Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 04


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Exasperated, Jason turned to Kate and Lisa for help. "Have you seen a map or something to indicate they could be in the church? Has some old timer told you some story? I'd like some facts to back up this strange decision."

"Jason, I've seen Gwen like this before. She's in that zone," stated Kate firmly. "I can tell you right now that Chip will be moving his machine up there as soon as I speak to him. I'd strongly urge you and the others to do the same."

"Kate's right," insisted Lisa. "Gwen has a way of knowing where Steve is when he needs her. Right now she's telling you that you have to open that church. That's the only fact you need right now. There are no rational explanations, but she knows when Steve needs her."

"This goes against everything I've ever learned as an engineer, but we'll move up there as quickly as possible," conceded Jason. "I just want to see this nightmare through and get Steve and Saint out safely."

With that, Jason pulled his crew and equipment from the task at hand and explained that they were moving a couple hundred yards up the street and across it to the old church on the corner.

As the men relocated the equipment, reporters took to the airwaves. Amber Stahl was extremely emotional as she reported on the situation.

"Almost five hours ago, President Hammer's young son, Saint, followed a girl into a heavily damaged building, hoping to assist injured people inside. A few minutes later, President Hammer's husband, Steve, fearlessly climbed through the same window and disappeared, even as the building shook and groaned from the effects of the earthquake. A few short minutes after that, the entire four story stone building crashed to the earth.

"President Hammer's sisters' husbands, along with Charlie Burns, Jared White, Ted Anderson, Billy Marsh, Coach Watson, and many more friends and volunteers have worked tirelessly to remove debris carefully to not endanger any possible survivors below the rubble.

"Just now, President Hammer instructed the men to stop work at this site and move up the street to an old church, pretty much telling everyone that she believed it was necessary to save her husband, son and however many others are trapped in the earth. She based that order on her 'gut', and nothing else, or so it appears.

"Those of us who have followed President and Mr. Hammer since their early days have come to trust the seemingly impossible connection between the two. I have absolute confidence that this is the right decision. Once that church is safely opened, the President will be reunited with her warrior husband and their wonderfully capable young son!"

Very few others shared Amber's faith in Gwen's decision. Reporters and politicians back in the United States began weighing in on Gwen's bizarre order.

"The small window to save the people trapped in that collapsed building is rapidly closing and President Hammer has arbitrarily decided to move the rescuers way up the street to search for her husband and son," observed Senator Lancer. "World leaders don't base decisions on gut instinct, voodoo, or blackmagic. Cold, hard, facts should be the basis of all decisions, especially when it involves the lives of so many people. This decision by President Hammer is ill advised and indicative of her erratic governing style. Sadly, it will likely result in the deaths of people that could possibly have been saved, including her own son and husband."

The excavation of the church was extremely slow. Jason insisted that supports be set in place before anything was removed. That alone took a couple of hours. Then came the painstaking labor of carefully removing huge chunks of rock and stone that had comprised the walls of the old church for centuries.

Not far from the church was a small cemetery, also centuries old. Once the men began working on the excavation, Gwen found a grassy spot and knelt down and bowed her head. She had been told to pray for her son and husband. She was determined that was exactly what she would do.

"Gwen, are you okay? The guys will be working for hours. Why don't you get some rest?" asked Kate.

"Kate, I just spoke with the old blind woman we met the day after my wedding. I'm sure you remember her. She told me I had to pray for the safety of Saint and Steve. Saint had found his future queen, but all would be lost if I didn't pray to St. Stephen. I intend to do exactly that until my husband and son are safely in my arms."

Kate was stunned. She had personally heard the old crone predict Saint's conception as well as his future heroics. With renewed hope, Kate sent a text message to her family.

Shortly after Gwen had knelt down, she was joined by Hanna Kiss and her husband, Adam. Gwen found herself holding and squeezing the hand of the blonde Hungarian woman as she silently made her peace with the universe and whatever Gods ruled it. Within half an hour, Jordan, Cindy, Charlotte, Laura, Naomi, Paula, Nadiya, Stephanie, and Ashley were kneeling close to her. The hours dragged by, but Gwen refused to consider moving, even when asked to do so by the concerned Secret Service. Local residents began joining Gwen in prayer. By dawn, five hundred people were kneeling around her, heads silently bowed. The inspiring scene was broadcast live around the world.

The sun was just beginning to peek into the mammoth cavern that had once been the dome of the church, when a wave of excitement swept across the exhausted crew that had worked so hard. Even with the front excavated and the remaining walls and roof reinforced, the building was less than stable. Jason had determined that digging through the debris that still made access to the back of the church impossible would create an unacceptable risk to rescuers as well as to any survivors possibly located in the bowels of the old church.

To that end, he had a hole cut in the roof once it had been blocked and strengthened enough to carry the rescuers' weight. Chip climbed into a basket was slowly lowered into the building by a crane that had arrived in the middle of the long night. Cameras caught the scene as the huge machine stopped dropping cable and remained still. Several minutes later, the crane began winding the cable up again.

Roars sounded from the thousands gathered to watch the historic event as a young woman with an infant no older than a couple of hours in her arms slowly rose into view from the hole in the roof. She was carefully helped from the basket that had carried her up, and then assisted to a ladder. Jason gently took charge of the infant as the woman needed both hands to descend the ladder. Jason effortlessly followed her down and returned the child to its mother, who was weeping in relief as her grateful husband emerged from the crowd to support her.

While it was six AM in Hungary, it was prime time in the United States. The entire nation was glued to their televisions and computer monitors as women and children were slowly brought to safety. News stations had been keeping a tally of those making their way to freedom.

The count was at thirty seven when a tremendous roar swept across the crowd as Saint and a thin but beautiful little platinum blonde girl came into view. The two were escorted off the roof safely before they ran to their mothers. Americans across the nation cried in relief as they watched their president reunite with her son after a long and grueling ordeal. No comment was made by Senator Lancer.

Saint threw himself into his mother's arms as Lena did the same with her mother. Soon she was in her father's arms as he unashamedly cried into her hair. Then as if by agreement, Lena left her father and moved over to Gwen who swept her into her arms and fiercely hugged her.

"You're the one! I'm so very happy for Saint. You're such a beautiful little thing," sobbed Gwen as she clung to the frail blonde girl.

Once again Kate, Lisa, Jordan, Naomi and the other women exchanged glances, knowing that Gwen believed she was embracing her future daughter-in-law and mother of her grandchildren. Another surprise occurred when the normally reserved Saint moved to eagerly hug Hanna Kiss. Lena's mother embraced the boy tightly as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

A loud roar from those gathered around the damaged church brought Gwen out of her embrace with the girl. Steve was standing on the roof of the church! He was shirtless and dirty with several nasty scratches on his face and torso. Most of them were caked with dried blood.

Jason had wrapped his arms around his friend and the two men grinned and shared a few private words as the world watched. "I've never been so happy to see your ugly mug. Gwen knew we had to dig here to find you. I don't understand it, but I'm glad as hell that she was right. You need to take care of her. She's been up since yesterday morning. She operated on injured kids all day and knelt in that cemetery and prayed for your sorry ass all night. She must be exhausted, mentally and physically."

Steve nodded to his friend before carefully climbing down the ladder and walking over to the cemetery and his waiting wife. Gwen was standing as he approached and took her shoulders in his hands. The two simply looked into each other's faces for what seemed a very long time. Unable to wait any longer, Gwen finally threw her arms around Steve's neck and pulled him down for a lingering, passionate kiss.

Steve felt her tears on his bare chest as he clutched her trembling body. Then she simply collapsed. Steve deftly caught her and swung her up into his arms. Gwen was now sobbing loudly as she buried her face in her husband's grimy embrace.

As Steve held his wife, a Secret Service agent stepped in close enough to get Steve's attention. "Sir, we have a U.S. Navy helicopter nearby, as well as a Navy doctor. Would you and your family please climb aboard? We need to care for the President, your son, and you. The President's parents will go with you. Please let them lead you to the chopper now."

Paula and Ted nodded to Steve and then began the long walk back down the street and to the open field that held the waiting helicopter. Ted carried Vickie on his hip as he escorted Paula. Saint walked behind his grandparents with the little blonde girl and her parents, who Gwen had insisted join them. Steve was right behind them, carrying Gwen as if she weighed very little. Gwen was now lightly sobbing as she wrapped her arms around her strong husband's neck while, exhausted as he was, he carried her effortlessly through the badly damaged village.

Dirty, bruised, and battered people lined what was left of the main street of the town, clapping and cheering for the Americans. Gwen became aware of the people watching and lifted her tear-stained face and smiled. This caused an even louder cheer from those watching.

No one could doubt the profound effect Gwen and Lady in Red had made on the survivors of the disaster. The humanitarian efforts of the wealthy Americans had saved numerous, probably hundreds of lives and the people were extremely grateful. As Steve reached the end of the street and entered the impromptu landing field, Gwen saw rows of tents had been erected for temporary living quarters. Portable toilets were set up near every tenth tent or so and a large community shower/bathroom was under construction. Large machinery was everywhere, and much of it displayed the Lady in Red logo.

Trucks loaded with building materials were pulling into an area on the far side of the field. It was apparent that as soon as the cleaning up was complete, building would commence. This small town in the mountains of Hungary had experienced the incredible generosity and courage of President Hammer and her group and it would never be forgotten.

Gwen and Steve had been delivered to their hotel in Budapest shortly after ten AM. Once she was certain that Saint was asleep in an adjoining suite, she climbed into bed and snuggled with her naked and exhausted husband.

"We'll talk about everything later," promised Gwen in a soft whisper. "Right now, I just want you to hold me while we sleep."

A state dinner had been scheduled for that evening. The Hungarian government was extremely pleased and more than a little surprised when it was informed that the President would be attending and there was no need to reschedule.

Steve and Gwen were awakened at six PM and an hour and a half later, were announced as they walked hand in hand into the large banquet hall. The applause was very loud and continued for a very long time as Gwen smiled and bowed, acknowledging the honor while clinging to Steve's hand.

Once they were finally seated, the festivities began. The Hungarian officials couldn't praise and thank Gwen and Steve enough. All they could talk about was the personal and heroic efforts President Hammer, along with her husband and friends, made to help the people of a small, completely unknown Hungarian town.

Steve noticed that Gwen merely pressed her lips to the rim of her champagne glass when the Hungarian President proposed his toast. "Is your stomach bothering you? Normally you sip a glass or two of the champagne when you're being toasted."

"Husband of mine, I won't be drinking any alcohol for at least the next nine months, and who knows for how long after that. Not when I'm nursing your second son," responded Gwen with a smile. Steve suddenly gasped, which caused champagne to dribble down his chin as he tried to stifle his shock.

The room was silent as everyone watched the interaction between Steve and Gwen. They all knew what a trying day it had been and were concerned that Steve was not feeling well.

Steve's mind was whirling with emotion as he assimilated Gwen's news. Suddenly, he stood and raised his champagne in salute. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose a toast to the President of the United States, the Lady in Red, my Queen, my incredible wife and partner, who has just informed me that she'll soon be bearing us another son!"

Gwen was taken totally by surprise as her delighted husband proposed a toast to her pregnancy. She had assumed that he'd be very happy and sneak off to tell Jason, Charlie, Chip, Jared, and Billy as soon as possible but it was so unlike him to be so public with his emotions. He was almost giddy with excitement.

She was unable to be upset with Steve. He was still seeking equilibrium after spending so much time trapped by the earthquake. Gwen had to admit to herself that she was very pleased with Steve's joy. Their child would be loved. That was obvious!

Steve surprised her again seconds later. The room had broken into tremendous applause at his announcement. He smiled broadly as he took Gwen's hand and helped her to her feet before sweeping her into his arms and kissing her passionately in front of everyone, including the many reporters with cameras recording it all.

Gwen realized that nothing else mattered. Her husband loved her and the child she carried! She returned his kiss as ardently as she was able. Slowly Steve pulled his lips from hers and hugged her fiercely. Only then did she realize that he was quietly sobbing into her hair. She gently stoked the back of his head as the world watched. Her husband needed this and Gwen was very willing to give him the love he desired. She considered the ordeal he must have faced as he remained strong for the people with him even as he wondered if he and Saint would survive.

Paula and Ted had been stunned by Steve's announcement and very surprised to see him clinging to Gwen as his emotions controlled his actions. He was always the calm one, steady, cool, and measured in his response. Now and then he revealed his very human side, but seldom in such a public venue.

Everyone stood quietly and waited patiently as the scene played out. The fact that the very tough, determined Steve Hammer was demonstrating a far softer, more human side did not go unnoticed. Many of the women in the room reached for their napkins so they could dry their eyes. To love and be loved as fiercely as this amazing couple was something for which every woman longed!

Steve finally moved back enough to look into Gwen's eyes and speak softly so only she could hear. "I love you so much it hurts. When we were trapped under that church, I worried that I'd never be able to tell how much you meant to me. Now I've embarrassed you, as well as myself."

Gwen kissed him soundly on the lips before turning to the still silent crowd. "My husband was just telling me how much he loved me. You could argue that this wasn't exactly the right place or time, but I'm always happy to hear it, regardless of where I am, and who I'm with. This amazing man is my rock, my confidant, and my lover. I'm very, very proud of that!"


I thank Tex Beethoven for editing this chapter and making it a better read.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why the need to go on Facebook and Twitter,what happened to the lady in red magazine?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

More hogwash,Jason has just receiving news of an earthquake,and Lady in Red assistance is already on the way.Did they know about the earthquake before it happened?.get real

cliuincliuinalmost 5 years ago
Dear Anonymous

It was said that Gwen's family it was with her, that should include her grandmother Caroline too. And regarding a seven years old Hungarian girl speaking fluent English, kids can learn faster than an adult . it isn't unuasual that a child in Europe speaks two or three languages at the age of seven. In Europe the foreign languages are started to be learned even from Kindergarten.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

There did Caroline suddenly appear from.?She wasn't in the party up to the Hungarian visit!.Also a seven year old Hungarian girl speaking fluent English,get real.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 6 years ago
Powerful Chapter

Wow. Best chapter yet. Well done HDK.

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