Kros Voyeh Ch. 13


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"What did she say?" Lislora asked as they began walking back toward the palace.

"She'll have the gowns delivered by tonight, they'll be plain but not entirely out of place. Master Krouth will need to come pay her himself before she has more made."

"She can have them done by tonight?" The thought was baffling but it made the helpful woman's insistence on not looking up from her work more understandable.

"Mistress Rin was..." Mes hesitated, "trained in Phaethia. Torgan garments are more complicated but she's found ways to reduce the amount of time needed to finish a garment. She buys slaves and allows them to work for their freedom as well. They work quickly and competently."

Lislora nodded. It was an opportunity few slaves had, they undoubtedly worked hard for it.

The city of Nemauros had begun to come awake despite the early hour. The rank smell of chamber pots being emptied into gutters wafted through the growing crowd in the square they were making their way across. It mingled with the smell of cooked and cooking meat as some of the street vendors began preparing and unveiling their wares.

Shuddering at the stink of it all, Lislora glanced at the boy next to her who looked slightly queasy. "The air is better in the Kroscur."

He nodded, "When do we go back?"

"After the bouts. Prince Draeseth can't leave before then. He won't leave without Duchess Isonei, so it may take a little longer. She's well liked, his Majesty may not wish to see her go."

"Perhaps I have time to begin some studies?" Hodrim looked at her hopefully.

"It would be expensive and you might not even be here for a full month. You should wait until we return to the Kroscur. I can help you with your Aran and learning to read and write Torgan." Lislora rested a hand on his shoulder as he gave a disappointed, but understanding nod. "To study at the Temple you need special clothes and the lessons require a patronage."

The boy was quiet as they made their way back into the palace.

As they made their way past the kitchens, one of the kitchen staff hurried out toward them. "Master Krouth sent word down that breakfast will be in Prince Draeseth's rooms today. Fresh clothes were arranged for all of you and he said to have you all wash some of the stink of the city off of you before you join the King for breakfast.

"He would have you be quick, Mes, before the Duchess wakes. His Majesty is always sour when you aren't available to help the Duchess." The woman pointed toward a doorway and Mes rushed forward.

Lislora followed with Hodrim. Inside the doorless room, a basin had been laid as well as one of Lislora's other dresses, a slightly better dress that looked to be the maid's, and very fine brown tunics and pants for Hodrim that had probably once belonged to Adareth. The maid was already stripping herself of her clothes.

"There is no door!" Lislora hissed at her, turning Hodrim around forcibly. "And Hodrim-"

"There's no time, my Lady. No one will be trying to steal a look at us and Hodrim is a child, he-"

"It's inappropriate. Water and my clothes will be taken to the rooms."

"As the Lady pleases." The maid hadn't stopped undressing and she was now washing hurriedly. "You should allow Master Hodrim to wash and change. He shouldn't have to endure the King's displeasure by dragging the stink of the city into the rooms at breakfast."

The woman's pointed look and stern frown made Lislora want to argue out of spite, instead, she turned him to face her, giving Hodrim the choice. "If you wish to wash in the same water as the maid and change here in an open room you may, Hodrim, but water will be brought to the rooms."

He glanced between them thoughtfully and inclined his head to the maid, "I'll wash here. Duchess Isonei always smells so nice, I wouldn't want to bring a foul smell into her rooms or to displease the King."

Mes dimpled at him, "We should hurry, Master Hodrim. If his Majesty or the Princes arrive in the rooms before we do they'll wake the Duchess, no matter what Master Krouth says, if no one is there to entertain them."


Lislora washed hurriedly and changed into the brown open throated gown Krouth had brought into the washing room for her. He'd given her a disappointed look as he opened the window that had taken her aback. The dress might be slightly scandalous, but it was at least nicer than what the maid was wearing. Braiding her hair more elegantly, with the help of a small mirror on a stand, and pinning it up, her stomach growled and her thoughts turned to the food that would be served. There would probably be no swine, but eggs, chicken livers, and lamb kidneys could be expected.

The thought of eggs was very appealing this morning, as was lamb kidneys, with dark bread to sop up the sauce.

Finishing her hair, she smoothed the gown and stepped out. Hodrim was seated nervously in a chair near Prince Burgath.

"Lady Lislora said she would help me continue my studies. Learning at the Temple is too expensive and we'll all be going back to the Kroscur soon."

The Prince tilted his head slightly, "Duchess Isonei will stay until her child is born. Father won't risk her health on further travel until he has his first grandson and I doubt my brother will leave her side." He gave the boy a mischievous smile, "You saw how she was clamped beneath his arm."

Hodrim smiled shyly, "Some of the children at the orphanage sleep that way with their dolls."

Burgath laughed and gave the boy a broad grin. "I may use that to tease him, but not in front of the Duchess. She coddles him like a delicate child and won't allow anyone to-" He stopped and snapped his head around to look at Lislora.

She offered a respectful curtsy and he frowned, "You should have washed and changed in another room. These can't be aired before breakfast to get rid of the smell you brought in without risking Duchess Isonei catching a chill."

Her face flushed and Krouth spoke up as she tried to find a reply, "I opened the window in the washing room. Keeping the door closed with the soiled clothes inside should help somewhat."

"One can hope." Burgath inclined his head.

Lislora took a seat well away from him and smoothed her skirt, hoping Draeseth would wake soon.

The door of the rooms opened and Ougath came in with an amused look to his brother, "We usually meet in the dining room first."

"Father wanted to settle the wager." Burgath gave him a grin. "I was right. You owe me a purse."

Prince Ougath grimaced and gave Lislora an accusing look, "You didn't take him to bed last night?"

Flush darkened her face again, "No!"

"Why not?" The younger Prince folded his arms with a frown. "You seemed affectionate and he can't bed Isonei."

Her mouth dropped open and Burgath began to laugh, "You should have been here when father opened the door. Our bastard brother sleeps with his little silver Duchess tucked under his arm like a child with a doll."

Ougath flopped into a seat with a sigh, "Where is father?"

"Waiting to see who wakes first."

They grinned at each other.

"Would you like to place a wager? I could win my money back."

"If you want to put money on the Duchess you're welcome to. The woman sleeps like the dead. Unless father pinches her little blue feet, Draeseth will wake first."

With a dismissive wave and an exasperated sound, Ougath shook his head. "I'm amazed he isn't awake already." With a furrowed brow he looked back at Lislora, "He didn't bed her last night? He isn't allowed."

"They were talking and laughing when I went into my room." That much was true at least. What they did after they went into theirs she didn't want to speculate.

"She can hold conversations so pleasant even the black bastard can't bear to end them." Burgath leaned back in his seat with an almost doting smile. "Have you met Hodrim, brother? This is the child she's so insistent on adopting."

Hodrim rose and bowed.

"Adareth's clothes fit him well. He looks like he belongs to the nobility." Ougath gave the boy a kind smile, "Duchess Isonei spoke of you warmly. Can you keep up with her when she speaks Aran?"

"No." Hodrim shook his head ruefully, "I'm still learning, but she's patient."

"We learned from the Temple's tutors, I'm certain that can be arranged for you. Father wants her to be delighted at every opportunity." Burgath smiled, sitting up as the door opened again and Prince Rogath entered with Princess Kresh. "I was beginning to wonder if breakfast should be served in your rooms, brother."

Rogath grinned and glanced around, "Where's father?"

"Waiting to see which one of them wakes first." Ougath pointed to the bedroom door.

"That's childish." Kresh wrinkled her nose as she glanced around the room. "These rooms always smell like the Duchess, like something sweet. They don't this morning."

"Lady Lislora declined to wash and change in another room. She went to the Temple this morning-"

"And dragged the city's stench into the Duchess' rooms." Kresh gave her a vicious look. "Why Nei tolerates you I cannot understand."

Lislora pinned her eyes to the floor.

"I think she's relieved she's going to have someone to share her husband with." Ougath sounded amused but Lislora didn't look up.

"They have large families in Ara, Isonei and Draeseth both want that." Burgath sounded more speculative. "To an Aran it's the father's House that matters most, Isonei will love every one of Draeseth's children like her own. A second wife lets her have the larger family she wants with less risk."

"How large was her family?" Kresh settled onto a chair across from the Princes. "She only spoke of a few sisters."

"She had six brothers and five sisters." Burgath sounded amused. "Only two of her brothers were of her House."

"Then she had only two brothers." Kresh sounded annoyed and Lislora risked a glance at the sour faced woman.

"She'll correct you if you say that. Arans have a looser definition of family but they're very attached. Isonei speaks as lovingly of her brothers in House Iarmaris as she does her brothers in House Ernelis."

The bedroom door opened and she couldn't help but look as the King came out, clearly amused. "I granted them a few moments longer."

The soft, barely audible sound of Isonei's voice followed him out and Lislora realized he hadn't closed the door.

"Someone should tell him he's hosting breakfast." Rogath grinned as his brother's low voice wafted out indistinctly as well. "And that my wife was so eager to speak to his she joined us this morning."

Krouth stepped to the open door and cleared his throat pointedly. The speaking stopped.

"Prince Rogath wished you to be made aware that you are hosting breakfast this morning."

"See to it my father and brothers have all they require. I have my father's permission to linger with my wife."

"Her Imperial Highness is anxious to see the Duchess. She is also waiting for you both to emerge."

Before the door was closed the sound of Draeseth muttering something about both of them finding patience came out to them.

King Orgath laughed in his throat, "The little Duchess misses bedding her husband in the mornings. She's being affectionate. I think he'll have enough frustration to begin the bouts early. He's looking forward to sparring to relieve it.

"Mes, have the breakfast laid. You know what she eats."

"Yes, your Majesty." Mes dropped a curtsy and hurried out.

"I'll give them until the breakfast is laid before I begin to chide." He paused, "And who is this?"

"H-Hodrim, your Majesty." The boy bowed and looked almost terrified.

"He's the one Isonei is making Draeseth adopt."

"He looks like a little lord. I wouldn't be surprised if he's some kin to the nobility in the Kroscur." The King beamed at the boy.

Hodrim began to smile shyly and offered another bow.

"Do you read and write?" The King took a seat near where Hodrim stood.

Kresh abruptly stood and strode to the bedroom door, opening it without knocking, "I am unaccustomed to being kept waiting."

"We'll be out soon. I can promise you, we would usually take a great deal longer, Kresh."

The Duchess' unbothered reply set the King and Princes laughing, it drowned out anything that Draeseth might have said to chide his wife. Kresh stepped away leaving the door open and when the laughing subsided the Black Prince's voice came out clearly.

"You should get out of bed before I decide to keep you here."

"That would be a terrible thing. Kept in bed all day with a beautiful beast kissing me mercilessly... who could endure such a thing?"

The Princes grinned at one another as the Duchess' words came out clearly and the King gestured at Krouth to wait as the woman began to giggle and the sound of movement in the bed could be heard.

"Your beautiful beast might devour you."

Lislora flushed at her cousin's playfulness.

"I enjoy it when he tries."

She gave the displeased looking servant a pleading look and he stepped toward the door, only to be stopped by the King raising his hand again.

"I will require more opponents than my brothers, woman. I would fight every man in Torga to be in your bed."

Kresh began to scowl.

"Mm. When you're-"

The rest of her words were thankfully drowned out by Mes' return with other servants bringing trays of food for the table. Krouth stepped to the door immediately and closed it nearly all the way, waiting for them to leave before knocking sharply.

"All the demons of the seven hells fuck your mother in the ass!" Draeseth's furious curse came through the not fully closed door as if it stood open.

The King and Princes were grinning but Hodrim looked horrified.

"Would her Grace like to wash before breakfast?" Krouth's gelid tone seemed to chastise him as there was a pause before he answered.

"You know that she would, Krouth. Bring the large basin, I will wash with her."

The servant closed the door.

"Fetch cold water." King Orgath grinned and shook his head. "I'll have some opponents found outside the palace. I'm told there's a sparring ground near the Queen's gate that has some promising fighters."

Burgath inclined his head, "I thank you, father. He's a difficult sparring partner under normal circumstances-"

"Coward," Kresh muttered under her breath.

"It isn't cowardice to choose one's opponents carefully." Burgath gave the Phaethian woman a frigid look.

"I was concerned she'd make him soft," Rogath grinned.

"He thrives on her coddling." Burgath laughed and passed a hand over his face, "I might fight better and more often if I had a beautiful woman kissing my neck and calling me her champion every time I did. The way she looks at him when he's-"

"There is a child present!" Lislora hissed without meaning to and then pinned her eyes to the floor.

"So there is," King Orgath sounded almost pleasant. "How old are you, child?"

"Ten, your Majesty." Hodrim spoke quietly.

"A fine age. I thought you were older, boys in the Kroscur grow tall."

Lislora lifted her eyes timidly and saw the boy smiling shyly again.

"You were in an orphanage?"

"Yes, your Majesty, for two years."

"Were you going to be a soldier or a priest?"

"A priest, your Majesty." He began to look more confident, "I was doing so well Sellac Gesosin let me choose early. I was learning to read and write and to speak Aran before I left."

"He was told they wouldn't be here long enough for him to get much value from studying at the Temple. Lady Lislora intends to teach him instead of spending the money needed to have him taught properly." Burgath's coolly displeased words made her flush and her eyes found the floor again. "I told him the Duchess wouldn't be leaving until after her son is born."

"As much as she's been looking forward to spending time with you, you should stay and keep her company," Ougath's voice was cheerful. "Lady Lislora may be going back to the Kroscur much sooner."

"Tutors can be arranged easily enough, or a patronage if the little Duchess is willing to part with you for part of the day," the King's tone mirrored his son's cheerfulness. "You're certain you wish to be a priest? You have other choices now."

"I'm certain, your Majesty," Hodrim sounded pleased and proud.

"You could become a wealthy merchant with royal favor and a tie to the Jewel of House Ernelis," Rogath spoke up encouragingly.

"Or even a winemaker." The King had his hand on Hodrim's shoulder when Lislora risked a glance up. "The little Duchess could teach you that trade or you could apprentice with one of the finer Torgan winemaker's. The wine in the Kroscur can be less palatable than some."

"Lord Vigrim sent a letter inquiring after the Duchess' health. She praised his wines so graciously I think he'll send her a dozen more bottles to celebrate the birth of her son." Prince Ougath sounded both amused and annoyed.

"The woman cultivates goodwill. She could find a position for Hodrim without difficulty," Burgath added teasingly, "She might even find him a noble wife."

"She should have come out by now," Kresh huffed and shifted in her seat.

Burgath snorted. "She was quick when she only had herself to wash and dress, she may linger with Draeseth. I think she mentioned enjoying the way he squirms when she washes between his toes."

Rogath began to laugh in his throat, "She coddles him! Treats him like a helpless child!"

"He loves every moment of it, brother."

Lislora didn't need to look up to know Burgath was grinning, she could hear it in his voice.

"I would," Hodrim spoke up hesitantly, "I would still prefer to be a priest."

"A priest's education would benefit you whatever your choice, there's no need to choose so quickly." King Orgath sounded amused, "Prince Draeseth wanted to be a priest when he was your age. As he got older he found the arms training more enjoyable than his studies and that changed.

"Whatever you choose I'm certain you'll excel at it."

She had to bite her tongue at the King's assertion that Draeseth had chosen to fight. Her cousin had been forbidden his wish to become a priest and his unhappiness had made fighting seem a better choice than anything else.

"Send this one in to wash him. It may hurry them along." Kresh was glowering at her when Lislora lifted her eyes incredulously.

Fortunately, the bedroom door opened. Duchess Isonei came out holding Draeseth's arm, smiling warmly in a fine, modest, dark grey gown that made her skin look somehow bluer and her hair more silvery.

"You look lovely this morning, cousin. That dress suits you." Draeseth offered her a smile. "I'll have Krouth find more like it."

Kresh spoke sourly before anymore greetings could be offered, "You chose to wash, knowing you were being waited for?"

"I would never ask anyone to start the day without washing." Isonei's warm smile cooled immediately but her tone was sweet.

"Keeping your better waiting-"

The Aran made a loud, disrespectful sound as she had in the Kroscur, sucking her lips against her teeth and interrupting the Princess, "You may outrank me in Torga but you are not my better. Outside of Torga, we are equals, Kresh."

It brought the Phaethian to her feet as if she wished to strike the Duchess. "Hardly, Nei."

Burgath intervened smoothly, "Both of you outrank Torgan Princes outside of Torga, but not inside of it, and neither of you outrank a King."

"Very true, Burgath." A frigidly sharp smile crossed Isonei's face as she looked Princess Kresh in the eye without a trace of fear or concern and then she broke her gaze away as if dismissing the woman. "I see your Majesty has met dear Hodrim."

The Phaethian's hands curled into fists for a brief moment and then she took a seat smoothing her skirt and glaring at Isonei as the Aran spoke to the King.