Lara Goes Back to School


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Lara felt the other woman slide two fingers along her pussy and pulled them back soaking wet, holding them the younger woman's nose and then to her own. Lara couldn't believe she was being treated like this, like a slut. She knew she was a good wife and mother and had never been unfaithful to her husband but she also knew, in her heart of hearts, that she had wanted to be naked with those girls in the changing room and had wanted to do all the things to young Maria that the Headmistress had accused her of.

"What a slut!" she shouted. "Not only did you get wet when you were looking at my girls but now you are getting even more wet as I spank you. Well if that is what turns you on then I will have to punish you some other way. Stay where you are"

Lara had no intention of moving, even though she knew her red bottom was still bare and would be seen immediately by anyone coming into the room. She was so ashamed to be in this position but she was even more shamed to admit that the Headmistress was right. She knew her pussy was wet but it wasn't her fault; there was nothing she could to stop it getting like this. She had never thought that she would be aroused by being spanked but that was exactly what had happened. It didn't matter if she wanted to or not; her pussy had a mind of its own and she could feel her juices leaking down her thigh.

The Headmistress came back from her desk with something in her hand which Lara didn't see and stood between the young mother's outstretched legs, looking down on her punished arse. She got down on her knees behind Lara and slid her purple vibrator over the young mother's upturned rear, rubbing it into her crack. She pulled Lara back against her and the younger woman could feel the tip of her wet tongue rubbing against her pussy. She ran her smooth tongue all the way along Lara's expectant slit, tasting the young mother while Lara sobbed at the humiliation of being licked by another woman.

The Headmistress withdrew her tongue and replaced it with her vibrator, sliding it in and out of Lara's cunt, getting it wet with her slippery juices, before placing it at the entrance to her tightest hole.

"OH NO" Lara cried, trying to get away once more but there was nowhere to go. The Headmistress let it buzz against Lara's arsehole then slowly pushed the tip inside her. She leaned over the young mother and whispered in her ear.

"I said I was going to punish you and that is exactly what I am going to do."

Lara had never been used in this way. Her husband had never shown any interest in anal sex and this was the first time she had ever felt something up there. The Headmistress pumped faster, and then reached around to slide a finger over Lara's clit and Lara knew her orgasm wouldn't be far away. She didn't want this to happen but after all that had happened to her today she knew her pussy was ready to explode. As the Headmistress rubbed Lara's rigid little button, she pushed the vibrator deeper into her arse and turned it to a higher setting.

Lara's whole body shook as her orgasm overtook her. She felt her pussy contracting around nothing and her juices flowing like never before. The Headmistress rubbed and rubbed until Lara's body finally stopped trembling. Now it was only her sobs which caused her body to shake. Leaving the vibrator still up the younger woman's arse, the Headmistress knelt down once more between her captive's thighs and cleaned her up.

"Now I have shown you how we deal with sluts at this school, we will go and teach Maria the same lesson."

Chapter 2

When the Headmistress and another woman walked into the detention room Maria sat bolt upright and awaited her fate. She had never been in trouble before but she had heard her classmates talk about what went on in Detention and she was petrified. She had heard tales of the Headmistress spanking some girls and doing even worse things to them that she just couldn't believe. She had always been a good girl and just because she didn't like the school's navy knickers and had been wearing her own tiny ones for the last year didn't make her a slut. She had decided she was going to tell the Headmistress this but when the fierce woman strode into the room and slammed the door behind her, Maria's nerve left her and she sat as quiet as a mouse, her head bowed low.

Lara knew that pose very well. It was one she used to adopt at school too, hoping no-one would notice her. It was the same when she went home to her strict aunt and uncle. It was the same now when her husband came home and she knew he expected her to be as submissive as she had been all her life. The only thing she didn't know was what was expected of her now. She had taken her punishment for lusting after the schoolgirls from the Headmistress and she had suffered the indignity of having a vibrator stuck up her bottom and made to cum on the office desk. Surely she should be allowed to go home now, especially as the Headmistress had kept her thong and Lara was very aware of her nakedness under the thin dress?

The Headmistress stood in front of Maria' desk, towering over her and trying hard not to smile in anticipation of the fun she was going to have with this girl and with Lara, again.

"Stand up, Maria."

The frightened girl jumped to her feet, knocking down her chair in the process. She could feel her heart pumping in her chest and, at the same time, her private place moistening inexplicably.

"What we saw you wearing in the changing room today was not regulation school wear, was it Maria?"

"No, miss," mumbled the young girl. She had just turned eighteen and had thought she would leave school without ever having to present herself in the Detention room. Yet, here she was and there was another woman here too with the Headmistress. Was she going to punish her too? Maria didn't think so as the other woman seemed to be looking at her encouragingly. She was very beautiful, thought Maria, with thick dark hair, pretty face and wonderful breasts. Maria wondered why that last thought had entered her mind; she was not in the habit of staring at other women's breasts but this stranger looked so feminine in her short summer dress. Maria couldn't help compare her own tiny breasts to this unknown woman's as she did with every other girl in her class.

"And are you still wearing them?"

"Yes, miss."

"That is just scandalous, Maria. It is time you were punished for your disobedience and your disgusting underwear. If you are going to dress like a slut then you are going to be treated like a slut. Bend over your desk."

Maria trembled but did as she was told, resting her forearms on the low desk. She didn't want to be spanked and she really didn't think she deserved to be; but worst of all, she knew that when the Headmistress and the other woman moved behind her they would be able to see her school skirt rising up her young thighs. She didn't have to worry about that for very long as the Headmistress had other commands for her. The dictatorial woman ordered the schoolgirl to open the buttons of her blouse and instructed her to pull her skirt up to her hips. Maria was sobbing as she did so; she felt so humiliated showing her bottom to these two women. Why did she have to open her blouse too? Her tiny breasts had always embarrasses Maria as every other girl in her class had much bigger ones; it was if the Headmistress knew exactly how to maximise her humiliation.

The older woman ignored Maria's protests as she slowly slid the girl's skirt higher. Then she leaned over her pupil and tugged her white bra down, revealing the tiny breasts within.

"Slide your knickers down, Maria; I won't have even such a small pair in my way."

Lara felt the young girl's shame as she was forced to participate in her own punishment and her own humiliation. She is forced to wiggle her sexy arse as she pulls the small piece of cotton down to her thighs. The Headmistress, meanwhile, slid her hand over the girl's thighs, not touching her bottom but inviting Lara to stroke Maria's silky, smooth skin. The young mother touched another girl for the first time and, reluctantly, admitted to herself that she liked it. Her face reddened in the knowledge that the Headmistress was watching her intently while she moved her hand over the girl's bottom causing Maria to squirm beneath her.

"You will not move, Maria. Do you understand?" asks the Headmistress, firmly.

"Yes, miss," she whispered in reply, waiting for what was to come, waiting for the first strike of the first spanking of her young life. The feel of the unknown woman's hand was pleasant but she gasped with surprise as the Headmistress slapped her strong hand down, hard, stinging her pupil's cheeks. She instinctively tried to cover her bottom and moved her hand round to protect herself. The older woman, however, struck her again, harder this time, and instructed Lara to hold the girl's wrists up her back. Lara didn't want to become involved but knew she didn't dare disobey the Headmistress in case her punishment began again.

"Do I have to tie your hands, Maria?" she asked squeezing the girl's bottom, enjoying the feel of the firm buttocks in her hands.

"No, miss" the girl whimpered, trying to stay perfectly still even though her whole body was screaming at her to escape.

The Headmistress teased the young schoolgirl, gliding her fingertips over her upturned bottom then, almost gently, spanking her on both cheeks. Just as the girl began to think she was over the worst of it and dared to relax a little, the Headmistress's hand comes down hard and fast. Slap! Slap! Slap! Maria cried out and tried to escape the wrath of the older woman but, with Lara reluctantly holding her arms behind her back, there was nowhere for her to go. The vicious hand rained down again and again, slapping harder and harder with each stinging blow until its print completely covered the girl's poor bottom.

Lara tried to look away but was drawn to the poor girl's punished cheeks and wondered if her own looked the same. Again she tried to think of some excuse to offer her husband that night. She also started to think about how her pussy had reacted to her own spanking and wondered if the girl was enduring the same sweet torture. The Headmistress was obviously thinking the same thing as she stopped her spanking and knelt down to inspect the girl's private place.

The old woman could see that Maria's pussy was enjoying her spanking, just like Lara's had. She could see the tiny puddle of juice on the girl's lips and the girl herself cried when she realised what her Headmistress was looking at

"Are you going to be a good girl now, Maria?"

"Yes, miss, I promise."

"And will you wear the correct under garments from now on?"

Poor Maria hesitated for just a second as she hated the idea of wearing the school's big navy knickers but that was a second too long for the older woman. The Headmistress, enraged by the idea of one of her pupils wearing slutty knickers as much as by the fact that her spanking had had little effect, decided to take things further.

"Lara, give me her hands while you take my place."

Lara handed over the young girl's wrists to the angry woman but wasn't sure what was being asked of her as she knelt between the pupil's legs, her face only inches from the girl's dripping pussy. Looking questioningly at the Headmistress, Lara just knelt there, very aware of the aroma of the girls' arousal.

"Just do to her what I did to you earlier, Lara" instructed the Headmistress.

The young mother couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did she really expect Lara to use her tongue on the girl's wet pussy?

"Unless you want me to call your husband?" questioned the Headmistress.

Lara had never even seen another woman's pussy before, not before today, and now she was being forced to lick this eighteen year old and she knew the fierce woman standing above them wouldn't be satisfied until she had made Maria cum. Lustful thoughts may have been rampaging through Lara's mind all day but could she really do this? Could she stick out her tongue and give this young girl possibly the first orgasm of her life? She looked up again at the Headmistress and realised she had no choice.

Maria felt Lara's wet tongue slide and probe between her inner lips, slick with her own juices. As she got more and more wet she felt the stranger's fingers opening her up, stretching her cunt wide, as her tongue, continued to feed on her pussy. When Lara reached under her and started to gently tickle her clit, Maria knew she was going to cum. She had managed to do it once before with her older sister but it felt even more intense this time as her Headmistress held her captive and an unknown woman lapped at her pussy in the middle of a classroom. Keeping one finger on the schoolgirl's clit, Lara used her other hand to probe ever deeper into the young girl. She inserted one, then two, moving them in and out slowly, then hooking them up to massage Maria's untouched g-spot.

When she did that, Maria was lost. She spread her legs wider and pushed back onto Lara's fingers, never wanting her to stop. Lara was amazed at how the young girl had quickly got over her embarrassment and now found the only one who was embarrassed was herself as she continued to plunge deeper and deeper into the pupil's cunt. Maria was moaning now in total abandonment and lust.

"When you cum, Maria, we will let you go."

Both Maria and Lara had almost forgotten about the Headmistress, so intent were they in bringing the younger girl to orgasm. In fact, the Headmistress had already released her pupil's hands and now, out of sight of the young girl, she produced the same vibrator she had used to fuck Lara's arse. The young mother stared at it in horror remembering the pain she had felt not so long ago. She wasn't sure her bottom hole had closed properly yet but she was too terrified of the older woman to stop bringing Maria closer and closer to her orgasm.

"Oh, God!" screamed the young girl as Lara made another woman cum for the first time in her life. "Oh God! Oh God! OH GOD!" Maria felt nothing but pure lust as she pushed her body back to meet Lara's invading fingers, her whole body shaking and trembling in orgasm. Lara felt the girl's pussy walls contract around her fingers and watched in horror as the Headmistress lined up the purple vibrator with the unsuspecting girl's bottom hole.

"Get her hole ready, Lara."

There was no doubt what the Headmistress had in mind and Lara was disgusted to realise that she was about to lick the girl's tight, dirty hole. She knew that if she didn't the girl would be in excruciating pain; she also knew that if she didn't the Headmistress would call her husband without a second thought. Kneeling up she brought her tongue to Maria's arsehole and, tentatively, touched the schoolgirl where she had never been touched before.

Maria was still coming down from her orgasm when she felt another new sensation. At first she couldn't believe that it was what it felt like but when she looked around she could see Lara's pretty face buried deep within her cheeks. She was just about to protest when Lara leaned back and Mara suddenly had something much worse than a woman's soft tongue to worry about.

She felt the Headmistress press down on her back with one hand while pressing something else, something hard, against her bottom. In an instant Maria felt pain like she had never felt before as the hard vibrator burst through her anal ring and started to go deeper and deeper into her.

Lara wanted to help the young girl to survive this assault on her tightest hole so, even though she was supposed to be holding the schoolgirl's cheeks apart, she reached down and began to rub her saturated pussy again. The young mother had realised that she had actually enjoyed the taste of Maria's arse and now wanted to give her something back.

As the vibrator was turned up to a higher level by the merciless Headmistress, Lara replaced her fingers with her tongue, eager to drink Maria's juices for one last time. Maria, having recovered from her first anal insertion was now trying to cope with the feelings coming from her pussy and her arse together. She could feel another orgasm building deep within her once again and, even though she couldn't believe her Headmistress was fucking her bum, she knew she was going to cum like she never had before.

And she did. Her young body convulsed against her wooden desk as the two older women worked on her two stretched holes. Lara saw it as an act of kindness to deliver the girl's orgasm to help her through this ordeal. The Headmistress saw it as an act of lust.

When Maria finally calmed down, Lara helped her off the desk and got her clothes back in to order. They were just about to leave when the Headmistress fired her parting shot.

"I'll see you both in my office tomorrow at nine o'clock sharp. You two have had your fun today; tomorrow is my turn."

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MunchDKMunchDKabout 11 years ago
Never did anything bad in school.

But were pregnant at 17, since she has a daughter who is 18.

It is not a big problem, but a little inconsistant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Going back again?

I hope this story continues and that Lara will go back indeed...

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