Larry's Sexual Journey Ch. 11


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"You forgetting something buster?" said Sophie.

I looked puzzled.

"Your clothes?" she went on. "We're naked and you're not."

Brain freeze. She was wanting me to strip. Shit. Shit. Shit. That seemed to be my brain's stock answer lately. I was hoping mom would help me out, but she quietly sipped her coffee and said nothing. There was nothing else for it. I was going to have to get undressed. I decided to do it as quick as possible so as to get sitting again and cover up as best I could. So, off came my t-shirt, I quickly pushed down both my tracks and shorts before sitting back down and taking them off my feet.

"Not so quick buster," said Aunt Sophie. "You got a twirl from me, so you've got to do the same for me," she said with a wink at mom.

Mom covered her mouth as she giggled at my predicament. I stood slowly and did a slow and complete turn. As I faced them again I noticed Sophie was checking my package.

"Please brain. Help me out here. No boner," I prayed. Once again my brain played along.

"Very nice nephew," she said, "and thank you."

I sat down wondering what was going to happen next. If Sophie was genuine in wanting to take mom's place then we would have to do THAT pose. I wasn't sure what to think. Was I relieved that it wasn't going to be mom? Was I going to be more nervous because it was my aunt instead of another woman? Was I disappointed it wasn't going to be mom? I think the answer to all those questions was, yes. I was both relieved and disappointed it wasn't going to be mom and I think posing with a stranger would be less of an ordeal than posing with my aunt, even though she had a hot body.

"So, where do we go from here?" Sophie asked.

"I suppose we need to practice the pose and see how you both feel about it," said mom.

"I suppose so," said Sophie. "So Larry, once we've finished our coffee are you up for it?"

Mom laughed out loud and we both gave her a puzzled look.

"I take it you didn't mean that pun Sophie."

More puzzled looks.

"So Larry, once we've finished our coffee are you up for it?" she repeated emphasising the 'up'.

Sophie's laugh was more a snort as the coffee she was drinking came down her nose. A real ice-breaking moment that had us all laughing. Yet again, mom to the rescue.

As mom cleared away the dishes Sophie and I went up to my room. She went first. As we climbed the stairs she looked back, "Hope you're not checking out my ass?" she said with a wink. I definitely blushed because I was checking. It was firmer than mom's. It didn't jiggle as much but her pussy lips were more prominent. I tried not to re-act.

I was booting up the pc when mom arrived. She started to explain the pose and the difficulty we were having with it.

"OK, let me get this straight in my head. I'll be kneeling on the bed. Legs spread with the camera between my knees."

"That's right," mom replied.

"Then Larry will be behind me as in doggy-style with the tip of his cock against but not in my pussy?"

Her mention of the word cock, a word mom had never used, was strangely arousing.

"That's right."

"OK," she said. "Let's get started."

She climbed onto the bed and mom helped her get into position. I sat the camera between her knees and her glorious bald pussy filled the monitor screen.

"Very nice sis. Looks like you're ready," mom laughed.

Looking at the screen we could all see that Sophie's pussy was getting wet.

"What did you expect?" she laughed. "Three naked people, one of them male, posing in a very naughty manner. I may be old, divorced and single, but I'm not dead."

Mom laughed then paraphrased the immortal movie line, "Ready for your close-up Mr. Larry?"

I gingerly walked over behind Sophie and got into position. My cock wasn't even at semi-boner stage. This wasn't going to work.

"Is everything OK sweetie?" asked mom.

"Your old aunt's pussy not exciting?" laughed Sophie.

"No, it looks wonderful. I just can't seem to get comfy," I replied.

"And you're comfy with your mom?"

"Yes, but probably because this isn't the first time we've been naked and touching our bodies. Whereas it's our first time."

"OK," said mom. "What if we do the pose to let Sophie see and when you get an erection then Sophie can step in and take over?"

"Good idea," said Sophie as she slipped off the bed.

Mom then climbed on and I repositioned the camera. Holding my cock I gave it a few strokes and noticed from the corner of my eye that Sophie squeezed her breast and slipped a hand between her thighs. This was getting very weird and quite exciting. I stepped in behind mom and took up my position. Sophie was watching the monitor and could see mom's hand grasp my cock and put it on her pussy lips. I thought I heard her give a quiet moan. By now I had a very stiff erection and mom was quite wet too.

"Looks like I'm not the only one ready sis."

Mom laughed and said, "Looks like Larry is ready too. You ready to take over sis?"

"Sure am," she said with some eagerness.

I stepped back and mom got off the bed. As Sophie climbed on she looked at me and said," Very nice package nephew." I blushed.

Once Sophie was ready I re-set the camera and stepped in behind her. Before she could reach back for my cock, mom had already grabbed it and was putting it in place. I could feel the heat of my aunt's pussy along my shaft. Mom was using the monitor to get me in the right position. Her little re-adjustments were rubbing the head of my cock along Sophie's pussy lips and along with her firm grip I was getting quite aroused. I was sure mom could feel my cock pulsing and I'm also sure she could see Sophie's pussy lips getting wetter and fuller as well as opening more. I had to stop looking at the screen for fear it would tip me over the edge and I'd shoot my load. I was seriously struggling to keep control. The tingles were racing up and down my cock. My balls seemed to be jumping inside my scrotum. I could feel Sophie's pussy pulsing and feel it getting a lot warmer and wetter. Did she just cum over my cock? Things were getting out of control. Suddenly mom let go and announced that the pose was perfect. Looking at the screen I could see my very stiff cock nestling at the opening of a very wet and aroused pussy. Any sudden movement and I'd be in. It was that close. I turned and looked at mom, who was still looking at the screen.

Her neck and breasts were flushed and her nipples were rock hard. Had she maybe cum too? It was a very erotic and highly charged atmosphere. I stepped back and my cock slid up Sophie's ass crack and slapped hard against my stomach.

"It looks as if we weren't the only ones enjoying this Soph," said mom. Sophie twisted round to look back. Smiling she said, "Seems not." Then she winked at me. Yet again I blushed.

"Coffee anyone?" I asked.

"That would be great sweetie and then we can try it again."

"Again?!!" I asked.

"Just to be sure," said mom and Sophie nodded in agreement, "and after I make us a late lunch. Look at the time."

"Holy f**k. Did they not realize what nearly happened," I wondered.

As I left the room I lifted a wipe and cleaned the dripping pre-cum from my cock. By the time the coffee was ready mom and Sophie were busy preparing a very late lunch.

It was still hard to believe that in such a short space of time I was not only comfortable about being naked with mom but also enjoying it. We'd both come a long way and now Aunt Sophie had joined in too. What was going to happen now? Will she be coming to visit more often? Will she be expecting nudity every time she does visit? What's going to happen with me and mom when the posing ends? Will we go back to being clothed all the time or will this level of exhibitionism continue? It was difficult to know what might happen. I didn't want this to end but, I suppose it probably will. Sadly there weren't too many sessions left.

Mom broke me from my reverie to see if I was ready to try the pose again.

"As soon as I do the dishes," I said. "Only fair since you both made lunch."

"OK," they said. "We'll go sit in the living room."

Doing the dishes was just a convenient excuse to delay returning to the erotically charged atmosphere of the pose. Even just mentioning it made my cock twitch. I hadn't come down from that high yet and was scared that if we got back to it too soon I might not be able to control myself and end up cumming all over Sophie's ass. The embarrassment of that happening was too painful to envisage. When the dishes were washed, dried and stacked away I asked if they wanted more coffee. They both said yes so I poured out three cups and carried them through to the living room.

They were still naked and sitting on the couch. Mom was sitting back with her legs spread slightly and showing off her hairy thatch. Sophie was sitting sideways on her legs, looking at mom. Her breasts were in profile and her nipples were longer than mom's and very stiff. Cold or still aroused I wondered? I knelt on the floor beside the table and handed out the coffee. Mom shuffled to the edge of the sofa and leaned over. Her legs opened wider and her boobs swayed. The sight of her boobs and her wet pussy got my cock twitching again. Thankfully the table hid that from her. Sophie twisted round and her legs opened wide showing her aroused pussy and a glistening dampness on her leg where it had just been resting against her pussy. She caught me looking and smiled. I tried to smile back but was so embarrassed my face wouldn't respond and it probably looked like a snarl. Eventually the smile arrived. Then as if I didn't have enough problems, she put her feet on the sofa and spread her knees exposing her pussy in all its aroused beauty. Very red, wet with swollen lips. Once again my cock twitched and once again I was glad the table was in the way.

"How did you think the pose went Larry?" mom asked. "Do you think Jenn would be happy with it?"

"It looked fine on the screen so I think she'd be very happy with it," I replied.

"Yes I think she would too."

"How long do these session last?" asked Sophie.

"Usually two hours," mom replied.

"Does it not get uncomfortable? And surely they can't get too much done in just two hours?"

"If we look uncomfortable Jenn calls for a short break and the group just sketches. It's not like they do portraits," said mom. "Whether they finish them off at a later date or not I don't know. Do you know sweetie?"

"No," I replied. "In fact I've never seen what they do."

"Me neither," mom added.

"Can I assume that it's warm enough?"

"Oh it definitely is and sometimes it can get a bit too warm," mom said.

"So long as it doesn't get cold," said Sophie.

With the coffee finished and my erection gone mom decided to give the pose one last run through before Sophie had to pack and get back home to her apartment. This time I led the way. I re-booted the pc and Sophie sat on the bed waiting. Once it was up and running and the camera was connected Sophie got into position. I re-set the camera and then took up my position. I was still too soft so I started to stroke myself. The naughtiness of stroking your cock not only in front of your mother but also your aunt helped me achieve a good stiffy. Once again mom took charge. Grasping my cock she placed it at Sophie's pussy and we checked it out on the monitor.

"Stop for a minute," said Sophie.

"You OK Soph?" asked mom.

"Yes," she replied. "I just don't think it looks natural enough."

"What do you mean?" asked mom.

"Not sure," she replied.

Without moving the three of us looked closely at the screen.

"Got it," said Sophie.

And at that she slid her right hand between her thighs and started to play with her clit.

"Sophie?" quizzed mom.

"I'm not wet enough," she said. "If this is to be realistic then I need to have a wet pussy to go along with the stiff cock otherwise it just doesn't look right."

The fact that she used that word cock again, as well as, me being able to watch her play with her clit on the screen made me harder and I twitched.

"Seems someone else likes it too," she laughed.

Yet another blush. I was losing count how many times that had happened.

"OK let's try it now."

Once again mom grabbed my cock and nestled it against Sophie's pussy.

"You were right Soph. It does look better."

However, because she'd been stimulating herself her pussy was more aroused than it had been the first time. I could see the vagina opening. It was intoxicating. Mom let go of my cock and we watched the screen intensely. It was heavenly and also surreal. Here I was not only naked with my mom and aunt, but within a hair's breadth of having my very stiff cock inside my aunt's pussy. Once again I could feel the tell-tale tingles in my balls that an orgasm was on its way. I was confused. I needed to get out of this situation quick but I didn't want it to end. Sophie moved slightly forward and my cock slipped back away from her vagina opening. Watching on the screen and realizing what was happening she moved back but moved back a bit too far and the head of my cock actually entered her vagina. It was the first pussy I'd been in and although it wasn't really in, it felt heavenly. Mom, ever vigilant reached underneath, grabbed my cock and pulled it clear. Sophie was flustered and apologetic.

"I think that'll do us," mom said.

"I think you're right," Sophie agreed. "We'll need to be very careful next week and I now know why you're not comfortable doing it sis. It's too easy for things to go wrong."

"It is."

Sophie got off the bed and said she'd better go get ready for the drive home. Before leaving my room she gave me a tight hug. It was the first time I'd felt her boobs against me and it was wonderful. Her nipples felt a lot different than mom's against my skin. My cock twitched between her thighs and she smiled before kissing my forehead and going to get ready. Mom went with her.

I shut down the pc, put the camera away and got dressed before going down to the living room. Mom and Aunt Sophie came down a few minutes later, both fully dressed. There were more hugs and kisses on the door step as we waved her good-bye.

Once back in the living room mom asked if I was ok with what had happened and comfortable with Aunt Sophie filling in for her. I assured her that all was good. She smiled.

It was getting close to the time for me to leave and go back to my apartment. I went to pack away my things and mom followed me up.

"Can I ask you a favour?" she said.

"Of course you can."

"Can we try that pose again?"

Her request surprised me, but also warmed me.

"Of course."

"I just want another view of it. Whilst it was scary it was nice too."

"I'll re-boot the pc and connect the camera."

As I did mom casually took off her clothes and once naked sat on the bed. I stripped off too and we waited. Soon the pc and camera were ready. Mom got into position and I sat the camera between her knees. Then just as her sister had done earlier, she slipped her hand between her thighs and started playing with her pussy. It was amazing. While she watched it on the screen I sat and watched it live. Her fingers gently caressed the outside of her pussy. Then she started to stretch it. I could see subtle changes in the colour of her labia. Opening her fingers she drew her lips apart and started to rub the exposed flesh with her middle fingers. Her lips thickened and became redder as she became more aroused. My mother was wanking in front of my face. It was hypnotic. The lips were parting easily now and getting wetter with each stroke.

"I think I'm ready now," she whispered. "Are you?"

I hadn't even looked but I was already stiff with pre-cum oozing from my pee slit.

"Yes," I replied.

Stepping between her legs I got into position. As with before, she stretched between her thighs and gripped my cock. Tugged gently on it to get me to move closer and placed it at the entrance to her now visibly open vagina.

"Don't move sweetie. Let me make the adjustments."

Move? I don't think I was capable. This was so surreal I was rooted to the spot. I watched the screen as she moved and positioned her body. I could feel the heat and the sticky wetness of her pussy along my cock and it felt great. As before, she moved slowly back and forward using my cock to wank on. The movements became longer and soon I could feel her hard clit as it rubbed against my cockhead. It was starting to drive me crazy. The tingles were back with a vengeance. All the earlier teasing and denial of a release was going to make this impending orgasm an earth shattering one. As I watched the screen I could see my cock rubbing her clit and I could feel, as well as see, her juices starting to run along my cock to my balls. She started to press my cock tighter against her pussy. She seemed lost in the moment.

Then she stopped and said," Thank you sweetie. I just wanted to see what it was like. It looked stunning when Sophie was doing it and I wondered what it would be like for me."

"Not a problem mom."

"May I try one silly thing before we stop?"

"Sure. What?"

"This," she said.

She put her head onto the bed so that she could use both hands. Then stretching back she pulled her glistening pussy lips wide apart before pressing my cock as tight as she could get it to her and wrapping her lips around it. And there we were. My cock as close to being inside her as I could possibly get. Holding me there with her right hand she pushed herself back up with her left arm. As her body rose she moved slightly back and I could feel those same sensations I did when I slipped into my aunt. I expected mom to freak as she had the last time, but she didn't. In fact she pushed a bit further back and I could feel myself slipping ever so slightly further into her oh so tight pussy. She held that position for what seemed forever before moving forward and releasing my cock.

"Thank you sweetie. I'd better let you get sorted for going home. With all this attention your penis has been getting will you need to release before you leave?"

"Mom," I said exasperated.

"Well sweetie, it would only be natural," she winked, lifting her clothes and leaving.

She didn't know how right she was, but I wasn't going to wank in front of her. I'd enjoy it in my own bed later.

Half an hour later I was on my way.

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Dnthmn_19Dnthmn_198 months ago

I am enjoying the story but this guy is as sharp as a bowling ball. He should have been balls deep into at least one of them by now.

mcncokemcncokeabout 8 years ago
Great Story

I love it!! So nasty and naughty. I guess my question would be. How come you don't talk about Mom and Auntie's butt hole that you are staring at. Hope you get to that.

fr_Chaste_2_Chasedfr_Chaste_2_Chasedabout 8 years ago
Will Mom let Sophie have Larry?

Okay, you (purfecthost) might have other plans but for some reason I would not be surprised if, during the pose, Aunt Sophie will 'accidentally' suddenly lose her balance a bit, stumble backwards and "OOPSIE!" ... Larry finds himself "hip-deep" in his Auntie.

And yet, I just can't see Mommy letting someone else fuck her Lawrence.

Maybe Mom will also show-up on Friday wanting to take back her role as Larry's partner. Jenn can see this as an opportunity to improvise a three-some pose and a satisfying time will be had by all (including us readers).

This is a fun read! I hope that you will continue this series for some time. Although I gotta tell you, I am a hopeless romantic who loves happy-ending stories... w happy endings. I would really like to see Larry and his mother settle-in together.

Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Just finished reading the full series in one go... Craving for more. Beautifully written.

newbynicknewbynickabout 8 years ago
Thank you

Have just read the whole series, so far. I love it all. I hope there will be more to come.

If only I could find a class to work for myself!


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