Kristen's Risky & Revealing Red-Eye

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Unable to sleep on a plane, she puts on a show for Dave!
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All was quiet at 1:30 AM on Frontier airlines flight 1418, or at least as quiet as an Airbus A319 at 32,000 feet gets. Despite having pushed back from the gate at Las Vegas a few minutes late, the pilot had promised as they taxied to the runway that the flight would arrive at O'Hare a little before its scheduled arrival time of 6:39 AM. The sparse collection of passengers appeared to be seasoned travelers, settling in and making themselves as comfortable as the coach seats allowed. The flight being less than 20 percent full made things a little more comfortable, or at least less cramped, as each passenger had a row of three seats to themselves, with many having nobody to distract them in the three seats across the aisle either.

The better than usual conditions for sleeping weren't enough to allow Kristen to expect to get any sleep; she was a fairly nervous flier in the best of times, and traveling during the Covid pandemic added to her anxiety. She looked enviously at the stocky middle-aged man in the window seat across the aisle, who had leaned over against the window and begun snoring loudly before the plane had even pushed back from the gate. She wondered if wearing a sleep mask like his might make a difference, but doubted it; the light level wasn't her problem, and the idea of wearing both the sleep mask and the obligatory surgical mask over her mouth and nose wasn't very appealing. If she hadn't been required to make this trip for work there was no way she'd have been where she was right now. The mostly empty cabin and noticeable odor of whatever sanitizer the cleaners had recently doused the interior with helped her get somewhat more comfortable, but nowhere near feeling like sleeping.

"Thank God I can get away with putting the fee for high-speed wi-fi on my expense account," she thought to herself. The second one of the flight attendants announced that they had reached an altitude allowing the service to be used she connected her tablet and set it up on the tray table of the middle seat in her row. She set up her folding keyboard on her own seat's tray table, completing the setup of gear she would rely on to stave off boredom for the next 4 hours or so. She browsed for an episode of one of the series she had been watching, finally settling on an episode of Outlander. One episode led to another, getting Kristen to almost 3 AM. She switched to catching up on the latest news on a handful of sites, not improving her stress level.

She was just about to go back to choose another of her Netflix options when she received a text from Dave, at a little after 4 AM his time! She wondered what her husband, a confirmed morning person, was doing up so late.

He asked, "How's your flight going?"

She tapped out a reply, "Okay, but you know how I hate flying. What are YOU doing up so late?"

"Thought I'd keep you company for a little while, because I DO know about you and flying. I had a nap earlier this evening to be ready for this."

"Aw, that's so sweet! Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have a husband like you?" Sorry I didn't call earlier; how was your day?"

They each shared some of the high and low points of their respective days and chatted via text for almost an hour. Kristen noticed Dave's texts were beginning to seem like he was about to nod off, with some of his two or three-word messages taking 2 or 3 minutes. "I feel a little guilty for keeping you up so late, like I should let you go back to bed," she typed, "but I'd miss your company."

"I'm taking tomorrow, or more accurately today off, so I don't mind, but I have to admit I'm fading a bit."

Kristen picked up her tablet, switched to her camera app, and held it up over the top of the seats, panning around to show Dave the quiet scene.

"Cool!" he replied, "I can't believe we've been chatting all this time via text and neither of us thought to use the cameras. It looks like everyone else is asleep, judging by the darkness all around you." He turned his camera on; now they could see each other.

"Too sleep-deprived, I guess, though it's too loud to talk with you anyway, maybe that's why I didn't think of it," Kristen replied, "and yes, I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only customer still conscious."

"Nice to see you, anyway. Am I mistaken, or is that a new outfit?" Dave texted.

"Sharp eye for a drowsy guy," she replied, "the cardigan and skirt are new, I did a little shopping the night before last. Don't worry, they were both on sale!"

"No complaints, you look great," he replied, "I have to admit I was only referring to the cardigan, it looks long enough to mostly cover your skirt, so I didn't notice the skirt." She enjoyed the compliment but noticed him fighting off another yawn.

She wanted to keep the conversation going, and had an inspiration. "I actually picked up a few other things while I was shopping, should I show them to you?"

"Sure, why not," he replied, without too much enthusiasm. His interest in Kristen's clothes was generally limited to how they looked on her.

"Should I..." she typed, then raised her eyebrows as she moved her hands to the top button of her new knit cotton cardigan, just below the deep open v neck. She unfastened the top button before he had a chance to reply, wanting him to understand that she was currently wearing at least some of the new items she had proposed showing to him.

"Yes, please do!" he replied, suddenly more alert. He watched with renewed focus as his wife slowly unfastened all five buttons, gradually opening the cardigan between her navel and the hem, around the middle of her thighs. With the cardigan fully opened he could see a top he was sure was not new, a white silk scoop neckline tank he'd seen her wear many times. He also could now clearly see what he was sure was a new skirt, gray linen with a row of buttons over her left leg. "New skirt, I see, very nice!"

"Glad you approve. I like the way it can be safe for work, but can be, well, not so safe depending on how you wear it," she replied, then started undoing the skirt's buttons, starting at the bottom. Keeping one eye on the screen of her tablet, she loved seeing how her in-flight fashion show had perked Dave up; she was feeling more lively herself as she finished unfastening the fourth button, leaving only one button near the waist in place.

"Pretty hot with that many buttons undone! But could you ever really wear it that way?" he quickly typed.

"Probably not, but the buttons keep me from showing you another one of my new items," she replied, "would you like to see a little more?

"YES, PLEASE," came his reply in a few seconds.

Dave expected the skirt's last button to be where her show went next, so when Kristen shrugged the cardigan off her shoulders and let it slide back off her arms he was confused. This did give him an unobstructed view of her arms and shoulders, but that wasn't what he had expected when she asked if he wanted to see more, and he was now sure the top, while flattering, was definitely not new.

"You look disappointed...were you maybe expecting to see a bit more skin?" she tapped out, smiling wickedly as he looked on sheepishly.

"Not disappointed, just confused. You look great in any amount of clothing, so no, not disappointed."

"Good answer!" she typed, then lifted her top up high enough for him to see her bra! She hadn't planned on actually taking the bra off, so she just held the bunched up top at shoulder height. Seeing the look on Dave's face a few seconds later made her want to surprise him even more than she did a moment earlier, so after a long look around to be sure nobody was up and moving around, she pulled it over her head and completely off!

Dave thoroughly enjoyed his first look at her newest bra, white and mostly sheer, with enough lace to hide her nipples, but light enough to show how her impromptu long-distance striptease was making them stand out. She leaned forward, filling her camera's field of vision with a close view of her chest, hoping Dave could see exactly how aroused she was becoming. She folded and rolled the silk top up and slipped it into her tote bag.

"WOW! WISH I WAS THERE!" he texted.

"Me too, babe! By the way, the bra is part of a set..." Kristen typed before shifting her tablet to the aisle seat's tray table to give Dave a wider angle view. She turned sideways and brought her feet up onto the aisle seat, then reached for the last of the skirt's buttons and slipped it out of its buttonhole; she felt herself breaking out in goosebumps as she lifted her butt enough to slide the skirt out from under her, then folded it neatly and put it away in her bag along with her top.

She certainly hadn't planned on being dressed in nothing but some skimpy lingerie, at least not before she reached home later this morning, but here she was, lounging across seats 18 A, B, and C, all but naked in the middle of an Airbus coach cabin. She shivered a little as the thought came to her that even if all of her fellow passengers were sleeping, she had no guarantee they would stay that way. With her top and skirt tucked away as they were, she knew there probably wouldn't be enough time for her to get them back on if someone were to wake up and make a trip to the rest room a few rows behind her! Without thinking about it, she pushed her tote back to its normal spot under the middle seat of the row in front of her.

"See? I told you. A matching set. What do you think?" she typed. She knew exactly what he would think, but liked to hear it anyway.

"Very sexy! Can't wait to see you model it in person!" Dave replied.

"Yeah, it's hard to show them properly in these tight quarters." she typed before trying to turn enough to give her husband a look at the sheer back of her panties, "and unless I turn on my reading light the lighting here is pretty poor."

"You're hot in any lighting, and I suppose you probably don't want to call attention to yourself right now by turning on your light! Not that I want you to stop doing what you're doing, but are you worried at all about the guy I saw across the aisle when you showed me your surroundings?"

"Nah, he's been snoring since we left the airport, and he's wearing a sleep mask," she texted back. "I think if I were to get caught it would be by someone I don't see until they're practically on top of me!" Until now she hadn't had time enough to be worried about being caught in her barely dressed state, but now that Dave had brought it up she was having a hard time avoiding the thought. The fact he had made it clear that he didn't want her to stop what she was doing proved he wasn't too disturbed by her risking being seen this way.

Just as she hit enter to send her latest text, she noticed some movement towards the front of the cabin. A quick peek over the seat in front of her let her see one of the flight attendants striding quickly towards the rear of the cabin! Dave knew something had changed as he saw Kristen sit back down, looking nervous. He watched as she pulled her cardigan up from the seat it was draped over and frantically searched for the armholes. He realized she must have seen someone coming towards her; she finally got both arms through the sleeves and buttoned a couple of buttons, just before he saw her seeming to be having a conversation with someone. It was way too noisy for him to make out any of the conversation, which was over in less than a minute.

Seconds after Kristen had partially buttoned the front of her cardigan and arranged it to cover as much of her legs as possible, one of the two flight attendants stopped at her row and smiled hello. "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that since you seem to be the only passenger not sleeping, we're going to skip the beverage service. Don't hesitate to call for us if you want anything, but it doesn't make sense to haul the cart all through the cabin and risk disturbing the sleepers."

"Thanks, I've got a water bottle in my tote, so I'm all set," Kristen replied, relieved that her previous state of dress seemed not to have been noticed. As for her current state, even with the cardigan tugged down her legs about as far as was possible, she thought the flight attendant must have noticed the tops of her stockings and a few inches of thigh visible below the hem of the cardigan! After a minute or two to let her pulse come back to normal, she texted Dave, filling him in on what had been going on.

"Wow, that explains the panicked look you had as she was approaching you. I wonder what she'd have thought if you hadn't managed to get the cardigan on in time! I thought it might have been another passenger," Dave replied, "I suppose after a scare like that your little fashion show is over."

Kristen found herself imagining both scenarios Dave mentioned; she couldn't decide whether it would be worse having another passenger see her nearly nude or having a flight attendant catch her that way. She wasn't sure if she could go much beyond what she'd already done for Dave's viewing pleasure, but she was aware of how excited showing off for him was making her, giving her multiple reasons to want to go on with her tease. She thought for a minute about how she might be able to proceed, then texted him again, "Show not necessarily over, just a break to think about my options; none of this was planned, so I'm kind of winging it here, but I think I might be able to take something else off if you'd like me to!"

"Do you have any doubt? As long as you feel safe, I'm always happy to watch you removing your clothes!"

"Then sit back and enjoy!" Kristen replied. She undid the two buttons she had managed to refasten, then began slowly removing the cardigan, one sleeve at a time. This time around, she didn't think of what she was doing as any kind of fashion show; she was thinking striptease, drawing out the emergence of her bare shoulder then slowly sliding the cardigan down her upper arm and past her elbow before finally pulling it down over her hand. When she had finished the same process on her other arm and the cardigan was completely off, Dave was expecting to see her take her bra off next, but she surprised him yet again.

She brought her feet up on the seat in camera range and slipped her sandals off, kicking them to the floor. With her mask on she realized he couldn't see her facial expression, but she couldn't help smiling, knowing how much he must be enjoying her show. She brought her left leg up to the middle tray table pointed right towards her tablet and slowly rolled her stocking off. Once her left leg was uncovered she draped the loose stocking over her shoulders like some sort of transparent scarf, then moved on to working the stocking off her right leg. When both stockings had been removed she wadded them up and stuffed them into one of the pockets of her cardigan.

"See, I told you I could take something else off," she texted Dave.

"Full of surprises, as usual!" was his reply. He was all smiles until he saw her pulling her cardigan back on and watched as she buttoned the top couple of buttons, "Well, that was pretty damn hot, but I understand if you're not comfortable going any further."

"Giving up on me already?" she typed, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but it seems like you're getting more covered..."

Kristen wasn't sure if Dave was just making an observation or if he was challenging her to be bolder. It really didn't matter now, she had already decided on her next move and answered his latest text without touching her keyboard. She ran her left hand down her neck, then continued down over her cardigan, running her fingers through the cardigan and her bra all around the outer edge of her right breast, pausing a moment to give it a firm squeeze, knowing Dave would be imagining doing the same thing himself. When she'd done about all she could think of to tease him with her hand in sight, she slipped it inside the cardigan and continued massaging her breast for at least a minute; during the last half of that minute, her fingers were busy tracing small circles at her nipple. Without letting up on her left hand's activity, she followed the same steps with her right hand and left breast. She noticed a running stream of short texts from Dave confirming the effect her behavior was having on him, but was too busy to take a break to read or answer them.

Kristen took a deep breath as she finally left her breasts alone so she could reach around behind her back to unhook her bra. She felt herself shaking as she felt the hooks come loose; despite the combination of the loosened bra and her cardigan still keeping her breasts covered, she knew that by going this far she was making it more likely than not that she'd end up topless before she was through with her show. "Would that be so bad?" she wondered, "Dave is the only one who's going to see me, and he's pretty much always in favor of me showing more skin." Still, taking off her bra in even a sparsely populated airliner seemed plenty risky to her. The flight attendant had almost caught her earlier, and she started from the front of the cabin; what if a passenger only a few rows ahead of her headed to the restrooms behind her?

Thinking about the possibility of giving some stranger an eyeful with nowhere to escape to until the flight ended in a couple of hours gave Kristen chills; in her handful of previous experiments with exposing herself, she had usually had some kind of option to cover up, hide or get away. Not this time.

Whatever misgivings she still had about getting out of her bra were apparently not enough to stop her; still in the middle of her internal debate about whether to go for safety or arousal, she noticed her left hand was moving on as if the debate was over and arousal had won, sliding her right bra strap off her shoulder and stretching it down the cardigan's sleeve towards her hand. Once her left hand had finished its mission, her right hand took the left strap down. Kristen didn't remember having made a conscious decision to go ahead and remove her bra, but that part of her psyche which sometimes took over in this kind of situation had apparently made the call, and was now having her left hand pull the bra out the open v-neck of her cardigan. She still had some measure of control over the increasingly reckless behavior she was indulging in, taking care to hold the deep v-neck sides at the front of the cardigan close enough together to limit the exposure of her breasts to a generous amount of cleavage; daring, even dramatic, but probably no more than you might see at a dance club. "Or at least not much more," she thought, smiling as she saw Dave's reaction to her latest moves on her tablet's screen.

"You like?" she asked, asking another question she knew the answer to, just because she enjoyed hearing it, or in tonight's case reading it.

"Hell yeah! You should always wear the cardigan like this!"

"Sure, I'd be a legend in the office if I came to my Monday morning staff meeting dressed this way. Unemployed, but a legend."

She held the bra up to the tablet's camera as close as it could focus, saying, "I just thought you'd like a closer look at the material, isn't it pretty?

"Looks like a fine garment, very sexy. Thanks for the closeup. You said it and the panties are a matching set, didn't you?"

"They are." she typed once she'd added her bra to the growing collection of clothing in her tote and shoved the bag back under the seat, giving him a look that, even with her mask covering much of her face, left no doubt that she knew he was challenging her again.

"He wants me to get out of my panties. Here. Now. Incredible," she thought to herself, still locking eyes with her evidently very horny husband, "Lucky for him I sort of want the same thing! Still, I'd like him to come right out and say what he wants."

"Is that your way of asking me to get out of them? I just might, if you ask nicely!" she finally answered.