Lady in Public


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"I grew up poor, Tera. We didn't have money to go out and do things, and our parents tended to work long hours trying to make ends meet. There were a bunch of us, guys and girls. When we were little we were stuck with one of the other parents as a babysitter but when we became teenagers we got left home alone a lot, if you catch my meaning."

"So it was..."

"Practice, practice, practice."

We spent another couple of hours fucking in every way we could before she had to get home. We dressed and quickly stripped the sheets. She started the washer while I put on the sheets that Megan had set out for us.

The ride home was another curiosity. As I've mentioned the El Camino has a big bench seat, and normally Tera sits comfortably on the far side of it away from me, right next to the door. But this time she was closer to the middle. She wasn't next to me but there were actually a few inches between her and the door. Maybe it was just a coincidence but maybe not. After all there had been several firsts tonight. And there was one more.

I pulled up to her house and she went to get out. I had never tried to be a gentleman and open the door, per her initial instructions to not treat this like a date, so I didn't do it this time. And normally she just hops out without a word and I watch to make sure she gets in the house and then I leave.

But this time, before getting out of the car, she leaned over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks. It was fun. See you later."

I was still sitting there in shock when she disappeared into her house. What in the hell did all this mean? I decided it was probably just an effort to be a little nicer, like she was warming up to me, albeit just a little bit. I was still there when her bedroom light went off, and then I slowly pulled away.


The next two weekends were very similar to this one, with no further demonstrations of affection from Tera. That only reinforced my suspicion that her prior behavior had been an anomaly. She had been caught up in the moment but had now gone back to her usual self.

School was getting intense and having sex with Tera was the perfect stress release. As I mentioned, for whatever reason, Tera's parents were gone on most Saturday nights, so I'd show up around 9:00pm and we'd spend all night, and the morning, relieving the stress of the week. I always made sure to clear out before her folks were expected home.

One particular Sunday morning we were eating the breakfast Tera had prepared. She made eggs benedict and added some cut fruit and orange juice. She seemed distracted but, frankly, that wasn't really my problem. One of the benefits of being the fuck buddy and not the boyfriend.

We were just eating quietly when she casually tossed this out.

"The Spring charity fundraiser is in a couple of weeks. Want to take me?"

I had just put a mouthful of food into my mouth and nearly choked. This went against every rule she had established when this whole thing started. This would be a public. With the upper crust of society. And there was certainly no way to hide me from her parents, which has also been a requirement the whole time.

"You mean, like a date?"

"No, not a date. Well, okay, technically. Look, every woman over 16 has to have an escort. I've always had boyfriends before but this year I don't. Don't overthink it."

This didn't make any sense to me. Was this a set-up of some kind? Was she using the poor kid to make some sort of point? Maybe some rebellion against her parents and the control they've exerted over her life. I didn't much feel like being her revenge scenario.

"Surely there's some single rich kid that would be more appropriate."

She just glared at me for several seconds, then stood up and grabbed both of our breakfast plates and put them in the sink. Hey, I thought, I was still eating that!

"You don't want to fucking go, fine! It wasn't like I wanted you there anyway! I'm sure I can find someone better to take me!"

She seemed genuinely pissed off. Was her revenge, her rebellion that important to her, or had I misread her and she just wanted me to take her? She was stalking off and nearly made it to her bedroom before I caught up with her. I grabbed her shoulder and called her name to get her attention, and was surprised when she spun around and slapped across the cheek, hard. I stood there in shock, right until she wound up to smack me again.

I caught her arm smoothly and wrapped it around behind her back. I pushed her through her bedroom door and straight to the bed. In this position she really had no choice but to go along, unless she wanted to break her arm.

"Let me go, asshole!"

I shoved her on to the bed, finally releasing her arm, and she sprawled on to her back. She was only wearing a long shirt, so her legs spread and exposed her naked pussy as she rolled on to the bed. As she did that I dropped my shorts, which were the only thing I was wearing, and was on top of her in a flash. She swung her hand at me again, but it was a weak move and easily stopped. I pinned her arms to the bed and we just stared at each other.

"Tell me no and I'll stop," I growled.

"Fuck you, asshole!"

"That wasn't no. Tell me no and I'll stop."

"Fuck you!"

"Last chance. Tell me..."

"Fuck me, you bastard! Put that God damn thing in me!"

Jesus, she was dripping. I slid my cock in all the way on the first thrust and she howled like a banshee. Tera was an incredibly sexual woman and she was as turned on now as I had ever seen her. It couldn't have taken more than a few minutes for me to shoot deep inside her, but she had to have managed at least 3 or 4 orgasms, or maybe it was just a single, long, continuous one. For me, it may have been the biggest one I'd ever had as well.

As we lay in the afterglow, and the wet spot, I ran it through my head. Tera was cuddled up against me, and I think she was nodding off to sleep. This was a strangely affectionate gesture for her, and it made me wonder if she might have asked me to take her to the charity thing simply because she wanted me to take her. Was that possible? No revenge, no rebellion, just wanted me to take her?

She had never given any indication, in word or action, that she considered me any more than a hard dick on Saturday night. And now, out of nowhere, she asks me to escort her to one of the biggest society events of the year, and then gets pissed when I don't immediately agree. What did it all mean? I sure as hell didn't know, and soon I joined Tera in dreamland.


I woke up about an hour later. Tera hadn't moved so I looked over at her, expecting to find her still asleep but her eyes were open and she was looking at me. I couldn't read her facial expression. Sadness. Melancholy, maybe.

"That thing is black tie and I don't have anything to wear."

"I'll make you an appointment with one of dad's tailors and we can rent you one. I'll make sure to match my dress."


More silence. I admit I had developed feelings for Tera. I guess it's hard to have a relationship like this with anyone, even someone you think is a bitch that treats you like the help, without some positive feelings creeping in. Was this invite just a one-off, because she just needed someone, anyone, to take her. Or was there more? I decided to take a chance and see if I could figure out just what all of this meant.

"Tera, will you let me take you out to dinner tonight?"

Now, this was a date, just she and I in public. This was the litmus test. Her answer to this question would be the ultimate...

"Okay. Pick me up at 6:00."

Well, that was anticlimactic.

"You should go. If we're going out tonight, I have things to do."

"Can I shower first?"


I grabbed my things and headed into her shower. I relaxed and just stood under the spray of water. This morning had certainly been a revelation, but I still wasn't confident that it meant what it seemed to mean. Though the dinner tonight suggested maybe it did.

I was about halfway done when Tera joined me. We had never showered together before so this was another sign that things had shifted. She never said a word. She took one of the bath puffs (there were several in here at any one time) and started washing my back. When she was done she re-soaped it and handed it to me, then turned around and pulled her long, brown hair to the side. I returned the favor.

I was done but was still in the shower, watching her wash her hair. The water and suds were running down the front of her body, and if you've ever watched a woman in the shower you know how erotic that is. Unable to help myself, I reached to her and started gently massaging her wet, soapy breasts. Her only reaction was a smile.

I knew if I kept this up much longer that I wouldn't leave anytime soon and we'd each need another shower. As she squeezed the excess water from her hair I moved right up to her, put my right arm around her waist, pulled her right against me, and kissed her. Not one of those sneaky little pecks I'd gotten from her over the last several weeks, usually in the afterglow of one of our fuck sessions, but a full-on, loaded with passion, steamy tongue-filled kiss.

Things became clearer, I think, when she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back.


Since this was an actual date, I wasn't sure which protocol I was to use: going to the door or waiting for her to meet me outside as usual. A quick text to Tera to find she'd meet me outside. I considered that response. What was going to happen at the ball? She certainly couldn't hide me. If nothing else it would be interesting.

I watched her come out of her front door and walk to the car. I expected her to just get in but she stood outside the door. I checked and saw that the door was unlocked so I couldn't understand why she was just standing there. Maybe there was a problem with the handle? But then, she hadn't even reached for it. I opened my door and got out.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for you to open my door for me."

"You've never done that before," I mentioned, even as I went around to open the door for her.

"That's true," she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "But now we're dating and I'm a lady, remember."

I could just smile as she climbed into the car and I closed the door behind her. That spot on my cheek where she kissed me felt awfully warm.

As we drove she was right next to me on the El Camino's bench seat, her left hand resting comfortably on my right leg. I made a point of driving with my left hand and rested my right on top of her left. Nothing was said, or needed to be.

I pulled into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant that was busy, though not overflowing. The large line of letters over the entrance spelled 'Antonio's'.

"This looks nice. Have you eaten here before?"

"I used to work here. They don't charge me for meals."

"So, if we keep seeing each other I can expect to be eating a lot of Italian food. Got it."

I gave her a look but she just smiled. I got out of the car and went to her side and let her out, since she was a lady now, and we walked hand in hand into the restaurant. I knew everyone that worked here, by name and face if not personally, and they knew me. No sooner had we been seated at a table than Elena Maria Doroteo Mariucci, Miss Elena for short, was upon us. Of course, I stood up to give her a hug. Miss Elena has always been a hugger.

"Michael! Mi amore! So good to see you," Miss Elena proclaimed as she pulled me into one of her crushing hugs and kissing me on both cheeks. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"This is my...friend, Tera."

"By friend, he means girlfriend," Tera corrected me while giving me a look and a shake of her head.

"Ah, well any friend of Michael's is a friend of mine. You sit, I feed you."

Miss Elena hurried off and was passed by one of the servers bringing us some bread and olive oil. As she turned and walked away, Tera smacked me on the arm.

"Friend? Really?"

"Hey, we only just started actually dating. I wasn't making any assumptions."

Miss Elena brought over some antipasto, the equivalent of an appetizer in most restaurants, that had some pepperoni, salami, olives, cheeses and vegetables. She joined us at the table.

"Miss Tera, I must tell you what kind of man is beside you."

"Miss Elena..." I said trying to stop her, but the words died in my mouth from the look she gave me.

"My Michael, he save me. He save my life. He save my family. He save my restaurant. My husband, my Antonio, we together 40 year. I just 15 when we marry."

I glanced at Tera when Miss Elena said that. I had heard her reveal that little tidbit a couple of times and it never failed to leave a stunned look on the person's face. Tera was no different.

"We open this restaurant just a few years later. We open every day except Sunday, may God be merciful. And every day my Antonio, he cook and he sing. It make food better, he say. And then, a few year ago, suddenly no more singing."

Miss Elena's eyes always started to tear up at this point, and this time was no exception. I took her hand.

"It was before we open so no customers. We all rush to him, but he already gone. My Antonio was gone."

"Miss Elena," I asked gently. "Are you okay? Would you like some water?"

She patted my hand.

"No Michael, I am okay. Thank you, my sweet boy. We close restaurant, of course. Put sign on door about family emergency. For first time in 35 years we close. And I think we not open ever again. How can we open Antonio's without Antonio? I do not think I can.

"We stay closed for many days. I talk to family, they all work here, we are a family restaurant run by a family, but we do not think we can go on. Our hearts were not in it and without Antonio here..."

I squeezed Miss Elena's hand again. I had heard her tell this story a few times and she always broke down here. It had been an incredibly difficult time for them. I had been working for them for a couple of years, mostly bussing tables but doing some serving if needed, and even helped in the kitchen sometimes. I had turned 18 just a few months before. I wasn't working that night but someone called me and I got there as fast as I could.

"About 3 week after my Antonio gone, I need something from the restaurant. I had not been here the whole time, could not come here, but I needed a paper for my lawyer. I am surprised to see the parking full of cars and the restaurant with all lights on. The 'Open' sign on. I walk in and all seats are taken. And then I hear it: singing." She glanced over at me and my smile met hers. I knew what she was about to say. "Bad singing, but still singing."

Tera caught the glimpse that Miss Elena and I exchanged and I think, for the first time, had an inkling where this story was going.

"I walk into kitchen and there is Michael singing poorly but cooking beautifully. I watch him for many seconds before he see me there. He wipe his hands on apron, like Antonio do so many times, and he come give me big hug.

"I ask him what he is doing, what is going on? And my Michael, he tell me that he been learning from my Antonio, learning to cook. To impress girls, he say. But he looks me in the eyes like he has never done before, and he tells this, this is how we keep my Antonio alive. We cook, we sing, we love. Antonio will always be there when there is singing, cooking, and loving.

"He has spent the time restaurant closed learning Antonio's recipes, and he has his dear friends helping him. He is telling them everything, how to cook, how to serve tables and help customers. And I swear to you, Miss Tera, in that moment, as God is my witness I see my Antonio standing there like he never go, just smiling at me. I feel his love, I smell his cooking, I hear his singing."

She released my hands and grabbed Tera's, looking into her eyes, and maybe into her soul.

"Miss Tera, I tell you now with every fiber of my life that you hold on, you grab hold of this man and you never let go. He will take care of you like no other man. You will never regret it."

They just looked into each other's eyes for several seconds before Tera could manage a response. She had tears in her eyes as well.

"I will."

"Good. Now, I go get you food."

Miss Elena stopped briefly to wipe her eyes. I stood and gave her another hug before she disappeared into the kitchen.

"Michael, that was amazing! I..."

"Tera, really, it was nothing. Anyone could have done it. Let's not make a big deal out of it."

That seemed to make her angry.

"Don't do that," she said, some heat in her voice.

"Do what?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Don't denigrate what you did. You are that woman's hero. Anyone could have done it but no one else did. You did it. You! No one else, and it means everything to her and her family. When you denigrate it like that, you're insulting her and her late husband. I don't want to ever hear you say anything like that again."

As Tera was finishing her rant, Miss Elena was bringing plates of bread and pasta. I dug into the plate (hey, I was really hungry!) and then realized Tera was still staring at me, and not eating. I knew what she wanted, and made, I think, a good choice to swallow before talking.

"I understand, Tera."

That seemed to satisfy her and her went back to eating. We finished the main course and our table was cleared. Miss Elena stopped by to see how things were, speaking more to Tera than me. After a couple of minutes, she rushed off to get dessert.

Cannoli and panna cotta with fresh strawberries and sliced bananas!

It was heavenly. Antonio and Elena's daughter, Gianna, had studied to become a pastry chef, and the desserts here were out of this world. In fact, at the end of the night the restaurant was often filled with people that came just for dessert and coffee. Even the gelato was handmade.

Tera and I were both treated to one of Miss Elena's bear hugs and the two-cheek kiss when we got up to leave. There was no bill, of course, but I did leave a tip for the server, even though she only filled our drinks and brought some extra bread. We had taken one of her tables and she deserved to be compensated for it.

We had class tomorrow and dinner at Antonio's is more a marathon than a sprint, so it was getting late. I drove her straight back to her house because we both had class tomorrow, though she didn't go right in. She sat right next to me on the ride home, so she grabbed my hand and turned to me.

"I had a wonderful time, Michael. The restaurant was excellent and I fell in love with Miss Elena immediately. Thank you."

With that said she put her fingers on my chin and pulled our lips together. We made out for several minutes, and I resisted the temptation to reach for her breasts. This had been a date, a real date, and if there was even the slightest chance that we would actually last, we'd have to do it without relying on sex.

We pulled gently away from each other, staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds as we did so. Our foreheads touched and then she slid across the seat and got out. I waited until she got inside and then headed home. I slept well.


Two weeks later, the time for the gala had arrived. I still hadn't met Tera's parents but that was about to change tonight. The Friday night before every gala, which was held on Saturday, the Blankenship's had dinner as a tradition. It consisted of Tera's family (her, her parents, her aunt and uncle, and two of her cousins) and their dates/escorts. Technically, I was considered Tera's escort, which was a society thing I guess. I assumed it was intended to demonstrate that the 'couples' were not necessarily romantically involved.

We'd had the tuxedo fitting last weekend and the finished product had been delivered to the Blankenship home earlier that day. It was standard black with touches (bow tie, cummerbund, pocket...hanky...thing) of royal purple to coordinate with Tera's gown. The dress was beautiful and I couldn't wait to see it on her.