Lair of the Vampires

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Marianne taken by 3 vampires for a night of bloody horrors.
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Derry, Maine home of families. Years beforehand it had been deemed one of the most pleasant place in the United States, a place for growing businesses and those seeking somewhere other than large scale city life to raise their children. No orphanages were run in the town for it wasn't necessary. Wasn't needed. Parents took care of their children, raised them, loved them and adored who they would become. No discrimination, no hate crimes, loud music would blare from teenagers cars and the old folks would simply say, "That's kids for ya."

Peaceful lives didn't run rampant in many places, and of course since you are reading this you should know already that this place was not as wonderful as it seemed. Darkness may prevail at times, yet it is amazing how others completely remove it from their minds if it is needed. Like all small towns secrets prevailed over outright lies, and half-truths were the king of the world. Adults saw nothing wrong with this, tucking their children into sleep at night, wishing them good dreams.

Here was the town that is written about in Grimm's fairy tales, a community of people trying to live out their remaining years with enjoyment just constantly saying it could be worse.

Marianne was always punctual when attempting to get home from late study, her parents having told her not to stay out late at night. In fact, the one thing nobody ever did was stay out late. Curfew kept them inside, and a curfew is exactly what was needed in order to keep as many in the town safe.

The curfew had been enacted in 1978 after the "slaughter of indignity", a tale that history books kindly omit. Late one night, despite warnings of parents and whole families a group of friends had decided to go camping in the woods, defying tales of something that preyed on the weak at night. They never saw it; never heard howls in the wind or screams echoing across the moonlit night.

Sitting around the campfire, telling ghost stories nobody would be able to tell these children that there was something out there far worst than anything they could have imagined properly. As such it was that, as the tale goes, a stranger came up to the campfire and sat down with the teens as they were toasting marshmallows and drinking their beer.

All eyes looked upon the ragged stranger. His appearance was not one of utter disgust, but you felt as looking upon him were something better not to be done. Boys being boys, the guys inflated their chest trying to convince the stranger to not do anything wrong. These were their women, he couldn't have them, if he tried anything they would beat him down.

The stranger smiled a wicked grin able to freeze hearts of the bravest, yet in the darkness and by only the light of the fire the grin seemed more maniacal than evil. Conversation began again, slowly, the stranger never leaving the fire, eyes darting between each of them, resting more prominently on the girls of the group.

In a brief moment their laughter was followed by screams. Mere seconds elapsed as the stranger removed the two boys heads swiftly, cleanly right off their bodies. Girls screamed and got to their feet attempting to flee to no avail. The stranger blocked them both no matter where they went, slamming them to the ground with great speed and precision.

In the morning the parents had called the police and a search had gotten underway. It didn't take long for the bodies to be found. Two boys with their heads missing, then shortly found between the legs of two girls, one still alive. Shock had settled in quickly and only vague pieces of what had happened could ever be heard from the living girl. Quickly she had been put into the asylum, which there were many patients, had over thirty years afterwards up until her death only vague fragments could be deciphered.

It was in this town that newspapers had called the best place in America where events like this took place. Curfew was strictly enforced, and the jail-house quickly turned into a quasi-motel filled with drunks and teens attempting to break curfew. Everything was taken seriously, everything.

Yet, during the day the town was peaceful, calm and serene. Happiness filled the hearts of people living there for they knew something was wrong in the night and enjoyed their lives as much as they could. As such, it was beyond Marianne why she had to hurry home after her bible study despite having read of the slaughter. Things like that never actually happened, yet she would always hurry home after her Wednesday night meetings to greet her parents lovingly by the door.

Despite actually owning a car (her parents had bought it for her when she turned fifteen), she had constantly failed her test and continued to have to walk home. Most of the kids in town owned cars, and not surprisingly the driving qualifications were lower than in many other towns across the nation. Curfew and all that. Still, she had not passed, not because she was dumb but more that she always thought they were trick questions and refused to believe that something as simple as that was actually the answer.

So, she walked home. Daydreaming of her bedroom, her computer where she posted to a blog, and of a mystical world where everything was different. Fear was no prevalent in the world and hunger had been eradicated. Her mind would wander all over the world in attempts to change everything with nothing more than a kind thought.

This is not how the world works, but it was a nice theory for her to believe in.

Thoughts like this is what kept her from noticing the setting sun until it was vastly too late. Streetlights illuminated all around her and the inclination that something was wrong finally dawned on her. She was late, very, VERY late in getting home. Thankfully she had decided against wearing something impractical and had on running shoes.

Sprinting towards her home thoughts kept creeping in, "What the hell are you running for. None of it's real, it's all an illusion that parents dreamed up in order to keep children in line."

Her pace slowed, significantly, and for the first time in her life Marianne began to enjoy the night air and calming chill it brought to her skin. She looked up at the blossoming night sky and found it wonderful to behold. The moon so perfectly illuminating everything and stars above sparkling, winking at her. Intense, it was all so very intense for her having never even gone into her backyard to look up at it.

She felt at peace.

Three sets of eyes watched her from a good distance. The one with the leather coat and chains smiled, white pearls of teeth set together between two large fangs sparkled as one with stars above.

"Interesting," he spoke to his brothers, "not just anyone, but a young one."

Heavyset with muscle the large one spoke up, "Thank the maker, I have gotten rather tired of drunks too thin of blood for a good meal."

"And a pretty woman at that," said the short one, "more fun is to be had with this one than any of the others."

The one in the leather coat spoke up, "Yes, indeed. Haven't seen one this young in several years now."

"Can you smell her? She's vestal, how delightful." The large one spoke with a bit of a squeal in his voice.

Shorty looked at his brother, "Be calm, we shall have some fun tonight from this one. We must be quick, though."

"Yes, perhaps the safe haven down the street." The leather one said.

"Good call brother. Shall we grab her now." Shorty said.

"Yes, we shall." The leather one smiled his broad grin once more.

Marianne was just appalled at the fact she had never truly enjoyed the night before now. What was all the fuss, nothing was out there, nothing at all. It was all myths and superstitions that drove the children inside. From now on she refused to be controlled by her parents selfish whims.

Arms were around her within no time at all, encasing her. She looked about and saw three men standing around her, a very large one holding tightly to her. She tried to rustle free but could not escape his grasp.

The large one smiled, "She's getting feisty, oh boy this is going to be fun."

The one in the leather coat spoke up, "Let us hurry, don't need our night being ruined by police and their damnable curses."

Marianne screamed as loud as she could and all it did was elicit laughter from the three of them. Thrown over the shoulder of the large one she saw the ground drifting away as he leaped completely over a building, a home. Flash of memory hit her and she thought, quite erratically, to herself that it must have been Mrs. Johnson's home. Ground came rushing back towards her as the giant landed and ran a bit further along before leaping again.

Behind him came his two friends, nowhere as strong as the big man, and taking their time so as not to be caught. Obviously the giant was in much more of a hurry. "This is all a dream, this is all a dream, this is all a dream, this is all a..." she kept repeating over and over again, hoping beyond hope.

Beaming with excitement, rays of the moon bouncing off his massive form, the giant simply said to her, "By the end of it, you'll wish it was only a dream."

Marianne's eyes went wide, her face went pale and the realization came across her that it wasn't a dream. That this was very real. Everything her parents had said, all those things the school had spouted out, all of it was true. Things went bump in the night and she was being carted away to where they went bump the loudest.

Head swimming with fear, mind racing as to what she should do, her breathing became even more erratic and sweat poured from her skin. Barely noticing that they had entered a building, a home, her eyes darted around for escape. Door shut and locked behind the giant, and a substantial hand gripping her around the waist putting her down on the floor. Feet touched the floor but her balance was so off that she barely had time to register anything at all and fell down on her ass, hard.

Laughing, bellowing out the giant looked down at her with a massive grin on his face. "Oh, we gonna have fun tonight."

Marianne's mind reached out for the only thing she could think of to say, "What are you going to do to me?"

Immense belly guffaw filled the barren home again, "Why is it they always ask that one first?" He bent down as far as he could go, still towering far above her, "We're gonna taste you, take you and just all around play with you. You our new doll and pain is all you'll know." Grin never fading away as he said it, never disappearing from his face, those teeth burning into her mind. Her thoughts went blank and dread turned her cold. Her skirt, which wasn't really short but was nowhere near a dress, could offer no protection against them.

The giant looked down, smile never fading, sniffing the air, "Ahhh, gotta love the smell of your fear on the wind." He stood up to his full height, head brushing against the ceiling, and began to unzip his pants, "Brothers are gonna be a little while getting here, not long, but long enough for me to have a little fun."

Dropping his pants to the floor, stepping out of them, Marianne was face to face with a monster of a cock, literally. Veins extruded from it that went beyond normal, bumps and ridges seemed to have been carved into it dripped obscene amounts of pre-come. Eyes widened as she took it in, the tip of it mere inches from her face. The size of it alone would have frightened the most dedicated of whores, and here she was alone with it, a virgin.

Screaming echoed from her mouth louder than ever before and into her wide open mouth plunged the massive thing. Giant hand holding onto her whole head as nothing more than the tip of it widened her mouth as much as it could. Shock washed over Marianne, her jaw splitting with the pain of having the crown big as an apple shoved into her mouth, tears forming in her eyes as she tried to think of a way out.

A stream of liquid erupted from the thick mushroom head in her mouth, shooting straight back into her throat. Copper taste filled her mouth and the smell of pennies assaulted her nostrils. Blood, it was blood shooting into her. Quickly she pulled her head away, but nowhere near enough to actually break free of the monsters hold. His hand held her mouth closed around the crown and her cheeks felt ready to explode out.

"Swallow it bitch!"

With that one statement she did as she was told. There was no mystical force around his words, no magic around what he said, just raw aggression and evil. She did it to stop the ever-growing pain in her mouth, did it to stop the pressure on her cheeks, did it because in her mind the devil had just asked her to do it. Consuming every last drop of the vile blood pouring into her, bile constantly attempting to creep up her throat, stench of it within her nose.

Fear is a lackluster word for what she was experiencing at that moment.

Then it stopped and the mushroom head was removed from her mouth. Gasps of air rushed in and the vile secretion was attempting to join her bile moving on up through her esophagus.

The giant bent back down and looked her in the eye, "You spew and I will split you in half." Calm, the dead calm of night. She swallowed the putrid liquid back down into her stomach.

"Good girl." The giant stood back up, his cock still hard as a rock, and he began to walk around her, inspecting her even more closely.

Marianne was having a hard time trying to stay aware of her environment. Looking around the home she saw nothing about except for what looked like a wall covered in various whips, chains and other devices. Praying to god in her head, hoping for salvation that didn't seem to be coming. What else could she do, beyond trying to keep her stomach from gurgling back up.

Fingers crept under the back of her skirt and lifted it up; her head swiveled around and saw the colossus peering underneath it at her ass. Granny panties, that's what the girls at school called them. Nothing more than everyday white underwear for women. She never wore stockings, and kind of wished she had for what little extra protection it would have given her. Monster fingers crept over her ass, and as much as she wanted to bat them away fear kept her from doing so. The touch was surprisingly light, trailing across her underwear until they were at the top, and then slipping underneath.

Ears registered the rip in her mind, but she refused to believe it. That sound would mean that she would be completely exposed to the monster behind her. Hoping it wasn't true didn't change the fact that her underwear was no longer covering her and was now lying on the floor far away from her. Cold swept underneath her and exposure to the thing behind her finally cemented into her mind.

"Is this hell?" she spoke between the light sobs she had renewed.

Fingers dropped away from the skirt and something very warm, very large started rubbing against the crack of her ass. Instantly she knew what it was, instantly she knew that the cock of that beast was sliding between her ass cheeks. It never tried to go into her; it just slid through the crack of her ass, rubbing against her pussy, her asshole, but never entering.

"No. Close enough though." The beast said to her, one of his hands dropped across her back, holding her in position.

"I do hope you are not fucking her." The voice from the door was the man in the leather jacket and Marianne could see that right behind him was the short one.

"Nope. I know the drill, just having a little fun before you got here." He didn't stop rubbing his dripping cock against her.

"Good, me and Tiny here aren't exactly endowed as well as you are." The man in the leather jacket spoke as he shut the door.

Tiny looked at the girls face, makeup running from tears, "Boss, there's blood on her lip. Smells like his." And he pointed at the giant.

"Goliath," leather coat said, "Did you do what I think you did?"

Goliath smiled his broad grin, "Yes, and she kept it down just like the good doll she is."

Leather coat looked at her, smiling what could almost be a suave, considerate grin if it weren't for those teeth. "Did you swallow all of it?" he asked Marianne.

She didn't speak, shock had overcome all of her and it was hard for her to comprehend anything going on. Enough of what he said sifted through that she could at the very least nod her head yes. The feeling of his hand crept over her hair, his fingers gliding through strands of it and a small kiss was placed on her forehead.

Her mind came a bit back.

"Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone anything." She spoke in such a timid voice, quiet and frightened.

Leather jacket guy came up to her, closer, and held her head to his chest as lovingly as he could manage. He smiled at Goliath, who still hadn't stopped rubbing himself against her, "It's all right, everything's going to be all right. I'm here; I'll protect you from him. He can be such a beast when he gets worked up."

He moved her head away from his chest and peered into her eyes, looking deeply and rather convincingly concerned into them, "I'll make him stop, then we'll take you home."

She fell for it, hope being the dangerous thing it is, "Really," one of her hands wiping away tears as she spoke, "You mean that?"

He waved off Goliath, who immediately stopped what he was doing and backed away. It had been so long since they had had such fresh of meat that he had no problem letting Gabriel do his thing. Gabriel was good, he had always been told he could talk death out of taking his life and that was the real way he had turned into a vampire.

Smiling, large enough to seem genuine but not too large to expose his fangs, he spoke to her in a nice, kind tone of voice, "Yes, I mean that. But..."

Marianne's ever-growing smile started to fade away, "but what?"

The two brothers, hidden behind Marianne so she couldn't see them, were on the verge of breaking down in laughter. They held it in, but it was getting harder and harder by the minute. Gabriel glanced quickly at them, essentially signaling them to keep calm, and looked deeply into her eyes, "I'm not an entirely good person, as you can tell. I'll keep my brothers away, but you have to do something for me. In exchange for your safe return home."

Marianne was at the end of her rope, the man in front of her having barely brought her back out of a state of shock, and was willing to believe anything he said, the vain hope of leaving forcing her to not doubt him. "What do you want?"

"I don't know. I don't think you're really willing to do it. I mean, if you did I would take you home myself, but I doubt you will. Might as well let my brothers have at you." He waved at them.

Marianne immediately grabbed at his arm, tears welling up in her eyes, her voice having been regained very quickly as she shouted, "NO! No, I'll do it. Whatever it is, I'll do it, I swear to you!"

"All right then. Unzip my pants and suck my cock."

The statement was made so matter of factly, so demandingly that it took Marianne a moment to respond.

"If you won't do it there's nothing I can do about them."

She looked down at the floor for a moment then answered, "All right. If that's what it takes for me to go home, then I'll do it."

Gabriel sat down in front of her, his legs spread, and she slowly crawled to his crotch. Her hand moved up his leg to the zipper of his leather pants. Delicate fingers held onto the zipper and pulled it down as slowly as she could, trying to draw out the moment a little longer. Her mind flickered with the image of the cock that had already forced her mouth open and spewed blood into her, but still her hope of freedom kept her going.

She didn't even need to reach in; Gabriel's dick was fully erect and almost jumped out of his pants. She was only slightly relieved to see that it wasn't the massive thing the giant had, but it still wasn't small. She guessed, almost to try and distract herself for just a fraction of a moment, that it was eight inches in length, and thick.