Laguna Linda

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Diana’s friend refers her to a female-only resort for a job.
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Laguna Linda


I approach the resort that my friend Nancy told me she had worked at near Lamington National Park -- one and a half hours from my home in Brisbane. The surroundings are breathtaking -- hills, green valleys, a lovely lake. The name makes sense now -- Laguna Linda means beautiful lagoon in Spanish. I wonder what the Spanish connection is. The driveway winds up a hill and I reach a gate with an attendant.

"May I help you?" the attendant asks.

"I'm here for an interview with uh, let's see, a Miss Wendy. I'm Diana Page."

"One moment please." She clicks on her keyboard and mouse. "Yes, you are expected. Please drive into entrance B and park in a visitor space underground. Stay in your car, and someone will come for you." She opens the gate.

I park the car and nervously check my makeup. A tall woman approaches the car and I get out and lock the car. "Hello, Diana, I'm Miss Janet. Please follow me."

We walk to a lift. She swipes her security card and we get in and ride up, exiting into a grand executive office. She takes me to the receptionist and walks away.

"Hello, Diana, pleased to meet you. I'm Miss Susan." I notice that she's wearing the same collar as Miss Janet -- a thin leather band with a large red stone in the front. "Please have a seat."

She walks over and hands me a clipboard with an application form and a pen. "Please fill this out, front and back. Read page two carefully before signing. It's a non-disclosure agreement."

I complete the front page with basic identifying information, then read, complete and sign the back page. I am promising not to disclose anything that I learn about Laguna Linda, ever, to anybody. No wonder Nancy was always evasive when I asked her about this place.

I wave to Miss Susan, indicating that I am done. She comes and looks it over, smiles and says, "Miss Wendy won't be long." I sit looking around the room. It has many tasteful paintings of nude women, and a small reclining nude sculpture on the table in front of me.

In a few minutes, a striking woman in her forties walks up and says, "Hello, I'm Miss Wendy. It's so nice to meet you, Diana. Please come with me."

Her aura overwhelms me until I can blurt, "Thank you."

I follow into her spacious office and she closes the door. It's outfitted with plush leather furniture, including a large sofa. I see more paintings of nudes in poses more erotic than those outside, one suggesting the moment of orgasm. I sit at her desk.

"Nancy Wilson was one of our Gold Servants. I was sorry to lose her, but she served us well for several years until she decided to move on. I understand she's marrying a lovely woman. I'm very happy for her."

"She said she liked working here. Yes, I've met her fiancée, and she's quite something."

"How much did she tell you about Laguna Linda?"

"She said it's a luxury resort for women." Miss Wendy waits for me to continue. "She said that she provided personal services for the guests, but she didn't elaborate."

"That's her -- always discreet. All of our guests are women and all of our staff are women. The only men we ever have on-site are specialist outside contractors if a woman is not available with the required skill, generally mechanical engineers. Did you get any sense from her of what kind of services we provide?"

"I asked her a few times, but she always danced around the answer. I kind of suspected that they might be sexual in nature."

"If that were true, how would you feel about that?"

"I don't know."

"Well, since you have signed the NDA, I'll tell you that part of what we provide includes sexual services. Would that be a problem for you?"

Since I had had an idea about that, I had already thought it over and decided that I was fine with it. "No, I'm okay with it."

"Good. I need to ask you some questions. How old were you when you had your first sexual experience with someone?"

"Eighteen, with a guy from school."

"How often did you fuck?"

I'm a bit taken aback by her directness, but I answer, "Most weekends."

"And when did you have your first sex with a girl?"

"The next year, at nineteen."

"And how often with her?"

"Every weekend, and sometimes during the week."

"Just those two, or others?"

"I played with a few other girls after the first one, but mainly those two until I had a serious girlfriend at twenty-one."

"How long were you with her?"

I choke down tears. "Um, almost two years, until she died in a car accident two months ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." I start sobbing. She hands me tissues and waits until I have settled down.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, Diana, no need to be sorry," she says tenderly. "You obviously loved her very much, and it's been so recent. Do you need more time before I go on?"

I sniff and blow my nose. "No, I'm all right."

"Okay then, how many times a day do you masturbate?"

"Uh, well, at least twice, morning and night and more if I'm alone during the day."

I've been taken aback at the intimacy of her questions, but I don't hesitate to answer. She's disarmingly comforting. I also find that I'm getting a little excited by them.

She asks about what practices I have done, especially with women. I say the usual -- kissing, touching, licking pussy and ass.

Miss Wendy takes a deep breath. "Now for my most important question: do you enjoy pleasing a woman?"

"Yes, yes I do, very much."

"Good. That's why we're here." She writes notes for a minute.

"Do you have any romantic connections now?"


"What family do you have?"

"My mother in Brisbane and an older sister in Melbourne."


"He's been gone for years. My parents divorced over ten years ago."

"Do you have much contact with him?"

"Phone call at Christmas," I reply, a bit sullenly.

She writes more notes.

"Okay, Diana, you seem to be suitable so far. There will be more to ask, but I'll tell you more about Laguna Linda than Nancy was allowed to tell you.

"We are licensed as a brothel, so we can legally provide sexual services, but we don't consider ourselves prostitutes, although technically we are. Are you okay with that? Because if you aren't, then it's time for you to leave. If you leave, I will remind you that you signed a non-disclosure agreement saying that you will never tell anyone what you have learned about us.

"We are not ashamed of what we do, but we have a certain profile of respectability that we wish to maintain. We are not just about sex, we provide entertainment and pleasure of all sorts. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Miss Wendy."

"Here is the public brochure that lists all of our non-sexual facilities and services. If you choose to continue the application process, you can read it in detail tonight."


"We consider ourselves a family. We treat all staff with the highest respect. Most of us live on-site. You will be expected to live on-site at least until you achieve Amber status, which I will explain later. Even after that, most family members live here.

"Your living arrangements include a small but comfortable room with an ensuite bathroom, all clothing, laundry service, all toiletries, all meals with the same quality as our guests, free on-call transport to and from Brisbane, and if you need it, free storage for your belongings when you move in.

"Now that you know more about us, how do you feel about working here? You don't have to commit yet, but let me know what you're thinking. Take your time."

I drink in everything that Miss Wendy has told me about Laguna Linda, and my mind is swimming. I have to admit that I'm a bit excited by the prospect. "It sounds good."

"All right. Let's take a break from this office."

She takes me down the hall to the executive break room. I go to the toilet. Coffee, tea and snacks are provided, and I get myself a cup of coffee. We chat about various little things, then return to her office.

"Are you still interested, Diana?"


"Okay, you drove here from Brisbane?"


"Do you have any need to return today?"

"Uh, no, I guess not, but I hadn't prepared to spend the night."

"We can put you in a room for the night, so you'll know what your accommodation will be like. We can supply all the clothing and toiletries you might need. Later, I'll ask someone to take you to our shop where you can get everything you need at no charge."

"Thank you, that's very kind."

"I told you, Diana, we are family."

I smile and start feeling a little at home. I text my mother to let her know I won't be home tonight.

First Test

"Are you ready for stage two of the application process?"

"I guess, what does that entail?"

"You've said that you like to give women pleasure. I'd like to watch you do that."

"Oh, here?"

"Yes, Diana, at Laguna Linda you will be expected to provide services to any guest at any time that you're on duty, within certain restrictions. That may include being watched. I have to make sure that you can perform under those circumstances. Do you understand?"

I think, then say, "Yes, I'm a little nervous, but I will do it."

"Fine," she says. She presses her intercom button, "Miss Susan, would you please arrange for an Amber to come in?"

"Certainly, Miss Wendy," Miss Susan replies cheerfully. In a few minutes, she opens the door and ushers in a stunning young woman of Japanese appearance, dressed in an attractive uniform showing a tasteful amount of cleavage. Her face is beautiful and her long black hair spills in front of her curvy boobs.

"Good morning, Miss Wendy," she says with a broad smile.

"Good morning, Miss Miyuki. Meet Diana."

"Good morning, Miss Diana," Miss Miyuki says.

"No, Miss Miyuki, not 'Miss' yet, she's an applicant."

"Oh, sorry."

"Miss Miyuki, please undress and display yourself to Diana." She smiles and unzips her dress, hanging it up on a hanger on a rack. I gasp a little as I see that she's now naked. I notice a small tattoo just above her left nipple reading "Miss Miyuki".

I admire her lovely body as she turns around then faces me, still smiling. "Um, Miss Wendy, will I have to get a tattoo like that?"

"Yes, Diana, but it's not a permanent tattoo. They wear off after several days, and we refresh them. Name tags aren't very useful when we're naked, which is much of the time. The guests need to know what to call us if we walk by."

"Oh, okay."

"Lie down on the sofa, Miss Miyuki," Miss Wendy instructs. She daintily steps to the sofa and eases herself down.

"Okay, Diana, kneel beside her and please her. Take as long as you want, but bring her to orgasm. Normally you would be naked, but I will let you remain clothed for now. Ah, one thing -- I haven't explained the quarantine procedure yet, so do not kiss her or lick her pussy."

With my head reeling but my body flushed with excitement, I get down and gaze up and down at Miss Miyuki's gorgeous body. I place my hand on her leg and slowly caress upward. She's smiling at me. Miss Wendy moves to a nearby chair to get a close view.

I am nervous, but I fight that down and give her a soothing, gentle massage all over. When my fingers brush over her lovely firm B-cup boobs, she gasps and I see her nipples start to harden. I smile, knowing that I am doing well.

I lighten my touch, teasing her with a feathery touch all over. She breathes more heavily and keeps smiling. I run both hands over her chest and stomach, avoiding her boobs at first. Then I brush my hands on the sides of her boobs as I move up and down.

I move to her boobs, circling her nipples with my fingers but missing them. She moans softly. My fingers close on her nipples as I gaze into her wondrous dark eyes. She gasps as I feel her excitement vicariously. Her nipples grow into my fingers.

I glance at Miss Wendy, who is looking at us intently. I hope that she is approving.

I pull and pinch Miss Miyuki's nipples gently and she moans louder. I drop my face down and tease her closer nipple with my soft lips. My desire to please her flares and I plant my mouth around her nipple and suck. I spiral my tongue around her nipple then quickly flick it as I pinch her other nipple.

I start flicking and pinching then easing, at intervals of several seconds until she moans again. Then I gradually increase the frequency, feeling her writhe under me. I am trying to tease her slowly, but I am also getting excited and I suddenly surrender to my feelings and suck her nipple hard and thrash it quickly with my tongue, twisting the other nipple.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh," she grunts continuously. Then I stop suddenly and she gasps. My hand slides down her stomach as I start licking her nipple gently and slowly again. I cup her mound and rub it in circles. When I press it I can feel her clit through her hood.

I can hear Miss Wendy breathing hard, so I am happy that this is exciting her too. I slide a finger between Miss Miyuki's pussy lips. She is so wet, and I continue sliding down until I find her pussy entrance. As I push my finger gently in, she spreads her legs wide and my finger glides effortlessly deep into her.

I swirl my finger inside her tight pussy, feeling it grip. I slowly finger fuck her as I keep licking her nipple gently. She's shaking, and I sense that she's getting close to the edge. I withdraw my finger, pressing up against her G spot, making her buck. I keep pulling out, spreading her juice over her clit hood.

I rub the hood, feeling her clit getting so hard. I can't hold back anymore. I press firmly, exposing her clit. I rub her clit hard from side to side while pressing, feeling my finger rock over it. I lash her nipple hard and fast. She lets out a continuous moan, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I keep it up and finally, she screams, "Ahhh, I'm cumming! Ahhh, ahhh."

I press hard on her clit but quit rubbing. Her body shakes violently, then it gradually eases back onto the sofa. I take my mouth and hand off of her and gaze at the lovely woman I have just pleased. I then notice Miss Wendy panting hard.

I smile at Miss Wendy and ask, "How was that?"

She looks dreamily at Miss Miyuki and asks her, "Well?"

Miss Miyuki works to gather her breath and says, "3.5, no, 4.0."

Miss Wendy says, "I agree, a solid 4 out of 5. That was very good, Diana, considering you were not prepared for this and I'm sure you were nervous. I got quite excited just watching."

"I got excited pleasing her," I add.

"I bet. Now, Diana, our guests may wish to please you, and you need to be ready for that. So please change places, ladies. Diana, please undress completely. Miss Miyuki, please make Diana cum."

I stagger to my feet, go to the rack and hang my clothes on it. When I'm back at the sofa, Miss Miyuki is kneeling next to it, so I flop myself down. I'm so hot, I just spread my legs, ready for her. She gives me a lovely treatment similar to what I just did for her, ending in me screaming as I cum.

When she and I have settled again, Miss Wendy says, "Very good, Miss Miyuki, you may leave now."

She tosses on her dress and as she's leaving the room, she says to me, "I hope to see you again soon, Diana."

Miss Wendy returns to her desk and writes copious notes as I dress and return to the chair by the desk, gathering my thoughts and feelings. She then smiles at me and asks, "So, how do you feel?"

"Wow, she's so good."

"I mean, how do you feel about the possibility of being part of our family?"

"Oh." I think for a few seconds. "No offence, Miss Wendy, but I'm a bit overwhelmed. I mean, it seems amazing, but it's been so much to take in."

"Fair enough, Diana. I'll have someone take you to lunch, and we can talk more later, okay?"


She asks Miss Susan to find me a lunch companion. Miss Georgina comes and takes me to the lunchroom. She's pleasant and lets me just talk for a while. Then she tells me what her life has been like here. She confirms what Miss Wendy said about being respected. The guests are all instructed to do the same, and we do not have to put up with bad behaviour.

Miss Georgina explains, "Addressing all staff as 'Miss' does two things. It reinforces the respect that we demand from our guests, and it helps distinguish the staff from the guests. It does not mean 'Mistress' as in the dominance/submissive world, which we discourage. Oh, and everyone uses a house name, not their real first name."

After lunch, I return to Miss Wendy. "Have you had a chance to think about being with us? You don't have to commit today, but I'll ask you in the morning to make a commitment."

"I think I will like it here."

"That's wonderful. I hope that we will have you on board soon. I was very impressed by your pleasing of Miss Miyuki." I smile broadly, feeling truly appreciated.

Afternoon Formalities

I spend much of the afternoon completing required formalities. I fill out a long questionnaire asking about my sexual history, much of which Miss Wendy has already asked me, but which she says needs to be recorded in writing.

She explains the collars designating staff tiers:

  • Black stones (onyx) are for cleaners and maintenance staff. They are totally off-limits sexually to guests and staff, with no exceptions.
  • Red stones (garnet) are for administrative staff. Guests may not request sex from them, but if staff members are free from duties and they wish to participate, they may ask to join in any public activity they see.
  • Clear stones (glass) are for apprentices. They rarely leave the staff living quarters, but if they do, guests may not request sex from them. Within the living quarters, other servants will frequently have sex with the apprentices, to assist with their orientation and training.
  • Amber stones are for regular servants -- your first tier after your apprenticeship.
  • Purple stones (amethyst) are for transsexuals. They were born male and have had hormone treatments to take on the female form. They identify as female. Their male parts are intact and are fully functional, for those guests who wish to be penetrated.
  • Gold pendants are for upper-level servants, with years of experience and specialised training.
  • Platinum pendants are for senior servants, like me.

Miss Wendy then explains the quarantine procedures:

  • You must not have sex with anyone else for a month before starting, which is okay, because you said you haven't.
  • After taking time off off-site, you submit to a medical examination immediately upon return and you serve a 48-hour quarantine period.
  • Quarantine means no exchange of body fluids (kissing, licking). Hands are used to stimulate, and the mouth is only used away from the guest's mouth, genitals and rectal area.
  • Black knickers are worn during the quarantine period to notify others.
  • Red knickers are worn during menstrual periods, except during quarantine. Some guests may like to lick you there anyway but at least they'll know before they ask.

She explains the use of the "Miss" title, and I say that Miss Georgina mentioned that to me. "If you decide to go ahead tomorrow, have a final house name picked out by then. Until then, pick a temporary name to call you by from now on until you make a final decision.

"Uh, how about Mary?"


Miss Wendy presses her intercom button. "Miss Susan, Diana will be known as Miss Mary temporarily. Who's available to be her escort for the evening?"

"Let me check, Miss Wendy." Clicks are heard. "Miss Ellen seems to be free." A few minutes later, Miss Ellen is brought in and introduced.

"Miss Ellen will escort you for the rest of your time here since you're not officially an apprentice yet. You may participate in quarantined sex if you wish, but you are not required to until you come back as an apprentice."