Kros Voyeh Ch. 19


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Perhaps it was the way she was seated but when she adjusted her position next to him the balls inside her shifted as well, sending a ripple of pleasure through her. Her belly fluttered and she was seized by the desire to cut short this audience with the King.

“You must have learned a great deal in Phaethia,” his Majesty sounded teasing as he came closer and Rogath was grinning. “To have an experienced Aran woman speak of your prowess and a woman of the Kroscur look at you with naked desire when you profess your love...”

Lislora flushed and pinned her eyes to the floor before resolving not to show her embarrassment as easily. If Isonei could navigate such conversations with grace...

“Isonei said he’d perfected the art of the Aran kiss.” Ougath jested lewdly making his father and brothers laugh.

“I’ve learned,” Draeseth began, pausing to grin and blush as his brother interrupted him.

“It certainly seems you have!” Rogath’s interjection made Ougath laugh.

“I’ve learned that Aran men are more disciplined in the way they show desire.” Draeseth rubbed her hand, pressing it into his thigh, “Isonei marvels at my urgency, but my Torgan wife simply marvels. She’d only had her wedding night with Lord Vargan and he was either too old or unskilled to make it anything but miserable.”

“Ah.” King Orgath poured himself a small glass of some sort of dark liquor. “Very nearly a virgin. Most of the women in the Kroscur fall into that category, even those who’ve been married for years. It’s thrilling for a younger man but I’ve come to prefer experience.”

Her cousin made a noise of agreement, “The first night I was with Isonei she asked if I also preferred to spar against men who’d never picked up a blade. There is value in experience.”

The King inclined his head with a look of pleased surprise.

“I thought she mentioned you being prudish the first night.” Ougath rose to fetch himself a drink as well.

“Only at the beginning of the evening.” Draeseth smiled and shook his head. “That woman could make a saint embrace depravity.”

“I need an Aran mistress.” Rogath sighed, leaning back and stretching. “I adore Sebba but there are things the woman won’t do.”

“They have stamina, brother.” Draeseth gave him a sly smile, “My Aran wife was giddy to find a man who could match her in bed. But I have to warn you, they would rather ride your cock than be on their backs.”

King Orgath made a strangled sound, “I could save a fortune and trade all of my women for one Aran.”

“Get two father, I’ll help you entertain them.” Rogath grinned and his father came over to clap him on the shoulder.

Lislora listened closely, she already knew that she needed to learn stamina. The way he phrased his warning she thought that he wanted her on her back, but as delighted as he was with the Aran she should learn to ‘ride’ his cock as well. The thought made her flush and want to adjust herself on the seat again but she held herself still.

“Have you had both of your wives in bed yet?” Ougath was grinning at her lewdly as Lislora gave him a horrified look.

Even worse her cousin flushed and made a sound in his throat that could be taken as an affirmation. Closing her eyes she covered her face with one hand.

“Brother! You have to tell us such things!” Rogath sounded amused and she could hear the King and Ougath laughing.

“I thought you knew. Burgath did. What did you think the reward my wife-” The sound of his father and brothers bellowing with laughter cut him off and he chuckled as well.

She wanted to flee the room.

“I would have barricaded myself in as well.” Rogath’s grin could be heard.

“I’ll scold Burgath for not carrying the tale,” his Majesty sounded closer, “Anough said the maid was going to help the little Duchess undress you.”

“She helped with the buckles when my wife was occupied,” Draeseth sounded smug, “I worried my Isonei would make me wash alone when she smelled the nofoltsuotst,” he paused as his brothers made sounds of agreement, “but the smell made her hungry. I had to get her attention again, she wanted to pause for pickled apples.”

His father laughed. “She’s like your mother was. That alone puts her back in my good graces somewhat. She washed you once you were out of your armor?”

“Washed me and stroked me until I couldn’t take another moment of her teasing. I carried her into the bedroom to find a way to enjoy her that wouldn’t risk my son...” He paused and Lislora could feel the mood grow somber for a moment.

Risking a glance up at his grim face it tugged at her heartstrings and she stroked his arm before giving him a rueful smile, “She’d offered to teach me how to do some of the things she does if I joined you both in bed. I think she wanted the bath to herself, she’d suggested I wait.”

His face softened. “She’s a gentle teacher but bathing me always delights her. It would not surprise me.”

“We either need an accord with Leria or to wipe them out, father. If you promise your soldiers at least one Aran wife they’ll fight like our brother to get to them.” Ougath eyed his brother enviously. “At least I know now why Burgath was so insistent on supporting the Arrangement.”

“He may want an Aran wife but he also wants Andnaeuth’s children visiting Torga for half of every year.” Draeseth made a displeased sound.

“As does my Queen,” King Orgath sounded mildly annoyed. “I wouldn’t expect the little Duchess to return once she was sent back to Ara. Tamnaeuth was very careful of the arrangements and agreements when his son was sent. His infant grandsons wouldn’t be permitted to wander across the borders of two countries on their mother’s whims.

“Nonetheless, my Queen has invited the Aran Prince to visit for the bouts.”

“Burgath mentioned her brothers might visit?” Draeseth frowned thoughtfully, “She wants to see her family. If that could be arranged she may stop stirring up trouble.”

“It’s unwise. Her father’s letters have made it clear that the harm you’ve done to House Ernelis-”

Draeseth cut him off hurriedly, in what she recognized as Phaethian, the only word of it she understood was her name. The conversation resumed in that peculiar tongue. It wasn’t difficult to imagine herself in Isonei’s place unable to understand while people deliberately spoke of matters concerning her in a language she couldn’t follow.

She gave her cousin a stern look, resolving that the Aran would be taught Torgan as soon as she was well.

“Is something upsetting you, Lady Lislora?” The King’s tone was coolly amused as he switched back to Torgan.

“I hadn’t appreciated how miserable it must make Isonei to have people change their language to exclude her. She’s mentioned that it bothers her but I hadn’t realized until just now how upsetting it is to hear your name and know people are discussing you without being able to understand them.

“I’m going to help her learn Torgan when she’s well enough. She should have been allowed to learn it already.”

“You’ll wait until we’re home in the Kroscur.” Draeseth gave her a sour look.

“It would give her something to think about other than-” She stopped herself as Draeseth winced.

“My Queen says the woman should be allowed to grieve. People tried to cheer her and distract her after some of her losses. She attacked one woman who told her that the last loss might have been a blessing.” His Majesty looked ruefully into the middle distance, “I thought Morbaugh’s wife might lose the eye, she was such a pretty woman before that.”

“She loathes Anough and won’t even speak his name.” Ougath shook his head.

“He was named after his mother.” The King waved his hand dismissively, “It may be best that you stay away from the little Duchess. She’ll be grieving and angry enough without seeing her husband’s other woman growing plumper by the day.”

Lislora’s face flushed.

“She will be my wife, father,” Draeseth spoke firmly pressing his hand onto her thigh. “But we will be as careful as we can with Isonei’s tender feelings. I’ve asked Krouth to find mourning-”

“Have them made.” King Orgath cut him off. “The pregnancy was difficult and one miscarriage often leads to more. She may need them more than once.”

Her cousin looked as though he’d been struck a hard blow and she leaned against his arm, speaking quietly, “She’ll be better fed and healthier for the next one, husband. And she can pray for daughters.”

He made a soft sound in his throat and straightened. “Yes. I will see to it she is. We will both pray for daughters.”

“This son of yours, Lady Lislora,” his Majesty gave her a speculative smile, “Have you considered the name Thaedreth?”

Baffled at the sudden change in conversation and demeanor she shook her head slightly, “My mother’s family always insisted you should see the child before naming it. Father said my name came to her in a dream the night before I was born and the moment she saw me she knew it was my name.”

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and gave Draeseth an annoyed look, “Have her think of names. I would encourage her to use Thaedreth. It’s a strong name. Your mother chose one for you that would stand out from your brothers in the hopes that you might be seen as something other than the Black Prince. I had to insist on an Aran name.”

Draeseth made a displeased sound. “An Aran name would be welcome, but I would prefer something other than Thaedreth. We have time, father. His name will be a fine one, worthy of your grandson and a Duke of the Kroscur.”

“Good. Mallath was a priest’s name. Thaedreth would suit a warrior.”

Lislora could feel the way her cousin tensed next to her as if he were turning to stone. She hunted for something to say to diffuse the situation but it was Rogath who cleared his throat and shifted in his seat to draw attention.

“Perhaps we should speak about mother?”

“I’ve told her to behave herself.” King Orgath shook his head and rose to fetch another drink. “I made it very clear to the retinue that I have no living daughters.”

“Living?” Ougath leaned forward incredulously, “When did we have a sister?”

“I suppose enough time has passed...” The King returned to his seat with an unreadable expression. “Before you were born. The girl was stillborn and I had her put in the crypt with my mother. Gillaugrim didn’t want to put a nameless child with our family, he would have put her with the other stillborns in the unmarked field outside the walls but I paid a handsome price to have her treated more respectfully.”

He drained the small glass, looking into the middle distance, “She would have been a little younger than Rogath and Draeseth had she lived.”

“Mother would have murdered you.” Rogath rubbed his face. “She wanted to give us a sister so badly. Until I became the Crown Prince, she used to chide me for not being a girl as I was supposed to be, and for giving her a difficult birth.”

His Majesty drew a deep breath and stared into the glass before shrugging. “It was a long time ago. I made certain she never knew of it.” He lifted his gaze to Lislora, “The matter is not one for discussion, even after so long, no matter how she insults you. I’m eager for a grandson but my goodwill is limited.”

“I understand, your Majesty. I’m-I’m grateful that you spoke to her on behalf of my son.”

“On behalf of my son’s son.” The King rose looking peeved. “The trial and execution of Princess Kresh’s slave will take place the day after tomorrow. It would be sooner if the scaffold and platform could be finished early enough in the day.

“Tonight we’ll have a small family dinner to put the affair behind us. I won’t subject the little Duchess to the woman until after her mourning ends and I’ll have it made clear to her Imperial Highness that she’s to attempt to be pleasant at the table.”

Draeseth glowered at the floor and Lislora took his arm, holding it tightly in reassurance.

“I will refrain from killing the bitch at the table, father.”

She glanced up nervously and the King was giving his sour son a wry smile, “That and silence are all that I require of you. I’ll release you from dinner early for the prayers.”

Draeseth rose with a growling grunt and pulled Lislora to her feet. In startlement, she nearly crossed her legs trying to keep the balls in place.

“The whores in Phaethia must have done something right.” King Orgath’s sly smile was almost vicious. “You dress her modestly and still bring her in front of me in a scandalous state.”

Lislora wished she could sink into the floor, her face burned with shame.

Her cousin pulled her against his side, “It was not intentional, father. I was interrupted. My Torgan wife is obedient and even though the,” he hesitated, “game was not meant to be taken outside of our rooms-”

His father’s delighted laughter cut him off, “One wife for charm and another for obedience. Go enjoy your obedient woman and make certain you’re in a pleasant mood for dinner.”

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