Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 05


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Pulling another man into the cleared area around her, she once again began using him like a pole, strutting around him while she held onto him, first performing a body wave and then dropping down to her knees, leaning her body against him as she pivoted, fanning her legs around him slowly and seductively as Nicki Manaj's last chorus came. As the song slowly came to a close Diamond slowly reached up and the crowd cheered as she bent down, suddenly raising herself quickly—only without her top—as the song ended.

Dan had not thought the crowd could get any louder, but he was wrong as the crowd went crazy in response to Diamond's gorgeous breasts being revealed.

Diamond merely smiled seductively, lost in her own world as she began moving seductively to the next song, which Dan recognized as Lil Wayne's 'Fireman.'

Diamond danced in true Atlanta stripper fashion for this song, her ass jiggling and shaking wildly as her skirt flew out over and over, revealing her ass cheeks bouncing frantically and unrestrained.

The applause and cheers were immense as she moved through the crowd, continuously moving her hips and ass in a frenzy, her breasts followed suit, her chest moving as if on a rollercoaster ride, bouncing and swaying in front of her. She moved her hands around her body, sliding them across her hips, ass, and even cupped her breasts.

At one point she came by Dan and Nick, and smiling at them, dropped to her haunches right in front of them, fanning her legs as her tits swayed wildly. Using Dan as a pole, Diamond slowly moved up him in a caterpillar-like move, then spun around to Nick as she pirouetted around him, pressing her bare tits against his chest and giving him a big kiss to the crowd's thunderous roar of approval before pushing off him and moving back into the crowd to another man.

Dan watched as man after man eagerly attempt to get in her path to be used as her 'pole' but she moved erratically and randomly from person to person, never headed in the same direction as everybody laughed good-naturedly.

The only method to her madness Dan saw was her moving closer and closer to the stage. Finally reaching the stage, she slithered back onto it, humping the stage and fanning her legs to the crowd seductively as the song slowly came to an end, the audience bursting into another loud applause.

Diamond again danced slowly and seductively on the stage, this time to Big K.R.I.T.'s 'Temptation,' moving her body slowly and erotically to the beat of the song.

During this routine she used the pole more as a prop, keeping her feet on the ground but swaying bewitchingly to the steady slow beat.

Sinking down to her haunches, Diamond fanned her legs out to the crowd to their roar of approval, spreading her knees wildly as she sank lower to the ground until she rolled and undulated on the floor rhythmically to the music.

Raising her legs over her, resting on her shoulders, Dan watched as she slowly reached to her hips. Tucking her knees and legs, he cheered with the rest of the crowd as she slowly removed her skirt, completely inverted as the material slowly moved off her hips, then thighs, and finally, tucking her legs close, slid the material off her feet.

Slowly rising back to her feet, she was clad now in nothing but a garter, stockings, G-string, and white platform heels. Even Dan was amazed at how fluid her movements were, watching and barely breathing as her hands moved over her body, swaying enthrallingly to the music as she squeezed her ass, then her breasts, and then sliding back down to cup her crotch.

The crowd was subdued, completely mesmerized by her seductive dance as the song slowly came to an end.

When Far East Movement's 'Candy' began playing, Diamond once again glided off the stage, mingling with the crowd as her hips and tits swayed seductively, her body moving exaggeratedly.

Dancing erotically amongst the crowd, she did not focus on any person like before, instead dancing more freestyle, performing similar moves she had done on the stage.

As the refrain came she began again jerking her hips wildly, her ass cheeks moving frantically as the crowd cheered. Slowly moving her hips wider and wider, she turned and suddenly dropped to the ground fanning her legs out.

Dan saw her almost clip somebody in the face with her shoes, narrowly missing him as the crowd took the warning and backed up around her, but nobody upset, instead wanting more.

Again the refrain came and this time Diamond's torso began moving quickly, her breasts swaying as frantically as her ass had done before as she moved her breasts and pectorals frantically.

Standing up, she strutted to the middle of the ballroom as the crowd once again surrounded her. Lowering herself to the floor, she performed another body wave and once again spun herself up by her shoulders, her legs straight up in the air.

The crowd cheered as she reached up and slowly unsnapped each garter from her stockings, her fingers slowly unclasping each attachment one-by-one as the material fell towards her hips away from her silken clad legs. Once all four clasps were done, she lowered her ass to the floor and arched her body up, pulling the garter belt down past her thighs, then her calves, and finally kicking it into the audience as the crowd clapped and yelled.

Standing up, dancing seductively in nothing but a G-string and stockings, Diamond swayed and strutted back to the stage, the crowd parting in front of her automatically as she moved in time to the music.

As if choreographed a thousand times, Jen moved onto the stage was holding the pole as the next song immediately began.

Dan recognized the new song by Muse—'Madness'—and watched enthralled as Diamond pulled her entire body up on the pole with just her arms, slowly inverting seductively to the haunting melody.

With her feet now up in the air, he noticed she had amazingly performed the maneuver slipping out of her shoes, leaving them sitting side-by-side at the base of the pole as her body rose higher up the pole in only her stockings and G-string.

This routine was as strenuous and difficult as her first. Having given her shoulders, wrists, and ankles enough rest from the earlier workout, Dan knew she was both warmed up and rested. In fact, this routine was even more difficult, as although she was performing many of the same moves as earlier, those were done with a fast song, so inertia had been on her side to help her in her transitions. Now, moving slowly and exaggeratedly along the pole, Diamond was using sheer strength.

Diamond's body moved elegantly, as if flowing through a thick liquid, in beat to the music, and the crowd once again applauded as Diamond performed another zero gravity walk, followed by an aerial body wave once she 'walked' right-side up.

Moving her body and completely extending herself to a superman position, Dan watched breathless with the rest of the crowd as she slowly reached out and began rolling off one of her stockings, pulling her leg closer until she let it flutter to the ground. Diamond then rotated and literally rolled over lateral to the pole, inverting herself as she again reached up and slowly took off the adjacent stocking.

Dan and the entire room were entranced as Diamond moved fluidly and gracefully, her maneuvers mercurial and haunting, and without a single mistake even Dan with his trained eye could see.

Diamond's body was almost body ethereal on the pole, and Dan had to admit this was her best performance and her best routine. In all the years he had watched her perform, she had never moved as gracefully.

As the song slowly came to a close Diamond once more slide down the pole in an inverted caterpillar move. Without breathing the audience watched as she slowly extended her body out and performed another starfish maneuver, her breasts jutting out proudly from her body as she held herself motionless for several seconds before slowly pulling her body in and lowering her feet to the ground, her movements seamless.

Then the crowd went wild they watched, as if she had performed the move a million times, Diamond lower her body and slip her feet flawlessly into her shoes at the bottom of the pole!

The next song was another slow one, and Dan did not immediately recognize it, while the repeated refrain of "Pussy. Pussy. Pussy" came across the speakers over and over.

Diamond moved fluidly with the slow music, once again using the pole more as a prop as her body swayed seductively to the song, her steps high and sensual, and her hips swaying suggestively.

A female rapper began singing and Dan finally recognized the song as a rendition of Iggy Azalea's 'Pu$$y' as Diamond's body moved seductively, undulating on the stage as her hands moved sensually across her body.

With the constant refrain of 'Pussy' echoing through the room, Diamond rolled onto the ground, splaying her legs wide open before the crowd as she undulated her hips, grinding them as if there was an imaginary man between her legs pumping into her.

The crowd obviously caught the reference, urging her on as she began pumping her hips methodically to her imaginary lover. Slowly she rolled onto her hands and knees, her hips not missing a thrust from her imaginary lover as she began moving as if being fucked doggy style, the crowd again cheering her on.

Everybody watched entranced as Diamond suddenly lifted her head, arching her back down and her ass up as she simulated an orgasm, the crowd responding with another deafening applause.

The crowd quieted as quickly as it erupted in applause while Diamond slowly stood up and turned away from the crowd. Slowly she bent over, her ass and legs fully on display before the crowd.

Suddenly the crowed again erupted in deafening praise as Diamond reached up to her hips and pulled the G-sting down her legs, brazenly displaying her pussy as she stepped out of the flimsy panty to the song's ending.

The crowd continued its applause as Diamond, now completely naked other than her stripper shoes, suddenly began running down one side of the stage as Linkin Park's 'Bleed It Out' began playing, the fast music urging her on.

Reaching the end, Diamond did a cartwheel—not easy in seven-inched platform shoes—as the song's beginning played, landing in a perfect splits as her body began moving to the music.

Diamond's body moved rapidly with the song, in complete contrast the previous songs. Due to the exaggerated movements of her body, her tits and ass swayed wildly.

Moving to the other side of the stage, she once again dropped down into the splits. Grabbing her breasts, she bobbed them to the crowd's cheer as she smiled, rolling and fanning her legs out giving a brief, but candid view of her slit as she got back to her feet, running back to the other side of the stage and repeating her performance for that side.

Dan watched transfixed as Diamond moved her naked body all over the stage, her hair and breasts and ass moving wildly as she oscillated to the beat of the music.

Running back to the center of the stage, Diamond grabbed the pole and spun around it in an angel spin before coming back to the stage and raising her hands, jerking her hips wildly side to side in rhythm with the song as her body danced.

Diamond's body moved as fluidly to the fast song as it had to the slower ones, moving easily and gracefully as the crowd urged her on.

When the song ended in applause, Diamond immediately jumped off the stage, swaying her hips exaggeratedly to the beat of Nickelback's 'Gotta Get Me Some,' her body moving seductively.

Once again she began dancing against one man after the next, her body swaying erotically.

Dan saw the crowd was now bolder than before and now that she was naked, reaching around her and cupping her ass, even grabbing her tits as she turned away from them.

Diamond smiled the whole time, lost in her stripper zone as she began dry humping against the next man she danced for, moving rhythmically as the refrain beat methodically.

Dan watched as she ground her ass into another man, who immediately reached around and squeezed her breasts to the crowd's roars, cheering him on as Diamond undulated in his grasp, her tits manipulated grossly before them.

Disentangling herself from him, she moved to another man who repeated the same groping until she turned, moving his hands down and feeling her ass as she faced him. Then she turned around, bending over and grabbing her own breasts while the man behind her grabbed her hips, slamming her ass back into his pelvis, drying humping her as Diamond slammed her body back into him to the refrain of the song.

God Almighty Look at the body.

Hotter than a sticker On a new Ferrari.

The crowd cheered wildly as she then moved through the crowd, man after man taking more liberties with her body, touching her breasts, her ass, a few even being bold enough to cup her crotch.

Through it all Diamond danced oblivious to the touches, strokes, and squeezes of her flesh.

Diamond began to dance towards him, looking directly into his eyes and Dan's eyes opened wide in surprise as he recognized the look of complete arousal.

The last time Dan had seen that look in Jen's eyes had been the night she had come home from 'practice' and fucked him senseless on the couch—later learning she had been high on Ecstasy.

Whether or not she was under any influence now was unknown, but she quickly passed by him, grabbing Nick and dancing seductively with him. Nick wasted no time touching her, his hands all over her body as the crowd again applauded as Dan stared, watching as she moved on to the next man, repeating her sensual dance in front of man after man, each touching her without any objection from her.

The song ended and transitioned into 'Black Betty,' the version being a rendition by Spiderbait.

Diamond immediately ran through the crowd, her breasts and hair flying as she did another cartwheel directly in front of the stage, launching herself up and landing upon the stage in a perfect split.

Rising to her feet, she turned around and grasped the pole, swaying her ass and hips wildly as the song played, looking over her shoulder with a seductive smile.

Grabbing the pole and lifting herself up, Diamond once again extended her body out, lifting her legs straight out before tucking them under her and climbing the pole.

To the crowd's delight and astonishment she began to move wildly, performing move after move so quickly is was difficult to tell when one ended and the next began. She was in constant motion, climbing higher and higher up the pole, her body moving rapidly in a blur of maneuvers, her legs and feet flying around the pole faster than Dan's eyes could keep track.

As the song reached a crescendo Diamond began spinning around the pole faster and faster until her body was a blur around the pole before finally tucking herself into a ball and dropping immediately to the ground, stopping at the last minute and finally lowering herself to the splits as her body continued to spin around the pole from her built up momentum. Then, in amazement, Dan watched as she suddenly raised her hands above her head, her body sliding and spinning on the floor until she ended facing the crowd, her hands raised above her head as the music stopped.

The crowd went wild, the noise reverberating through Dan's body as everybody applauded, stomped their feet, whistled, and cheered. Dan could not believe her performance, watching dumbfounded as Jen's chest heaved up and down, completely out of breath.

Dan saw Chuck get on the stage, his hands clapping as madly as everybody else's as he helped Diamond to her feet, completely naked except for her seven-inched white platform stripper shoes.

Holding his hands out to her he said loudly into the mic, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Diamond, the Divine Silk Attractions Spokesmodel!"

Again the crowd erupted in a cacophony of sound, all in praise of her performance.

Suddenly Chuck spun Jen around, his arm first around her shoulder and then her waist as he dipped her in a perfect dance move. Jen's arms went around his shoulders for balance and the crowd again erupted in applause as Chuck kissed her deeply.

Dan's mind went blank suddenly, not from the kiss or her performance, but in horror as he and everybody else watched Chuck's other hand instead of wrapping around her hips, move between Jen's legs!

The crowd roared its approval as Chuck blatantly French kissed and felt up Diamond's pussy. But it was not even Chuck's blatantly obscene groping of Jen's crotch causing his heart to stop, the world forgotten around him, but the response of his fiancée to Chuck's hand as Dan stared flabbergasted as Jen's hips moved shamelessly with complete abandonment back and forth in response to the man's touch!

Dan had a flashback of the board meeting the day before, watching on the video screen as Chuck fingered his fiancée in front of the club managers. Once again the scene was repeated, only now in front of hundreds of complete strangers.

And it was totally apparent to Dan and those strangers Diamond was doing the majority of the exertion, literally slamming herself recklessly into Chuck's hand.

Chuck let her work her body against his hand for a few more seconds before finally releasing her, pulling her back up and on her feet.

As Chuck once again announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, once again, I present Diamond!" she looked around, her flushed expression readily apparent, not of embarrassment, but of arousal.

As the applause died down, Chuck announced loudly, "You'll all get a chance to meet her up close and personal tonight, but right now, if you'll excuse her, she will get more presentable for the party," he said as the crowd chuckled.

Dan watched as Jen made her way off the stage and up the stairs—still naked—until she turned down one of the hallways in the direction he presumed was her room.

Meanwhile, he saw Chuck make his way through the crowd towards him and Nick with a big grin, stopping only long enough to thank people who complimented him on Diamond's performance.

Finally reaching them, he yelled out, "God DAMN! Isn't she great," he said to them. Then looking at Nick he said, "Of course, you know she's great, but damn, that was one of the best performances I have ever seen," he said proudly.

Dan agreed as a skimpy dressed hostess brought them all drinks. Dan realized he had finished his drink long ago during the performance, not realizing how desperately he needed one now to calm his anxiety her performance. Now that Chuck was back, the hostesses swarmed around them like ants at a picnic.


"Oh my God, that was fucking incredible!" Velvet exclaimed as she joined Jen in her bedroom. "I have never even seen half those moves, let alone somebody do them like they did them daily!" she said still excited. "You didn't do half of those during the practice," she admonished.

Jen nodded. "That's what typically happens," she replied. "I just do what feels natural. If I feel a maneuver should happen after the next, I do it. There's really little preparation other than loosening up my muscles for a set. That's why I told Mr. DeWight I would just 'wing it,'" she said.

She saw Velvet had changed, wearing a one-pieced stretched dress made of metallic blue material. The wide 'V' neckline showed off her cleavage to full advantage, while the bottom of the dress extended barely past her hips, and she knew the dress had to have been selected by Mr. DeWight. It looked stunning on the young woman, and it made her keenly aware of her own nudity as she kicked off her shoes.

Her mind was on other things, her thoughts returning to moments ago when Mr. DeWight had tilted her back and kissed her, his tongue invading her mouth like he owned it, her eyes opened wide in surprise, but not from the kiss. She had been shocked when, as he kissed her, his hand had reached between her legs, stroking her slit in front of the entire audience on the stage.
