Ladies of the Apocalypse Ch. 01

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Samantha's awakening: the end begins.
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/28/2007
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Samantha bent over and flipped the page of her book. She loved masturbating while she did her homework, but hated flipping pages because of the temporary pause in sensation it caused. Now it would be another thirty or forty seconds before she would come again, and her eyes were refusing to focus on the page. She was writing a report on Mary Queen of Scots for a class called "Great Women in History and Mythology." She was taking this class as an elective in college, and had no clue how the woman who was teaching it could expect them read so much. She was barely keeping her head above water with the assignments, and she had her vibrator to keep her interested. The other girls, and a scattering boys, who were taking the class, were probably bored out of their minds.

Samantha angrily pushed a strand of red hair back behind her ear and began reading the page over again. She was having trouble focusing, and the pleasure inside her was refusing to mount. She would have to achieve something, learn something, anything worth learning, before her climax.

Mary Queen of Scots had been executed February 8th, 1587, and it had taken three blows before she died. When the first blow struck, she was said to have cried, "sweet Jesus."

Samantha moaned. She learned something all right, and the pleasure mounted so suddenly she nearly forgot to breathe. Her body shuddered and she gasped in pleasure.

"Sweet Jesus!" she mimicked, loving the way the words felt on her tongue. For some reason, she couldn't help but find Mary the First's bloody death as anything but erotic. Maybe it has something to do with her heightened state of arousal, or maybe she was just a little off because of all the homework. She wasn't usually interested in bloody stuff, in fact she found it a big turn-off. She was normal, after all, even if she did have more sex toys than all the girls in her class put together, and still slept with a large stuffed toy dog in her bed.

She slapped her book and her legs shut and wiggled to turn off the bedside lamp. She lived in a double room of a two-room dorm suite, but the girl who would be sharing her room hadn't shown up yet. Rumor had it she was involved in some sort of foreign exchange program, or else was shacked up in her boyfriend's dorm room, eating ramen noodles and engaging in non-stop sex.

Samantha pulled up the side of her teddy bear nightgown and began fingering her clit. She hoped, whichever version of the story was true, her roommate would be back soon with all sorts of kinky stories to tell.

She threw her quilted doublet over herself and closed her eyes, smiling brightly. Her mind was filled with lovely kinky images, but she had never forgotten the terrible but oddly stimulating image of Mary Queen of Scots' bloody execution.

But all night, she tossed and turned feverishly as though her body was trying to remember something. Perhaps she was overly energized from so many orgasm. Her mind raced on and on, and she moaned and writhed under her blankets through most of the night. It seemed as though at one point she was beheaded, and in another she seemed to writhe in Hell, biding her time until the right moment for her escape.

When her alarm went off in the morning, Samantha stretched a little and then went out to the kitchen area to make herself cup of espresso. She was so groggy from not sleeping, that she very nearly broke the glass water pitcher that feed the machine, and she was clumsy handling the coffee grounds too, making a little brown mess that she needed to sweep up with a dish towel.

She grumbled out loud, scratching the back of her neck though the layer of fine red hair and trudged back to her bedroom, groggily clutching her precious source of caffeine as though it was a wine glass she intended to break in the palm of her hand. Samantha promised herself she wouldn't get off so many times before bed, but it was a promise she was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to keep. She was a pretty willful woman most of the time, but lost all self-control after two or three orgasms.

She threw off her nightgown and let it lie on the ground near her bed. There would be plenty of time to pick up after her morning classes, and it's not like she had a roommate to annoy. Her white nightgown looked cold and abandoned on the ugly grey carpet. Samantha herself was briefly left completely naked, having balled up and thrown her lacy red panties across the room earlier. She crossed her arms in front of herself and shivered slightly, though the weather was warm outside in Los Angeles this time of year. She couldn't help still being affected by the strange pointless dream. She picked up her double shot of espresso from where she had placed it on a stack of papers on her nicely disordered desk, and drank it down in one gulp.

The warm liquid seemed to revive her. She could almost feel the caffeine taking affect, though she knew rationally that the chemical would take longer than that to make its way into her bloodstream.

Samantha wandered off into the bathroom, still completely naked, and began brushing her teeth and removing the tangles from her hair. She decided to make this day special by wearing the smallest of her butt plugs to class. She had three that ranged in size from slightly smaller that a cock around the middle to so gigantic she didn't have a clue how she'd ever manage to stuff it up herself. She searched though a couple of the drawers before she found where she had placed her Vons-brand Vaseline. She squirted a glob into her left and began to lube the toy up, pumping it in her fist like she was giving it a hand-job.

She set the plug down on its base to prep her ass for the penetration. Resting with one leg on the toilet, she wiggled one of the already lubed fingers of her left hand into her ass and then another, slowly spreading them apart so as to give her anus a good stretch.

Samantha slowly navigated the toy into her, easing its length into her rectum. The toy made her instantly feel very stuff and self aware. She moaned with pleasure as the last of the toy came to rest inside of her, the silicon base sticking out temptingly from between her butt cheeks.

She ran back into her bedroom and, finding a clean pair of panties, quickly wiggled into them. She purposely set her alarm clock for the last minute so she could sleep as long as possible, and now that she was finally wide awake, she had to make up time.

She somehow forced enough propriety to make herself put on a strap lace bra beneath her tank top. Her blue jeans were so tight that the seat pressed tightly against the stub of the plug, pushing some of the wider base into her anus, intensifying the sensation.

Samantha grabbed her book bag and ran. Her first class was "Great Women in History and Mythology" and like a lot of other freshman classes, it graded heavily on attendance. Samantha had gotten straight A's for most of high school, and she intended to maintain the tradition now that she had gone off to college. Among other things, her parents expected it.

She sat down in the first row, very aware of the plug in her ass, fidgeting slightly as the teacher went over a room change for her next set of office hours. The intrusion in her ass was very uncomfortable, and she would have given almost anything for a couple of minutes in the women's restroom to pump the toy in and out a bit.

Instead, Samantha bit her lip and forced herself to take the throbbing pressure on the inside ridge of her rectum.

After a couple minutes, the pressure had subsided a bit, and Samantha was able to pay attention to the teacher with minimum fussing.

The class broke into groups to discuss the life of Mary the First, and Samantha quickly found that most of the other students hadn't done the reading. She had to bite her tongue to keep from telling one of her group members, who had admired her studiousness, about the vibrating session. Samantha moved restlessly to take the pressure off the toy in her ass, trying as hard as possible not to be noticed. It felt like her butt was on fire. Had all the lube in her ass dried up or something? She wanted to rush to the bathroom and pull the plug out before she rubbed her insides raw, but she was afraid the plug might be dirty and she had no good place to hide it.

Samantha took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She began answering her group's questions again, grinning broadly. Being the center of attention made her feel powerful and sexy, and in no time at all she had nearly forgotten the bit of silicon between her butt cheeks.

When class was dismissed, Samantha stayed behind to negotiate the terms of the extra credit project she would perform in order to guarantee herself a solid A+ in the class. Her rectum felt unnaturally full, and she had a bit of trouble concentrating, but her voice sounded unusually powerful, as though something inside of her was giving her new life.

Time passed so quickly that she didn't even have a moment to buy a snack before her next class. Passing through the courtyard on her way to the science building, she felt a little dizzy and the sun seemed to beat down on her. She wiped the sweat out of her eyes and continued walking. She always felt a little weird when she didn't have enough to eat, that was one of the reasons she had never been big on dieting as a girl. She promised herself she'd get something to eat as soon as her class was over, and decided not to pay it any more attention. Her body felt unnaturally heavy and her anus pulsed and throbbed around the plug. Sweet Jesus, she would give anything to relieve some of that constant pressure in her anus. If only that was gone, then everything else would be so much easier.

She slowly walked up the short flight of stairs to the classroom. Her mind was completely somewhere else. The throbbing was intense. So some reason, Samantha could feel her heart knocking painfully against her ribs.

Out of nowhere, she thought she heard the sound of a man's solemn voice ask, "Will you confess your sins before a priest?"

On the final step, Samantha tripped and fell over backwards. She was unconscious before her head hit the ground. Her shadow on the pavement resembled black blood.

She awoke several hours later in the school medical center. She felt weak and achy all over, as though she had just recovered from a bad bout of pneumonia. Someone was holding her hand, and when she noticed who, her pussy began to leak and her face turned bright red.

It was Mikelis, her childhood friend who was four years older and had always treated her like a younger sister. Mikelis was from Latvia. She had the biggest crush on him for as long as she could remember. He was tall with slender muscles and long well-kept brown hair, which tempted people to mention repressed lesbian urges when describing the many women who shared his love-life.

Mikelis expressed his relief that she was feeling better and explained that her father had called him at his office and he had rushed right over to make sure that she was ok. Samantha's father, of course, was a very busy man, and couldn't allow himself to be bothered by something as trifling as his daughter passing out from heat stroke.

Samantha smiled and assured both her friend and the nurse, who was hovering behind him, that she was fine, although she was really embarrassed.

"Take me back to my dorm, Mikelis," she said, taking his hand and using it to help her rise. Her friend gave the nurse his office fax number to send the bill and her discharge orders, and led her out of the hospital by the arm without causing much of a fuss. They were short on beds, and it never hurt matters that Mikelis wasn't the sort of man that ever questioned himself.

They came to the front desk and Mikelis bent over to sign out her belongings. Samantha couldn't help but notice how nice his butt looked in the tight jeans he was wearing.

A grinning nurse immediately appeared behind the desk, holding out her book bag and a clear plastic bag containing her butt plug. Samantha turned purple and nearly passed out at the sight of the technician waving the bag at to her. She instinctually grabbed her ass as though to assure herself that, despite all appearances, the toy was still in place, but of course it wasn't.

Mikelis snatched up both the plug and her book bag and led her out the door without saying a word. Samantha was absolutely sure she would fall down any minute and die of embarrassment, and her childhood friend's indifference to the discovery of her recent taste for sex toys somehow didn't help. If only he'd scold her, say something, anything, to clear the air, she could be sure everything would be OK, and the strange suffocating feeling would go away. Couldn't he at least laugh or something? She was getting damper and damper as a reaction to her nervousness. Samantha was sure by now that her panties were completely soaked already, and more than likely covered in slime too. She was a little surprised that the juices weren't already rolling down her legs.

Mikelis opened his mouth to speak, and her heart began to knock hard against her chest again. She immediately took back her desire to hear him mention the plug. She instantly wanted to find a deep hole in the pavement and crawl into it.

"You father insisted you eat dinner with my mother and me tonight, and then stay the night in the guest room. I'll drive you to your 10 a.m. class tomorrow." Before Samantha could bring herself to refuse or to wonder how Mikelis knew her class schedule, she remembered that her father made her post her schedule on the Internet shortly before the quarter started. She nodded her consent.

She sat down next to Mikelis in his BMW Z3 convertible. He held the door open for her, like men used to do in the olden days, and Samantha wondered whether is was a holdover of some sort of Old World politeness. Mikelis's parents had immigrated from Latvia when he was still a young boy. Even though she had known him for years, there was still a bit of otherness that gave a distinct elegance to even the most subtle of movements, and was so sensual it gave the impression it could lapped up with her tongue like milk.

Samantha felt tingly just sitting next to him.

"By the way, your father informs me that he recently purchased a patch of land zoned for commercial horse breeding, in your name, as a graduation present," Mikelis said, looking at her out of the corner of the eye to see how she would take the news. Samantha knew from experience not to get too excited. Knowing her father, he was trying to use the gift as an excuse to exploit her for free labor. The look on her friend's face quickly informed her that this time wouldn't be an exception. He brushed a lock of brown hair out of his face and continued driving.

The traffic in Los Angeles was terrible this time in the evening, especially in the area around the university, so it took almost an hour to drive the short distance to Mikelis' mother's house.

Mikelis' mother Jelena did much of her own cooking and cleaning, despite being rather well to do, since she was rather anal and indecently certain that nobody else could possibly do her house-work as well as she could. Samantha was pretty damn sure Mrs. Berklavs got serious orgasms from waxing the kitchen floor.

Samantha herself had tried doing housework with a dildo strapped inside of her with a belt and bits of coil she had found around the house, but it had never gotten her off the way vibrating herself while studying did. At best, it made the loathsome task of picking up a little more tolerable.

Mikelis, or someone else, had obviously called ahead while Samantha was unconscious, and she wondered why she was always the last person to know her own plans. Jelena was standing in front of the stove cooking dinner when they arrived, and the table was set for three. Mikelis's father was killed by a truck four years ago while he was out taking a walk around the neighborhood and finding real estate to purchase, so he wouldn't be home for dinner.

One look from the chef was enough send Samantha to the guestroom to clean up. Mikelis followed her into the bedroom to return her belongings, and to show where the clean towels were in case she wanted to take a shower.

Before he left, Mikelis threw the plastic bag with the plug on the bed. "Make sure you wear this to dinner," he said simply and walked back into the kitchen to keep his mother company. Samantha couldn't believe her ears. It was too much to hope that Mikelis had actually taken a sexual interest in her. He'd never acted as more than a concerned brother the whole time they knew each other. Samantha knew he had a reputation as a womanizer, but she had never dreamt he could be anything but repulsed by the thought of her doing something kinky. Still, she couldn't help but be flattered by his dirty talk.

She found that her body was tingling with new life and fresh horniness. She was tempted to turn the shower water cold to help her control herself over dinner, but she was still feeling a bit shaky and the warm water felt too good against her unusually sensitive skin.

She stayed in the shower a little longer than strictly necessary, soaping up her slimy pussy and washing it clean with the detachable shower head. The spurts of water felt incredible against her attention-starved clit, and she had to control herself to keep from using the tool to make herself come. She knew that, once she got started, she would have happily forgotten all about dinner and continued getting herself off for hours. Despite how horny she was, she didn't want to get started. One orgasm was never enough.

She dried off quickly, using a lot of self control to keep from rubbing herself to climax on the rough white cotton towel, and put on a change of clothing that she kept in the closet for just these sorts of occasions. When she saw the plug on the bed, she turned bright red, remembering what Mikelis had said. Did she really have the guts to wear such a thing in front of him? How would he even know the difference, unless he grabbed her bottom?

Samantha felt like steam would come out of her ears. The truth was, whether he noticed or not, she would, and she would be on pins and needles all though dinner, terrified that Mrs. Berklavs would find out about the toy. She might not even be able to bring herself to touch the woman's delicious cooking.

She smiled to herself secretly. It sounded like a lot of fun. Most of the stuff she normally worried about, like homework and grades, was so petty and dull that she found herself thirsting for a taste of danger, like a madman chasing mirages in a smoldering desert. She had secretly been taking motorcycle lessons on weekends and saving money from her allowance so she could buy a nice bike. After all, she didn't need all the money her father sent her. What was the point, when the combination of an electric vibrator and her school books was so much more pleasurable? Now with the money her father would be giving her for her share of the horse ranch, she'd also have enough to acquire a couple of properties of her own, which her father wouldn't need to know about. There was a condo development a couple of miles from the site of her ranch, for pathetic fools who were willing to put up with a two-hour commute though the congested freeway to system get to their offices downtown.

Samantha cursed herself silently for having enrolled in so many classes this quarter. Now if she wanted to keep her grades up, as she was expected to, she would have to hire a bunch of people to help take care of the horses, and good help was so hard to find nowadays.

While she was thinking, she was looking around the bathroom in hopes of finding moisturizer to lube up the butt plug. She had decided to wear it of course, there was really been no question about it. Samantha wasn't the sort of girl who shied away from a challenge, especially one given by the cutest guy she knew.