Knowing Your Neighbors


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Although there were clear advantages to the outdoor showers, one disadvantage was that we had to be quiet. Just 30' away there could be a couple or family walking by at any time on their way to the beach. At least Justin wouldn't be hearing the verbal play that Hayley usually enjoyed, but he was certainly getting an eyeful.

"Do you want to cum on my face again or do you want to fuck me?"

So much for keeping at least some things private. Always the pleaser, I asked, "What do you want?"

"Both," she said, in a devilish tone.

Clearly, I was thinking too much, and Hayley was literally sucking the blood from my brain to a more pleasurable and less cognitive area. Hayley squeezed the base of my cock firmly, making the head swell as she licked the under side. I was on the verge of cumming, and she knew it. She began actively stroking my shaft.

Watching Hayley furiously stroke my cock, with her tits swinging from every arm movement, it didn't take long to reach that certain ticklish moment when my balls said "enough." The added presence of watching eyes didn't help, necessarily, but I was at least satisfied that I could perform under pressure.

If I stroked my cock for...say, an hour, (and there was no way Hayley would do it for that long) a lot of cum shoots, but it's usually somewhat clear and tends to be runny. When I haven't been going at it for very long, such as, really, the several minutes involved here, it often comes out in thick white gobs. Having found "release" on each of the preceding days, there wasn't a whole bunch of goo left in the factory, but what came out was the thick white stuff. Specifically, three sticky spurts. Two landed on her lips, and another on her nose, dangling in an unexpected and erotically vulgar way.

For a moment, that is, then the water washed it away. That was a visual memory that I would carry for quite a while, and, as the blood returned to thinking areas, I realized it had been a show for someone else, as well. I found myself very embarrassed for both of us.

What had I been thinking? Why hadn't some moral override kicked in? Once I knew he was there I should have called it quits, but I hardly even paused! I had done nothing to protect the dignity of my wife, the sanctity of our marriage even.

But then, I wasn't completely guilty, was I? He was the one who had stayed behind to watch. It wasn't like I had set the whole thing up. It was really his fault for crossing the lines of friendship and spying on my naked wife.

"You recovered fast!" What? Hayley beamed at me, her hand again on my cock after washing her face again. How did I manage that? It usually took five minutes or longer to recover for a second round. "What's got you so turned on?"

I hoped I didn't look it, but I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. I had no idea what to say. Fortunately, she wasn't pressing for more words.

Hayley swapped places with me and bent over, her hands on the wall of the shower. She reached behind with one and guided me between her legs. What was now very cool water coming from the shower contrasted sharply with the heat from her wet flesh. I realized for a brief moment that Justin was seeing this, too, but I, once again, wasn't in a position to think about it. And it took me only another moment to realize I wanted to put on a good show, to make him jealous of the woman who would always be mine.

I'm sure my six and a half inches were probably very average, but there was something about sex that made me, and I suppose every guy, try to force his way three inches further than whatever his length is into a woman's cunt. In other words, I grabbed her at the waist and thrust into her hard. And I always liked "Round 2." My staying power was always much improved. It would be a show, indeed.

Hayley was hot. She obviously had a need and had been waiting her turn. She was wriggling ever so slightly as she forced herself back to meet each thrust, all while keeping her breaths as quiet as she could. Still, even her reserved panting could be heard, those special little noises that let a guy know he was doing the job right. But as hard as it was to concentrate, I tried to think of what Justin's view would be. He probably couldn't see her facial expressions. Her long brown hair was wet and draping her face. Good He didn't need to see how her face lights up when she's passionate. If he moved around a little, he... Hayley quickly used one hand to toss her hair over her shoulders. Well, fine then. He would see how her face lights up when she's passionate.

He certainly would see her tits swinging with each thrust... What a view that would be. Age may loosen the skin a little, but when Hayley's 38" breasts are hanging, the added fullness of her stretched tits don't just make me want to lick them, but devour them. And Justin was seeing them in their unrestrained glory, hard nipples, silver dollar size areola and all.

No fair! Why couldn't Kate take a shower out here?

I doubted Justin could see her cunt, though. Her leg was probably in the way. Maybe that, at least, would remain private. But for reasons I didn't want to understand, I didn't want it to.

I withdrew from Hayley's cunt. She would think that I was trying to prevent myself from cumming. I reached around her to feel her breast briefly, and then I guided her sideways slightly. She didn't ask why, but she was now bracing herself against both walls at a corner.

She raised her rear, and there was her sex, facing both me and Justin. Her cunt lips were red, wet, and spread slightly. "Come on. Fuck me now. Don't stop." Her hand was between her legs, one finger making circular motions against her clit as she awaited me. Justin had certainly had his view. I rammed into her. Justin could probably only see her left tit at this point, but that was too bad.

"I love it when I feel you balls slapping against me!" Uh-oh. Hayley was getting verbal. "That's it. Fuck me. Fuck me." It was a whisper, but a forceful one if there is such a thing. She said it several times more and went quiet, just as I came within her. Then came a gentle sigh.

I slipped out of her and brought her close in an embrace. She backed towards the wall and leaned against it as we kissed. Strange. It was the first kiss of the entire encounter. And it was a lengthy one, until Hayley brightened and said, "Time for a soap job!".

It was a treat of sorts, I guess. Or maybe a fetish. But Hayley likes to play with my cock when it's...I won't say "small," because, well, you know..., but when it's in its non-erect state. She likes it soft, and pliable and...soapy. So she cleaned me once more in a great lather and then rinsed me with water from her cupped hands.

I turned the water off and opened the shower curtain, stepping through to dry off.

"Honey, just toss me a towel." The area wasn't large enough for two to comfortably dress, so Hayley remained in the shower portion. I dried off quickly and started dressing, but Hayley was taking a while longer due to what she, at times, considered to be "the curse" of long hair. Just as I was tying my shoes, I looked over to see Hayley with one foot partially on the dividing wall, so that she could dry her leg and, indeed, between her legs, more easily. Well, that was it. Now Justin had seen everything. I had no doubt that he was looking right at her cunt...her wispy vertical stripe of hair, red lips, swollen clit and all.

Enough already. "Hayley, why don't you come over here where it's dry. I'm done. Do you want me to wait for you or leave?"

"Oh, wait just a second. I'm going to finish changing upstairs." She slipped on a beach shirt, which hung to her knees, and wrapped a towel around her hair. "Can you get my stuff?"

I did, and we left to go into the house. As we reached the top of the stairs, I realized that we had left our camera in our beach bag, which I didn't want to leave outside. So I put our stuff in our bedroom and told Hayley I'd be back in a minute. And I wanted to. I wanted to be there when Justin came in the door, with some excuse as to where he'd been, probably soaking wet from the both the steam and the heat created between Hayley and me. It would be odd for him to explain considering he'd just had a shower!

Our bags were just outside the driveway, not far from the shower. As I started searching for the camera, I heard Kate's voice.

"Do you think they know?" She was on the other side of the shower!

"Based on what we just saw, no way. Hopefully, they'll think we're napping when they get upstairs. Why did you come down, anyway?"

"I was just going to ask you what kind of sandwich you wanted! Instead, I found out that I'm married to a pervert who spies on his friends!"

You tell him, Kate. I heard the shower being turned on.

"Yeah, well, you didn't seem to mind looking either." WHAT?

"Well, that's different!" She giggled. I don't know if I had ever heard her giggle like that. It took only a moment to realize that the door to the shower that we had used remained open. Inviting, it was.

I entered the shower, careful to stay low. The light came in from our side, and I didn't want to cast any shadows that might distract them. And I was most curious to see what I risked distracting them from! I hoped my knees didn't pop as I bent and that the floor didn't creak as I slowly worked may way across the floor.

"Ooooh. You're wet down there. Can I assume that it's safe to skip the foreplay?" Giggling again. And the sound of kissing.

I finally found a good spot, although "good" wasn't the word that came to mind when my first glance included Justin's hairy butt above me. But then he moved slightly and...nirvana. Kate was backing away from their embrace and...I saw her. All of her.

I'd been to one strip club in my life. Beautiful women were there, and each was a marvel to behold. Strangely though, it wasn't a turn on. Maybe it was the coyness or the money. But Hayley was the only woman I had been intimate with. And while I wouldn't be actually touching Kate, I knew her personally, and now in a much more personal way. It made a world of difference.

Finally, I was able to see what was beneath her conservative swimsuits. Although she had a lack of tone, she had curves, and attractive they were. I generally consider myself a tit fan when it comes to looking at women, and hers were nice. They were smaller than Hayley's, but different. Her nipples were dark and puffy. They weren't an extension of the slope of her breasts. They had their own protruding character, curves of their very own. They contrasted with the pale whiteness of her breasts, and they looked perfect for sucking. Justin must have thought the same, because his head lowered to them and blocked my view.

Which was okay. There was more to look at. Justin removed his hand from her slit, probably to hold his balance while he sucked her nipple. And it was then that I saw her cunt. Kate is conservative in her politics, her opinions, and her dress. So seeing her cleanly shaven mound was a small shock. And although a quite clear view of her wet and blossoming folds was a delight, it was the tattoo that was stunning. It was right on her pubic mound in a perfect script: July 25, 1987. This I knew to be her anniversary date, and, if the girl talk my wife passed on was true, it was the night she had lost her virginity. Kate's own hand reached between her legs, and I was able to watch as she began a rhythmic stroking of her clit. And to think only minutes ago I would have been happy just to get a glance of her naked tits!

"I want you, now. Fuck me." To hear her say this seemed to be the most intimate and private thing I could ever expect to hear a person say. "Do me like..." She didn't finish her sentence, but she turned to lean against the wall as Hayley had done. Maybe she would imagine she was being watched! Ha! The irony was...frustrating me. I had to remain still and quiet.

"What? I don't get to come on your face first?" Yeah! Good thought there, Justin.

"No, only on my tits. You know that. But not now." If Kate making love were a puzzle, I didn't know how many pieces there would be. But I was so thankful, and turned on, by every physical nuance I saw and every sound I heard. And every piece made the puzzle that much clearer. I drew in every pant, every breath, every word. My eye recorded every sway of her breasts, every ripple through her body as Justin thrust within her. And most rewarding was her sudden grasping of a nipple as she orgasmed, rolling it between her fingers and stretching it away from her body. Justin climaxed within her, and she continued to work her nipple long after Justin had finished moving inside her.

As she finally straightened, I could see cum emerging from her freshly fucked cunt. I knew, too, that it was time to depart. Having been spying only minutes earlier, they might naturally check to make sure no one was watching them.

My clothes were wet on one side from laying on the wet floor, so I quickly changed them. Hayley was already napping, so she was none the wiser. I was sitting in the den when they returned, reading. Their clothes were somewhat damp, and their faces were sweaty. I was ready to hear how they were going to explain this, presumably so soon after Justin, at least, had taken a shower.

I decided to get the ball rolling. "Look at you! You look like you've been in a steam bath." Kate's eyes were a little wider than usual.

Apparently, it was Justin who was to do the talking. "Yeah, well, I saw the lights of a fire truck down by the Rec. center, so we walked down there to see what was going on."

Good one! "And?"

"I couldn't really tell. I didn't see a fire. But there should have been for all the heat." True enough.

Later that night, as we were battling the wages of war in a game of "Risk,", there was a certain excitement I felt each time I looked at Kate. The clothes she now wore could no longer keep her body a secret, and it was with the strangest of fascinations that I could sit across from her in idle conversation, knowing her in a way that she didn't suspect.

It occurred to me that she and Justin may be having similar thoughts. Almost. I knew their secret; they didn't know mine. I figured I could have a little fun with this. A thief probably best understands the mind of another thief. So a voyeur...would wonder, I hoped.

I looked at Kate. "Hey, I think there's a special date coming in a few weeks. How are you going to..." I rolled the dice, literally and figuratively, "... 'mark' your anniversary?"

I could see the question in her eyes as she looked briefly into mine. I could also tell she was too afraid to know the answer.

It occurred to me that Hayley was the only one of us unaffected by prying eyes, because she didn't know. She didn't know the neighbors like I did, or they did. As I looked at her, I considered that Justin could be envisioning her naked breasts at that very moment, and I had to ask myself...did it bother me?

I adjusted the erection in my shorts. It was something to ponder while picturing Kate without her blouse.

Comments and suggestions desired, especially from those who have shared it with their spouses. It would only take a few moments to make an author very happy... If you don't want me to respond due to privacy issues, just let me know.

* * * * *

(c) Copyright 2002 This work is copyrighted to the author, with all rights reserved. -- This work may be archived and displayed on non-commercial web sites without permission, but please do not remove the author name or e-mail address.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Great read. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
excellent, as usual

anotehr great story, I enjoy it completely every time I read it. I hope you've got many more coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

myhubby bentmeoverandput ittome after readingthis

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Well Done!

Great tale! I love the 'tit for tat', pun intended ;). The story flowed well and made sense! Gotta love those! LOL I also love the clever pen name!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Moments in time

Being a VOYEUR myself I found this story excellent the "turn around is fair play" ending was perfect.

Its all about being in the right place at the right time and ofcourse knowing where and when that is.

Keep writeing its GREAT!!!! Big Bill

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