Late Ch. 04

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Jane and Fred get closer, but their secret is under threat...
9.2k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/18/2023
Created 07/28/2017
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Coach Matherson watched as the players filed in for training. He wasn't there yet. It's true that he was always late, but it really grated her cheese in particular today.

Clouds loitered ominously overhead. Hopefully they wouldn't be getting wet today.

She thought about the brief text messages between her and Freddie. Small affirmations of passion and affection... she couldn't wait to see him again.

Which is why making her wait a few extra minutes was really pissing her off.

She tapped her foot, not even noticing as Dean slid over.

"Hiya Coach," he said cheerily. "Looking great as per."

"Can it," she snapped, and he continued sliding towards the rest of the team assembling on the field.

Another, taller figure with ash-brown hair walked over and took his place next to Jane. Kevin, the understated team captain nodded at her, eliciting little response. He cricked his neck, doing a few warming stretches on his impressive quads.

"So, what we doing today Coach?"

Jane paused. Everything seemed to be taking a lot more effort than usual today, thinking especially.

"Oh...let's... do some fitness drills today."

Kevin clicked his tongue and smiled.

"Damn. Hard taskmaster this week," he said cheerfully. "I'm surprised you weren't at the social as well... everything... alright?"

"What?" she said whipping round to face him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Her glare, hands on hips and chest out, was frightening, and he regretted asking the question.

"Oh no...nothing coach just... you know, just checking you're feeling alright!"

"Oh...right, sure," she responded warily, turning back to the entrance.

"So... you're all good?"

"Perfect," said Jane like she'd just agreed to having her kidneys removed without anaesthetic.

Kevin nodded sheepishly and decided it was probably best to leave her to it, and went to get ready with the rest of the team.

Jane looked at her watch. Two minutes past. She should probably start the session.

She tapped her foot. Maybe just a bit longer.

Suddenly a flash of red appeared in the distance. Her gaze honed in.


Jane's heart started beating steadily like a drum, tempo increasing as he gently hove into view.

'Is he running in slow motion or is that just in my head?' she thought to herself.

Sweat was plastered on Freddie's brow as he ran up to her.

"Hey... Sorry I'm late Ja...Coach," he said, breathing heavily.

Jane pouted her lips to kiss him, and then immediately wiped it off her face. Everyone was here, just do your thing. Act natural.

"Freddie... Nice to see you," she said in a clipped tone.

Fred gave her an apologetic look that made her want to flatten him onto the ground and breed him.

"Sorry Coach...I promise I won't do it again," he said.

Jane smiled at him, but then slowly dropped the smile because she never smiled at people who were late, and Freddie was late, and if people realised she had smiled at him for being late, they might work out that she had fucked him in the ass.

The feeling of a rough tongue on her ballsack slipped through the defences in her mind and she shuddered. Her cock, tucked back between her legs, began to awaken and she tried to curb her arousal with horrible images in her head; The box scene from the film 'Seven', that roadkill she had seen last week, the worst pain she had ever experienced breaking her leg as a teenager, ... Anything to stop her from busting out a hard on in front of the whole fucking community.

Fred saw her frantic expression and nodded with a worried look before jogging over to join the rest of the team.

Maybe she was just paranoid, but some of them were looking at her oddly, especially Terry who was grinning a little too widely for her liking.

Jane narrowed her eyes. 'Okay then you sacks of shit', she thought, 'time to put you through a session you won't be forgetting in a hurry.'


Everyone let out a huge groan.

"You heard me," she snapped. "Kevin, take them around the pitch, I want one normal lap, followed by intervals, take my stopwatch to keep count, I'm going to set out the beep test here."

Kevin nodded, walking over to the group.

"She is definitely pissed at something", he said to Terry, who grinned at him and gave a subtle squeeze on his right butt cheek.

"Hi to you too."

Kevin only just managed to keep the grin off his face as he called the team over and began to lead them round the field, away from Coach Matherson.

Jane watched as they set off, her eyes snapping automatically to Fred's sweet ass tensing and ballooning in the sports pants. She bit her lip.

'God bless America,' she thought as he huffed along with the rest, looking slightly leggier than usual.

To be fair, he'd probably had to deal with quite an adjustment physically after their previous encounter... It felt a bit mean to make him do so much cardio with all she had put him through this week...

She smiled and stopped walking towards the cones that she had been about to lay out. Hell, she could change her mind if she wanted to, right?


Freddie tried to jog normally but parts of him that he'd never paid attention to before felt fairly sensitive today. Jesus. His ass was still sore from Thursday. That was insane. Had his body been ruined by Jane's dick? It was still crazy that thoughts like this were even going through his mind. Did this happen to girls?

Terry was beside him, and she was grinning again as they jogged gently through the muddy browns and leafy greens of the softball pitch. She came in close and spoke into his ear.

"Holy shit, she is totally into you!" she said.

"Not now," hissed Freddie. The last place to have a conversation about this was in the middle of their teammates. Sometimes he really wished Terry would know when and where to discuss these things, instead of blurting it out whenever she felt like it.

They reached the end of the first lap, and the first interval hit. As soon as Kevin signalled, the pack began to sprint, ten seconds of all-out pumping, Terry managing to get a few feet of distance ahead of Freddie as he furiously threw his body forward. Damn lanky girl... Just because she has longer legs, he thought bitterly.

They flew across the pitch until Kevin called out, slowing them to walking pace for ten seconds, before beginning the cycle again, up to jogging. Quickly it became a gruelling endeavour, and people were beginning to pant as the intervals made it impossible to settle into an easy rhythm, forcing heartrates to rise and legs to burn with lactic acid.

Freddie tried to keep up, but the sensitivity of his asshole was stopping him fully pushing his speed and he was falling behind with Charlene, a dark-skinned mother of three, and Dean. Close behind them all was Bob, a large blond-haired teen and one of the youngest in the group, face already beading with sweat as he moved his pudgy legs as fast as they could go.

'Jesus, fucked into last place. Who would have thought?' Fred said to himself, feeling exposed, cheeks red with sweat droplets beginning to worm their way down his neck.

Suddenly the runners up ahead stopped.

'Only two laps?'

When he finally caught up Jane was there, standing beside a bucket of balls.

"Rolling drill! Everyone grab a glove and get into one line, Kevin, please grab a few balls for me whilst I give the demonstration."

Some of the group raised their eyebrows at the sudden U-turn but offered no complaints, happy enough to not be continuing the lung-busting run.

Jane stepped to the front of the line being formed.

"Okay let's get a volunteer..."

She looked across the group. There was only one face that stuck out.

"F...Freddie, come up here."

Freddie jogged up to her and a little smile formed at the corners of his mouth.

Jane wondered how big his smile would be if she put her cock inside it.

She shook her head. Get a grip.

"Right... stand here, yes that's it B..."

She slipped over her tongue as she almost called him bitch in front of everyone... Not the time to bring his nickname back into the public domain.

"B...eeecause we'll be doing rolling drills. Yes.. so rolling drills."

The words came back to her and she felt herself relaxing a little bit.

"The aim is to get down to the ball sharply, we'll be doing front and side throws, so make sure you turn when you're running, don't just sidestep to it."

She put her hands on Freddie's hips.

"You want... you want your hips to be facing the ball..."

She squeezed Freddie's sides. He felt so soft. So ready.


Blood was rushing to her groin. Her lip was trembling.

"So that's it..." She let go of Freddie's hips and immediately walked over to Kevin, who was standing confused with a ball in his hands.

Freddie looked behind him at the rest of the team, who were all looking on with puzzled expressions. He put his head down and began walking sheepishly to the back of the line. He noticed Terry who raised her eyebrows at him and mouthed 'Wow'.

"Get in line," Coach Matherson said quickly to Kevin, not looking him in the eye.

"Coach... are you sure you're okay?"

Jane's eyes became pools of fiery vengeance as she fixed him with her gaze.

"Get. In. Line."

Kevin gulped and dropped the ball in the basket, jogging to the back of the Queue and taking his place behind Freddie, who was still trying to ignore the embarrassment at how awkward Jane was being, but also how exciting it was to have her squeezing his hips. He felt like her dirty little secret.

"Dude, she okay?" said Kevin, watching Jane as she began rolling balls across the ground for each person to collect and throw into the target net nearby. They began going in a circle, joining the back of the line after each throw.

Freddie tensed up.

"No idea, how would I know? I'm not her boyfriend or anything."

He winced and fell silent.

Kevin raised an eyebrow. Clearly he'd missed something. Then again, he had been pre-occupied recently. He smiled as Terry ran past him to the back of the line.


Jane was screaming at herself in her head as she rolled a ball through to Charlene, who quickly got down to the ball and put a powerful throw to the centre of the net.

'What are you doing Jane?'

Fred was making her brain melt like ice cream on a summer's day. It felt like her cock was going to explode every time she saw his bashful expression, his dainty hands, the way he stood so coyly, the little slut.

Just relax, stop focusing on Fred...

'You got this', she told herself. Do what you do best.

"Yes Stacey, THERE we go!" she said, as Stacey rifled a ball home. Easy. Be the coach. She watched Dean smother a ball and fumble it slightly before throwing into the net.

"Watch it Dean, eyes on the ball until it's in your hand!"

The team began running through the drill and everything seemed to click into place.

"Okay, nice Bob, good feet"

She looked at the next thrower, and beautiful, wide eyes stared back at her. The ball slipped from her hand, and her lips suddenly felt numb.

"Shit," she muttered picking the ball up.

She flung the ball at Freddie so quickly that it nearly took his head off.

He jerked sharply to the right, nearly falling over as some of the team let out gasps of surprise.

"Sorry...," she said awkwardly, grabbing another ball.

Fred watched with a worried expression as she rolled a second ball so pathetically that it came to a halt a good metre short of his feet. He jogged over, unable to avoid her electric blue eyes which gazed awkwardly into his soul, and picked it up, tossing his ball a clear metre wide of the net.

Terry watched the fiasco in front of her. They were like rabbits dancing in each other's headlights.

"Good job," said Jane in a clipped tone as Freddie moved to the back of the line sharply so he wouldn't have to endure all the confused faces staring again.

Dean, who had been watching from the middle of the line, looked at Freddie and then at Coach Matherson with a baffled expression.

"You sure?" he called out.

Jane narrowed her eyes

"Catching practice is over, INTERVALS!" she barked.

Everyone groaned.


An hour or so later, Fred looked up from his phone. It looked like everyone had gone except Terry, Kevin and Coach Matherson. In the distance he could see Paris the masseuse and Jonny the personal trainer in the carpark, trying and failing to look inconspicuous next to each other. Probably stretching their legs after another Gym closet session, he thought idly to himself.

Jane had just gone into the clubhouse, whilst Terry was next to the gate, busy playing with her hair, laughing at something Kevin had said. He reckoned he could finally go and see Jane without bumping into anyone, and slipped over to the clubhouse.

He approached the door and peered through the window. There she was, pacing the floor, occasionally shoving a box of equipment into the storage room. Her blond hair was messy where she'd been running her hands through it, her expression lost in thought.

Freddie's heart trembled. She was so beautiful.

She must have felt someone watching out of the corner of her eye, as she looked up in surprise. A large smile spread across her face as she saw who was at the door.

Fred felt his heart hit another gear in his chest. He bit his lip and entered, hastily locking the door behind him.

Jane opened her arms wide, beckoning him to her. He needed no further invitation, and sprinted over, jumping into her arms. Their lips crushed against each other as they both frantically sought the taste of their lover. Fred put his legs around her and she lifted him off the floor with her hands clutching his ass as their kisses deepened.

"Fuck me," Fred moaned between kisses, and Jane couldn't believe how demure Fred had become. It was something even her wildest dreams had not conceived of.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you bitch," she said grinning, digging her fingernails into his pants, wanting to claw them off him.

"Yes," he said earnestly, "Fuck me Mummy,"

"Yeeesssss," moaned Jane as Fred ground his hard-on against her awakening beast.

She set him down on the table and broke their kiss, and Fred immediately leaned back so she could remove his trousers and underwear, which Jane did with zealous enthusiasm.

She ripped them off, exposing his pale, soft thighs, rubbing her hands up and down and sliding a finger underneath, teasing his asshole. His dick looked adorable tucked up against his smooth belly, and Jane took a moment to fawn over it, planting gentle kisses along the desperate, throbbing baby carrot.

Freddie cooed as she paid some loving attention to his genitals. She licked her tongue carefully around the sides of his mushroom, teasing and coercing. Occasionally she would spit a wad of saliva onto it and spread it with her tongue, making it slick from top to bottom. He gasped, surprised as she buried her face in his testicles, moaning and sucking at everything she could lay her lips on.

Fred felt a tiny spurt of precum dribble out of his erection and had a hazy thought that he could die happy right now, his cherries being attacked by Jane's sloppy sucking and smooches.

Jane then did something that blindsided him.

Stepping out of her sports leggings, her hard-on waving out and into the air in front of her, she climbed onto the table, straddling him, and reached underneath to grasp his dripping cock.

Fred opened his mouth in surprise and let out a moan of satisfaction and shock... as she slowly lowered herself down, guiding his dick to her asshole. She smiled down at him as she did it. He felt some pressure at her anal ring and then she relaxed something inside, and suddenly he was past her tight entrance. She let out a small breath and then fully sat down on his cock, bringing out a large moan, more the feeling of giving herself over to him than the penetration of the cock itself.

Fred squirmed with excitement, this being the first time he had ever been inside a woman, and he bucked his hips up. Jane moaned as he pressed up into her ass (barely). It was the loveliness and enthusiasm exuding from Fred that made her heart beat faster, made the raging cock in front of her throb. He was so ecstatic to be fucking her that it made her want to cry with happiness.

Fred was beside himself, his brain having to process the sensation of Jane's tight sphincter wrapped around his manhood. He tried to press his hips up and roll her over, and she giggled to herself as he failed to budge her a single inch. She allowed herself to be pushed sideways when he tried again, shifting her weight off his hips, and gasped as she landed on her back like he'd taken her breath away with his strength.

Fred's lip quivered as he ended up on top of her, her balls against his hips and her legs pushed up so that she was completely exposed, in a position to be fucked. Her cock was resting on her belly spouting pre-cum onto her tits. She began to rub her own sperm over her breasts, lapping at the jizz that squirted up to the top of her chest, and Fred desperately tried not to cum as she squeezed her asshole a little tighter.

Jane felt him tense and decided not to be cruel, loosening her hole and pausing her provocative display whilst he regained his breath. He had waited his whole life for this after all.

"Is everything alright baby?" said Jane caringly.

"Yes... yes Jane... everything's perfect," said Fred in a strained voice as he managed to hold back the cum being readied in his balls.

"Good... now fuck me," she said in a seductive voice.

Fred's mouth opened wide and he thrust his hips as far forward as possible, burying all three glorious inches inside Jane's ass.

Jane wasn't hurt at all by this intrusion, but she cried out anyway and grabbed hold of his shoulders, moaned into his neck as the rhythmic slaps of his hips on her ass began to echo quietly around the room. The feeling of letting Fred in was glorious, and she revelled in the feathery weight of his body on top of hers, his passion and desire for each and every inch of her written over his boyish features.

Fred was in heaven. Jane's nails dug into his shoulders as he gyrated his hips, an excited rabbit who had finally found the carrot of its dreams.

Jane was squeezing and bucking her hips back into him, and every time his hips went forward her tight, bulging ass cheeks cushioned it, pillowing his impact into a weak slap.

Fred felt his confidence rising as Jane moaned and bucked underneath him. He took his hand from her thigh and gave a pathetic spank on her right butt cheek. Jane paused in confusion, and then gasped a split second later once she figured out what he was trying to do. He spanked her cheek again a little harder, this time to the point where she could actually feel the sting, and she cried out in surprise and delight, staring at him as he smiled sheepishly.

"Fred!" she exclaimed in shock, unable to keep the glee from her features. The sprouting belief in Fred seeming to make his light frame even more buoyant. Her beautiful, strong Freddie.

"Oh, sorry, was I too hard?" He asked nervously, rubbing the spot where he had spanked her.

Jane had to suppress a snort of derision, and just about held it in, her eyebrows furrowing as she brought her face back under control.

"No baby," she said, composing herself, "I think I've been a naughty girl."

Fred uttered a low mewl of suppressed delight.

"I think I need to be punished."

Her voice was like a warm liquid pouring into his ears, and his cock twitched.

"Yeah," he said earnestly. "Yeah, I'm gonna punish you Mummy."

His hands grasped the backs of her knees and pushed so that her legs were up by her shoulders, and her lower half was totally exposed.