Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 04


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"I understand," she replied to him.

"Do you?" the branch chief told her, a look of mocked incredulousness upon his face. "Do you really understand what is expected of you?" he asked. Once again before she could reply he said, "Fine, let's test how good of a DSA slut you are, crawl over here and suck my cock," he demanded.

Jen hid her astonishment at the FBI agent's crude request. She presumed this was another test to shock her into disobeying. It was reminiscent of last night. She recalled Agent Geiger saying the reason he had followed through with his carnal actions with her was due to his branch chief's skepticism of both her and Dan's willingness to submit to her life as a DSA spokesmodel. It made bizarre sense if she were willing to allow another man use of her body they would want to test her resolve alone. In fact, she wondered if the branch chief would stop her once she proved her willingness to comply.

Once again the calm reasoning she had considered yesterday came to her. This was the life she was going to be forced into, so she could do it kicking and screaming or try to make it less stressful.

These were here thoughts as she slid off the chair to her knees and dropped to her hands, crawling to the large man standing a few feet away from her.

She could feel the coldness of the room on her bare ass and moist slit as her breasts swayed beneath her, as well as the cold floor on her bare knees as she moved towards the fat agent in charge.

Reaching him she knelt up, obediently unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers, which immediately fell to the floor around his ankles.

She looked on numbly as she beheld the overweight man's roll of fat, hanging from his stomach and folding over his tightly whitey underwear. Actually the underwear was not more of a dingy grey than white, the area of his crotch discolored enough she wondered if he had even changed them in the last few days.

Pushing such disgusting thoughts from her head, she reached up and pulled down the underwear as the agent lifted first one leg, then another while she took his pants and underwear off.

Rising back to her knees, she looked at his crotch area, once again disgusted by the large 'muffin-top' of fatty tissue hanging from his stomach, then lowering her gaze to the hairy region of his cock. He was small—only 2 inches of his limp penis evident in the nest of hair, and she reached up with her hand, rubbing the small nub. His large hairy balls added to the overall impression of small size, hanging below his dick. Their appearance of largeness was also added by the small size of his cock, as Diamond palmed his sac, estimating his nuts to be the size of Large Grade A eggs.

As she rubbed him with her fingers, she noted with some revulsion the man's groin area was also a large pad of fat, as if he had a second paunch beneath the first, his cock right in the center. It almost felt like she was rubbing somebody's ass, as the small member in her palm began to harden.

Knowing he was waiting to see if she would comply, Diamond moved her head forward and took him between her lips. He was semi-erect, getting harder as she sucked him into her mouth.

At first the member barely passed her lips, the cockhead resting on the tip of her relaxed tongue as she began slowly sucking it in, sliding her lips back and forth. Then she felt him lengthening as he hardened, until he was fully erect, estimating him to be about 3 or 4 inches. Moving her mouth up and down his shaft, she avoided the hairy, fatty pad of his abdomen.

With his small size and her avoidance of his fat pelvis, she had the image of a pecking bird come to her mind.

Suddenly she felt the chief grab her by the pigtails tightly, yanking her head forward as his hips thrusted into her. Surprised, Diamond opened her mouth to say something but was blocked by the soft fatty tissue her face became embedded in. What shocked her more was the feeling of the fat man's cock sliding past her tongue, elongating until his cockhead wedged into her throat!

Her surprise and the now lengthy member wedging into her throat caused her to gag as she attempted to cry out, the loud "Kuachtng" sound of her gagging choke echoed through the room.

Jen realized the fat pad of his pelvis had hidden most of his cock. In fact, he was probably longer than Mr. DeWight, sensing even more length in front of her as her face became further buried within the fatty tissue.

Holding her pigtails like handle bars, the FBI chief began forcing her head back and forth as his pelvis moved in opposing rhythm, heedless of her own comfort as he forcibly fucked her mouth.


Nick Gastinov had been pissed when he had watched his fat boss finger fuck Diamond at the end of her set. It was pure jealousy, having wanted to have been the only one to have been so bold. He quickly overcame his senseless possessiveness as he watched in fascination, the woman cumming for a second time today.

Whereas her orgasm with him was contained in order to not give away what had happened to her boyfriend, this one caused her whole body to stiffen, the incredible sight of her legs sticking out with her stripper shoes on amazing as his headphones echoed with her cries.

Watching as the woman calmed down, he was startled when his boss' voice came into the headphones loud and clear, "The branch chief wants to see you immediately," the whispered voice said loudly through the headphones. "Go put back on the plaid skirt and halter—he isn't a man you want to keep waiting. Tell Agent Geiger to show you to his office."

Nick wondered why his boss did not say it was he himself wanting to talk to her. In fact, he had found it odd both the woman and man had called him 'Agent' Vogel instead of branch chief or such. Then again the man was a Special Agent, although he had been behind the desk for the last 15 years, as evident from his portly figure.

Nick had been surprised to watch the woman comply with the clothing request, even so far as picking up the wet, tattered white halter top she had soaked with soda and putting it on.

Although it was time to take Mr. Jeffries to his new residence, having been given orders to do so once the strippers 'performance' was completed, the computer techie's inquisitiveness got the better of him as he kept them circling the warehouse, wondering what Vogel wanted to talk to her about.

So instead of giving directions to Mr. Jeffries to his new apartment, he said, "OK, she is done doing her set," he told the man who, looking over his shoulder saw the belly-cam revealing the woman walking through the crowd towards a door. "If you don't mind," Nick told the man, "I'd like to do some sound checks and see how distance is a factor," he told the man. "If you could head out to Chambers and take a left, go about 2 miles, take another left, 2 miles, left, and so forth that will allow us to circle a bit so I can see how the signal waxes and wanes," he told the man who nodded and pulled out of the warehouse lot.

Nick knew what he was saying was utter bullshit; wiretap range problems were old school. As long as he had the proper frequency and there was a nearby cell tower, he could hear Diamond fart halfway across the world. It was one of the most known secrets of surveillance, as you could be miles away from a tap; criminals never knew they were being recorded, even in an empty parking lot. The only reason to have a van nearby with agents was for instant response if things went south. In this investigation they would park a few miles from wherever Diamond would be, as although what she was doing was dangerous, there was no need for instantaneous assistance.

Nick listened to Geiger talking to the woman as he adjusted the sound and video equipment. Not wanting to answer any more questions from Mr. Jeffries about what his fiancée was doing, he threw up a frozen image of the wall from Diamond's belly-cam so the man thought it was not moving, planning to tell him she had taken it off and was being briefed on what to expect of the course of her visit to corporate headquarters this week.

That was not far from the truth he reasoned, as he suspected that was what Vogel wanted to talk to her about, even though he had acted odd with requesting her presence.

When she entered the office, Nick displayed the belly-cam on the monitor behind the driver's seat. There were no cameras in Vogel's office anyways—the area was the only 'safe room' in the building free of surveillance equipment, bug sweeps done routinely a few times a day just in case. It was one of the privileges of a branch chief, as they were often privy to more classified information than the field agents.

As Vogel talked to the woman, Nick knew he had heard the speech and various renditions of it hundreds of times, so did not pay much attention. It was typical interrogation 101—scare the informant, show them some grizzly photos, get them to cooperate—it was a tactic used time and again.

So once he had responded to Vogel's inquiry that Mr. Jeffries was indeed occupied, Nick became bored. So bored he almost told Mr. Jeffries the directions to his apartment, but figured he would wait until the woman was headed home and he could be back in the Comms Room one more.

To kill time he played with the sound, chuckling silently as Vogel's voice was morphed into Darth Vader's, complete with accentuated breathing.

"In cases where there is typically a couple both working in our interests, they inevitably begin acting out-of-character because they are trying to appease their other half," Vader's voice came to him amusingly in the headphones.

He made a few more adjustments, morphing his boss' voice into Alvin and the Chipmunks.

"I have split the team into two groups, each one handling you two separately to avoid cross contamination," Alvin—or more like Theodore's—voice came through the speakers Nick thought amusingly.

Having fun, he made a few more changes, laughing as Yoda said, "What Miss Alice Bounds died for, was a cold. Yes, a cold."

Nick knew Vogel was showing the woman photographs of past victims from the case file, affirming his thoughts this was a simple scare tactic to confirm her assistance. As if Geiger fucking the woman left any doubt, he thought, once again shaking his head at his buddy's luck.

He played around with the sound equipment more, trying out different cartoon characters. He then moved to gaming characters, chuckling at himself at some of the results.

Then Duke Nuke'em's voice came through the headphones, "Now, pinch your nipples."

"What the fuck," Nick exclaimed, hitting the reset to the soundboard to remove all the effects he had applied.

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Jeffries asked from the driver's position.

Nick was in shock as he listened to Vogel's reasoning that the woman needed to follow orders from anybody, including DeWight, whose orders would be more lewd and carnal.

"Is something wrong?" he heard Mr. Jeffries ask again.

He hurriedly replied, "No, just almost deafened myself from some feedback," he lied to the man. "If you don't mind, could you circle around a couple more times so I can compensate for it," he told the man to keep him pre-occupied.

Turning his attention back to the monitor showing the belly-cam, Nick saw Vogel standing in front of the camera, telling the woman once again to "pinch your tits."

The film footage on the monitor shifted slightly and Nick wondered what she was doing. Then Vogel's voice came across the headphones again, "No, no, no, no, no. Not only are you going to have to follow orders, but you're going to be expected to do them willingly, going above and beyond the call of duty."

Nick watched as Vogel moved out of the view of the camera. "Like this," the branch chief's voice came over the headphones. Immediately the camera position jerked up sharply as the view on the monitor began shaking irregularly, as if there were an earthquake in the room.

Nick knew, without even needing a camera, his boss was fondling the woman's breasts.

"Ow...Ooh!" he heard from the woman in the headphones suspecting Vogel had followed up on his request, probably pinching her nipples forcibly.

He glanced at the voice analyzer—used to determine voice trends in recording comparing pitch, volume, and other factors to identify emotion responses such as duress, surprise, and so forth—and did a double take as the machine indicated the initial exclamation to be one of surprise, but the second one of relief, satisfaction, or profound pleasure.

Nick stared at the output wondering if it were faulty. Was the woman really turned on by his boss' handling, he wondered, then recalling Geiger telling how the woman had turned into a nympho once he began fondling her breasts.

Looking back to the monitor he saw the image stabilize as his branch chief's body once more came into view on the belly-cam. The man yelled out "Leave it!" and Nick wondered what he was talking about as he heard Vogel tell the woman he was still not convinced of her voluntariness.

Nick's attention was completely on the surveillance equipment now; this not your typical scare tactics for interrogation. Granted agents often used the threat of sexual assault or abuse in attempts to have suspects talk. Even unwilling informants sometimes needed to be threatened for them to cooperate; however, Diamond had already agreed and was willing to assist in the investigation. Vogel had already green-lighted her to go into the field—which was why she had received the surveillance equipment.

The junior agent wondered what Vogel's angle was, as he listened to the man talk about resources. It was another angle used to convince informants into abiding by their roles and not breaking cover; however, based upon the last event, Nick knew there was more to this meeting than enlisting an informant's assistance.

His branch chief's intentions were soon made clear as he heard Vogel's voice say, "Let's test how good of a DSA slut you are. Crawl over here and suck my cock."

Nick was amazed! He realized Geiger would not be the only lucky bastard to sex up the stripper as he became completely absorbed in the surveillance, not even aware of Mr. Jeffries driving the van. His eyes were glued to the monitor as he watched the camera position dropped, then shift to the floor, staring at the monitor as the woman's shapely thighs and knees came into the screen, obviously crawling to his boss.

The camera shifted to show Vogel's upper calves and knees and the computer geek watched as the pants dropped, revealing his bosses fat, hairy legs. He was repulsed at the sight of his fat boss, knowing the man was possibly naked from the waist down; however, his obsession at the woman and what she was being made to do was more powerful, as he continued to listen and watch.

A pair of white briefs slid down the branch chief's legs as Nick snorted at the man's underwear, nerdy even for him, the computer geek always wearing silk boxers.

As the camera swayed slightly Nick understood the woman was now kneeling before his boss with his dick exposed, wondering if she were actually sucking him. The odd thought wondering how his boss was hung came to his mind, having always envisioned the fat man to have a thumb-sized cock, particularly when he was riding Nick hard for messing something up.

No sound came from the headphones as the belly-cam gently swayed up and down, so he increased the boost and volume attempting to hear any sounds which could identify what was happening in the room. Still not hearing anything, he made a few more adjustments, becoming focused on the soundboard.

Suddenly his ears nearly exploded as the headphones filled with "Qualurcht!" or some such as the woman obviously choked in surprise.

Nick immediately lowered the volume and other settings by hitting the reset, as the camera began to move up and down erratically. The sounds of choking, gagging, and slurping came across the headphones as he realized in fascination the woman was deep throating his boss!

"Figures the bastard has a large cock," he almost said before realizing Mr. Jeffries was still driving. He thought it though, as he listened to the obvious sounds of Vogel's cock slamming into the woman's mouth and throat.

The sounds were occasionally interrupted by the woman gasping and panting, as if she were completely without air and suddenly released.

Nick wondered how long the man's dick was to suffocate the woman so much.

Soon as the panting and heavy breathing slowed down, the camera again began swaying wildly, accompanied by the deep throat retches of the woman.

Although he had no video—only seeing Vogel's hairy legs, slightly bent at the knees—the audio alone was enough to give him a hard-on as Nick listened to the indisputable sounds of rough oral sex. He was so excited he would probably have pulled out his cock and jacked off if it were not for the presence of Mr. Jeffries!

Nick listened to the blowjob for considerable time. He told Mr. Jeffries to expand his circle to another mile, putting his headphones back on to continue listening as the man's fiancée continued to deep-throat his boss.

After a particularly long session of gagging and choking sounds which left the woman coughing and panting in recovery longer than usual, he heard Vogel's voice.

"I think I'll take the advice of those 'come fuck me pumps' you have on," the man said with amusement. "Get up and bend over the desk," he commanded to the woman, adding, "Let's see if Geiger's report was detailed enough about that tight pussy of yours," he laughed crudely.

Nick watched as the belly-cam rose up, revealing the small but hard cock of his boss as the view shifted towards Vogel's desk. With the 'clunk-clunk' of the woman's shoes echoing in the room as she walked, he saw the desk get closer until the entire view was the dark-grained wood of the desktop. The grain got closer before going completely dark as Nick knew the woman had followed his boss' command and was lying on her stomach upon the desk.

Adjusting the brightness to 85, he could once more make out the grain of the wood, the desktop looking washed out due to the high brightness setting.

Meanwhile the headphones were silent, him wondering what was happening.

Getting restless, he pulled up the image of his boss' dick from the recorded video and grabbing the stylus, measured it at only 4-inches. He wondered how the hell it had been able to choke the woman so severely. Thinking she may have been exaggerating to appease the small-dicked fat man, Nick's attention was once more drawn to the live feed as Vogel once again spoke.

"Normally I'm an ass man," the branch chief said," but obviously there's no lube in this office, so we'll have to do this the old fashioned way," he chuckled.

Suddenly the image of the grain of wood on the camera jerked downwards, the headphones filling with the woman's cry, "Oh! Oohm, God," she gasped.

Again Nick wondered how she could sound so authentic, especially after measuring the small cock of his boss, as he watched the video screen set into a pattern, the wood grain jerking down as his boss obviously slammed into the woman's pussy, followed by a slow upward sway of the camera as he pulled back.

With each jerk the woman's cries of pleasure filled the headphones: "Unh...Oh...God. Umph...Jesus!" More random cries came from the woman as Nick knew his boss was wildly fucking from behind, as she bent willingly over his desk.

Nick's cock was rock hard and he debated jacking off even with Mr. Jeffries three-feet in front of him when his blood stopped as he heard Vogel's voice say, "Nick, I know you're there. How about we play this lovely tune over the speakers in the office," his boss ordered.

Nick quickly complied, sending the live feed into the speakers that had recently played the songs of her set. He pulled up the footage of the office area and saw all the agents look up startled at the speakers, then their faces bust out into laughter and smiles as a couple high-fived each other, the sounds evident on what was going on in the back room.