Kros Voyeh Ch. 12


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Draeseth rose from his seat as she approached, touching her face and running his hands over her as if assuring himself she were still dressed and unmolested.

The Aran placed her hand on his chest with a contented smile. "You could dance at least that well if you wanted to. I'm certain of it."

"If you must dance, I would have you learn Torgan dances. I do not enjoy watching you dance that way."

"I will be glad to learn Torgan dances." She tilted her chin down and looked almost meek.

He made a sound that seemed both annoyed and amused. "My second Duchess does not drive me mad with jealousy."

"I am amazed at your restraint, brother." Prince Burgath placed his elbows on the table. "She is not my wife and even I had the urge to draw a blade."

"It was a pointed reminder that the Silver Jewel of the Kroscur comes from Ara. A Torgan would not allow his daughter or his sister to dance that way. His wife may do it behind closed doors with him if she chooses," King Orgath muttered before he rose. "In Ara, they would be retiring to the gardens or dancing into the night. I hope you all forgive me for forcing you to endure the more Torgan evening's pursuit of pleasant conversation in a comfortable room."

His droll announcement drew a few quiet laughs and the gathered nobles rose and began to mingle.

Isonei seemed slightly annoyed, murmuring to her husband, "I don't understand why it upsets Torgans so much. It's a beautiful dance."

"The last dance was graceful, Duchess." Prince Ougath brought her cloak and put it over her shoulders. "But it was also scandalous. When he leaned you back it was very... suggestive."

"The music was more lovely than I had expected." King Orgath moved closer with the Queen on his arm.

The Aran offered him a faintly rueful smile, "I had never heard the music for a Seivenis Jara played on only one instrument, but it was incredibly well done. It gave it an air of etherealness. He's obviously talented. Does he write music as well?"

"I will have inquiries made." The King looked amused at her assessment. "Burgath said that the Court in Ara has musicians waiting to play for the Queen at a moment's notice."

"It's true! King Tamnaeuth very famously decreed that she should have music wherever she goes because she moves so gracefully." Isonei brightened.

"He only has one Queen?" The Queen's cool smile made Lislora want to remain perfectly still and hope to avoid notice.

"He had two, your Majesty. But..." Isonei hesitated with a frown. For once the woman's expression was almost fearful

"Did she die?" A Phaethian woman in a fine gown of dark red studied Isonei intently. Lislora guessed this must be the Imperial Princess.

"No. She was banished from Court." Isonei fidgeted uncomfortably and moved closer to Draeseth. "I don't know who she was or what she did. Her name isn't spoken and it was made very clear that any inquiry about the matter, no matter how discreet, from a single member of a House would put that House out of favor." The look she turned on the King was almost pleading, "It is not discussed."

"His fury must have been impressive if you still fear it and it was done... when?"

"Before I was born."

King Orgath's eyebrows rose. "Such fury would be impressive even for a Torgan. She was Andnaeuth's mother?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Did he travel with his mother?" The Queen frowned.

"Your Majesty, I didn't ask him. He never spoke of her and I never pried."

"He mentioned once..." Burgath materialized at Lislora's side, offering his hand. "He was not raised in the Court as Daeira was."

She took it glancing to Draeseth as her arm was put on his brother's but he seemed absorbed in the conversation with Isonei.

"The Arrangement must have been dissolved in the traditional way." The Aran inclined her head. "A child would stay with his mother, only visiting on the holidays that would require it until he came of age."

Draeseth made a surprised sound. "The father's House is the most important."

"A child needs his mother. An Arrangement can be amended so easily because the happiness of both parents is necessary to keep the family intact. A child belongs to his father's House, everything he requires is paid for by his father, he is named by his father, but until he comes of age he remains with his mother."

The words made Isonei's insistence more understandable. The Aran was willing to fight for Lislora to keep her son because it was what the Aran had been raised to believe was right, that the boy would need his mother. A small wave of gratitude for the peculiar Aran way of doing things washed over her.

"A child does need his mother. Duchess Isonei, perhaps you will join me and my Queen as we speak with our guests? You should be introduced to the nobles that make up our family and our inner circle."

The King offered his other arm and Isonei took it with a bright smile, "It would be my pleasure, your Majesty."

She and Burgath trailed behind silently as Isonei was introduced to one of her cousin's uncles.

"Little Duchess, I would have you met my youngest brother, Duke Rudorth of the Yezocur. He has an appreciation for dancing that rivals my Adareth's."

"I thought the boy with her might stumble, brother." The Duke smirked as he inclined his head, "Until she reassured him that her husband was a kitten. Your bastard son is going to lose his fierce reputation if-"

Isonei began to giggle and the Duke stopped speaking giving her an appalled look clearly unhappy at being interrupted. The Aran didn't seem to notice, holding out her hand for Draeseth and moving from the King's arm to his.

As she gazed up at him adoringly she spoke in a cheerful tone, "My flower wine reminds me of a wonderful kitten we had in Ara, at times. He grew into a very large cat but he always adored snuggling close to us and he would sometimes bring home fat rabbits as big as he was!"

The large Prince rolled his shoulders back with a smirk and the Duke looked almost startled.

She'd almost forgotten that her hand was on Burgath's arm until he gently pulled her away from the small knot of people before his uncle could summon a reply.

"I wished to have a private word, Lady Lislora." He kept his voice low as he moved slowly to the edge of the room. "I assume my father left his invitation to dinner vague?"

"He did, yes, Prince Burgath." Lislora swallowed and inclined her head. "It-"

"He wanted to embarrass you." Burgath smiled toward Isonei, "Instead you've received a masterclass in how to carry yourself with grace and aplomb. Not that I expect you to be capable of carrying yourself with the same surety as a woman born to grace the Court." He laughed softly in his throat.

"How my bastard brother managed to find a wife so charming... She'd have been better suited to Adareth. Duchess Isonei says you and the black bastard are well-suited, however. I can see it. Neither of you knows how to join a conversation, but I think she's patiently teaching him a few social graces. The man can be pleasant in her company."

Lislora risked a reply, "He's always been pleasant when he wasn't being provoked."

"By the low standards of the Kroscur, perhaps. Duchess Isonei enriches Torga by her presence." He gave her a pointed look, "You will see to it the woman is kept content. She regards you as a friend, perhaps even a sister because of Aran customs. If she becomes miserable because of your companionship, my father's displeasure will only be the beginning of the hardships you endure."

"If she becomes miserable," the woman's voice startled them both, "perhaps, she'll stay at Court where she belongs and let this one stay in the Kroscur with her husband's other mistresses."

Burgath inclined his head, "Princess Kresh, have you met Lady Lislora?"

"I don't need to know her name. I require Duchess Nei to remain. The woman's temper leaves something to be desired but I'm willing to forgive her one outburst." The tattooed Phaethian woman looked Lislora over with a frown, "Why would he even look at this one twice? Nei is exquisite."

"The men of my family have always enjoyed variety." Burgath's smile was frosty. "Duke Shoban is here tonight, I believe, with his mother and sister. You may enjoy hearing the Duchess speak to him if my eldest brother isn't monopolizing their time. They've traded some impressive barbs."

From the fury that crossed the Princess' face, Lislora suspected she was overhearing something she wasn't meant to understand.

"Do you intend to take up bedding your brother's whore? You seem comfortable with her."

"My bastard brother doesn't share women, I thought you would be aware of that, your Imperial Highness."

The Prince's eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke with deliberate nonchalance. Anyone who didn't know that Princess Kresh had attempted and failed to seduce Prince Draeseth would have been oblivious to the barb. Lislora pinned her eyes to the floor not wanting to betray the fact that she was aware of it.

The Phaethian hissed something in her own tongue and stormed away.

"My brother told you about..." Burgath tilted her chin up with some amusement, "the incident?"

"He did. I was trying not to show it."

He laughed and rubbed the spot just above the center of his eyebrows. "You're terrible at concealing things. My brother enjoys straightforward women, I prefer them to be more cunning. But she was right, we shouldn't linger by ourselves or there will be talk that you intend to bed more than one of the Princes."

"I don't know if I can face them without Draeseth..." Lislora swallowed and took a breath, the largest Torgan Prince was grinning broadly with his wife on his arm speaking to someone she couldn't see.

"Isonei would be who I would look to. We can rejoin my father and follow along behind them. This meal was intended to be something to lift the Duchess' spirits, and they've been clamoring to meet her since she was too ill to attend her welcome feast. I'd allow you to slip away to your rooms but... The Arrangement my brother is seeking will create some interest to put it mildly. They'll want a look at you as well."

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