Kros Voyeh Ch. 15


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"Are they..." she licked her lips trying to think why he would need to speak to the Aran so urgently, "Are they still-"

"They will be rising soon to wash. If you wish to do so-"

The door cracked open slightly, "I've filled the large basin with hot water as you said to and laid out cloths."

"Make certain the soap is there also, and towels, Rimathe."

"I'd like cool water to wash in." Lislora frowned, "She uses hot water in the morning?"

"Cool water is acceptable for rinsing your face and hands, anything else requires warm water." Krouth offered a wry smile. "I'll have Mes bring a basin and cool water for you."

Glancing at the blue dress he was holding she furrowed her brow, "I'd prefer the green."

"His Highness will be wearing a tunic trimmed with blue." Krouth gave her a look suggesting she shouldn't argue and she tried not to sigh.

"The blue will suffice."

He laid out the blue dress and her under layers before leaving and she rose with a leaden feeling in her belly to look them over. Mes came in moments later with a pitcher and a small basin.

Washing hurriedly, she put on everything except her overdress. Lislora opened the door and looked out nervously, half afraid the Lerian would be standing and staring.

Krouth was speaking to the man and came toward her at once, "Mes is helping young Hodrim into the tunics borrowed from Prince Adareth. Do you require something?"

"Are they still speaking?"

"No they've gone into the washing room, it will take some time-"

The washing room door opened abruptly, "Take this and have the padding replaced." Draeseth shoved the Aran woman's small clothes out of the crack without looking.

"At once." Krouth took them and stepped away as her cousin's bare arm disappeared and the door closed.

"How badly is she bleeding?" Rimathe came closer with a frown.

"This morning," Krouth exposed the barely soiled padding, "hardly at all it seems. The more she rests the less she bleeds."

"I was concerned when he climbed into bed with her." The Lerian looked relieved.

Lislora looked to the door incredulously, "He climbed into bed with her?" She wanted to drag him out of the washing room by his ear and demand to know why.

"There was no sex," Krouth sounded certain. "You should dress, Lady Lislora. Duchess Isonei is quick once she's finished washing."

"Perhaps someone-"

"I advise you not to disturb them, her Grace did all she could to ensure your time with his Highness wasn't interrupted."

The thought of the time she'd spent with Draeseth yesterday didn't make his time alone with Isonei easier to bear. With a frown, she went to the door and gave a short sharp knock before opening the door and looking in. She'd expected to find them locked in an embrace but the Aran was standing naked with a cloth in her hand and a baffled look on her face.

"Krouth thought I should not disturb you but..." She felt a little sheepish now and her cousin was giving her a sour look.

"We do tend to linger when washing. That's my fault." The Aran beckoned for her to come in as if she'd been interrupted in the middle of breakfast.

Draeseth, at least, seemed somewhat uncomfortable as Isonei resumed her washing of his chest. "Perhaps I should wash myself."

Isonei gave him a warm smile as she let him take the rag.

Stepping forward immediately, Lislora felt relieved. Like the day before she could learn to do this properly with Isonei's supervision. "I can wash you."

"I will wash myself." Her cousin gave her a look that suggested she was robbing him of something.

Gently, Isonei chided him, "You're both learning and both of you have jealous natures, Draeseth. Be patient and speak to her, don't just give her a look and expect her to understand what you need."

"You do." He murmured and kissed her head.

Lislora felt her heart sink to the floor.

"I don't ever want to hear you lament my having had other lovers again, Draeseth. You're expecting her to have my experience. You can have a woman who has learned what to do and doesn't need you to teach her everything you want and need, or a woman who only knows your touch. You can't have both in the same body. I will never be her and she will never be me." The Aran gave him a wry smile with her good-natured chiding.

Her cousin gave one of his growling grunts but the look on his face suggested he wasn't really unhappy with the woman. "There is some pleasure in knowing one of my wives is jealous. That the other has nearly endless patience is pleasing in another way."

"Your jealousy exhausts me. I would have advised her to find a way to lessen hers." Isonei scrunched her delicate features and stuck out the tip of her tongue.

Draeseth began to grin, "I have two women to spread my jealousy over, perhaps it will exhaust you less."

"Three men couldn't equal you in jealousy if they all tried their best." The Aran playfully flicked some of the water from the basin at him.

His grin widened. "I will turn you over my knees, woman."

Tilting her chin up haughtily, Isonei looked utterly unconcerned as she teased, "You need to wash, you have praying to do."

As she fluttered her lashes, he barked a laugh, tossing the cloth at her. "Wash me, woman. You do it best."

Wordlessly, Lislora watched, wishing she could be anywhere else as the Aran lovingly washed and kissed Draeseth's grey-green skin while gazing up at him adoringly. She felt utterly invisible. Her cousin didn't give her even a glance as he stroked the Aran's silvery hair and pale blue skin, assisting her with her washing once his own was finished.

The point couldn't have been made more clearly, Isonei was his wife. The woman was not going to be put aside no matter how affectionate he'd been...

Once they'd finished their washing, Lislora let them leave and took a moment to collect herself.

Krouth came in with a concerned frown creasing his face after a moment. "My Lady?"

"He loves her."

"You doubted it?" Krouth gently led her toward the door.

"I... he was so affectionate with me."

"Her Grace has said repeatedly that he loves you both. You should finish dressing. I'll have his Highness dress in the study."

Lislora kept her eyes on the floor as Draeseth's things were gathered and he was ushered out of the bedroom. Isonei seemed unconcerned that she was being joined as she readied herself, offering Lislora a smile and a compliment on the color of her new dress. It looked plain in comparison to the pale blue of the Duchess' gown with the delicate black embroidery.

Mes put her hair up in the same style as Isonei's, a crowning braid and pinned the semi-sheer black cloth into place. She felt as if she were pretending to be a wife, as if she were lying with her clothes and hair.

Isonei didn't seem to notice her unease, greeting Draeseth with a brief embrace and a kiss when they came out of the bedroom and rushing over to Hodrim to fuss over him delightedly.

Draeseth, however, offered his arm and placed his hand over hers reassuringly.

"We should go now or we will miss the prayers." He smiled faintly, "With all of us in blue, we do look like a family. We should go before our places are taken."

"Her Grace still needs to eat something," Mes spoke up carefully with a frown.

"Breakfast must wait. There's no time now." The Lerian shook his head with ill-concealed annoyance.

"She can wait until we eat with my brothers." Draeseth seconded.

"The midwives were clear about when she needs to eat." The maid took a step toward Isonei, "They think breakfast should wait until after the prayers, your Grace," Mes whispered with a frown. "You're supposed to eat when you wake. Waiting could make you ill."

"If we're in our rooms would it be too distracting if I had something to nibble on?" Isonei gave them a slightly baffled smile.

"We are going to the Temple, wife," Draeseth explained with a frown. "I will allow Mes to fetch something for you to eat as we walk, but inside the Temple, you cannot eat."

"If there are any honey blossom buns left, perhaps the cook would cut one and put Aran manirel in the middle... I could eat that quickly I think." The Aran gave the worried-looking maid a small smile.

"Go. And be quick. Meet us as we walk." Draeseth commanded sharply and the Munian hurried away.

Isonei frowned at him and clasped her hands nervously, "Are you sure taking me to the Temple is a good idea? I'm-"

"You will be welcomed. Kamrus Gillaugrim gave his word. I wish to pray with both of my Duchesses by my side."

"Is she afraid of something?" Hodrim asked, looking at the Aran with concern.

"She's afraid to go to the Temple. Her Grace wasn't welcomed by the Kamrus and his manner made her believe the Temple is a place she's not permitted to go," the Lerian answered solemnly.

The boy nodded and embraced Isonei, "I'll make certain no one speaks harshly to you. You've been kinder to me than anyone has ever been and the Temple is meant to welcome and reclaim everyone. I'll remind them if they forget. I promise."

Krouth proudly translated the boy's words, adding, "If he applies himself, I have no doubt the boy will be a Halloc someday."

"He reminds me of Halloc Aurim, he can be stern but he's very kind." Isonei kissed the child's head, returning his embrace and giving Krouth a warm smile as he brought her grey cloak.

Lislora bit her tongue not to say the boy was nothing like Halloc Aurim. Hodrim was kind and good-hearted. The boy took the words as the compliment the Duchess intended them to be, however, and looked at the woman adoringly.

Draeseth offered his arm to the Aran as well and they left the rooms, venturing into the quiet halls. Walking through the dark palace with only the lamps Krouth and Rimathe carried somehow gave the walk an ominous feeling.

The maid came rushing out of the dimness, making Lislora grip Draeseth's arm in startlement.

"The cook hasn't arrived yet, but there were some buns left and I had one of the kitchen servants show me where he keeps the manirel. I tasted it to be sure it's the right one, your Grace." She offered Isonei the bun in a cloth.

"Thank you, Mes."

The maid fell in next to Hodrim to walk with them in silence.

It wasn't until they were outside in the garden that the Aran spoke again, "Are you warm enough, Hodrim? You can come under my cloak if you need to."

"She wants to know if you're cold. Her Grace will invite you under her cloak if you are." Krouth sounded very neutral.

"It's cool but not cold, it's much too warm for the winter cloak she's wearing."

Draeseth barked a laugh. "He says he would be too warm, my fragile Duchess. The boy is Torgan, not Aran."

It wasn't much further before they came to the large arched door at the end of the path. Krouth and Rimathe placed their lanterns on the hooks conveniently positioned next to it to open it, revealing a passage lined with windows and framed by large beams. Candles flickered behind glass globes, lighting the way.

"The King's private entrance to the Temple," Draeseth spoke quietly. "My mother used it often."

Lislora squeezed his arm and he turned his head slightly to give her a small smile. It turned to consternation as Isonei released his arm and fell back to walk with Hodrim. The passage would have been a little crowded with the three of them walking together but to allow Lislora to be the one walking into the Temple on Draeseth's arm... she wondered if the Aran was making some kind of point.

The faint smell of smoke wafted through the open door at the other end. Taking a deep breath she hoped that the prayers would be less daunting today.

A sound of whispering came from behind her. What she thought was Hodrim assuring someone not to be afraid in Torgan was followed by a language she didn't recognize. Draeseth turned, pulling her around with him.

"Remove your hand from my wife." His low tone made the hair on the back of Lislora's neck rise.

"The Duchess was afraid, I was offering her reassurance."

"Use words not your hands. No one is to touch either of my wives."

The Lerian took a step away from Isonei and offered a bow of apology.

"No one is to touch you, my jewel, neither servants nor priests."

Lislora glanced around them, feeling surreptitious looks at her cousin's show of temper.

"Come." He offered the Aran his free arm and she meekly accepted.

Walking into the Temple as a second wife felt as humiliating as walking into the Aran dinner had. She wished fervently that her cousin would use the royal box as the rest of his family did when they ventured into the Temple.

She'd always been proud of him for kneeling with everyone else, for a Prince it was a show of faith. Today, however, the privacy would have been a welcome relief.

Draeseth led them to the front near its stairs, gesturing for Lislora to take the innermost of the four free kneelers. He knelt next to her and Isonei knelt obediently on his other side next to Hodrim. With a glance, she noticed that the servants arranged themselves on kneelers behind them.

The few remaining kneelers filled shortly after and Lislora tried not to fidget in her nervousness. After whatever, probably pointed and shaming, prayers had been endured, she would still have to suffer through another wretched breakfast with the Princes. Her cousin stilled her with a reassuring touch as the Hallocs made their way up the center aisle with the incense.

As she'd suspected, the prayers and reading felt as if they were singling them out. The pleas to Ganas to save them all from false gods and demons who would sway good people from their righteous paths made her back break out into a sweat again.

When they rose everyone would be looking at them as if were worshipping false gods or consorting with demons. Her face was already flushing with shame.

The dismissal was both a relief and a torment. Now they would have to make their way back to the King's entrance... Looking up at her cousin his face was set in a scowl and she knew he was having the same thoughts.

He turned his head, his face softening into a frown as an amused whispering came from around Isonei. Lislora couldn't make out what was being said.

Before they could stand, however, a man in a Halloc's robes approached and raised his hand, "The Kamrus wishes to speak with you, please."

"Halloc Urroth, we have no time this morning. I will return to speak with him later," Draeseth spoke quietly but firmly.

"He wishes to speak with your Duchess as well. It will only be a moment."

Lislora gripped her cousin's arm as Halloc Aurim approached. He walked past her as if she weren't there and stood in front of Isonei reaching out his hand.

"You will greet me before you greet my wife," Draeseth snapped at the man who was reaching out to touch Isonei's head.

The Aran flinched and looked as nervous as she had when they'd told her she was to accompany them to the Temple.

"What has been said to this gentle child to make her flinch from a hand of benediction as if it were a blow?" The Halloc looked to Lislora with a frigid scowl.

"Her Grace has been commanded not to allow anyone, neither priest nor servant to touch her," Krouth spoke from behind her with a coolness that nearly matched the Halloc's.

"You refuse to allow her to learn a language that would allow her to be reclaimed more easily and now you refuse to allow her to receive a benediction? Have you decided that she is not to be reclaimed or do you believe that fostering distrust of the priests of Ganas will make the task easier?

"The child is terrified. Look at her face and tell me, your Highness, is this how you intended to introduce her to the Temple?"

Rising in a fluid movement, Draeseth bowed stiffly. "The Halloc may give you a benediction. If their intentions are pure, I will not chide you for allowing a priest to lay a hand on you in an appropriate way."

For a moment Lislora was afraid the Halloc would start his chiding again and her cousin would lose his temper entirely.

"No one is angry with you. You did as you were told." Hodrim spoke softly and the maid murmured what Lislora thought might be a translation.

Halloc Aurim reached out his hand again and rested it on her head. This time Isonei didn't flinch away. "She's a gentle and obedient woman. She should be treated kindly." As he moved his hands over her face in the benediction he smiled faintly and murmured, "May Ganas strengthen your heart and ease your fears."

Isonei gave him a grateful look as if she'd understood.

"My father expects us at breakfast. We cannot linger this morning, even for the Kamrus." Draeseth spoke with chilly politeness and reached to help the Aran to her feet before turning to assist Lislora.

In her nervousness, she managed to step on the hem of her underskirt and nearly stumbled. He steadied her and offered her a small reassuring smile.

"Surely, his Majesty does not rise so early." The Kamrus sounded coolly amused as he approached and Draeseth stiffened. "My cousin was always a late riser as a boy."

"I think that may have changed over the years," Isonei spoke up cordially before Draeseth could summon an answer. "Torgans seem to enjoy rising early, his Majesty is no exception. But it would have been somewhat rude to leave without greeting you." The Aran inclined her head with a cool smile.

Lislora squeezed his arm with a frown, the woman was going to embarrass herself and Draeseth. Her cousin however just made a peculiar sound in his throat looking speculative.

"You are familiar with his morning habits?" The Kamrus arched an eyebrow.

Closing her eyes, Lislora waited for the stuttering as the Aran woman realized what was being suggested.

"He joins his sons for breakfast, it has been in our rooms on several occasions." The woman sounded almost suspiciously naive. "His Majesty is always very cheerful and charming. Unless he's one of the peculiar people who wake that way, I would assume he wakes earlier than we usually do."

She opened her eyes as a faint smile crossed the Kamrus' face.

"Perhaps he has changed over the years. He was rarely cheerful in the mornings when we were younger. I hope you will begin waking in time for prayers more often."

"It is my intention," Draeseth spoke firmly before Isonei could give an answer.

"Before you leave, did you enjoy the prayers Duchess Isonei?"

The Kamrus' tone and deliberately innocent expression made Lislora grip her cousin's arm. She hadn't been wrong, the choice of prayers had been deliberate.

"I don't speak Torgan and I can't understand them, but the prayers have always sounded pleasant and soothing to me. This morning was no exception." Isonei seemed genuinely curious, "Why do you ask?"

"They were implorations to Ganas to save us from false gods and demons who would sway us from our righteous path." His tone was almost aggressively cheerful as he made the dig at the Duchess' religion and her Aran Arrangement.

The woman broke into a forcefully bright smile instead of growing upset, however. "Torga belongs to Ganas, I don't think my Gods would dispute that. They prefer not to be bothered with constant prayer, and Torgans seem to enjoy having their God offer them direction." As the mischief crept into the woman's smile Lislora braced herself for something indecent. "And in Ara, we're told the way to get rid of a demon is to kiss it on the mouth. It makes them run away. If nothing else, your uninvited foray into our chambers should have set your mind at ease about whether or not I'm a demon."