Lawyer Ravished and Enslaved Ch. 08

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Slavery, forced impregnation and other oppression continues.
7.5k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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The Fallen Part 8

Chapter 23 Impregnated Again

Monsieur, it is so nice to go to this restaurant again. It's good that it somehow stayed in business. I thought we would discuss something else over dinner but since you asked me to continue my story and that of what struck the City of Orange over the past eight years, I will oblige.

In short, Monsieur, I went through a third round of the sex, impregnation, more sex, time off, childbirth, a month break and started to repeat cycle as some changes began in the outside world. ...

Oh, you'd like to hear the details of the impregnation. Well, okay, but I will keep my voice down a bit. I don't think they are listening at the next table but you never know.

It began with Alice Wissen appearing again to announce that I was going off contraceptives and it was time for me to be bundled off to the McMasters mansion. I suggested, that in view of the fact that I had produced three genetically superior progeny for the master race that I should be treated with some respect this time and impregnated nicely and with dignity. In response, Wissen laughed and said, "Funny you should mention dignity."

Wissen went on to explain that McMasters had built a big new dining room. She said that the new equipment there offered plenty of entertainment for the people eating at the table but nothing but indignity for "the women to be used as decorations, those women would include you, sweety pie."

Alice further explained that the Helper's were very upset after new birthrate statistics had come out that showed that the national birthrate now is well under the population maintenance rate of 2.0. She explained that they were hopping mad about what they called "genetic suicide" and would be taking it out on what they called genetically superior woman who failed to have as many children as possible.

The next day, they had me put on some clothing and drove me back to McMasters mansion where all that clothing was promptly removed. I was led back to the bedroom where I had been inseminated before and left there with nothing but a bed, a bathroom, and a video camera attached to the ceiling. I would have been happy to find even a Gideon's Bible as some form of diversion. No such luck.

After some hours, there was a knock on the door. A lady who introduced herself as Mrs. Victoria McMasters, came in. She said I could call her Vicky. Victoria said it was almost time for me to attend the dinner.

Victoria was an attractive dark-haired woman with a shapely figure dressed in a tight formal dress cut to display much décolletage. The dress was adorned with an enormous diamond broach. Mrs. McMasters? I thought to myself. I had assumed that all of these old guys who thought they were benefitting the human race by knocking up young college-educated women had no wives or had wives above the age of 50 who were no longer attractive to youth-obsessed men.

Of course, I don't remember our exact words but I recall that the conversation with Victoria began with her saying that we should leave soon for what she called the exhibition room, but that she wanted to chat with me briefly. I glanced up at the video camera to make sure she knew of it. She acknowledged my glance by nodding. The conversation, mainly a monologue by Victoria, continued more or less as follows.

"My husband sent me here to ask you to come to the dinner out of some sort of whimsy or perhaps precisely because he knew that I would speak to you frankly," Victoria started. "I and two other wives of Spencer's Helpers are to attend the dinner. I think we are to be scared into more faithful obedience to our lawful lords by seeing the life of rebellious women. But it is really not necessary. Although, because of the current political situation, Martha Smith, Elizabeth Stewart and I had to give up careers and married more quickly than we might have done, we are now all perfectly happy as wives and mothers."

I nodded. There was a strange tense look in Victoria's face, a stern look in her eyes and a weird intensity about her person. I was worried that Victoria was crazy.

"We should leave now for the dinner," she said. "It's a bit of a walk to the new wing of the house where the exhibition hall has been constructed since the last time you were here. You will probably be a little chilly in the cold but I guess you are used to being nude in a wide variety of situations."

Victoria said the last sentence in a very catty and condescending manner but changed her tone as soon as we got outside, away from the video camera.

"I have been reluctant to have a third child so soon after my second. Robert, though, insists that I immediately produce another child as soon as possible as well as constantly show my fealty to him. He believes that I should be honored to produce as many children as possible by such a fit specimen of humanity. He has suggested that if I don't fall into line soon, I might soon find myself volunteering to become a sex worker and breeder at one of the big brothels. You were, of course, kidnapped and made into a sex slave, were you not, Stacy?"

I nodded carefully not knowing the safest response.

Victoria continued. "I thought as much. One or two prominent successful women flipping out to volunteer to work in a brothel would be just barely believable. That three or four-dozen such women would do such a thing is something that could only be believed by a very stupid woman or the average man. Also, among the group of men with whom my husband generally travels, it is silently admitted that there has been an active practice of white slavery going on in Orange. They always giggle when they pretend you and the others volunteered, freely discuss what women should next be forced to volunteer, and speak with open derision of those who believe the things that the City of Orange, the mobster businessmen and The Church say officially. They openly giggle about Mayor Murphy being Mayor Cyrus the Great or Pontius Murphy in the eyes of The Church."

She said quietly in my ear that she had had her nose full of being an obedient wife and did not think she would be enslaved. "The mayor and the brothels have said that they would not accept a woman with a young child and I have two. I think I might get out of the country with the children and McMasters might not even care much if he could snare another trophy wife elsewhere." I replied quietly to the effect that she should not rely too much on the statements of politicians and mobsters as to who was safe from kidnapping, particularly if the mobsters are given a green light to grab her by her husband. I added that there are worse things than being made into a sex slave and those things might be done very quietly and fatally.

When we reached the big room with a large dining table in the center, there were many people assembling from all directions. There were three of the men who called themselves Spencer's Helpers, two elegantly dressed women, Martha and Elizabeth, and three other sex slaves Donna, Connie Hunt and Priscilla. It seems that Martha was sent to fetch Donna, Elizabeth sent for Dr. Hunt and a large strong African or African-American man, whose name I later learned was Miles, accompanied Priscilla. After a few minutes, McMasters and two other of Spencer's Helpers entered from a side room along with Alice Wissen who was also dressed as though she was there to receive an Oscar. Three male servants soon followed.

After brief introductions, Victoria said to me in a speaking tone a bit louder than normal, "You must have a wonderful life with all of those hot sexual experiences and society. Of course, I am very happy with my wonderful husband who gave me such wonderful children and just gave me this beautiful broach."

A scary thought went through my head. An even scarier sight came into view. Around the dining room table like televisions at a sports bar were six scaffolds built to secure a person in an X position but with a little adjustable board that could be placed between one's legs. I knew that those things were not there to help me eat soup.

Cocktails were passed around to the six Helpers, the three wives of Helpers and Wissen. McMasters offered a toast to chaste and faithful wives and the ten sipped their drinks.

McMaster next said that they now had a bit of business to do. First, he explained, Donna, Dr. Hunt and I were to be taken to our positions. As I'd feared, we were led up stepladders onto three of the six scaffolds and securely locked in an X position with nothing to block access to any part of our bodies. It developed, though, that we were not the sole entertainment for the evening.

McMasters offered a second toast, this time to science and discovery of the truth. Again, ten people lifted their drinks only this time Robert McMasters threw the remainder of his drink between Victoria's breasts and said one word, "Whore."

Victoria naturally was shocked but stammered out a question as to what she had done. McMasters said she was plotting treason. Victoria turned white. McMasters explained that he'd heard every word she'd said on the way to dinner. Victoria just stammered out "what." McMasters answered, "through the broach." Victoria asked in a daze if the diamonds were fake. McMasters answered that the diamonds were real but there was plenty of room for a bug in the placement. Oh shit, I thought, that should have been obvious, but I just wasn't thinking about it, and poor Victoria apparently had no experience at cloak and dagger.

Victoria dropped to her knees and begged for forgiveness. McMasters said she'd get forgiveness after she'd fully paid the price for it. "Strip immediately and completely, and bend over the table so that Miles can fuck you up your asshole. After that you can join the other whores as part of the dinner entertainment tonight."

Elizabeth and Martha naturally looked worried. I was wondering what would be done with the other two scaffolds. McMasters continued. "Elizabeth and Martha, you also have been neglectful of your duties but to our knowledge, have not contemplated treason. You may keep your lovely dresses on and just serve out a blowjob. Spencer's Helpers, of course, do not cast their seed anywhere but potentially fertile wombs, but I think my servants Joe and Stu would enjoy this service. But first we will all watch my bride be humiliated as she deserves."

Alice Wissen interrupted, "Mr. McMasters, you may do as you wish with your wife, of course, but you should consider that humiliation as a punishment does not always have the effect intended and you don't want to injure Victoria psychologically if you intend to continue with her as the woman of the family."

McMasters was annoyed, "Perhaps you are right, Alice, perhaps we should experiment with humiliation and forced public orgasms on you before we do that to Victoria?" Wissen gave an embarrassed smile, shrugged and walked away to get another cocktail to make clear that she would not further interfere with McMasters' brutality.

McMasters looked at Victoria and said, "now," and Victoria slowly began to disrobe apparently hoping every second to receive a reprieve. She hesitated as she revealed her full breasts and dark nipples but McMasters gave no sign she should stop stripping. As she pulled down her panties to show carefully manicured dark pubic hair, all the men in the room stared between her legs, Victoria blushed, and Elizabeth and Martha looked at each other in embarrassed tension.

Vitoria did not receive any mercy except a lot of lubrication up her anus and a lubricated condom on Miles penis, which proved to be huge.

I did not really want to watch, but I did. Victoria, if she had ever had anal sex, had not done so for years. Miles seemed quite embarrassed by the whole business and did not try to make things any worse for Victoria than necessary. In fact, before entering he looked up at McMasters and asked "Really?" McMasters said that he had pulled Miles out of the gutter and Miles should do as told.

Miles could be seen to close his eyes and concentrate before entering Victoria gently. He never pounded her with great force despite McMasters urging him to "give the bitch the sore shitter she deserves." Victoria took it in complete silence but with some tears running down her cheeks as several of the Helpers complimented McMasters on how beautifully his wife's breasts looked hanging over the table and swaying back and forth as Miles went in and out of her. Alice Wissen turned her head in disgust and played with her cell phone.

After Miles withdrew, Vitoria was led up the fourth of the scaffolds. There was nothing left to do but watch Martha and Elizabeth perform oral sex on Joe and Stu through condoms. Priscilla, who had been left to stand nude the whole time was told to kneel between two of the seats and keep her arms behind her back to allow easy access to her breasts. Martha, Elizabeth and the two servants were allowed to retire afterward for a few minutes to collect themselves while the six Helpers and Alice Wissen chatted about the news of the day.

I learned from the discussion that Mayor Murphy had announced he would not be running again. It was generally known that Deputy Mayor Kelly had a lock on the next election as he had the support of the business community - that is the mobsters and the businesses profiting off the brothels and sex-based tourism - as well as the support of Spencer's Helpers and their openly racist allies, and The Church. The seven agreed that the fact that the motives and principles of Kelly's supporters were completely different did not cut into the power of his base. "We're all getting what we need," Mr. Stewart said.

The conversation group seemed concerned, however, that Kelly was not as affable as Murphy and that it seemed also that Nitto did not have the prudence or organizational skills that Kroesek had. "It seems like we are playing the game with the B team on the field," one of the men said.

After the now nine people having dinner were seated, McMasters announced that there would be dinner entertainment in the form of live action. With that, servants attached devices to the scaffolds on which Dr. Hunt, Donna, Victoria and I were attached. These devices came between our legs and were soon seen to be a complicated dildo and vibrator devices. I knew what would come next and only hoped that I would not be forced to endure too many orgasms.

Again, Monsieur, I think the problem is that men envy our ability to have many orgasms and punish us for this ability, as though we had chosen that we would have this ability and men would not. I admit, Monsieur, that orgasms are generally nice, as I have shown to you through my deeds abundantly over the past weeks. However, Monsieur, I definitely had too much of a good thing that night while Spencer's Helpers, Wissen, Elizabeth and Martha ate their steak.

Worst off was Victoria. Being forced to have numerous orgasms in front of acquaintances, servants and naturally the ubiquitous movie cameras seems to have totally unhinged her mind. At first, she could not help but enjoy the physical pleasure. Although in a similar state myself, I could occasionally see she had a little embarrassed smile, followed by heavy breathing and an obvious orgasm, followed by more heavy breathing and blushing like a rose.

After the soup and salad were finished, McMasters used a remote device to turn off the sex machines and asked Victoria if she needed a rest. She said she desperately did. He said, "too bad," and turned on the machines again.

I was beyond myself. It is true that I had perhaps the most experience of the four, but I was also the most easily provoked to orgasm. It seems the mind is something like a flowing river. The more water that flows in a direction, the deeper the channel is dug and the more water that flows in the direction until sediment and snags build up. But my sexual impulses had not been allowed to develop snags. It seemed much of the time that my nipples and pussy overrode every other thing coming to my brain. Up on the scaffold, I thought I would die of exhaustion if McMasters did not turn the damn machine off.

Eventually, Alice Wissen, still being cautious but obviously concerned that the breeding animals might be injured, suggested that those at the dinner might want to converse for a little while without quite so much heavy breathing and moans in the background. One of the Helpers said that maybe they could turn off the machines until after dessert and coffee.

McMasters turned off the equipment. We four were left to hang in our ropes and chains while Priscilla was felt up constantly by one or more of the Helpers. Elizabeth and Martha tried to act like nothing concerned them, but it was obvious they were uncomfortable.

The four of us sex slaves were eventually fed our carefully controlled diet of protein, fat, carbs and vitamins in the kitchen. I don't know if Victoria ever got dinner but I did see her with her children playing in the yard a few days later.

McMasters decided that he'd always wanted to get two women pregnant in the same month. Victoria and I were to be the wombs naturally. This meant for several months I was only receiving McMasters sperm and, unlike the last time, I would know the identity of the father of the fetus in my belly.

Showing off like the macho man he was, McMasters would frequently have sex with Victoria in front of me and with me in front of Victoria. Victoria always did whatever she was told without hesitation or complaint. I did so also, of course, but I was a slave.

I could see that Victoria physically enjoyed the sex. She did what a woman has to do to enjoy sex and her breathing patterns and flush face and back showed every orgasm. It would have been apparent, though, to anyone more sensitive than McMasters that Victoria was not right mentally. While he heard nothing but his own voice, I heard her complete silence. While he saw nothing but our shapely naked bodies, I saw that when Victoria was not engaged in sex, she was totally emotionless. I hoped she was happier around her children.

It amused McMasters to give me books to read. He gave me the greatest hits of literature designed to justify might-makes-right, nature favors greed, and whatever is good for the rich is good. He started me on Thomas Hobbes and Thomas Malthus who I had heard of. It seems that mankind is always on the verge of civil war that must be suppressed with brute force and that the population is always pressing against the food supply so there is no point in helping the useless poor. They will only have more children until they are living at the subsistence level again. No, I knew that was wrong.

Herbert Spencer had many things to say in many books it seems. The books McMasters gave me focused on survival of the fittest and the benefits of this ruthless competition on the strength of species and within species. Alas, McMasters explained, this healthy competition was now being wrecked by socialist experiments.

A book by some dude named Sumner, explained that man could not abolish the law of survival of the fittest, and that humans could only interfere with it, and, in so doing, produce the unfit. In a work by a Francis Galton that McMasters had me read, I read that giving food to the poor and caring for people in insane asylums was allowing inferior humans to survive and reproduce at levels faster than superior humans in respectable society. I guess I might have avoided reading the books or could have skimmed them enough to act like I'd read them, but instead I read them all.

Lecturing on my readings, McMasters personally added that women's liberation caused many of the fittest females to fail to reproduce or at least to reproduce at a rate lower than the lumpen proletariat. "We simply had to act, maybe in a few years when there is full genetic engineering and working mechanical wombs, we can make the race of men of the future without forcing sluts like you to reproduce, but now we must do what is necessary," he shouted at me one day before ordering me to spread my legs immediately.