Laid off

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He lost his job and then things went downhill.
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Authors Note: Thought I would try my hand at more of a traditional BTB type storyline.

Thanks for the feedback from Vintage_D and Bumbling_Fool.


It was a typical Wednesday. Get up and get ready for work. My wife of five years, Beth, gets to sleep in a bit before she has to get herself and the kids up.

I work at a decent-sized accounting firm of about 100 people here in Guelph, Ontario and my wife is a manager at a retail store.

I work the typical 9 to 5 job and she works afternoons as the manager of a women's clothing retail store until closing. It sucks since we only spend 2 evenings together with the kids, but so far it is working for us. She drops them off at daycare during the week and I pick them up on the way home from work. We have to pay for 5 days of daycare if we want to keep the slots, so usually, this means that she keeps the kids on one of her days off during the week and then handles the family errands the other day with the kids at daycare.

A few more years of this and she should be promoted to area manager, which will mean that she has to travel, but will also mean that she will have a lot more flexibility in her work hours and we should be able to have dinner together most nights.

Beth just came off a year of maternity leave, so we are a month into our new routine with our 1-year-old boy, George, and our 3-year-old girl, Belinda. Today was one of her off days. We were still renting an apartment. Once things were settled, we were going house hunting.

Things have been going pretty well. Yes, it is not ideal, but you must work with the schedule your careers hand you. We knew that when we decided to have kids.

I pulled into the parking lot when I heard my name called, "Francis, morning!"

It was my buddy Jerry whom I have known since we both tried to pick up the same girl at the same time at a frosh week party the first week of university.

"Morning Jerry", I replied. "Did you hear something about a big meeting today?"

"Nope, but then I had to leave early yesterday." He said. "I'm sure we will hear all about it this morning. You know how the boss always likes morning announcements to wake everyone up." He smiled back at me and patted me on the shoulder as we walked in.

I got to my desk and started for the day. The invite came along, and I guess it was all hands on deck because they had us broken into different meeting rooms.

I bumped into Jerry on the way to the meeting. He was to go to a different room than me, but he decided to tag along with me.

I should have known that there was something wrong when they had someone taking attendance at the door to each room and Jerry was sent to his original room.

There were 12 of us in our meeting room when the company president and Human Resources/Office Manager showed up. We all looked at each other nervously.

The President started, "Unfortunately, I am the bearer of bad news. We just lost the contract for the Henderson Group. As you are all members of that team, you are all impacted by this. For some of you, this is your last day. For others, we will be keeping you for the transition period. I'm sorry."

I just blanked out after that. Lisa, the HR manager then started to give us our packages. I was aware enough to know that today was my last day. We were all told to go home and review the packages. We would be scheduled to come back into the office at a later date to pick up our desk contents.

Lisa tapped me on my shoulder. "Francis, I'm sorry, but it is time to go."

I just nodded and stood up. I was still numb from the announcement as we were escorted out of the building. Someone had gone to our desks and gathered our jackets and bags. They handed them to us as we walked out the door.

I got into my car when it finally hit me. The tears started. Beth just came back from maternity leave. What are we going to do?

After about 10 minutes, I finally got myself together. I didn't need to get into a car accident on top of everything else. I noticed a few others were also still sitting in our cars. I looked at Sally, my team leader. She had been crying so hard that her makeup had started to run. I gave her a sad nod and headed home.


I walked in the door.

Beth came around the corner, "Francis, what are you doing home?"

"I...I", was all I managed to say before I flopped down hard onto the couch. She sat beside me. "You know that I work on the Henderson account?" she nodded. "Well, the firm lost that account, and I have been laid off." I started to tear up again.

"Like for a few months?" she asked.

"No permanently, they sent me home with a package of papers to review." Now, I was kind of expecting a hug of support, and lines like, "What are we going to do?", but she sat back in her chair with a mad/disappointed look on her face. The kind she usually gets when some plans get screwed up.

I ended up giving her a hug, and said "Don't worry, we will be OK."

I stood up, picked up the package of papers, and headed to my home office to review them. As I was reviewing them, I heard Beth on the phone. I didn't hear the conversation well, but I heard bits and pieces. "We have to cancel." "I don't know when." "I know me too."

I yelled out. "Who was that honey?"

There was a pause and then she replied. "The next-door neighbor. She was going to come over with her kids for a play date, but I told her that we had to cancel."

I thought, "Funny, I don't remember her mentioning getting together with the neighbor before." The neighbor's kids are older than ours, so not much of a play date.

I turned back to the papers. I wanted to sort out where we were with this. I had been with the firm for 6 years and they were giving us 2 weeks for every year, so that worked out to about 3 months pay. At least in the short term, we were OK.

I then got my resume out. Better to jump on this quick. I spent the next hour updating it. I was always good at keeping on task. Get the resume updated before lunch, and then start the job search this afternoon. Beth stuck her head in a few times to see how I was doing. She still had an anxious look on her face. I told her of the 3-month pay package and that we would be OK.

Jerry called at lunchtime to see how I was doing.

"Best as could be under the circumstances," I told him.

"How is Beth taking it?" he asked.

"You know, she isn't reacting to it the way I thought she would. Maybe it is nothing, but instead of worried, I get the feeling that I'm inconveniencing some plans of hers." I replied.

"I'm sure it is because you guys haven't been in this position before and she just doesn't know how to react yet." He suggested.

"You are probably right.". I paused. "Maybe we could get together one night once I have sorted things out."

"That sounds like a great idea.", he replied.


I looked at a few job sites after lunch and I was able to find half a dozen jobs to apply to. I spent the afternoon on cover letters and fine-tuning my resume for each position and got the applications into them. Nothing to do now but wait.

Dinner was a bit quiet, but Belinda decided that she would be the entertainment committee and got us all laughing.

We didn't want to lose the daycare slots and wanted to keep the kids on their regular routine, so the kids went to daycare on the usual days. Beth, however, decided to be a bit more frisky before she went to work.

I hadn't seen this side of her. Due to the work schedule, and since we just had the second kid, our sex life had gone to about once a week and frankly, it wasn't anything special. We were usually too tired. However, the first full day laid off, after I dropped the kids off at daycare she surprised me by wearing something sexy and dragging me off to the bedroom. We fucked like rabbits for an hour until she had to go to work. We used condoms. We weren't sure if we wanted to try for number three and Beth always had a rough adjustment period when she was on the pill, so she kept off the pill until we knew for sure that we were done having kids.

As we relaxed in bed I asked, "Where did that come from? "

"I thought you might need something to cheer you up." She responded with a smile and a kiss.

I wasn't going to complain. After she left, I continued the job search. That was my full-time job now.


After a few weeks, the sex was the only good thing. I was the junior of the other six people who had been let go, and the economy was starting to go into a downturn, so although I had a few interviews, nothing like an offer came through.

I heard from another company. They scheduled an interview for tomorrow. I called Beth at work to let her know. She said that she knew that this one would work out. She knew it.

The interview was bright and early. This job was in Kitchener, so I would have about a half-hour drive to get to the interview. I thought the interview went really well and was feeling good about my chances. They said they had a few other candidates to interview and would let me know the following week.

I got home all excited but was puzzled when I got home. Beth greeted me at the door and asked how it went. It wasn't so much what she said, but her general look. She had that same satisfied look that she gets after we make love, except that we didn't today.

I guess the look on my face gave something away.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing." I recovered. "I was just thinking about one of the questions they asked me."

"Well, I am sure you did fine." She said and hugged me.

That was another difference. I smelled her hair. She usually showered just before leaving for work, in an hour, but she had showered already. Something wasn't adding up.


Beth didn't approach me for sex for the next few days. It was like she somehow got a drug fix and didn't need another hit yet.

While I was waiting for the results from the last interview, another company from Kitchener contacted me and I scheduled another morning interview. Beth was going to have to work again today, so when I finished my shower, I put a hair on her shampoo, and with a bit of inspiration, I dried off my shampoo and also put a hair on it. I then positioned it in a way that there was no way it would get wet if Beth took a shower. I then took a picture of the layout so I could compare it later.

Beth gave me a kiss for good luck and off I went. I did manage to keep my mind on the task at hand and I thought the interview went rather well. Unfortunately, the interviewer didn't have the same result from the interviewer. She was honest and said that because I spent most of the last 6 years on just one client, I didn't have the broader experience that she was looking for. On a slightly positive note, she did say that she did like me and that she would reach out if something else came up.

It wasn't a happy drive on the way home. I know it hasn't been that long since I was laid off, but I was hoping that I would be getting more interviews and more positive feedback. It didn't help when the previous company called, and they also turned me down. They didn't offer a reason, so I just thanked them for their consideration and hung up. So far batting a big fat zero.

I got home and Beth was the same as she was after the previous interview. She had that freshly fucked look. Again! I told her the bad news from today's interview which frustratingly didn't seem to affect her mood and then excused myself to the bathroom. I decided to hold on to the news of the previous interview if the shower was what I expected, then I needed that company for a plan.

"Shit." I quietly said to myself. Both her and my shampoos moved and they were both wet. I didn't even need the picture I took. She wasn't the only one that had to clean up. She definitely was fucking around.

I sat on the toilet and took a deep breath. What else could go wrong in my life? I sat there for something like 10 minutes when Beth knocked on the door.

"Are you OK honey?" she asked.

"Just a sec." I responded. I opened the door. Well, at least for the first time she seemed to have a look on her face that showed some concern for me. However, it wasn't the state of the job search that gave me the down look on my face.

She hugged me. "Look, we will get through this. It has only been a few weeks. Keep applying and something will eventually come up."

I managed to give her a small smile and she gave me another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, but I have to get ready for work." I left the bathroom and she took her "usual" shower. I guess to keep appearances.

She showered and left for work. I sent in a few more applications, broadening the search area and job types, while I put together my simple plan.

That night I had a great dinner and playtime with the kids before getting them to bed.

Beth came home. I gave her the great fake news. "Beth, the interview from a couple of days ago. They asked me to come in tomorrow morning for a second interview."

She hugged me and said "That's great news. Hopefully, everything will line up tomorrow."

I responded. "I'm sure it will." And then though, not in any way that either of us is hoping.


I woke up the next morning and showered. I was getting ready like I was actually going for that second interview. Beth was up to get my breakfast and to wish me luck.

I went back to our bedroom to finish dressing. While I was alone in the room I opened up a corner of the curtain. Just big enough to see through.

She then gave me a goodbye kiss and I headed out. As before, I dropped the kids off at daycare, but this time, instead of heading to Kitchener, I drove back to the house. I parked around the corner and walked home.

I saw the car in the driveway and I knew immediately who it was. It was her ex-boyfriend, Bill. They dated in high school but broke up when he went to work in his father's auto shop and she went off to university in Toronto.

He got married while she was in 3rd year at university after he knocked up one of her friends. My wife was in the wedding party. This all happened before I met Beth.

I knew him well as we got together a couple of times a year with them. He now runs his father's auto shop after his father stepped back after having a heart attack. He and his wife now have 3 kids.

I snuck into the back of the apartment building. Our apartment was on the second floor and I could hear them moaning and groaning in bed. I turned my phone on video mode and started the recording. I was just tall enough standing on a picnic table to reach up and position the camera at the window. I could see a clear view of them on the phone screen. I didn't want to record any more than I needed since I didn't want to get caught by her or some nosey neighbor. I did need the video to show both of their faces. Fortunately, they switched positions, and I got my version of a "money shot", a clear view of their faces.

I stopped recording and snuck back to my car. I drove to the other side of the city and went to a diner to stop to think.

Obviously, a divorce lawyer was at the top of the list. Fortunately, with Beth working the afternoons, I had lots of time to make calls. But Bill couldn't get away free for his role in helping to destroy my family. I decided while sipping on my coffee to take a look at Bill. I pulled up his Facebook page. He didn't have much, so I switched to his wife. She posted every minute of her life it seemed. I scrolled through all the posts and pictures. Then, things got worse.

Their oldest daughter had just turned 9. Bill's wife decided to post a series of pictures of her at different ages. Bill's daughter at age 3 looked almost exactly like my daughter. Fuck. How long has Beth been screwing him? Are the kids even mine?

I pounded the table and got the attention of everyone in the diner. I squeaked out a "Sorry." I paid my bill and then left. It was time that Beth would be expecting me at home anyhow.

I managed to keep things together when I got home. She asked how it went and I told her that I didn't get the job. It was an easy way to mask my real emotions at the time.

I hid in my office as she got ready for work. Before she left she stuck her head in the door and said. "Don't worry. The next time it will work out." I managed a smile, got up, and gave her a hug. I had to keep up appearances.

Once she left, I called up a friend who was a divorce attorney. I knew him from university. He finally got called to the bar 2 years ago. His mother was fucked over by her divorce attorney when his parents split. He hated his father who was cheating on her and he wanted to make sure that no one else was fucked over by a cheating spouse. He would be perfect for me.

"Jim, unfortunately, I will need your services can you fit me in today?" I said after getting him on the phone.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I'm sure and I have the video to prove it." I responded.

"OK, sorry to hear that. I have time at 1:30." He said.


I rolled into his office at 1:30.

We sat down and got down to business. "Francis, I am so sorry to have you here under these circumstances. Are you sure?"

I didn't say anything. I just pulled out my phone and played the video.

"OK. You're sure." He said. "Do you know how long this has been going on for?"

I then told him what I found on Facebook. "Do you know how I can check if they are mine?"

"Sadly I have been through a case like this before where the paternity of the kids needed to be checked. The test isn't complicated, but for court purposes, the taking of the samples need to be witnessed."

I thought for a moment. It was Friday. "Would you be in a position to test them say next Wednesday?"

"Yes, that works. You still pick them up at daycare when she works right?" he asked.

"Yes." I responded.

"Why don't you bring the kids over to my place for dinner? They could play with my son, and at some point, I can have a few witnesses show up and we could take the samples then."

"Sounds great. It will be a relief to know now that there is doubt in my mind."

"Francis, don't worry I will get things sorted out for you. The DNA results take 5-7 business days, so it won't be for a few weeks to get those results. Now divorces in Ontario can't be finalized until you have lived apart for at least a year, but there are mitigating circumstances like adultery, so I'll push for an exemption from that. I suggest that we don't finalize the filing until after the DNA results."

I nodded my head in agreement.

He continued, "Also, on the money side, you have done a lot for me over the years. We will get that sorted out, and you don't have to pay me until after we have settled."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," I said. We shook hands and I left.

I went on my way. I decided to stop by a walk-in clinic. I needed to know if I was clean of STDs. With the way things were going, I couldn't count on anything.


It is one thing when you are in a bad situation when you have an action plan and you are able to keep busy. It is another thing when you have to wait. Fortunately, the kids kept me busy on the weekend and Beth's last dose of Bill seemed to keep her satiated for now.

Knowing that the kids may not be mine made me a little depressed. That was the worst part of the whole thing, but if they weren't, then Beth's betrayal was completely unforgivable, and I was going to have to move on.

My problem now was getting through Monday and Tuesday when Beth was off.

I decided that we should go on day trips to keep my mind busy and to the possibility of Beth and I fucking.

We went to the nearby animal safari on Monday. You know where you drive through the park and the baboons try and rip the side mirrors off your car? On Tuesday, we went to a water park. The best part was we were all too exhausted for any extracurriculars.