Layers Ch. 05


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I finally break away from the bed and into the shower to clean off all of my cum. I'm tempted again in the shower but I tell myself I'll wait. I have a whole day ahead of me. Plenty of time to explore and experience things. I should remember to charge my camera and take more videos this time.

My hair is still a pain in the ass to dry. Somehow the thought of needing to buy a hair dryer makes me feel unreasonably happy. I nearly squeal from the thought of me standing as a woman, blow drying my hair. That probably means I'm stupid but, whatever. Dried off and dressed in my old clothes again. Ready for the start of a beautiful day. Even if there are dark clouds out there.

There's a small folded piece of paper on my living room floor. That's creepy.

Oh. Right. The couple from last night. I almost throw it away without reading it. I come very damn close to doing that. Like, standing at the trash can close. It takes effort to force myself to open it and my stomach is full of butterflies. The handwriting is fast and messy but distinctly female: "Call us. Don't care if man or woman." And a phone number. It chokes me up. Why? Not "Why does it choke me up" but (well, okay that too) more "Why are they doing this?" I don't understand. If it were me... if I were on the other side and saw that? Fell asleep to the woman and woke to a man?

No, not a woman. Part of it but... why do I keep forgetting the werewolf? Even now it's hard to mentally grasp. It happened last night - didn't it? I couldn't have imagined that. Changing. Watching them change. Do they remember it? What does that mean for things? Did I do that to them? How? Too many damn questions.

Calling is safe. Not being able to see their faces. Not being face-to-face. Safer. They can answer questions and I can hang up and never talk to them again if it goes bad. I dial.

It picks up almost immediately and it's Elaine's voice. She sounds overly eager. "Hello?"

"It's... do you remember from last night? And this morning? I'm... I'm back. As the woman." How lame that sounds. I wasn't prepared for this part. For how to introduce myself.

The phone rustles slightly and then I hear Stephen's voice, faint in the distant. Faint but relieved. "Oh, thank god." He says. Elaine speaks over him. "Yes. Yeah. Of course we remember. Thank you. Thank you for calling back. I - " She laughs and it almost sounds like she's about to cry but that can't be right. "We didn't think you'd call." I hear Stephen again: "Tell him I said thank you too!" Jesus. He sounds like some eager little boy.

"She." I tell Elaine. "Not he. She." I don't know why it bothers me or why it makes a difference with them but it does.

I hear a rustling and that specific weird scraping noise that tells me Elaine's covering the phone. I can still hear her. "Stephen, honey, I love you but if you fuck this up, I swear to god... It's 'she' not 'he'. She wants to be called she. She's a woman. Please, Stephen. Remember, okay? It's important." The hand comes off and she's talking all cheerful like she wasn't just yelling at her husband. "I told him. Sorry about that! Are you still there?"

I weigh my options. Do I ignore that outburst? No. I need to know why. So, I ask. I ask her why it's important to her. There's a long pause and I start to wonder if she's hung up or something's happened. I'm about to ask if she's still there but she speaks up. "I don't know. Something happened. I can't remember everything last night. By the time we made it to the bedroom... everything after that is just this weird blur. But, waking up, seeing you? There was this immediate 'What the hell?' reaction. It was brief but it was there. I knew it was you as soon as I saw you. As soon as I ... smelled you. And... have you... have you ever been in love? Crazy stupid love? Where you get these warm fuzzy feelings and you feel like you'd do anything for the other person? That they have a piece of you? An important piece? It feels like that. Please don't laugh or be creeped out. I can't explain it except to say that it's there. For both of us. We've talked about it all morning. We're both anxious. We can't sit still. I... we..." She is about to cry. "I can't handle you being mad at me. I know how this sounds but we just want to be near you. We want... we need to see you again. Please? You're not mad at us, are you?"

What the fuck do I do with that? How do I even begin to respond to that? Both of them? Stephen? My memory of him is brief but trying to imagine him as needy or anxious or anything like that doesn't work. Not from the little I know of him. And how does that even work with what he saw this morning? But, the funny thing? I can hear Elaine getting anxious and almost scared and it's doing something to me. I don't like it. I don't like hearing her unhappy. It makes me want to hurt something. It makes me want to bite something. I'm grinding my teeth as she finished talking and it's not because I'm mad at her. I apparently don't like hearing her under duress. I can hear Stephen asking about it - what I'm saying and whether I'm mad. He DOES sound anxious. I remember him last night. Feeling his warm arms around me, holding me up. Feeling that strength and comfort but then nearly tackling him in the bedroom because he was moving too slow for me. Nearly forcing myself on him. Wanting to hold him down and sit on his dick. I can feel my pulse speeding up at the memory. The duality of it - his warmth and protectiveness around me but then feeling my aggression and dominance kick in. It's there again now. I want to smack him and then fuck him right now. I'm so messed up.

She's waiting for me to talk. She can hear my breathing and she's waiting for me. I can at least answer. I can do that. "I'm not mad, Elaine." Her sigh is heavy with feeling. "I still don't know what's going on. This is completely new to me. All of this. This... being a woman. I don't know how or why exactly. I don't feel the same thing you do but there's something there. I..." I pause but then plow ahead. "I want to see you both again."

She squeals and I can picture it. It makes me smile and my heart does this little happy jump. She tells Stephen what I said and, while he doesn't squeal, I can hear the delight in his voice. I'm trying to talk over their little happy party but it takes me several tries to interrupt them.

Elaine is immediately apologizing. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm just... I can't believe it! I don't know why I feel this happy but I do. I seriously do. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh, thank you. When? Now? Can we see you now? When?"

"No. No, not now. Well, wait." I bite my lip while I think. I need clothes. I can't keep just wearing the same thing here. "Yes. But, can you do me a favor? Can you pick up some clothes for me? Just one set so I have something. And... underwear? I'll pay you back when I take out some cash." I'm blushing. Holy crap. I happily sucked a man's dick last night and I'm blushing at the thought of wearing women's underwear? Actually?

Elaine sounds like she's bouncing. I can hear her smile through the phone. "Are you kidding?! I'd LOVE to do it! I'll drag Stephen with me and we'll find something for you. I love shopping!"

Now I'M smiling. "Okay, then. Not much. Something simple? Do you remember how big I am? I don't know anything about sizes or anything. I'm just... I don't even know my bra size. Nothing crazy. And call me when you're close to here?"

"Yes! Oh gosh, yes! I'll find you something cute, sweetie. You don't worry about that. I think I remember your amazing body really well." I'm blushing again, damn her. "Okay! We're heading out right now and we'll be there in about an hour?" I tell her okay and I have to hang up first because she won't or can't stop talking about how excited she is. I have no idea how that isn't annoying as hell but it isn't. So far.

It's more like two hours before my phone rings. I'd been lounging. Catching up on news. Looking up porn. Looking up transgender things. Reading about menstrual stuff and women's health. Body diagrams. That kind of thing. So when my phone rings, it startles me but I answer and thank Elaine for letting me know she's on the way. Fifteen minutes later, my doorbell rings.

Elaine stands in the front this time with Stephen nervously standing behind her. She has both hands full with shopping bags so she ignored my "one set" comment, it looks like. She's beaming at me. It's almost painful to watch. I hug her and she goes to tip-toes to nuzzle against my cheek. It's not a quick little face hug - she's actually rubbing her cheek against me over and over and there's this little vibration deep in her throat that almost kind-of sort-of could be a low growl. I have to break it off. She looks a little dazed but is still smiling. Some part of me feels ... settled...? with her there.

Stephen goes for a hug while I go for a handshake and we do that awkward dance thing that ends in a half-hug that feels completely alien as a woman. Elaine is very pointedly not watching. He also smells my hair. Or takes a big whiff of me and my hair just happens to be there. That's kind of creepy. I feel that same odd thing with Stephen that I do with Elaine. Kind of like my family came home and I haven't seen them for a long time. But, I also very specifically remember the way his dick had me spread open last night. I can feel my pussy relax and grow wet. Dammit.

I stand back quickly and wave them into the living room where I offer them the small couch. I make drinks for everyone but before I can take the one chair in the living room, Elaine is already digging through her bags. She eyes me, takes things out and then tosses most of the clothes onto the couch.

"Okay! I have some clothes! Let's go!" Before I can argue, she grabs my arm and pulls me into the bedroom. Once there, she empties the shopping bag - three shirts, two slacks, some panties, various bras and a black bag. It looks suspiciously like a makeup bag but I ignore it for now. I want to touch the clothes but I feel nervous. Not ashamed but...? No, I don't quite know what it is but I hesitate.

Elaine is watching me. "You'll need to get naked, honey." She tells me. 'Honey.' I don't know how to respond to that. At all. It feels weird. I'm shy getting naked but I do. Elaine is biting her lip and her cheeks are red. "Oh. Oh, yes. You're beautiful." I turn away, arm across my breasts and hand covering my pussy. Blushing again. This is embarrassing. She's seen me naked. We've had sex of a kind. Why am I bothering to cover myself? I turn and take my hands away. It's hard to do but I do it.

Her eyes are crawling over my body as if she's memorizing every curve and line. I can smell her pussy again. It's faint but I can smell it. She's very wet. It stirs something in me and my teeth are starting to itch. I clear my throat and she blinks up at me. "Right. Yes. Clothes. Right."

Bras are weird. All I've had so far is my somewhat tight old shirt and it was thick enough so that it actually held the breasts in a bit. But bras? Weird. Elaine shows me how to put it on but I can't reach my arms around properly and I get frustrated when she keeps trying to teach me. So, instead, I put the padding in the back, strap in the front so I can see what I'm doing while I hook it. And then I pull it around and stuff my breasts in it. It's tight and it feels like it's cutting into me. I have to kind of dig my hands into the sides and shift my tits around to settle them. Not sexy at all. Not at all. Elaine finds it amusing and is biting back her laughter.

Two of the five panties she brought don't fit but the other three feel great. Silky on my skin but otherwise like they aren't there. There is no scrotum for the underwear to pinch on or a dick that's getting in the way and pressing on things or anything like that. It's all flat and awesome.

There are two shirts, black and dark green. The black one fits and that makes me happy. Nine times out of ten, I'll go for a darker color like black. It's...hmmm... low cut. It shows off my tits. No way around that. I have to adjust it so my bra doesn't show and, when I do that without Elaine having to tell me, she does let out a cute little laugh before biting her lip again. Her eyes are shining from unshed laughter. Damn her. The fabric feels great. Soft. Slightly stretchy. I like it. The pants are just slacks. Again, nice material and it holds everything in without being too tight.

My ass is FANTASTIC. I have to turn over and over in the mirror to look. I hear a loud and very obvious "Mmmmhmmmmmm" from Elaine as I look over my shoulder at myself with my hands on my hips. I look amazing. Blonde hair, heart shaped face and curves to die for. Very, very slight dimples on my cheeks.

"Now." Elaine says. "Now we finish you off." She hops onto the bed and sits with her legs crossed, black bag in her lap.

"Oh no." I tell her. "Huh-uh. I'm good. I don't need it."

"No, you don't. You really absolutely don't. But, let me show you something. Please." Fuck her and her pleading little puppy dog eyes. I choke back a snarl and sit in front of her.

I have no idea what goes on. Every time she comes at my eyes with some pencil looking thing, I jerk back and ask what she's doing. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. My heart is pounding. She could put my eye out with those goddamned things. She has these thick poofy brushes tipped with pale brown powder, black pencils, some eye curling thing that makes me want to weep and... I eventually just let go. I give into it. Like some dog resigned to the bath that he knows is coming whether he wants it or not. Whether she wants it or not.

After an eternity, she's done. She says nothing but points to the mirror. I'm scared but I turn. Oh. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's... subtle. I thought I'd look like some cheap prostitute with all the things she was using on me but you can barely tell it's there. The faint black eye lining and eyelashes, blush and god knows what else just enhances my features. I look incredible but not fake. That's the important part. Just accentuated.

"No fucking kidding, Elaine. You're amazing. Look at me." I touch my face carefully, as if it's a mask waiting to just come away. It doesn't. "Maybe... ummm... maybe some day you can show me how you do that." I look over her way and wish I hadn't. She's about to cry for real. Her lips are trembling. I want to nuzzle her and reassure her. What was she scared about? Was she worried I wouldn't like it? Or had she been so worried that I wouldn't want to see her again? Fuck it, I give her a hug and then I DO nuzzle against her, murmuring nothing but reassurances. She relaxes against me.

When we walk out, Stephen is in exactly the same position on the couch. He stares. Hard. I look away and feel like a fool. "What?" I ask him.

"You're stunning." He's breathless as he says it. Almost worshipful. Now I REALLY can't look at him and instead, flop down in my little chair. It somehow feels really good to be dressed. Properly dressed in clothes that fit me now. More comfortable. More relaxing. I sit with my legs out and to the sides and my arms on the arm of the chair, looking at the floor. Not at all lady-like but it's how I've sat most of my life. Elaine cuddles up next to her husband and a quick glance shows she's doing that beaming "I wasn't just about to cry" look again. I sigh.

"So," I say. They wait. Expectantly. Shit. What was I going to say? How do I even begin? I can't think of a smooth way to do it so I just start with who I am. Standard childhood, parents that did their best with me and we still keep in touch when we can. I love them and try to remember to call them on holidays but they live in another state so that doesn't happen often. I wasn't a popular kid in school but I wasn't picked on a lot, either. Some but not a lot. Mostly I was just ignored and that means I have a hard time with people. And, because of that, I'm not exactly the most confident person around. My tongue gets tied and I stress easy. Usually I get steam-rolled. I've dated a few times and they never seem to end well. The lady just gets bored and we end up breaking up. Not their fault. I think I'm a good guy but I usually deferred to the woman and couldn't ever come up with things to do when we were together. A degree in accounting from the local college with decent grades and the job in the credit department while I procrastinate on studying for the CPA exam.

And then the box. This part is hard. I hesitate. I pause. I blush. I look away. I tell them that I like werewolves first. That's hard to do but they have to know for the rest of it to make sense. I don't tell them that I fucked the suit. No way in hell. I tell them I tried it on. And how things felt different after that. The little things the next day and then the big changes the day after that. And then again this morning and how it happened faster. How I'm still me but I see things slightly different. I try to frame it in the sense that I have this body - this gift of a sort and I just want to experience things. But I admit that I want it now. That the thought of being fucked actually turns ME on now.

And then I finish. "I don't know how or why but you saw it. You saw me this morning. I'm not making it up."

"Do you think it's permanent now?" Elaine asks. They both look fairly serious. Considering.

I look at her and frown. "I hope so but I don't know anything about it. That's why I made last night happen with Craigslist. What if it isn't permanent and I only have a little time to experience life as a woman? That's the biggest reason I decided to try sex with a man. I have these lady parts so why not try them out with the real deal? The body certainly agrees with me. I just have to see something or think of something and it just reacts." Speaking of reactions, Stephen has a boner. Has had a boner, I think. I can't help it. I remember last night again and it makes things all slippery inside of me. See? Can't help it. I'm just along for the awesome ride.

"I asked Elaine on the phone this morning. I asked her why she did that this morning even though I was a man then. Why you, Stephen? The email said you were straight. Very much so. Didn't it bother you?" I have to know what he thinks. He's been quiet most of this time but I need to know.

Stephen looks at his clasped hands in front of him. It's his turn not to be able to look at me. "I agree with Elaine. I am straight. I still am. You're a woman. I see that. I saw that last night and you're the same. That's what I know. This morning..." He frowns and it looks like he's considering his words. He is a handsome man with the slight grey and few wrinkles. He just looks like he's had a lived-in life and enjoyed it while learning about so much. Very different than what I had as I mostly drifted along. "This morning, I could tell it was still you. That was you as a woman. Even before I saw that your...ahhhh.... your nipples were the same. You were a man but you had a woman's nipples. Still. Still if it was anyone else, nothing. Would've been freaked out and horrified and probably ran out. But there was something about you. You're pulling on me even now and it was the same this morning. It's almost as if I could smell that it was still you as a woman. And when Elaine started, I got riled up and joined in. I've gone over it mentally and the thought of two guys fucking still doesn't make me excited. It was... it just felt different this morning. With you."

He looks up at me now. "When you told me to sit in the corner, I went. That's never happened before. Ever. But I found myself moving before I even knew what I was doing. And then... oh boy, this is hard for me to say. When you were fucking Elaine, I really wanted to jack off. But every time I went to do it, I couldn't. There was a block. It felt like I'd be disrespecting you and I have no idea why."