Law of the Heart: Defence


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Paul introduced some subtle grips and techniques into my training, he didn't have a name for them, I consider them a little sneaky, sort of social tricks. He stated that he could teach me things like how to cripple a mans wrist while appearing to shake his hand with two hands. Sensei Paul also suggested Jill should learn some self defence, we now train together twice a week, and have a separate day each, to focus on our particular needs. Its not like she didn't need the exercise either, working nearly full time was making a real dent in her fitness programme.


Six months after sentencing.

The affect of this little saga rippled through our circle of friends and colleagues via a series of small but persistent rumours. My antennae was finely tuned, I kept in touch with a few people I normally didn't. The ripples didn't always tell the truth, well not the full truth anyway, Jill's behaviour was variously reported incredulously as dirty dancing, drunken stripping, adultery, rape, and a non event involving slapping Juan's face. That was closely followed by another report of Juan's boasting of his conquest, then another asking was it was true that Jill didn't think Susan was so special anymore. Yet another that I'd divorced Jill. And another that I'd forgiven her. There was also a vague report of an incident at a night club, where a women who sounded very like Susan, drunk so could well have been her, throwing her drink over Juan, or was it Hector, accounts varied. And screeching that he was a rapist, or was it a drink spiker? Again accounts varied.

Our relationship with Steve and Meredith has suffered. Steve tried to stay in touch, and expressed his pleasure at Jill and I remaining married. But when a good buddy can't stopping make babies for one night to offer an at risk married friend a sofa bed, well you get my drift, what can you say to a friend like that. I hear they succeeded in making a baby, I wish them well. I'm just not sending out 'pick me, pick me' vibes while he's looking for Godparents.


Ten months three weeks, two days after forgiveness

"Jill, we need to talk"

Jill's eyes showed panic, the insecurities that I suspected still lurked within her, and her face fell, she rushed toward me "Honey, no, why, please, we've tried so hard, not fair, not now…."

I was ready quickly to reassure her, "Easy babe." Into her hair "It's nothing like that at all."

I led her to the couch, our talking couch, and announced.

"Jill, I've decided its time we looked Florida in the eye….."

"Honey are you sure?"

"…and if Florida doesn't like that well that's just too bad for Florida. Yes, I'm sure, and Jill, I'm gong to pull rank to do this."

"OK Jake, if that's what you want."

"I've got some surprises when we're down there."

"I'm not that keen on surprises right now darling."

"I think you'll like these surprises."

And we made plans and arranged for Little Jake to be shared between Jill's parents, and my Sister's family.


Twelve months after forgiveness

We had one week in Florida, staying at a neighbouring resort to the one that hosted the ten year reunion of the SFLS. I planned to sleep to indecent hours of the morning, brunch, walk, swim, see sights and tan Jill's breasts. After late lunch Big Jake planned to play. Then we would shower, dress and have a relaxing dinner with about two glasses too many of wine. And play again in the evening.

It pretty much went to plan, although often by the evening we would just cuddle naked, and giggle, and talk.

On the first day, after lunch, and a leisurely afternoon lovemaking session on the first day, I got some papers out of my bag.

"Jill, I've decided to return the confession you wrote last year, and here is the medical report, e-mail passwords as well. I don't need them."

Jill's eyes were shinning, she loved me. Always had.

"Thank you sweetheart, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are returning these. You were absolutely right about confronting Florida."

After lunch next afternoon,

"Jill, I've also decided to release you from your vow of obedience."

"Why darling?"

"I believe I understand why you surrended to me, and in retrospect it was a good call, but I no longer need that authority, Jill, you were a modern women when we met, when we wed and when we bred. That's who I wanted then and who I want now. We need to move back into the 21st century. I miss having you to talk to about my work, and money, and where Little Jake is going to go to school, and whether we are going move into a bigger house, and all those sorts of things."

"You talk to me about those things all the time."

"But you just say 'Yes dear, what ever you say dear'. I think you should feel free to speak your mind more, and also enjoy normal sex."

Jill considered what I'd said for a minute, "Jake, if I may? Two things, I'm completely relaxed with how you've become sort of a senior partner. I'm so proud of the way you make decisions now, you haven't made a bad call this year. Just think about this, if you hadn't been the boss last month, I wouldn't have agreed to come back to Florida this trip, and this has turned out to be the best thing since Little Jake was born. But I hear what you're saying, and I will step forward in those partnership issues more. As for the sex side of things, well let me ask you why you think I've done the extra things I've done?"

"I guess to satisfy my curiosity."

"Yes, partly, I'd be a pretty crappy wife to let you wonder how good those things felt when you knew I'd done them for Juan. But there was more to it than that, I wanted to thank you and also because I was petrified, that if you ended up having a revenge fuck, that you'd see how much better sex could be and maybe not come back. That's why I started doing them. But, and this is important, because I learned something about myself as well, I haven't hated anything we've done, not one thing. The other mothers in Little Jake's playgroup don't point at me and say I'm betraying the union of wives, no one sniggers in the street and says look at that slutty little cock sucker. Its not that bad. Some of it, or perhaps I should some of the time, I really enjoy doing those extra things, and you know darling, the rest of the time I'm happy, very happy, because your happy." Here she paused to give me time to catch up, then looked at me coyly. "Am I to assume that following this wonderful trip that a revenge fuck is off the agenda?"

"Yes Jill, a revenge fuck is off the agenda." I felt like adding it never was on the agenda, I take my fidelity seriously, but I didn't say it, the time for little digs like that was well passed.

"And could I assume that you truly forgive me now?"

What the fuck, that was the best lie I had ever told.

"Jake, I knew you were lying, but for you to lie, well that meant something, and that was good enough for this wife. So boyo, I can speak plainly now can't I? Before you decide to stop tapping me on the shoulder, can I suggest you ask some of your colleagues how many blow jobs they've had in the last month and then see whether you'd like to change with them, mmmmm?"

"Well when you put it like that, if its not being perceived by you as a punishment, then yeah, absolutely I would be honoured to keep tapping you on the shoulder, Jill, just like this?"

"What sort of a tap was that dear? A doggie type tap, or a blow me please tap." Decisions again. Damn the women.

"It was a doggie tap Jill"

"Well you should go 'woof' when your tapping, it saves time." As she assumed the doggie position. And that ended that discussion. And I could see already how having a wife free to speak her mind would be a good thing. Another great Jake decision.

Third afternoon

"Firstly Jill this one you shouldn't have a problem with, I would like you to take that bracelet off. That is demeaning, I only kind of understood why you proposed wearing it, and only played along because you didn't have any panties on in the jewellers shop and I lost my logical thought processes. But I don't need to you to wear it now, surely you don't want to."

With this I handed her both of the keys.

"OK Jake, can I leave it until we get home though." and she handed the keys back with an absent minded "Pity, it was handy."

"Why is it a pity?"

"Well when men hit on me, I just flash this and they back off."

"Well in that case, perhaps we'll talk more at home. And I know I wanted you to go back on the pill a year or so ago, but now I want you to stop."

"This is what I've been saying, another great decision." I shut her up with a tap on the shoulder.

Second last day, I'd timed this carefully, we might need a whole last day digesting what this afternoon brought. We had one final gesture that needed to be made, together, before Florida was put to bed. Jill was just busting to know what I had planned, but I teased her for a while.



"Yes dear I'm ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Whatever you have for me."

"What about what I just gave you"

"That was nice too."

"You need to come for a walk with me, to understand the last thing we need to do."

"OK lets go."

"You'll need some clothes dear."


We walked for nearly 2 hours, I needed that time to summon my courage, Jill had only thrown a small bikini on, one that normally made me want to tap her on the shoulder. It wasn't really appropriate for the length walk we ended up taking, and the other tourists and locals certainly enjoyed the view. I barely noticed. And with the tension of the evening I became oblivious to her beauty. Jill respected my mood and we walked pretty much in silence. She trusted me. It was about 6 in the evening by the time we walked back past 'that' resort, to the jetty where the boat tours landed. Had I timed this right? Courage Jake. I was confident that our relationship was strong enough to handle this last chapter. We admired the panorama, the boats, then I took a deep breath, left her side and walked up to a smelly old fisherman, sitting out of everybody's way.

He was scanning the water eagerly, and didn't notice me.

"Thanks for the loan of the hat, Frank" and took it off my head and placed it back on his bag.

"Your welcome son…say, no, no, no, don't tell me …. You're from Boston?.....You've exercised,…..Jake…..that's it, look good, Jake real good. Never forget a face, especially if he likes tits much as me. I never forget a nice pair of titties either, and good afternoon to you too Miss, I mean Ma'am, nice evening…. not going boating again by any chance are you?"

"Ummm no, not this time."

"Pity" he said with a grin.

Jill, stunned at the dawning implications of this little meeting, did manage to respond with a weak smile of her own.

"Son, you want to do some fishing again" and he pointed at his binoculars and laughed.

"No, don't need to Frank, but thanks, and thanks again for the hat, have a good evening" I led a stunned Jill away by the hand, back to our room.

"Take care Jake, and you too ma'am."


Well there it is, my first story. Hope you enjoyed it. I consciously avoided having this edited, as I wanted my virgin story to be all mine. If I persevere, rest assured I will seek advice for future stories.

One thought, - I wasn't brave enough to try and write Jill's confession, and don't really like female roles written by men – but maybe there is a lady author out there who would like to write it Jill's story for us.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy593 months ago

Excellent. Very Impressed. Well constructed, logical, and realistic. Nicely done my friend.

Pappy7Pappy73 months ago

Not too bad. I gave you a 4, mainly because I think we have about worn this subject matter out. Reconciliation is hard and I'm not sure I would be capable of it. As far as physical retribution on the boys, they didn't cheat on him they just stole from him. Wife cheated, wife was inconstant and broke the vows. Her job to keep the door to the castle closed. The phrase mama/baby, daddy maybe is a very real thing and is at the heart of the male's view of himself and his need to reproduce.

greenbeardlkgreenbeardlk3 months ago

don't think this story justifies an reconciliation. she spent an entire weekend cheating on him. 1 star

Asterisk42Asterisk427 months ago

Where was the confrontation with the brothers. I'd be interested to see if smug continues, and he gets to defend himself and his wife...

demanderdemanderover 1 year ago

The problem I had with the original was that our guy wimpily followed his wife around as she messed him over, and never intervened. Even when she was going inside to get fucked. Even when the second guy showed. So, my idea is that he deserves his fate. And, Jill.....she's gonna stray again. D

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