Kros Voyeh Ch. 05


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Halloc Aurim nodded slowly. "As long as the fast endures, she should not travel. Keeping the child from his Majesty's appetites is wise. She doesn't yet understand how to behave properly enough to avoid stirring them."

"I thank you for this reprieve." The Prince offered him a slight bow.

"You are to show the Duchess what propriety looks like when she seeks you out." The Halloc looked to Lislora with a dubious expression, "Master Krouth says you are a friend to the Duchess and she would be distraught if you left. You may stay as long as you serve as an example to her."

"I will do so gladly." Lislora curtsied.

Krouth brought Isonei in, ushering her to her customary seat next to Draeseth's place. She looked better and her cheeks had a little color.

Draeseth approached and gave the woman a hopeful smile brushing her cheek, "Your face is cold, my jewel."

"Krouth showed me the gardens and we walked around the parapets." Isonei seemed hesitant to continue as Draeseth took his seat.

"I should have already done so." He laid his hand on the table, palm up for a moment and when she didn't take it immediately he put it palm down and gritted his teeth.

"Please don't make that sound." The Aran woman touched his arm briefly and he looked helplessly at Lislora.

"I've always enjoyed walking along the parapets here." Lislora tried to begin a conversation. "I walk them as often as I can. The views are the loveliest in all of Torga."

"It was lovely." Isonei looked as if she were biting the inside of her lip, "Master Krouth said..." She glanced at Draeseth nervously.

"What did Krouth say?" He asked gently.

"He said I could-could go outside when I wished to."

"What is she frightened of?" Halloc Aurim frowned observing them closely.

"My wife is afraid I will forbid her to go outside." Draeseth studied the Aran woman for a moment, "Stop chewing on your lip, my Isonei. You may walk the parapets and gardens as often as you wish. No one will stop you."

Krouth cleared his throat politely as he laid two of the bowls of goat stew being brought out in front of Draeseth and his relieved looking wife. "I have already arranged for someone to watch her discreetly to be certain she isn't accosted." The man switched into Aran with a faint smile to the Duchess, "A little freedom and fresh air will do her Grace good."

The woman seemed to brighten and took a bite of her stew, clearly enjoying it. Lislora tried it as well. Goat was not one of her favorite meats and stew was possibly the worst way she'd seen it prepared. It was difficult not to give the woman an annoyed look as she devoured the stew more eagerly than anything Lislora had served.

"You look displeased." Brother Jannun frowned at her, studying her face, "You disapprove of the Duchess going outside?"

"No! I-" Lislora sighed and shook her head, "I've spent the entire time I've been here trying to find food that she would eat. You have the kitchens serve a-a," she looked for a word that wouldn't be insulting.

"A plain and wholesome meal?" The Halloc was smiling faintly. "It was noticed in the Dalcur that she has a fondness for modest foods. Prince Burgath shared your annoyance."

Isonei was peering at them curiously.

Brother Jannun gestured to the food, "Lady Lislora is ahh, bothering. You eat this and not ahh rich."

The Aran woman smiled at him indulgently, "Lady Lislora is bothered because I enjoy this more than rich food?"

He inclined his head and repeated it correctly, "Yes, Lady Lislora is bothered because you enjoy this more than rich food." Jannun glanced at Draeseth as if expecting to be mocked, "She's a very gentle teacher."

"My Duchess does everything gently. I love her for it, more than anything else."

"You should strive to return that gentleness to her." Halloc Aurim nodded toward the Duchess bowl, "Encourage her to eat more. After her illness, she needs her strength returned."

"The Halloc wants you to eat more, my Duchess."

"I'm trying to. The more I eat the more sleepy I feel."

"You should return to your rooms to rest after the meal." Lislora offered her a smile. "You were barely able to stay awake yesterday and you've been outside walking this morning. A good meal and a nap-"

"She should try to stay awake." Jannun frowned and shook his head, "Sleeping too much isn't healthy."

"Forgive me for interrupting," Krouth stepped close to the Duchess' chair, "her Grace has only been able to keep food down for a day. Another day of rest might be advisable."

"I-I don't know if I want to go back to my rooms..." Isonei looked almost as pitiful as she had in the morning.

Lislora opened her mouth to reassure the woman when Draeseth frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Because of the priest, cousin. She needs to be reassured that he's resting peacefully and there's nothing to be afraid of in her rooms. When your eldest brother died, I still remember..." Lislora trailed off as he lifted his hand.

"I was very young and death had not been well explained to me."

"The Duchess reacted as a child would." Jannun gave him a meaningful look.

"I will take her to her rooms and speak with her." Krouth inclined his head.

"Take Lislora." Draeseth gave her a faint smile. "My Duchess may find her comforting."

"We can speak of it now." Halloc Aurim gave the baffled-looking Aran a stern look, "Brother Brenough is a priest of Ganas and he has been welcomed into Ganas' embrace. There is nothing to fear."

Krouth dutifully relayed the words in a gentler tone and Isonei tilted her head, "I didn't think he would be lingering, but the-the..." She stopped and shook her head.

The sour servant's eyes widened, "You had never seen a body and it frightened you."

"Yes!" Isonei wiped at her eyes. "I don't want to go back to my rooms because I'll-I'll keep remembering it."

"Your Grace, he is resting peacefully and a body is nothing to be afraid of. It is simply a shell." Krouth's tone was surprisingly soothing.

She looked a little dubious as Brother Jannun relayed the gist of the conversation to the Halloc.

"Have you never known anyone who died?" Lislora offered her a reassuring smile.

"My grandfather died, but I didn't see the body. He was wrapped and we took him to be burned."

Draeseth looked at her with a hint of amusement, "You spent time in the Lerian crypts without fear."

"The crypts are different. The Dagas' bodies rest in their sargs and I always found it comforting to know that they're not truly gone."

The sour servant didn't look pleased with that but he spoke in the soothing tone again, "Seeing your rooms in the light of day and knowing he is resting should ease your mind, your Grace."

Isonei looked thoughtful for a moment, "Could beds be brought in for the priests who will be sleeping in my room? I think," she looked into the middle distance for a moment, "I think if they weren't sleeping on the floor I would feel better."

"They will be sleeping in his Highness' rooms on the other side of the Duke's door, your Grace."

The Aran woman gave a stern look to the Prince, "In beds."

"Something will be found for them," his amused annoyance seemed to reassure her. "Eat."

Halloc Aurim looked pleased as the conversation was relayed, "She is a sweet-natured child. Reclaiming her should not be too difficult. Though," he gave Draeseth a pointed look, "it may be best not to speak of the Lerian demons."


Lislora cast an amused glance at the Aran woman who had given up her attempt to learn weaving and had flopped herself over the arm of the nearby chair like a bored child to watch. "It is not terribly difficult, Isonei. It merely requires patience."

"Tending hives requires patience, this requires perseverance and an inability to be bored."

"You may find it to be a useful skill, and this is 'the Duchess' weaving room.'" She tried not to laugh as the woman scrunched her delicate features and grimaced. "Krouth will chide you if you keep making faces like that."

"I think Brother Jannun tried to warn me my face might stick that way." Isonei's impish smile was infectious.

"That was what my mother always told me." Lislora smiled back at her.

"You're very cheerful today, Lislora, you were glowing when I came in." When the Aran woman tilted her head and smiled so candidly, it was difficult to remember they were nearly the same age.

"Draeseth and I were permitted to go for a short ride to his cow sheds in Javos after prayers this morning. It was wonderful getting away from the Keep however briefly." Lislora smiled wryly at Isonei's jealous expression, "If you wanted to spend time with him, I think he would welcome it."

"No. I'm envious that you were able to leave, even if it was only for a short while. I'm fond of the priests but," Isonei sighed, "the smoke is becoming oppressive. I can even smell it on the parapets."

Lislora turned to study her. "Why do you not want to spend time with him? You spend time with me and with the priests but not with Draeseth."

"He won't tell me the truth, Lislora. The priests seem to have forgiven him for trying to have them poisoned, but how can I forgive him if he won't put things right?"

"You have to speak to him to give him the chance, Isonei. How can he know, otherwise?"

"He knows. We argued about it the night that," the Aran sighed again and looked subdued, "that Brother Brenough died."

"You seem very deeply affected for having barely known the man." Lislora came to rest a hand on her head.

"He was such a sweet man. And he did this charming thing where he would put his hands on my face and-" Isonei made a gesture of parting her hands.

"This?" Lislora smiled as the woman turned her face up, allowing it to be covered, before she moved her hands out toward the woman's ears.

"Yes! It was so sweet!"

"It is a..." she tried to find the word, "gentle way of wishing Ganas will protect you or see good things done for you."

"A benediction?" Isonei beamed.

"It is what priests do." She tried not to laugh as the woman's smile showed a bit of annoyance.

"What is?" Brother Jannun looked into the room curiously.

"I was asking why she's so affected by Brother Brenough's death. She was telling me that he was a very sweet man and he did a charming thing with his hands on her face."

Jannun laughed softly, "He was fond of the Duchess as well. She reminded him of his niece, a delicate, sickly child who died very young. He insisted that she be treated gently and requested to assist me in my task of looking after her. Each time he gave her a benediction she would smile and look up at him adoringly.

"Halloc Aurim had expected her to be conniving and worldly. Brother Brenough saw how sweet and childlike she was immediately."

Isonei was looking at them with her usual curious and baffled expression.

"Halloc Aurim is waiting." Brother Jannun beckoned for her to go with him.

Lislora moved back to the loom as the Aran woman followed him out beginning to chatter about how Aran priests don't give benedictions that way.

Weaving always made her feel more content. When she'd spent the year tending to her elderly husband it had been the one thing to keep her from going mad. Lislora worked until she felt ready to stop for the day, and nearly jumped as she turned to find her cousin sitting in the chair Isonei had occupied.


Draeseth laughed in his throat. "Forgive me. I enjoy watching you work the loom. How did my Isonei enjoy it?"

"She didn't. She said it requires 'perseverance and an inability to be bored' and made one of her faces." Lislora shook her head at his annoyed expression. "There was another mention of the hives again..."

The noise he made was deeply displeased as he leaned back in the chair.

"You should tell her you're afraid of bees."

"She would tease me and insist she could dispel it." He ran a hand over his face, "Perhaps I should, perhaps then my wife would speak to me beyond the pleasantries she'd give a stranger."

"I tried to encourage her to discuss things with you today. Isonei is aware that you've lied and she said you argued and refused to tell her the truth. I don't think she'll forgive you until you do."

"She isn't still angry about the herbs I ordered Krouth to put in the priest's food?"

"I think she may be, but because the priests seem to have forgiven you she's trying."

"I should have known better. Krouth tried to warn me. My Duchess finds tampering with food to be a very serious matter, that I ordered it so soon after her own food was tainted..." Draeseth leaned forward again putting his elbows on his knees. "I will consider telling her the truth."

A polite cough came from the open door.

"Krouth." Draeseth didn't look up. "How did my wife enjoy her lessons today?"

"Against my advice, Halloc Aurim began telling her some of the more vengeful stories from the Holy Word. He could see that she had enjoyed the pleasant stories, but they did not entice her to give up her false Aran gods and embrace Ganas. He expects tales of what happens to those who reject Ganas or disobey him to bring her to her senses." The sour servant gave the Prince a look at suggested the Halloc was a fool before he schooled his face.

"Is she walking the parapets?"

"Pacing them, your Highness, like a caged animal. If he persists in telling these stories we may need to have the portcullis lowered again."

Draeseth made a loudly displeased sound. "You're certain the jester has left?"

"I am. Master Gilim assisted him in finding transportation to the Dalcur."

"Thank you for sending him away, cousin." Lislora stood and moved to the window. "It was unnerving to have him following me through the market."

"He pleaded to stay to entertain the Duchess and I considered it." Draeseth scowled at his hands, "But it would have been another thing for her to be angry with me for if I'd had to kill the man for trying to steal from us or kidnap her. I couldn't justify the risk for a moment's lightening of her mood." He seemed to notice Lislora's frown. "Burgath says there are so many rumors, Isonei may be the only one who doesn't suspect what I've done. Letting the jester go was of no consequence. He had been searched and not permitted back into the Keep, there is no proof he could have taken with him."

"Even so, I might have had him sent to the Vrudalcur instead."

"If someone had been unscrupulous enough to sell him across the border, Lady Lislora," Krouth's tone was frigid and his eyes were hard, "Duchess Isonei might never have forgiven you."

"My gentle wife was moved by the plight of the Munian I owned. I have no love of slavery but I believe my Isonei regards it as a sin." Draeseth inclined his head. "I won't risk pushing her further away."

Krouth straightened his tunic, "Informing you of Duchess Isonei's lessons today was not my only purpose in finding you, your Highness. Halloc Aurim requested to see you at your leisure."

Draeseth looked up at the man with an amused sound, "And you've kept him waiting because he failed to listen to your advice on how to reclaim Isonei?"

"Not at all, your Highness. It didn't seem urgent." The servant shrugged but a smug smile briefly crossed his face.

"I'll go before he takes it as disrespect." Draeseth gave the man a look of annoyed amusement as he rose from the chair.

The sour servant lingered as Draeseth disappeared through the door. "I wished to speak with you, Lady Lislora."

"Of course." She studied him curiously as he stepped back and seemed to glance down the halls.

"I have a suspicion of what the Halloc is going to speak to his Highness of, and I would have you be aware that Duchess Isonei will come to you to discuss the matter." He gave her a meaningful look as if his cryptic statement should be enlightening.

"I don't understand."

Krouth stepped into the room fully and closed the door. "I make it a point to speak to her Grace in the evenings. She's spoken very warmly of you and of how grateful she is to have you as a friend. It's clear to me that she feels closer to you than she does to her husband at the moment." He paused and frowned, "I'm almost certain the Halloc is entertaining the notion of allowing his Highness to take his wife to bed to allow him to show her affection as she requires. Her Grace will come to you to ask permission because she knows how close the two of you are. If you choose not to give it, I believe very firmly she would prefer to remain celibate than to defy you. Your friendship means a great deal to her."

Lislora moved away from the window and took a seat in the chair Draeseth had vacated. "I'm very fond of her, Krouth."

"But?" The servant tilted his head slightly.

"The more time I spend with my cousin, the more time I want to spend with him. I've never enjoyed anyone's company so much."

"You could advise her Grace to wait and try to encourage her more to speak with his Highness. Perhaps if he comes to understand that your companionship is more valuable..." He stopped speaking as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm not going to try to manipulate him. He can make his own choices." Opening her eyes she gave him a chiding look, "I will encourage her to speak with him because my cousin needs it, and I can't imagine her coming to ask me for permission, but if she does I will," Lislora sighed, "I will leave the choice up to them. Ganas puts things on their right paths if we let him and I will pray that he does so."

Krouth bowed wordlessly as if apologizing and let himself out.

Sitting alone for a moment, she couldn't keep the bitter thought out of her mind. If Ganas put things on their right paths perhaps he already had. Perhaps what she wanted was the wrong thing and Isonei belonged with Draeseth.


Lislora smiled serenely as she worked the loom. Draeseth had gone with her into Evenos that morning and helped her choose the last few things for the feast tonight. She'd been planning the meal with Krouth for days. No wine sauces or capers, which would take a great deal of richness out of the meal, but some of the dishes had thick sauces and there would be more than goat served. She was surprised to find she felt more nervous about this meal than the one she'd helped Isonei organize.

Even the wines had been carefully chosen. It had been almost baffling for a moment, the way her cousin had been gleeful over the bottle of Aran wine Master Gilim had been able to procure. He'd never been fond of foreign wines. And then Master Gilim had grinned and informed them that the moment he saw a bottle of House Ernelis' wine for sale he'd bought it knowing the Duchess would want it.

Draeseth hadn't even tried to haggle. Remembering the delight on his face still made her feel warm.

While she was weaving and thinking of the morning with her cousin, Isonei had come into the room. The Aran woman was standing close behind her, watching.

"Have you come to try another lesson?" Lislora smiled.

"No, I..." Isonei nervously rubbed her hands together and took a seat near the window instead of in the closer chair. "I need to talk to you about something that..."