Lauren's Story


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"You're sweet," Lauren said, and she moved forward and kissed me gently on the left cheek. It wasn't a sexual kiss, it was a kiss of affection, but I could feel the warmth from her body, and I could smell her light, sexy, stylish perfume, and I felt a little wave of excitement. I found myself wishing it was a sexual kiss. Then, after Lauren had kissed my cheek, she held her face close to mine, with an odd look in her eyes. I felt for a moment that she was about to kiss me on the lips, and I thought, I must be reading this wrong. Surely she's not going to kiss me like that.

Then, after that brief moment, Lauren took a breath, and said, "Simon, I think we better go inside and join the others, before I do something I might regret." She picked up her drink, and we walked back towards the door that led inside. As we walked side by side, Lauren rested her hand on the small of my back for a few steps, until we got to the doorway, but she took it away as we walked back in. We rejoined the others, and someone said, "Don't you two see enough of each other at work?" and there was a ripple of laughter, and a few murmurs of conversation, and I heard another voice say something about being "joined at the hip." Lauren and I separated, and we started talking to some of the other people.

In time, the evening ended, and gradually the other girls started to leave, until there were only Lauren, myself, and two other nurses left. After they had hugged me and wished me luck, they also left, so finally, there was just Lauren and me in the bar. Neither of us spoke for a moment, and Lauren looked at me and said, "I don't live far from here. Would you like to come home with me for some coffee? It's only a short walk."

I had taken a taxi to the tavern, in case I had a few too many to drive home, but I hadn't had much to drink at all, anyway, so I said, "Why not? I'm sure I'll be in good hands."

"Come on," Lauren said, smiling, as she took my right arm, and we headed for the door. It was only a ten-minute walk to her place, and we walked along in the dark, talking about the evening we had just had, and some of the gossip we had heard at work over the last few days. I was enjoying the conversation, and we had a couple of laughs along the way. Now and again, as we walked under a street light, I would steal a glance at Lauren's cleavage, or if the breeze was right, I would catch the scent of her sexy perfume, so light, but still so alluring, and I would feel that little ripple of excitement going through me.

We walked into Lauren's yard, and headed toward the front door, and when we reached it, she put the key in the lock and turned to me, swallowed, and said, "You know, Simon, I may never see you again after tonight, so I may as well say this," she paused, dropping her gaze, there in the half light from the street, "Sometimes, you make me wish I was thirty years younger." She looked up, biting her lip, as though she was unsure if she had said too much.

Now it was my turn to swallow. I put my hands on her shoulders, and I said, "Remember those pictures of you on the beach? In the blue bikini? " She nodded, and smiled, remembering.

"I think I'd like to have known you back then," I said, and she looked up, making eye contact, "but I wasn't." I shrugged, and paused, not knowing if I should go on, "But, the two of us are here now, and " I paused again, trying to get the words right, and settling for, "I, umm, like what I see, and if you, ahhh," stumbling over the words, clearing my throat, "feel the same, you know...... "

I ran out of words, and I felt like I had overstepped the mark by saying that much anyway, but Lauren rescued me from my awkwardness, taking my arm again, as she opened the door, and saying, "Come on, lets go in, and have some coffee." She had a smile on her face, but a kind of far away look in her eyes.

Lauren's house was as neat as a pin inside, except for the space where the coffee table should have been in the lounge room, and the broken door on the china cabinet, and she turned, to me, spread her arms, and said, "This is my house."

She gestured towards the lounge room, and said, "Make yourself at home," as she hung her handbag on a doorknob, and added, "I'll put the coffee on."

I followed Lauren out to the kitchen, and she turned to me and said, "Instant? Or, percolated?"

"Percolated would be nice," I said, smiling back at her as I stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the woodwork, "That'll give me an excuse to stay longer."

'You don't need an excuse," Lauren smiled back, "I don't think either of us has to be anywhere right now." I walked over to where Lauren was filling her percolator with water at the sink, watching her as she added the coffee, and then plugged it in. I could see her cleavage, and the way her caramel coloured skirt followed the shape of her thighs, and once again I could smell her sweet, light perfume, stronger in the confines of the kitchen. For a moment, I could almost imagine how it would feel to take hold of her, and hold her against me. I felt like I wanted to do just that. I felt like I had been given something of an invitation at the front door, but I was unsure of making any moves, in case I had misread the situation, and she ended up kicking me out of her house, for coming on to her when she was just being nice to me.

Lauren switched on her percolator, and continued looking at it, as she said, thoughtfully, "There, that'll take about fifteen minutes." She seemed to take a deep breath, and sigh, and she glanced sideways at me, and then back down, like she was about to say or do something, but had changed her mind. After a second or two of staring at the percolator, she said, "And, in the meantime," and she turned to me, and said, "I'm going to do this." She stepped forward, put a hand on each side of my chin, and kissed me on the mouth. This was no gentle kiss of affection, like she had given me on the balcony at the tavern. It was a sweet, soft, and sexy kiss, that took me by surprise at first, but she held it long enough for me to put my arms on her shoulders and hold her, taking control, and only letting her break the kiss when I was ready.

Our faces were still close enough for me to feel her warm breath as she spoke. "The way you kissed back," Lauren said, in a voice that was almost a whisper, "Are you telling me my age doesn't mean as much as I thought it did?"

I just shook my head, and kissed her sweet mouth again. This time, her mouth was a little more open, and there was more tongue action between us, and we started to kiss hungrily, and to explore each other's mouths. I moved my arms down around Lauren's waist, holding her tight, feeling the excitement rise up inside me. After a minute or two of hot, sexy kissing, we broke for air, and Lauren said, "Would you like to come for a walk?"

"Where to?" I asked, totally puzzled by the question.

"Down to my room, silly" Lauren said, gently, still holding me close, "unless you plan on ravaging me here on the kitchen bench."

"Who's ravaging who here?" I asked, smiling at her, "You made the first move."

"Well, somebody had to do something," Lauren smiled back, "The suspense was killing me." She kissed me on the mouth again, and I felt myself getting even more excited as her tongue gently worked its way into my mouth. "Are you coming with me?" she asked, when she broke the kiss.

"You're very persuasive," I said, as Lauren switched off the percolator, and started to walk backwards towards the door, still holding me around the waist. She let go of me, and we began to walk down the corridor to her bedroom at the front of the house. Neither of us spoke until we were halfway to her bedroom door. Lauren turned quickly, and held me to her, saying, "I just can't wait to do this again," and kissed me hot and hard on the mouth, right there in the corridor. This was a sexy, hot, exciting kiss, and it hardly seemed possible that a woman my mother's age could be so passionate. Lauren's kiss literally took my breath away, as this stylish, nicely-spoken, middle-aged woman pushed me against the wall in her house, and pressed her lips hard against mine. The smell of her breath, and the taste of her mouth, just made me want her even more, and I put my right hand behind her head, pressing her mouth to mine, as she pressed me against the wall.

We stayed like that for a moment or two, kissing hard, fuelling each other's desire, then Lauren relaxed her grip on me, and with a sexy but ironic smile, she said, "How very unladylike of me."

We both snickered, and she became more serious, but still held me close to herself. "It's just that, all I've got from Dougie for a long time is a quick, drunken fumble, twice a month if I'm lucky. I haven't felt so wanted for years." She smiled again, this time mischievously, and said, "So, you can't really blame me for getting carried away."

"I might fumble, but I'll take my time over it, if that's any help," I said, smiling back.

"Something tells me I'm in good hands," Lauren said, and she took her right hand away from me, and with her left hand on my back, gently ushered me towards her bedroom door. As walked into her room, I reached for the light switch, but Lauren put her hand over mine and said, "I think it might be best if we leave the light off," she said, looking away as she said it, and then she turned to me and said, "It's just that, if you see me naked," she paused, sighed, and continued, "you mightn't be so excited."

She looked down at the floor, and I reached over with my right hand, and gently undid the first two buttons of her white blouse. "You've got a beautiful body, Lauren," I said, looking down briefly at the exposed part of her creamy breasts, then meeting her gaze again as she looked back up, "I mean that. If you're gonna take me to bed, I think you should let me look at you. A body like yours deserves to be appreciated." Lauren still didn't look totally convinced, so I whispered, "Lets just leave the bedside light on."

We walked up beside Lauren's queen size bed, and she flicked on her bedside light. She turned to me and held me again, and I kissed her mouth, tasting and enjoying, and then I said, "If it's okay with you, I'd like to take my time over this." I wanted Lauren badly, I wanted to explore her curvaceous body, to kiss her, fondle her, ravish her, and to satisfy my lust with her, but as urgently as I wanted to make love to Lauren, I still wanted to savour her.

Lauren put her hands around my waist, linking them at the back, resting her pelvis against me, and said, "A girl appreciates it when a man takes his time," then she smiled her ironic, mischievous smile again, and with a little tilt of her head, added, "Are you going to undress me, or do I have to do it myself?"

I put my hands on Lauren's shoulders, and gently pushed back, so she lost her balance, and fell back onto her bed. She gave me a playful little smile as she realised what I was doing, just as she started to fall back. She landed on her back on the right side of her bed, with her legs hanging over the side. Her blouse and skirt were pulled tight around her from the way she had landed, emphasising her curvy shape, and I felt a hot wave of excitement passing through me at the sight. She sat up, keeping eye contact, and without speaking, patted the bed beside herself.

I sat next to Lauren, on her right side, and still without speaking, she moved in and kissed me again. This time, her kiss was soft and incredibly sensual, as she gently tilted her head, with our mouths joined, and her tongue working its way into mine, just enough to heighten the excitement. We had kissed all the way from the kitchen, but somehow this one kiss was more exciting, more sensual, than before. After holding the kiss for several deliciously exciting moments, Lauren drew back, and took my right hand in hers.

She gently placed my fingers on the third button of her blouse, under the two I had already undone, and said, "I think I interrupted you in the middle of something." I unbuttoned her blouse entirely, and gently untucked it from her skirt, then pulled it open, exposing her breasts, in their white lace bra.

Lauren's breasts were breathtaking, and I had to swallow before I spoke. "I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you this," said, softly, "but they're beautiful."

Lauren didn't reply, but she looked down at her own breasts, then back up at me. These were not the perky, perfect tits of a nineteen year old, they were ripe, full, womanly breasts, that, as beautiful as they were to look at, had also nourished two babies in their time, and somehow, that knowledge made me even more excited. I used my right hand to, very gently, caress the exposed part of Lauren's right breast, and she leaned forward and gave me another soft and sensual kiss, and then she began to remove her blouse.

She took off her blouse, and placed it on the pillow beside her, on her left. Lauren still had not spoken since she invited me to unbutton her blouse. "When I kissed you in the kitchen," she started, "I thought, if we went to bed, it'd be under the covers, with the light off, so you couldn't see my wrinkles and saggy bits."

I smiled, and said, "I haven't see too many wrinkles, Lauren."

"So, here I am, letting you undress me with the light on," Lauren continued, "You're making me feel so sexy and desirable. No-one's made me feel that way for a long time."

"You are sexy and desirable," I said, as I brushed the hair away from her forehead, and kissed her there, "and judging by those pictures you showed me, you've been like that all your life." I gently touched Lauren's left nipple through her bra, with my right thumb and forefinger, and I felt it harden slightly. "That's nice," she whispered.

I was about to reach around and unclip her bra, but I changed my mind and said, "I'll get back to that, but right now, I'd like to see if your bum is really as good as it looks in your work uniform."

"I never knew you were looking," Lauren smiled, and then added, "but you'll have to take my skirt off to have a look, won't you?" She stood up, and with her back to me, looking back over her right shoulder, she said, "There's a zip at the back."

Lauren's caramel coloured skirt showed the sexy curve of her hips, and followed the shape of her bottom and thighs, before flaring slightly towards the hemline, and the view from behind was pretty impressive, even before I took it off. I reached over and pulled her zipper down, and Lauren stepped out of her skirt, and placed it on the pillow with her blouse. She turned her back to me, showing her derriere.

"Now, that is a nice backside," I remarked, and I leaned forward and gently kissed Lauren in the small of her back. She was wearing a pair of gold coloured bikini briefs, in a silk material, and I gently peeled them down below her buttocks, exposing them entirely. Her bottom had a few little dimples, and the odd stretch mark, but there are women half her age who would like to have an arse like Lauren's. Just looking at her all-but-naked body from behind was making me even more excited, but I gently pulled her panties back up again, in case I was moving ahead too quickly by pulling them down.

"Seen enough?" I heard Lauren say, still facing away from me. Her voice sounded like she had a smile on her face. She was enjoying this.

"Your body is beautiful," I said, taking in the vista, "I can't believe you were worried about me seeing you naked, Lauren."

Lauren turned to face me, now wearing just her lace bra and silk panties, and said, "And I can't believe I'm standing here in front of you, with hardly anything on." From the front, she looked as good as she did from behind. Her belly had a couple of stretchmarks, from bearing her two sons, but somehow, that just meant that as well as making love and giving pleasure, Lauren's body had given life, and although her childbearing days were over, I could tell Lauren's body still had a lot of lovemaking left in it.

Lauren knelt down on her left knee, between my legs, as I sat on the side of her bed, and she kissed me again, soft, sexy and sensual, the way she had done before. She held the kiss, and drew her face back away from me when she was finished. She still had that ironic little smile of hers, her breath was warm and inviting on my face, and her voice was just above a whisper. "I feel a little self-conscious," she started, "standing here with no clothes on, while you're fully dressed." Her smile became mischievous, and she said, "So," she said, reaching over and undoing the two buttons on my polo shirt, "I think we should take your clothes off, too, and we can get on the bed together." Then, instead of taking my shirt off me, like I expected, she sat back on the bed, lay down, and slid over to the middle. She was lying on her left side, looking at me, waiting for me to make my next move.

I felt a surge of desire for Lauren, as she lay there like that. I wanted to taste her, to touch her, to explore her, and to have her. I slid over on the bed, turning her onto her back and embracing her, with my right forearm under her neck, and kissing her hard on the mouth, enjoying the taste for a sweet moment or two, then gently lowering her head back to her pillow. She took a quick breath as our mouths parted, and said, "That was a very energetic little move, Simon. You gave me butterflies." Then, that playful smile of hers.

I looked at Lauren's full, rounded breasts again, and I said, "I'd like to take your bra off, if that's okay. I'd love to see those beautiful boobs in their natural state." Lauren kept eye contact with me, as she lifted her shoulders slightly, and reached behind herself, as she lay on the bed under me, and she unclipped her bra. "I think you can take it from here," she smiled up at me.

I lifted Lauren's white lace bra away from her breasts, and slid it along her arms, one at a time, to take it off. "Just beautiful," I whispered, looking at them as though I was mesmerised. Her nipples and the areolae around them were a darkish pink colour, and I gently stroked both nipples with my thumbs, making them harden slightly.

I moved my head down and gently kissed Lauren's right breast, then I put my lips over her nipple, applying the gentlest of suction, while I rubbed it with my tongue. Lauren responded by biting her lower lip gently, and taking a sharp breath through her teeth. She shuddered, and said, "That's lovely, Simon. Just lovely." Her voice was now a breathy whisper.

I sucked and tasted Lauren's nipple for a few moments, and she moaned softly once or twice as I did so, then I took my mouth away and blew gently on the nipple, which was wet with my saliva. "That tickles," Lauren whispered, as she placed her arms around my back and held me gently. I moved up and kissed her mouth again, offering her some gentle tongue action, which she graciously accepted.

After we had kissed like that for a few moments, I sat back between Lauren's legs. All she had on now were her gold coloured silk panties, and I looked down at them, and back at her. Lauren knew what I was thinking, and she said, "You realise if you take them off, I'll be completely naked, and you'll still be fully dressed, don't you?" Her smile was mischievous, sexy and playful. I didn't answer, but I placed my right hand on the top of her left thigh, just near her pussy, and I gently caressed her skin. "It won't take me long to get undressed when the time comes," I said, and I gently worked the first finger of my right hand inside the crotch of her panties. Lauren was just watching me, not speaking, and I felt her soft pubic hair first, then the slick wetness of her pussy. I worked my finger a little further inside, and then gently pulled it out of her panties, then, still making eye contact, I put my finger in my mouth and tasted her juices.