Knock at the Door


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"Please let me talk to her, Levi."

"She doesn't want to see you, Charlie, and certainly doesn't want to talk to you."

"I love her, Levi. I know I screwed up but I really do love her."

"But you're not good for her, Charlie. You say you love her but your choices are hurting her, and you can't seem to stop."

"Levi, please, I..."

"I believe that you love her in your way, I do. But it's not keeping that thing in your pants. Three times in 2 years you've cheated on her. She can't take it anymore."

"I...Levi...I don't..."

He just trailed off. I had heard people say they saw someone physically deflate right before their eyes but this was the first time I had seen it myself.

"If you love her, Charlie, let her go. Let her go so she can be happy. Allow her to find someone else that will make her feel like she's the only woman in the world for him. You've got to let her go, Charlie."

I understood the pain I saw in his eyes, on his face. It reminded me of the pain I felt when...shit.

"You're right, Levi. Please tell her I love her, and I'm sorry."

I reached out my hand and he shook it.

"I will, Charlie."

I closed the door and then leaned against it. I heard movement behind me and knew without looking that it was Karin. I felt her touch on my shoulders and her head come to rest on my back.

"Thank you for handling that, Levi. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. But I just realized I needed to follow my own advice."

That afternoon I called Marty's mom. I really liked her mom and we got along fine, though I knew that she'd run me over in an instant if it was a choice between her daughter and me. Her name was Patty and she and Marty's father lived in Oregon.

"Levi? It's so nice to hear from you."

"It's been too long. I hope you're doing well."

"Oh, about the same. You know how it is."

"I do. Listen, you have Marty's mailing address in Germany, right?"

She hesitated just a moment, but a noticeable moment.

"Yes, I do. You understand I can't give it to you, Levi. I'm sorry."

"I know that, Patty, and I would never ask you to. I will have some papers I need to send her. If I send them to you would you be kind enough to send them to her for me. I'll pay the postage, of course."

"Oh Levi, are these papers that I think they are?"

"Probably so, Patty. It's been over a year with no end in sight. I think it would be best for both of us."

"I wish it were another way, but I'll send them on to her. I'm so sorry."

"Thanks Patty. Give me a few days and I'll get them to you."

Now I just had to bring myself to do it.


End Chapter 1


Because part 1 is not very long, not much more than a single Literotica page, I did not separate the chapters. Chapter 2 begins several months later. Changes in their lives will again be provided primarily via the dialogue rather than a narrator.


Begin Chapter 2


There was a knock at the door.

My plans for this particular Saturday were to do absolutely nothing. Oh, I was going to watch TV or something equally non-productive, but that was it. But somehow, I knew that person behind the door was about to ruin those plans (or lack thereof).

I opened the door, and I was right.

Martina (Marty for short) stood on the other side of the door and was surrounded by suitcases, very much like Karin had appeared a little over a year ago. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Marty! What are you doing here?""

"I'm back from Germany, obviously and, well, didn't have anywhere else to go."

"You know we're divorced."

"I know. I got the final papers. It wasn't what I wanted but I understood."

At that moment Karin came out from the bedroom to see who was at the door. I was wondering if there was some sort of fight in the offing. If so, Karin was certainly the more fit and athletic, but Marty had her by a good 40 pounds.

"Marty, it's so good to see you. Are you back for good?"

I hadn't expected that but allowed that it may have been a put-on. I'd have to see how this played out.

"Karin, what a surprise. Come by for a visit with your brother?"

"Actually, I'm living here now."

"Really?" Marty exclaimed, her eyebrows raised and looking at me.

"She caught Charlie cheating again so they got divorced," I responded to the unasked question.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your dad took care of things, I assume."

"One of his friends that was still practicing out here," Karin answered. "It was a fair and even split. I just wanted to be done."

"Still, I don't imagine Charlie took it very well. Did he fight you at all?"

"A little, but we worked it out. The divorce was final almost a year ago."

When she said 'we', Karin's hand landed very possessively on my shoulder, and I saw in Marty's eyes that she knew immediately what that meant.

"And you two are...being intimate again?"

"We realized that family was the only people we could count on."

Marty's face showed a grimace; just a brief one but clearly there. I had intended the remark as a reminder to her that she was the one that had left for 2 years, in case she decided to say something about it. But she didn't.

"The guest room is available, then, I assume."

"It is, and you're welcome to it."

Marty grabbed 1 of her 4 bags, Karin took one, and I had the other 2. I wheeled them into the guest room behind the ladies and then Karin and I left Marty to get settled, heading into our bedroom.

"Did you know she was coming?" Karin asked me, not accusingly but with curiosity.

"I haven't heard from her months. The calls and emails stopped after the divorce was final, but there's no one else around here. I can't just turn her away."

"Honey, I'm not asking you to and wouldn't be happy if you did. But I do wonder what her being here means for us."

"Other than not having sex on the dining room table anymore," I said with a smile, "I don't think it affects us much at all."

We shared a long, lingering kiss, and then returned to the living room to resume our day. Karin grabbed a couple of beers from the refrigerator and we settled in to watch the game that was on. She wasn't a fan exactly, but she enjoyed watching with me.

It was probably an hour before Marty emerged from the guest room. She had changed into some yoga pants and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Despite her larger-than-average chest, she rarely wore a bra at home, and it appeared the trend continued. She looked at us and clearly wanted to talk some more so I paused the game.

"Is there anything else going on that I should know about?" she asked.

There was a pause while Karin and I considered. There wasn't really anything, except the big one, and I think we both realized it at the same time.

"Well, Lupe's pregnant. About 6 months."

"Oh, how wonderful for them!"


"It's yours?"

I just nodded.

"Natural or artificial?" she asked.


"And have you been fucking Miriam as well?" she asked, this time with a little heat, though it wasn't anger exactly but more frustration or something similar.

"Just while I was trying to get Lupe pregnant. She wanted to be part of the process. It probably wouldn't have taken as long except Miri kept stealing the baby juice," I answered, getting a giggle from Karin. "But I'll remind you that we were divorced by then."

That seemed to soften the look on her face.

"I know, I know."

"And frankly, I doubt you were celibate while you were Germany."

She just stared at me for a minute, then stood up and silently went to her room, clicking the door closed gently.

"I guess that confirms that," Karin deduced.

"Yeah, but how long was it before she started."

Karin and I watched the rest of the game while Marty stayed in her room, presumably doing some unpacking, and maybe pouting. We'd taken her things back out of storage and put them back in the guest room after Miri and Lupe moved out. She hadn't taken nearly as much with her as she came back with, and that included the nice set of luggage she was toting. I guess shopping in Germany was a thing, and I imagined some of her older things were being de-hangered (if that's a word).

Karin made dinner that night. She, of course, made some for Marty as well, and dinner was mostly silent. Not much more than 'please pass the...' and the clanking of dishes and silverware, and Marty disappeared into her room as soon as she was done. I was willing to give Marty time to adapt to the environment and the changes, but I wasn't going to endure this awkwardness for very long.

When Karin suggested we fire up the hot tub that night, I was on board. She went to change into her bikini bottoms and fix us some drinks while I checked the hot tub and got it going. Yes, I said bikini bottoms. Bikini tops were strictly forbidden in her mind, at least for her and in her own home, and Marty's presence meant nothing.

Of course, Miri and Lupe did the same thing when they lived here, and even when they visited, so it wasn't just her.

I had some sort of music playing behind us through our Alexa. I had a beer and Karin had gone with red wine, and we were each on our second. We were mostly relaxing, with some kissing and nipple tweaking that kept things interesting. It got more interesting when Marty appeared from inside, a robe wrapped around her and a wine glass of her own in her hand.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, albeit timidly.

I kept quiet. This was a battle for, if not female superiority, at least female territory.

"Please," said Karin.

She knew this was her queendom and there was no reason to be restrictive. Marty's robe came off and was tossed over one of the patio chairs. Marty was a bigger woman than Karin, but by that I mean taller and a more naturally thick body type. She carried more weight than Karin and was physically larger, but that didn't make her fat. In fact, it looked to me like she may have lost a bit of weight while overseas.

She looked at Karin briefly, noticing maybe for the first time that she was topless. There was a hesitation of maybe 3 seconds before she reached behind herself and unclipped her bikini top and it joined her robe on the chair.

I had loved Marty's breasts. I could have played with them for hours if she had let me, and she did a few times. Big areolas and large, responsive nipples, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy seeing them again. But Karin was my woman and I made a conscious effort not to disrespect her.

Marty handed me her wine glass and she got settled, and I handed it back to her when she was ready. I hoped we weren't in for 45 minutes of awkward silence.

We weren't.

"When I got to Germany I stayed with the main curator," she started, and I realized this was her confession.

"You slept with your boss?"

She gave me a look that was a combination of 'be serious' and 'don't interrupt', but she did respond to my question.

"No, Wilhelm was quite a bit older, about 60 I think, and not that into sex. His much younger trophy wife, Olga, on the other hand, was bisexual and very much into it."

This seemed to get Karin's attention and she adjusted to be more comfortable and to be able to look at Marty more directly.

"They lived in a 3-floor townhouse, very nice and befitting a man of Wilhelm's status in the community. His image seemed to be the most important thing to him. They lived in the same house but not together. Wilhelm had a private apartment on the top floor while Olga was on the second floor. The bottom floor was for entertaining.

"They lived separate lives. She was expected to play the doting and faithful wife in public or when they were hosting people of importance. Otherwise she was free to do as she pleased, including having lovers. As you might expect, complete discretion was expected but that was about it.

"I was living on Olga's floor and had been there for about two weeks. Olga and I spent many nights just drinking wine and talking, and one night she simply took me into her bedroom, undressed me, and we made love for the next 2 hours. I'd never been with a woman before but I never even hesitated. It felt like the most natural thing in the world."

I didn't think Marty's head-first dive into bisexuality was about me and I didn't take it personally. Much. In truth, I had concluded that Marty's escape to Germany was a genuine journey of self-discovery, and that she was going to be open to just about any experience in that quest, sexual or otherwise.

"We did everything. Before I had always marveled at people's willingness to go down on a woman. I figured it would be gross and I had never even...tasted myself. But with Olga I never hesitated to do anything she did or even suggested. My eyes were definitely opened that day."

"Of course, she had other lovers that she brought home, so I spent most nights sleeping in David's room. He was Wilhelm's son from his first marriage and usually visited one weekend a month. Olga made a point of leaving room in her bed for me when he was there.

"After 3 months, Olga encouraged me to go to David's room on the weekend he was there. I declined at first. I was a married woman after all, and before you say anything Levi, no, I didn't think of sex with Olga as the same thing. But I had told her why I had taken the position in Germany and she made a point that my journey needed to include experiences of all kinds if I truly hoped to find myself and my place, and that had to include sex with other men.

"I assume there had been a plan, or Olga had at least mentioned it to him, because David showed no surprise at seeing me enter his bedroom. From then on during that first year, I spent the night in David's room with him whenever he visited."

I had expected this to be the case but hearing her say it was difficult. At least some of it was that she'd been screwing other people from almost the minute she arrived while I'd waited a full 10 months, and probably would have waited longer if Charlie hadn't poked the donut shop girl. She really should have said something so I knew what the deal was.

"You mentioned being with David for the first year. Did that change?"

"It changed when I got the divorce papers. Levi, I understand completely why you did it. It was so wrong of me to have left you in limbo like that. And when I got the papers, well, it flipped a switch and I decided to experience even more. For the second year, I rented a room from a couple of younger German ladies, and to them it wasn't Saturday night if you weren't going out and hooking up with some hot guy. Or girl. Not that they did it every Saturday night, but it seemed like it."

"You joined in, I assume?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. Like you said, we were divorced, or at least in the process. I had felt a little bad about being with David but accepted Olga's reasoning. Now I felt there was nothing to hold me back. I could explore without guilt. And for a while I did just that."

"So, what was with the attitude when you found out about Karin, Miri, and Lupe? You were doing it, too, and had been doing it longer."

"I know that, Levi, but I was jealous and angry even though I had no right to be. From the moment I saw Karin put her hand on your shoulder the first time, I knew I'd lost you to her."

"Did you expect us to get back together?"

"I thought there might be a chance. It was funny because I was feeling worse after the divorce was final. I mean, I was a single woman again and I could do whatever I wanted, have sex with whoever I wanted, and I didn't have a husband to answer to. And I did, but it all felt so empty. I wasn't finding myself. I was whoring myself, and I realized that you had been my rock, Levi. I realized I thought that you were holding me back, but I realized you were holding me down and keeping me safe."

"Wait, so you had to go all the way to Germany for 2 years to find out that you wanted to be with me after all?"

"I don't think it was that simple but that was the end result. I guess I just needed to see things from a distance. It was fine while we were still married because I still had my anchor, but after the divorce it was like I was cast adrift."

We all fell silent. It had been quite a story and I admit to being surprised by her admission that she had come home with the hope of us getting back together. I wasn't surprised that she still had feelings for me, since I still had them for her, but I assumed her journey would have led down a different path than the one that had me standing at the end of it.

Finally, Marty excused herself and went back inside. Karin and I both sat and watched her go back into the house. She turned to face us as she closed the door and gave us a smile.

What now? Would Karin see Marty's admission as some sort of threat and insist that she be out before too long? Would Marty feel uncomfortable after admitting the truth and feel the need to leave since her plan hadn't worked out. Hell if I knew the answer to that.


I went to work every day the following week expecting something to have changed while I was away. Specifically, I expected to see Marty either gone or at least in the process of moving out, but that never happened. No one was talking about any future plans, and dinner conversation was easy and comfortable. Instead of driving all of us apart, it seems Marty's story had bridged some sort of gap. I assumed Marty would eventually get her own place, but at least it wouldn't be weird around here until she did.

That Friday night, Karin and I were relaxing in bed. Marty had vanished into her room shortly after dinner and we hadn't seen her since. Karin was feeling amorous and letting me know it. I never took much convincing, but her mouth wrapped around my dick had dispelled any objections I may have had. She wasn't trying to make me cum, doing a leisurely job of it, and I was just taking the time to enjoy it. Then...

There was a knock at the door.

It couldn't be anyone but Marty, so I sat up figuring we'd at least get under the covers before answering. But Karin simply paused the blow job, called 'come in', and went back to what she was doing. My body tensed in concern as the door opened and Marty walked in wearing a basic thin-strapped nightgown. She was certainly beautiful, and I missed what we had.

"I thought maybe you decided to back out," Karin said.

"I almost did," Marty answered, a smile finally coming to her face as the night gown hit the floor. She was nude underneath, her amazing breasts and lush brown bush I loved so much on full display. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do something so I just sat there watching. Karin stopped what she was doing and said to Marty.

"Come on, honey. You do the honors."

Marty knelt on the bed and took me in her mouth while Karin placed herself next to me on the bed and just cuddled. I looked at her, the silent question apparently written all over my face.

"We'll talk later," Karin said. "For now, just enjoy us and be confident in the knowledge that this will not be the last time this happens."

I took her advice.


End Chapter 2




It turns out that while I was at work that first week after Marty's return, she and Karin had spent a good portion of that time getting to know each other, if you know what I mean. Karin had been having sex with other girls/women since she was a teenager. Mostly Miri but there were others, too. Marty, of course, was relatively new to the experience.

During the day on Friday, they had hatched a plan to bring us all together. Karin knew I still loved Marty and was upset at how things had gone, but she also trusted that what I had told her, that Marty would not come between us, was also true. With that behind her, she suggested Marty join us in bed that night, and frequently in the future as well, assuming it all worked out.