Laura Ch. 09


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As her knees started to buckle, he sat back and guided her to the sand, laying her down and settling his body over her, his legs between hers, resting on his arms, hands framing her face, he kissed her deep and hard.

Slowly one hand left the side of her face and swept down her body, and his mouth followed kissing and licking a trail to her breasts where he suckled, and nipped. Becky's mind was now focusing on the delicious feelings radiating out from her chest, her legs raising up, unconsciously inviting him to enter her. On and on his hands swept down her body, sweeping along the length of her torso, across her hip, round to her buttocks, and up the length of her thigh to the back of her knee where he pulled it up slightly higher as he positioned his hips, and raising his head to look her straight in her eyes, he slowly and firmly entered her making her gasp at the hard strong movement.

Withdrawing almost out, he slowly entered her again, repeating the motion. Becky clamped her legs around his hips, and her hands gripped at his back as her body started to pulse as he moved his hips faster and faster, deeper and deeper in a dance as old as time, each movement almost withdrawing before pushing forward in delicious long sweeps.

With the feel of the cold sand below her and his hot body above, she lost all sense of time or reason, as her body tightened. Lifting up her head she bit down on the sensitive point where his neck met his shoulder as she climaxed.

Chris threw back his head and grunted as he felt her tighten around him, the small pain in his shoulder as she bit pushed him over the edge, and he collapsed on her small body, spent and exhausted, unable to move.

Heart beat against heart beat, as the two figures in the sand lay joined together, replete and content.

Tentatively Becky raised an arm and with her fingers gently stroked his back, turning her head to the side to look at him she whispered, "Thank you."

"I love you Laura. I always have."

"Please Chris......... I can't......"

"Shush, let's just enjoy each other and live in the moment." And raising himself up on his arms over her, he smiled down at her "I promise I won't say it again until you're ready to hear it." He lowered his head and kissed her gently "Whenever and whatever you want I will always give you. Just learn to trust me." Rising to his knees he withdrew from her and then holding her hands in his as he stood up, he pulled her up with him.

"Come on we both need to rinse off the sand, lets go for a swim."

"I can't swim."

"Then I'll swim for both of us."

They walked hand in hand down to the water, moving up into the dark surf until it was up to her chest. Chris took her arms and placed them around his neck, kicked himself backwards taking them both off the ocean floor, floating in the cool water, the sound of it lapping around them, calming and sensual.

Becky held on around Chris' neck as he floated under her, feeling supported and safe. His arms moved slowly at his sides, his eyes watching her as she experienced the freedom of giving herself over to him for safe keeping. He knew he had made great strides tonight with healing her damaged soul and learning to trust him. Letting her feel safe and always giving her the ability to choose was just the start. He wanted to give her back her life, her confidence in herself, her ability to enjoy and live life to the full. Not hiding out here closed off from everything, putting a barrier up between her and the world.


Maidie padded down the stairs the next morning expecting to see Chris as usual in the kitchen rustling up breakfast. She had grown fond of him over the past weeks, and very pleased with the work he was doing on the little café, making it fresher and more inviting for customers each day. All her life she had a penchant for taking in waifs and strays, gambling on intuition, letting them have a place to stay as long as they needed it.

She was pleased she had gambled on the tall man as she had watched him after that first day handle Becky as gently and respectfully as he could. She had watched his face as he watched the young waitress, seeing the love and the longing in his eyes, and the underlying worry that she sometimes caught reflecting out.

She knew the history they had together before she had found Becky sitting on the bench in the freezing cold that night back in October. Bruised and battered, the young girl had sat there hunched up in an old fashioned lady's coat, shivering and seemingly lost and alone. Before she could protest Maidie had gathered her up and placing her in the passenger seat of her battered old van, brought her home to the café, where she had fed and nursed her back to health. But in all that time Becky had never explained how she got in the state she was in, or where she was from.

She realised it must have been at the hands of a man, for over time men from the village had tried to ask her out or flirt with her, only to be rebuffed time and again until word got around that the beautiful waitress was as cold as she was attractive.

Turning to the stove she started to prepare the breakfast, and setting up the little café for the stream of tourists that would come to eat there during the day.


Chris buried his nose into her hair taking a deep breath, as he pulled the warm body in his arms closer towards him. Laying there in the narrow bed spoon fashion they had slept a deep sleep, his arm as her pillow, his legs entwined with hers. "Mmmnnn, I should bottle up your scent and sell it." he murmured in a sleep roughened voice, "I would be a millionaire."

Smiling to herself Becky looked at the small clock on the bedside table. "It's late I need to get up."

Biting her neck gently he tightened his arms and whispered "Just a little longer babe, long enough for a little morning loving."

"Chris, Maidie will start knocking if I don't go down soon."

Lifting up on his arm over her, he bent down and kissing her deeply lifted one leg between hers letting her feel him hard against her hip, as he slipped his other arm under her back arching her up ready for his mouth.

"Oh yes" she breathily sighed as his mouth closed over her breast, and forgot the time altogether.


Watching the two latecomers walk down the stairs and into the café Maidie smiled before saying in a mock stern voice, "I'd dock your pay Chris if I was paying you anything. Better grab a coffee and get to work, I'll bring you out a bacon sandwich in a minute." Then turning to Becky who stood there blushing, "Well get on with it, we've got customers expecting us to open in five minutes and nothing is ready."

Chris lent down kissing the back of her neck and murmured in her ear, "Shave or stubble babe."

Turning around she laughed up at his face, and said "Stubble today." and walked over to the kitchen as if she was walking on air.


Robert looked at the huge man standing intimidatingly in front of him, tattoos adorning his neck and arms, his shaved head a large bulbous shape above a muscled body.

"You'll do as I say mate, or I'll tear off your arm and feed you the soggy end."

Robert stood shaking, not wanting to carry the drugs for this thug across to the exercise area, but the thought of the alternative was terrifying.

"Hand the packet over to that little squirt and bring me back the payment when you get back. I don't want to see you get caught, cos if they get you, when they bring you back here I'll take payment out of your hide."

He handed the small plastic packet to Robert, his eyes dead of emotion and as black as coal. As Robert lifted his hand to take it, the thug grabbed it and squeezed hard. "Remember to bring back the money, and keep your fucking mouth shut if you're caught.

Shaking his throbbing hand Robert scuttled past the man, slipping the packet into his pocket. His life had become a living hell since this big bully had arrived a few weeks ago. The big thug had honed in on him, recognising that he would be easy to terrorise into doing his dirty work, and in the short time since his arrival he had set Robert up to do his delivery's and collecting of payments for the drugs he had arranged to be supplied into the prison.

* Chris stood outside painting a couple of the chairs white, every so often sneaking a shared look through the glass with Becky as she served the people who sat in the café. The two smiled at each other, a shared smile making them glow. With each smile from him, Becky felt herself preen, remembering how he made her feel, how he had worshipped her body, and his gentleness with her. So unlike Robert who would use her as if her own pleasure was of no interest to him, using her like he would a prostitute.

For years she had forgotten how wonderfully life confirming making love could be, and last night and this morning Chris had given her back her femininity and belief in her sexuality.

Looking across at him through the window as he stood up from bending over and stretched his arms up above his head to ease the pull in his muscles, she leaned on the counter wiggling her bottom and dreaming of tonight when she could cuddle up close to what she now knew was the warm fuzzy fur on his chest and stomach.

"I can almost feel the heat from here love." Laughing happily Becky stood up and turning to Maidie smiled a 'cat that got the cream' smile before mincing back to the kitchen. "Your just jealous Maidie, maybe you should take Jim from the fishing boat up on his offer to take you out."

"He'd have to wash off that stink of fish first love."


Humming to himself as he painted the top edge of the chair, Chris thought about his next step. He knew he was going to try to get her to leave the confines of this little village where Maidie had told him she hadn't left since she bought her here all those long months ago. But what was the best way to approach it without her being afraid, and make her think it was her idea?

Chris worried how was he going to resolve the problem of the trial. Within weeks he was due back to for a meeting with the Prosecution Barrister, and he was in a real dilemma. On the one hand he knew Laura was alive, and Robert hadn't killed her, on the other he couldn't betray Laura.

Being an honest man, he was troubled about what he would have to say on the stand, and how he could protect her from any future come back that would entail if she was discovered alive after Robert was found Guilty.

Having found her again, he never wanted to lose her, wanting to be with her for the rest of their lives, but could they live always looking over their shoulder waiting to be discovered.


Martin Dowler sat with the Prosecution Barrister reviewing the evidence to be used at trial. Still no body had been found, even though a large search had been made. The waste ground where the bloodstained clothes had been dug up, and known places that Robert Hamilton was familiar with had been checked out.

Witnesses had been lined up for interviews with Ms McGregor, the Barrister in front of him, prior to trial, and all had been contacted except the boyfriend.

"So Martin you say that Christopher Rubin is somewhere in the UK, only contactable by Mobile Phone?"

"Yes, but he has assured me he will be down for the interview with you on the 16th, I'll give him a ring to remind him. Being the last one to see her alive and wearing those bloodstained clothes should substantiate in the jurors' minds that Laura Hamilton is dead, even without the body."

"I need more than that, I need to establish a strong motive and this boyfriend is the strongest motive we have. Establishing that she was going to leave her husband for him will provide that. How much proof can he supply showing this?"

"Just verbal. Plus of course the Hospice Manager's testimony that the last day she had asked for him to come and collect her when the old lady died, and not her husband."

"Just make sure he is down here on the 16th, and that he is primed and ready."

"No sweat, he wants the bastard to go down as much as we do. After all he was in love with her."


Lying back on the grass of the cliff, his head cradled in her lap, Chris felt relaxed and content. The last three days the two lovers had lived wrapped up in a private world of intimacy. Whispered conversations, finding out their likes and dislikes, Chris telling her about himself, his family, his friends back home. But always careful to not ask too much of her, letting her tell him what she felt comfortable talking about in her life.

He listened to her as she told him of her love of old movies, teasing her when she admitted she had watched The Wizard of Oz over twenty times, and threatening to call her Dorothy and buy her a pair of red sparkling shoes.

But never once did she refer to that last night and what had happened to her, or how she left, and he didn't push for answers. He just let her open up on the things she wanted to talk about. Making her feel at ease as she shared herself and her interests with him.

Each night they had walked to the cove hand in hand and gone for a swim, Chris supporting her in the water, her arms around his neck as they floated in the quiet peacefulness surrounding them, and each time he felt her trust in him blossoming, growing stronger, giving her more confidence.

Whilst each morning he would teasingly ask "Shave or stubble?" and she would tell him whether to shave or not. It was their little ritual, and he saw that she loved it, that she could decide how he looked and what he should do. That she had control.

And at night they made love, sweetly passionate love. Allowing her to take the lead, Chris lay looking up at her beautiful body above him as she rocked her hips, his body bucking below her, taking the pace from her, feeding the growing bliss that their bodies craved.

On that Sunday evening they lay quietly on the cliffside, the remains of the picnic tumbled next to them, he looked up from her lap to her face and casually said, "I need to buy some more clothes, my jeans and tee shirts are all getting paint spattered and torn. Know anywhere I can get some decent things?"

"There are a couple of places here in the village, one back in the small lane behind the pub I believe, and the other over by the post office in Argyll Street."

"Yeah looked in them, but they cater for mainly tourists. I need somewhere that can come up with my size. If you haven't noticed I'm not exactly average height, nor shoulder width."

"Are you bragging, or fishing for compliments."

"Would you give me a compliment?"

"No you're already too big-headed as it is."

"Thanks, I think. Anyway I guess I'll have to go into the main town. I hate shopping for clothes, which is why I always wear just jeans and the same old tee shirts. Maybe I should change my look. Buy a couple of shirts, or even a suit."

"Where would you wear a suit around here?"

"To take you out for dinner. I noticed that Italian restaurant in the lane. Do you like Italian? We could go there tomorrow night if you like. Or do you prefer fish? There's a couple of fish restaurants on the quay."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I guess I am. Where do you want to go, Italian or fish?"


"Italian it is then. I'll go into town and buy a suit, and you can dress yourself up real sexy, and we'll look like we're real grown ups, no jeans, no tee shirts, very La-de-da."

She sat there quietly for a moment, and then shaking her head, "I don't have anything like that to wear."

"No problem, I'll wear a suit and you come along as you want. I want to dress up for you. Try to impress you. Show you how good I look once I clean up a bit. I might even have my hair cut for you. How would that be?"

Sitting up, he placed his hands each side of her face and kissed her lips, "I want you to see me at my best. Call it male vanity but I need for you to see me as more than a bit of rough."

"I don't see you as a bit of rough Chris."

"Humour me; let me try to impress you. Although knowing my taste in clothes I may come back from town with the worst suit they can off load on me, and my hair completely shaved off."

"Don't let them shave it off! I like running my hands through it."

"OK I won't let them shave it off, but I'm crap at explaining how they should do it. I really need you to write down your instructions so I can read them out to the hairdresser."

"Don't be silly."

"I'm not being silly. I wish you could tell them what you want for me, both hair and suit."

Picking a blade of grass and shredding nervously she looked down at her lap, "Do you really want me to tell you what you should buy?"

"Yes, I really want you to tell me what to buy, and how to have my hair cut. After all it's you I'm trying to impress."

"I could come to town with you tomorrow. I could help you buy your suit, and then come with to tell the hairdresser what to do with your hair."

"That would be great. We can make a whole day of it."

"I could also buy an outfit myself I guess, maybe something to wear to the restaurant instead of the jeans."

"Baby you have just made me the happiest man alive." and he kissed her again.

"Don't be soppy." But inside she was smiling.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Real life??

am enjoying this story, but can't help but keep wondering about how Laura and Chris are perverting the course of justice (or whatever the correct term is about witholding evidence) by not letting the authorities know that she is still alive, and what that might mean for them. I know its only fiction ha, ha. I guess I'm taking it all too seriously!

victoriangentvictoriangentover 14 years ago
You have a very tasty

desert in front of you and you can only have one bite of it per day. It will take some time to eventually eat all of it. However by then you have not sated your appetite and you are left wanting more. Another bite please!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Loving this story!!!

There are still so many unanswered questions, please don't rush to end it! I can't help wonder how you are going to deal with the fact that Laura is alive and well and Chris knows the truth. Thanks for sharing a wonderful story with all of us!

kiwiplumkiwiplumover 14 years ago
just right

I think the pace you've got the story developing is good, would be good to hear a bit more about what she's feeling. Chris is perfection!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Me again

I think that Laura's surrender could have been drawn out a bit more, but it was nicely done and not overly graphic. This is turning into one of those stories that I hate to see end.

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