseat to the wonder of doing things for the first time that everyone else took for granted. The way clothes felt as she tried them on, the scents of different perfumes, seeing all the lights and vibrant colors, the taste of new foods when they stopped by the food court, and hearing people talking, electronics buzzing, and several different types of music coming from different directions all blending into a cacophony of sound. At times Mia seemed almost overwhelmed by it all, but she pushed on to keep experiencing more.

She was a whirlwind in the mall as she went from one place to the next and Mitch was hard pressed to keep up with her. He thought about the beating his finances were taking from today's outing, he had some money saved up but not a lot, and he stayed home from work the past two days as well. He knew he would have to put some serious hours in, but seeing Mia so exuberant about each new thing like a kid at Christmas, he couldn't refuse buying her anything she wanted.

At the end of the day Mitch was exhausted but in a happy-tired kind of way. He was carrying most of the bags filled with the all the clothes and other items they purchased as they searched for their car in the parking lot. Mia was a regular chatterbox as she kept going on about her first real venture out into the world as a human. All of a sudden it occurred to Mitch that this was kind of a groundbreaking day for him as well. It was the first time since his injury that he had spent a whole day around large crowds of people.

Thinking back on it, he was sure people had been staring at him with the usual looks of revulsion and sometimes pity, but he hadn't felt self-conscious. All his attention today had been focused on Mia, sharing her new experiences with her and really enjoying her company. He had done something he never thought he would do again, have a pleasant day out in the world among a significant number of people and feel...normal.

Mitch stopped walking and dropped the bags in the middle of the parking lot. Mia turned and looked at him with a bit of worry in her expression.

"Come here," Mitch said in a neutral tone. With a look of curiosity, Mia obliged. When she was close enough he grabbed her arm and pulled her into him with force. His lips pressed into hers and he felt her body melt into his as time seemed to stop. When they pulled apart for air, Mitch looked into Mia's eyes and saw nothing but love and devotion. He ran his hand through her dark hair.

"I love you," Mitch said.

"I love you too," Mia responded.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was good, though a little bit odd. I personally wish it would have been longer before they had sex, but that's just a personal preference.

I also feel like the angry neighbor was a Chekov's gun that never fired. I kept expecting him to come over and do something before the story ended.

Overall cute

texlootexloo5 months ago

This was clever, funny, and heartfelt. I enjoyed it. My criticism is that the cat girl knew to much about being a human right away. You lost the potential for amusing fish out of wayer moments. She should have had encounters with mall shoppers, or the prptagonists bedt froend. I would love to see a scene with her and the little boy. There could have been an misunderstanding that added in a bit of melo-drama. Still, when all is said and done, i really like this story!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Too many loose ends for this to be enjoyable.

The fae making a sudden appearance out of the blue to grant a wish in a story that had no other mention of them?

Mia is endowed with human knowledge? Once again out of the blue?

There are no short cuts in writing.

2 stars for me.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

fantastic switch in mia like the way a cats tail

terrific fantasy

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