Kros Voyeh Ch. 20


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"I would. I've always believed your moods could be calmed by a gentle word and a touch but it wouldn't have been appropriate to try." Lislora gave him a small smile and caressed his face as he gazed at her adoringly. "I believe firmly that there's no need to worry. The Kamruses believe that Ganas has a reason for Isonei to live, he won't allow her to grieve so greatly that she dies from it.

"And Krouth is always a comfort to her. Did I tell you that the priest I waited with wasn't pleased when I suggested sending him to sit with her to comfort her?" She tried to put a little mischief in her smile as the Aran often did, "They dread his visits. He argues with the Hallocs and takes over caring for her each time."

It got the desired effect as her cousin laughed softly, "I would believe it. When she first came to Torga they detested each other. She called him a poisoner and wanted him killed. And he did all he could to change the way I saw her, he firmly believed she was a common whore."

Draeseth took a breath, "My Isonei fell ill with a terrible fever and in her delirium, she mistook Krouth for her father. His demeanor toward her changed. She's adored the man ever since and he regards her in a fatherly manner."

Stroking his head again she gave him a warm smile, "Mes seems to think he's going to scold the Duchess until she recovers. She was telling Hodrim that she'd seen him make a one-legged man walk again by sheer force of disapproval."

Her cousin laughed again, "I'd believe it. Though it was probably one of the beggars who only pretends to have one leg. I can imagine him speaking to her firmly and telling her that she's required to drink her milk and recover.

"I can't get the woman to obey me but he can."

"She'll probably be better by morning. We can ask when we go to the early prayers."


Lislora rubbed her cousin's knotted back, singing softly. The Aran hadn't been better by the time for early prayers. She hadn't seemed to be getting better at all. Draeseth had told Krouth to stay with the woman and not to worry about anything else before his father had sent him to spar.

Several hours later he'd returned to their rooms, sour and in need of coddling. Lislora had stroked him and reassured him and finally told him to lie down so that she could rub some of the misery out of his muscles. She'd gone through most of the hymns she knew and several of the lullabies.

A soft knock at the bedroom door made her look up with a frown. It opened and Prince Rogath peered in cautiously, "How is he?"

"It feels like I'm trying to rub the knots out of a tree," she murmured and glanced down to find her cousin with his eyes closed. "He was too upset to eat. It must be almost time for prayers but I hate to wake him."

"It is. Father wants all of us to go, even my mother will be attending."

Gently, Lislora stroked Draeseth's hair, "Husband, I need you to wake for the prayers." She kissed his cheek and he made a sleepy sound that was almost a whine.

His elder brother began to laugh quietly and the sleeping Prince jerked awake with a scowl.

"Your silver Duchess has been rubbing off on you. You didn't whine when we were children."

"Get a wife who sings and rubs you to sleep," Draeseth muttered, turning onto his back and rolling up to sitting. "You won't want to get out of bed either." He stole a kiss before rising.

With a laugh, Rogath shook his head, "When did the black bastard get luckier than the rest of us? Get dressed. Father wants everyone to go with you to pray."

"Everyone?" Her cousin gave his brother a hard look.

"Everyone. Don't think of it as being subjected to her company, think of it as getting to watch as she's forced to kneel. We'll be kneeling with you at the front instead of in the box. Father says it's penance for keeping you from the prayers yesterday."

Draeseth made a displeased sound. "Arguing that I don't want your wife to attend would please her. For that alone, I'll refrain."

"We'll meet you at the King's entrance."

Rogath left and Lislora clambered from the bed. "I think, perhaps, I should change as well."

"I told Krouth to have more gowns made for you when he had Isonei's mourning cloak commissioned." He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her sweetly. "You have been a comfort to me and I feel I have few ways to reward you, my Kros Voyeh."

"I love you, husband. It isn't a chore, I want to be at your side." Smiling up at him she wrapped her arms around his waist, "And Isonei was right, you are a kitten, my joy. I've never enjoyed cuddling close to anyone as much as I've enjoyed it with you. I could stroke you and rub you for hours."

He flushed slightly and grinned, "Your kittenly husband is pleased to hear it. Now choose a pretty dress and put it on, woman. We can't be late."

She felt light as she ventured into the closet to fetch a gown. He followed her in looking at his tunics. As he chose one, he reached for his knife laid on top of one of the chests. It had been placed next to the one she had gotten for him and he hesitated.

"Wear hers tonight, husband. You can wear mine another day."

"She'll insist on it," Draeseth gave her a faint smile, "when she knows you've given me one."

"She's the only person I could ever bear to share you with." Lislora gave him a smile and a shake of her head as she chose a brown dress.

Taking the Aran's knife, he chose a plain black tunic. He laid it out next to her gown on the bed as they both dressed hurriedly.

After having made their way to the King's entrance they were surprised to find only Rogath and Ougath waiting with the young Princesses.

"Mother and father went to see the 'little Duchess' with Adareth. There was word that she's looking better. Her Imperial Highness refused to join us. Father will remind her pointedly of why going against his wishes is unwise." Rogath made a ruefully annoyed face. "You'd think the woman would have learned by now."

Draeseth made an amused sound. "Isonei may have liked her for her stubbornness. Has my silver Duchess woken again?"

"No, but her color is returning, they said." Ougath inclined his head. "Father received word from Burgath. He said if Isonei is still alive she needs to be kept that way. He owes her thanks and possibly his life. He'll explain more when he arrives and he'll be bringing one of Isonei's brothers from House Iarmaris with a letter from King Tamnaeuth."

"Trade?" Her cousin's brow furrowed.

"Lothlaerith won't entertain opening the gate for trade without Isonei's return. It has to be costing the man a fortune to keep the gate closed."

"Liadith's house was finer." Draeseth scowled, "Whatever Lothlaerith spends his money on it isn't luxuries."

"When we passed through, it looked as if every man in Oyeth Lothlaeri was armed. And not with cheap weapons either." Ougath gestured toward the door and ushered the two girls along. "If they wear the Daga's sash I think he arms them."

"The weapons are fine enough to be heirlooms. One of Liadith's men claimed his weapon was five hundred years old and had been given to his family in the Phaethian invasion. It still seemed serviceable." Looking thoughtful, her cousin gave a growling grunt. "If all his wealth goes towards his soldiers he won't be able to keep the gate closed indefinitely."

"His men may be loyal enough to come get your wife if the Arans back them." Rogath frowned as deeply as his brother. "The woman should be taken back to the Kroscur."

"As soon as she's well enough to travel," Draeseth rested a hand on hers, "I'll have both of my wives in the safety of my Keep."

If he didn't intend to allow the Aran out of his Keep it would make sharing a husband almost unbearable even with the woman's thoughtfulness. Still, there would be time to sort things out before Isonei would be well enough to make it a pressing concern.

Their conversation stopped as they entered the Temple.

Ougath stood at the foot of the stairs leading up to the royal box. "Are you certain you don't want to use the box today, brother?"

"I won't stop you if you wish to use it, brother. I prefer to kneel with everyone else. All men are equal in the eyes of Ganas, kneeling above everyone else seems wrong to me."

Lislora squeezed his arm feeling proud, and he offered her a faint smile, "The priests may be unhappy with me for entering into an Aran Arrangement, but both of my wives would have me hold to my faith. How can it be such a terrible thing?" He looked past her for a moment, "Hodrim, will you kneel with us?"

She turned to see the grim-looking little boy waiting a respectful distance away.

"Yes, your Highness."

"Have you spoken with Master Krouth?" Lislora beckoned him closer to stand next to her.

"I was permitted to sit with him." The boy nodded slowly. "He gave me an Aran lesson hoping the sound of our voices would rouse the Duchess. She looks better and she'll drink the milk if he's talking to her as it's being given."

Draeseth made a soft sound. "What does he say?"

Hodrim began to smile, "Master Krouth said the first time it was a threat to give her Kurebra but it doesn't matter what he says as long as he speaks firmly. He thinks her father must use a very firm tone with her."

Her cousin had begun to grin, "I think the man had to. My silver Duchess insists I can't pay Krouth enough, I may have to give the man a house."

"You should make him an Elder. My healer was impressed with his knowledge if not his manner. If he were freed from a servant's duties a skilled healer who can train others is a valuable thing." Ougath moved away from the stairs.

"I'll speak with him of it. In the Kroscur, Elders are chosen by the village and not appointed."

Ougath gave a dismissive wave of his hand and spoke to the bored-looking Princesses, "They do everything backward in the Kroscur, as if villagers know how to lead themselves."

Ror smiled slyly as if she might join the conversation but Kas approached him and raised her arms "I want to go see Aunt Isonei."

Instead of picking her up, Ougath put his hand on her head, "When she's well. What did your father say about asking to be picked up in public?"

The youngest Princess gave him a scowl that made her seem to be the image of her father.

Rogath laughed in his throat, "Behave yourself or people will think I adopted you from Aunt Isonei and Uncle Draeseth."

"Isonei would be giddy if you let me take your daughters home with me." Draeseth grinned at his elder brother.

"Get your own daughters!" Rogath laughed and shook his head, "I-" He stopped and his amusement faded as he looked past them.

Turning to look for herself, Lislora saw the King and Queen approaching looking solemn and Adareth walking behind with his stick.

"How-" Ougath began but his father silenced him with a gesture.

"We can discuss Duchess Isonei's health after the prayers," her Majesty released King Orgath's arm. "I'll take the Princesses into the box. It wouldn't be acceptable for them to fidget in public."

"Wise." The King moved to the front row to take a kneeler and the Princes followed suit.

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