Land of the Futanari

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Gulliver's Travels.
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Biographer's Note: Inasmuch as my friend Lemuel Gulliver has vouchsafed me the record of his voyages, I am pleased to record this remarkable account of what happened between his visits to Luggnagg and Japan. However (as with one or two other incidents) it clearly cannot be published along with the others. I hope that in a future date it can be, and we may know more of these delightful people. J. Swift, 1726

Librarian's Note: This original text contains some words which Mr Swift would have replaced in his job as editor, had it gone to publication. Mr Gulliver as a surgeon uses the technical terms where appropriate. However, he also uses some vulgar words. In Holland where he lived, such terms were not considered offensive, the Hollanders being more concerned about blasphemy. The Japanese also would not find them improper. S. R., 1803

Researchers Note: There is a Japanese tradition of Nyōgo no Shima, the Island of Women, somewhere to the West, supposedly a stable society with only women, who were supposed to be fierce fighters, from the Edo Period, which includes the date of 1726. M.S., 1929


I was once again shipwrecked, and lying helpless on the beach, when I was found by two women, speaking a language I did not know. Having formerly escaped from the lands of Lilliput and Brobdingnag, I was pleased to see that my discoverers were two normal sized women. They half carried me to a little one-storey house, and sat me on the veranda.

They gave me first of all some water, then a little soup, for which I was very grateful. When I had recovered a little and had more soup, they took me to what I saw was a bath-house, and signalled that I should undress. I expected them to leave or turn away, but they did not. Thinking I did not understand, one took off her upper garment to reveal her breasts without embarrassment. She was obviously a young woman in the prime of life, well equipped to suckle babies.

I knew that among many savages, nakedness was not a concern, but the house and the garments suggested a cultured society. Still, with the indignities I had suffered from some of the women of Brobdingnag, I had no reason to be embarrassed myself, and it would be good to get the salt off me.

When I had undressed, they looked at me in a strange way and spoke to each other quickly. They then spoke to me in a way expressing concern. I guessed this was because I was bruised and red from three days in the salt water, so thanked them and got into the warm bath. I later learned there were hot water springs.

The young woman took off her remaining robes and I was amazed to see she had a male member fully the equal of my own! I tried to hide my surprise in consideration of her kindness and my situation as a guest, but thankfully she smiled, and got into the water, where she insisted on washing me. I was so exhausted that I was glad to just lay back and feel her gentle hands getting the sand and salt out of my crevices. They were both amused by my beard as if they had never seen one before!

Her companion undressed and I saw she was also what is called hermaphrodite, but seemed very well equipped for both male and female roles. Her hips were wide, her waist narrow, her breasts also full, but her member and testicles large. They were both almost hairless in the pubic region. I could also see that both of these creatures were used to hard work. I wondered if they had been banished here, and was greatly sorrowed. She dried me with thick towel, motioned me to lie on a soft mat and produced a pot of some ointment, which she proceeded to spread on my sunburned and salt affected body.

It was very soothing, but I was embarrassed as her ministrations resulted in my own member starting to rise, and tried to cover myself and apologise, but they both laughed, and shushed me. She took a little pot of oil and started to massage it. I confess I was so weak and it felt so good that I could do naught but lay back, as she proceeded to encourage it to full vigour. I was helpless to resist as she continued and my seed came out in a veritable fountain!

Her friend clapped her hands and laughed most prettily. I felt they were pleased, rather than amused. Perhaps in their culture it was normal service to a guest. A custom which others might well adopt, I thought!

As unconcerned as a lady pouring tea, she cleaned off my genitals, but looked surprised as she lifted my scrotum. Her friend came and looked carefully. They clucked together in a concerned way and looked a little sorrowfully at me. I feared that perhaps I had some injury or some parasite had invaded me, but could feel nothing out of the ordinary in my perineum.

They provided me with some clothes similar to their own, and I sat on the floor with them for a little more food and drink. They were comfortably on their knees, but I perforce had to sit cross-legged, and hoped I did not cause offence.

I was impressed by how clean they were. We washed our hands before and after the meal. I could not understand their language, but tried a little of those I knew. Finally they got excited when I tried Dutch, which it seemed they recognised but did not speak as such. They stood up gracefully, and motioned me to do the same, which I did clumsily.

It was the first and abiding impression that they possessed a truly feminine grace in their every action. Despite what I knew, I could never think of them as anything but ladies.

They wanted me to watch them. Approaching each other, they displayed their genitals and each took the other's member in her hand. Carefully each said "Hallo," while looking at me.

I guessed this was from the Hollanders rather than the English. I nodded and said "Hallo", to show I understood.

They repeated it again, this time saying "Konichiwa" and bowing slightly.

Then the first one approached me and revealed her genital, looking expectantly. Hesitatingly, I did the same. She reached forward and grasped my member as gently as a gentleman would take a lady's hand, and waited. Even more hesitantly, I did the same. She smiled, said "Konichiwa" and bowed. I had never held another penis except in my work as a physician, so was somewhat taken aback by this social situation, and did nothing, so she repeated her greeting. I managed to reply in turn and her companion clapped her hands, and came forward. This time I managed to greet her properly!

Then one put her hand on her chest and said "Suki". The other did the same, saying "Michiko". I copied them and said "Lemuel", at which Suki came forward, took my penis and said "Konichiwa Remuer". Thus I learned names and greetings. I happily accepted my new name, as it seemed that the letter L was not in their tongue.

They showed me the latrine, in a hut outside. As we entered the house there was some more water, soap and a towel. They indicated that I should wash my hands after using the latrine. Again their fastidious habits were shown.

I was then encouraged to lie down on a low bed. Beside it was water and some fruit, obviously should I need it. However, my exhaustion overtook me. I do not know how long I slept, but it was well light when I awoke, my throat dry, and I was hungry. Breakfast was fish and some sort of cake or bread. Then we went down to the beach where they had their fishing nets to attend to.

However, before commencing work, they kissed most tenderly, and each produced a bottle of oil from a pocket and massaged the other's member until it was in full glory. They then proceeded to masturbate themselves standing in the shallows. In my travels it has not been unusual to see sailors satisfying their desires over the side of a boat, but I had never seen organs as fine as this. It was strange yet rather pleasant to see them on the bodies of two such fine women. When their semen came out it was of an amount befitting the bodies from which it had come, and their evident enjoyment gave me nothing but pleasure to see.

My own smaller member was now firmly erect and they indicated to me that I should do the same. However, I did not want to, feeling a little ashamed and wondering if they had been laughing at it the day before. I later discovered that such mockery was not in their nature: they had only been glad of my pleasure after my ordeal.

After a morning's work we went back to their home and cleaned up in the bath. It appeared that it was the practice for bathers to wash each other. My evident enjoyment of feeling their bodies showed and Suki insisted on masturbating me again.

Still in the bath-house I was surprised when Michiko proceeded to masturbate Suki to another fine emission. I later learned that five emissions a day would be considered normal, though some did less and some did more.

In doing so, Michiko had once again brought her organ to its great size and proceeded to mount Suki as a stallion does to a mare. That gives some idea of what I saw, but much better, with Suki's breasts swinging and Michiko's bouncing, both of them open in their delight, saying words of love to each other and groaning with satisfaction at the end. It appeared that they had also the feminine orifice below the scrotum.

I had also risen again, but refused all offers of further pleasure. They cleaned up and we went in for lunch of fruit and bread.


In the afternoon I was taken to their village, where I discovered to my amazement that they were all like my rescuers, both male and female. I was introduced to several people, who said things I did not understand, but seemed friendly, and my attempt at their greeting was received well. Every single penis I grasped seemed a great deal larger than my own.

With no distinction between the sexes, there was no need for modesty as we know it. Clothing was worn for practical reasons or for simple decoration. It was always clean, and they had limited colours. Children in particular were often naked as they played. I saw two mothers suckling their infants and another obviously well on with child.

I was introduced to an older woman named Yori who knew some Dutch, and taught me something of their language, and told me of their society over the weeks which followed. They mainly traded with Japan, which they called Nippon, and their language was similar enough for communication. Their island was difficult to approach, so they traded at another small island some distance away where they met with Japanese and occasionally Dutch vessels.

She told me that the Japanese referred to them as Futanari, but they referred to themselves just as The People. She was surprised to learn that two sexes was so common in the world.

Although their language was of Japan, they did not resemble an Asiatic race. In particular, their eyes were full like a European, and their breasts were quite large. They were generally taller than Eastern women, being about five and a half foot. Their skin was a golden tan and their features fine. I believe they were some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

They ate no meat, subsisting on the fruits of the earth and the fruits of the sea. In any case the wild animals were very small. There were birds in abundance, and I told them that these were eaten in many parts of the world. This they found abhorrent: how could anyone kill such beautiful creatures merely for food, when there was fish in the sea?

Yori was delighted to learn that I had lived for some time in Holland and begged me to tell her more of this exotic place, which I did on many occasions and she relayed them to the others producing gasps of amazement at what we would think were quite ordinary things. However, there was often puzzlement about why people would live in the way we do, which I learned to share. The ways of politics and business soon began to seem as unreasonable to me as it did to them.

One of the first things she taught me was that while the greeting I had learned was sufficient for introductions and casual acquaintances it was common for friends to place their other hand on the breast, if it was free. I protested that I had none to offer in return, and she said of course I was just like a young person not yet developed, so it would be quite normal. Seeing my obvious fascination with her breasts, she said it would be considered a compliment if I placed a hand on each, and suggested I did that with my rescuers. Both Suki and Michiko giggled when I did, and said it was very nice of me, as I fondled them. I assured them that I found their breasts very fine, which I did.

As a doctor, I was interested to examine Yori, to which she consented without hesitation. It seemed that she had the normal female vagina and pregnancy was just as we knew it. She said that they experience pleasure from it the equal of what they got from their male members, sometimes more. A fortunate people to have the best of both worlds!

I was surprised when Yori said I could fuck her, if I wanted to check in more detail. It turned out that these people knew a great deal more about the nature of conception, and were able to fuck freely. I was never fully able to understand the details, but a woman somehow knew exactly when she was fertile, and thus only became pregnant if she wanted. Rape was an unknown concept and there were no venereal diseases -- I guess from lack of contact with outsiders.

I did fuck her, and despite her age enjoyed it immensely, partly because I had not had a woman for a long time, and also because she was obviously in excellent health. These people do not use tobacco, coffee or alcohol, eat a mixed diet and live in circumstances far removed from our cities. If only all mankind could live thus! She suggested I approach her from behind and appreciate her breasts, which I certainly did!

She had become erect, and said that as she could not fuck me in return, I should masturbate her. With the oil supplied, I did so, and the first time in my life caused the emission of another penis! I would say in volume the penis was at least twice that of mine, as was the semen, and admit to a sense of admiration in seeing and feeling its performance. The testicles were also larger, and I could see that to fuck from the front would require more skill.

My hosts seemed to like masturbating me, saying my penis was charming, and invited their friends to do the same. They had a different word for the erect member, something like cock. It was interesting to see the pleasure everyone took in the cock quite openly, both their own and others. The greeting I had been shown was the basic one, but friends with a little time might continue to hold in order to secure erection. Knowing when such action was polite or even required was more detailed feature of their customs, along with subtleties of greeting which I never mastered. However, at social events multiple erections seemed to be expected. Fortunately, in the presence of several handsome women with large stiff cocks I was usually able to manage this.

Copulation and masturbation could be seen everywhere without shame. The only condition was care that the semen did not make a mess, for they were very clean and fastidious, as I noted. To see a friend's semen spurt out was a joy they were happy to bring, but they would often catch it in their mouths to keep it from falling where it should not. I am ashamed to say that I found this hard to do, though I tried with both Michiko and Suki.

I stayed with my two rescuers for the rest of my stay. They insisted as a guest I should fuck them as often as I wanted, though they would tell me if it was not the right day. They were apologetic that it was probably best if I did not have a child with them, as it might be of one sex, which would be a shame. They were planning to have two children, one each.

I fucked many others, never once asking, but only at their suggestion. I suppose it was something of a novelty for them, though I am sure I did not give them the same pleasure as the larger organs they were used to. They were, of course, too polite to say anything than how much they had enjoyed it. With time I began to really appreciate their cocks, as well as their breasts, perhaps from my medical training. The best way I can describe them is as you might appreciate the sight of a fine racehorse. This was the male organ as it should be, in both appearance and function. To see someone with a fine erect cock and large firm breasts was a pleasant and common sight.

There were plenty of opportunities for me to see two well-endowed women fucking on their verandas, which never ceased to impress me. It was normal for them, and they were amused at my interest. When I stopped to watch, they would often say they hoped I had enjoyed it, though it was probably not the best. They were in fact a very modest people, not boastful at all.

They enjoyed their cocks as we might enjoy wine or coffee, openly and convivially. Workers taking a break would massage themselves while chatting, and commend each other's spurts. The fields and the sea were the two places where it was not merely permitted but encouraged to deposit semen, as a contribution to fertility. From what I could see, they commonly emitted three times a day in company, except when having their menstrual flow. This latter occurrence was not hidden, and nothing done except to prevent the marking of homes and furniture.

Breasts could also be touched in an appreciative manner, something I was happy to do, though regretted that I had little to offer in return.

They were sorry that I could rarely manage an emission more than once or twice per day, even with help. However, I found surprising satisfaction in helping a large cock to reach climax, and the pleasure it gave the possessor. I gained a number of friends who were happy to let me do this, which I usually did a couple of times a day. In addition, many people came to visit the village to see the novelty that I was, and usually wanted more than a sight. There was no shortage of cocks and breasts and cunts offered to me. Several women who had babies invited me to suckle some milk.

To tell the truth I felt there was little else that I could contribute to their society, until a child had an accident and I was able to use my skill as a surgeon to save her leg, greatly helped by opium which they had to render the patient insensible, but used in no other way. While I did not wish the accident, I was glad to prove some worth, as the nearest capable surgeon was some days away. They actually had some ideas about medicine which intrigued me. In particular, they were convinced that disease came from contact rather than miasmas, and cleaned both the child and the working area before I did my job, with soap and something which smelled a little like tar. I had to wash my hands several times under their supervision, and the knife was actually boiled before use! I began to think that perhaps their obsession with cleanliness contributed to their general good health.

The child healed well and cleanly, without any pus. I wondered if current medical thinking that pus was an essential part of the healing process might not be strictly correct.

I attended two births which were well managed by midwives using the squatting method. Their attention to cleanliness was again remarkable. I was not allowed to examine the child until I had scrubbed my hands and arms clean, which would have offended any obstetrician!

Although they were fine figures of women with pretty faces, they had none of the vanity of some of the fair sex in our society, and although their male genitals were much larger than ours, they had none of the aggressive nature of men which despoils our culture. They had weapons for show when they traded to prevent them being cheated or abducted but never practised any form of fighting.