Layers Ch. 10


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Scott's jaws snap at my face and I swipe at him before realizing he still has his claws in my side. I'm reminded of this when he drags them down my side and against my hips. Blood gushes out of me and the pain is intense enough that I'm howling in pain. I accidentally let his other hand go and am rewarded by Scott nearly taking my left tit off of me. The large one on the top. He misses my nipple by barely an inch. I grab the hand that's stuck in my hip and I feel him flex hard against my grip. I try to grab his other hand but he's too fast for me so I grab his throat. The rough padding on the palm of my hand doesn't let me feel much of his skin but it's there and I can feel the muscles in his throat and hand tensing and moving as he twists. And his cock is still hard. I will never, ever admit this but my pussy is right on top of his dick and it's pressed between my lips. And it feels hot and fucking good because we're moving around and I'm basically grinding on this baseball bat sized dick. And the funny thing is? I'm fucking turned on more than I've ever been. I feel the wolf loving this. The struggle. The fight. I feel the sudden relaxing of muscles inside of me and now my pussy's drooling at the thought of this psychopath's cock. I wonder how full I'd be if he shoved it hard into me. The wolf is practically panting for it. She paradoxically wants to take him and ride him hard but also wants to be forced into submission with her (mine) ass raised in the air and mounted. It's the fight and the she-wolf and the smell of sex and wolves and blood and I'm so riled up that it's... it's...hard... think... Getting... hard... to...

I roar and feel a sudden immense strength flood into me. Adrenaline or some werewolf thing is feeding my muscles and I feel something crack inside of Scott's wrist. His free hand is on my forearm and he's frantically trying to get me off of his throat. I feel heat and anger and raw sexuality and I want to rut and fuck and fight and kill. Mate. I want to mate. I want my mates. Mates?

I see Elaine holding her side and stumbling. Trying to get up and falling again. She has a very, very bad wound on her stomach and I see something glistening through her paw. Something purple and fat like a sausage. The fur around her muzzle is covered in blood and James has a large patch of skin and fur missing from his upper left arm. I can see a broken bone through the thick muscle of the werewolf's arm and blood is spurting out of the wound. Elaine sits hard on the ground then rolls over to her side, holding her stomach. Her legs are kicking out over and over and she's snapping at the air in pain.

It's hard to tell expressions with a wolf's muzzle but James looks almost as if he's gloating as he stands over Elaine. I almost feel sorry for him when Stephen barrels into him. Almost. Now I just feel sorry for Tyler. James possibly had a chance before. Before he hurt Elaine. Now... now I think he has nothing. Stephen is larger, faster and stronger than James. So much so that it's almost comical. James is struggling with his one good arm to strike at Stephen but Stephen just snatches the man's hand mid-strike and pins it. And then, good calm Stephen clamps his muzzle on James's shoulder and bites. Hard. I hear the bones break and Stephen is still biting. James' howling is cut off when Stephen grab's the werewolf's throat and nearly crushes it. James is kicking and trying to toss Stephen off of him but Stephen is still worrying at the man's shoulder. Blood is covering both men and Stephen's entire head and chest is shockingly red. Stephen's ears twitch back as he gives a final pull back with his jaws. James' arm comes away from his body and the wolf beneath Stephen is trying to scream in pain through the iron grip Stephen has around his throat. Stephen pulls his head back into a triumphant howl before bending forward to tear a bloody hole out of James' throat. I watch Stephen eat a chunk of the man's throat before I turn to look for Tyler.

Tyler is standing over the young girl's prone body. She's shivering again and half-human. Her body is covered in bruises and blood and she's bleeding from her half-muzzle. With every tremor, another wad of Scott's cum leaks out of her now bare pussy. She's pulling herself into a fetal position as she moans and twists. Patches of fur cover her body down to her still wolf-like feet. Her pussy lips are still the jet black of the wolf's pussy.

Stephen is now holding Elaine in his lap. The gesture is incongruous with the werewolf's form. From the little I can see, Elaine is not moving.

I feel my grip on Scott's throat lessen and I'm pulled back suddenly into my own fight. I look down at this man. This wolf. The cause of all of this. Elaine... I feel sympathy for the young girl but my mate... my mate...

Tendons stand out in my arm as I renew my grip. I think I feel his other hand break but I'm concentrating on his face and his throat. Closing. Closing my grip. His eyes are reddening. He takes a huge gulp of air and then I find just the right angle to close off his airways. His free arm is clawing at me now. It hurts but not as much as the visual of Elaine hurts. Not as much as the thought of Elaine dying hurts. There's a small 'crick' sound deep within Scott's throat and he's suddenly panicking. Panicking and gasping. I let his broken wrist go and claw down his chest, tearing through one of his nipples as I cut him open. His back arches and he tries to twist his body to throw me off. I claw at his stomach hard, digging deep within him. There's some resistance but my claws are sharp and I'm stronger than he is. The inside of his belly is slippery with blood and organs. The smell is oddly appealing. All I see now is red. Red and blood and Elaine lying on her side, unmoving. I don't even realize I have my muzzle in Scott's belly until I taste flesh and copper on my tongue.

I don't stop. The she-wolf is howling inside of me. Pushing me. Feasting on Scott. I feel his still engorged cock against my muzzle as I tear into his intestines, biting and clawing and swallowing flesh. Elaine on her side. Red. Pain. Blood. I dig my claws in and pull as hard as I can. Scott's chest cracks open and I shove my muzzle deep into his chest. His heart still beats as I bite into it. I pull as I bite and it comes free of his chest. I sit back on my haunches, tail limp and bloody on the ground. My tits are covered in blood and my pussy is burning with the desire to fuck something. I am rage. Raw rage and aggression and heat. I swallow Scott's entire fucking heart as he dies beneath me.

I smell my mate. I smell him. I want him. I will take him. I will take his knot into my swollen pussy and ride his cock until I'm screaming from orgasm. I will... I will... Elaine. Elaine is there. She... she's hurt. Elaine... my mate... my mate is hurt. She... No. I'm me. I'm me.

I stand and nearly fall over. It's difficult to think. The wolf is still there and she's a whirlwind of emotions. I push and push until I can think straight. Tyler is holding the completely human girl in the corner. He's still a wolf but she's not awake to see it. Stephen is holding Elaine and watching me. I see him in there. In his eyes. The calm, brilliant golden eyes. Watching me. Wondering what I will do.

And then I see Elaine's chest move. She's breathing. She's fucking breathing. Her hand falls away from her stomach and it is whole again. Bloody but healed. I want to cry but I can't. The wolf won't let me.

We fucking did it. Scott is dead and the girl is still alive. James... I couldn't help him. Not after what he did to Elaine. If Stephen hadn't killed him, I'm sure I would have. The anger was too great. I will deal with Tyler when I can. But, for now, we fucking did it. I stand, tail down and back and look around me. I feel my wounds itching as they heal. The brown fur covering me is matted with blood and I can still taste Scott's heart on my tongue. I'm still riled up.

I take a step towards Elaine and Stephen and it is that step that saves my life. Scott and James's bodies burn into sudden nothingness, leaving behind a whiff of sulfur. Glowing red circles suddenly surround Stephen and Elaine and Tyler and the girl. I'm stepping out of the circle as it appears beneath me and I yelp in pain as it turns black and vanishes.

"Well," a voice rings out from the corner of the warehouse. "Well, well, well." Thomas steps into the room and even in the dim lights of the warehouse I see a faint black cloud of death surrounding him. He's missing an eye now and I can't see into the hole where his eye socket should be. "That was a mistake. Yes. A lucky mistake for you. Yes."

I can't talk as a werewolf. I could change back but I would be horribly vulnerable. Human and woozy from the change back. So I hunch slightly, ready to charge.

Thomas laughs. "Hah! No, you don't want to do that. No. Not while I have the rest of them. Not while I have your pack. No. So, a lucky mistake but this still works. I still have you, don't I? A cage not of the demonic sense but of the moral and humanistic sense. Yes. Far better. Far more fun."

Stephen strikes out and then pulls his hand back in a growl. The fur on his paw is singed black where he struck the invisible walls of the circle.

"Struggle all you like, young dog. Death magic, even though they were already dead, is the strongest. Not even a wolf such as you can break out of that. You'll starve before the hellfire powering that prison fades. Now," Thomas turns back to me. "Now we get down to business. I hoped you would die in the attack. That would make this all so much easier for me. So much easier. I could perform the same surgery and, viola! I could look for a more willing subject. So much easier. But did you make it easy for poor Thomas? No. No, you didn't. And now look."

It would take me five seconds to reach the strange man. Five seconds. An eternity. He would probably just close the circles or do something to kill everyone. Too long.

"So, here is the deal. Surrender the skin to me. Surrender it to me and I'll take it and leave and you'll all be free to go. You may even survive. In fact, perhaps this makes it easier for me after all. Alive, I can simply break the lock on the skin. Dead, I have to cut it off and inscribe it again. So, so, so. Maybe this is better after all. Well?"

I growl at the man. Now I wish I could talk. Now I wish I could argue and barter.

"I assume you know what will happen if you say no? Your pack will die, Alpha. And then you can see if you're fast enough to kill me before I leave. Perhaps you are. Regardless, your pack will die first. All I'm asking is for the skin. That's all I want and you have my word of honor that I will let them go. My personal word. Just kneel and let me bind you."

Give it up? Just like that? Give all of this up? Go back to being me? A male? A human? Hannah gave all of this to me. If I let him take it back... even if I do live... then what? What then? Go back to being normal? Give up this life and go back to that?

I can't. I can't do it. I can't. I've never lived such a full life like this. The feelings, the sensations, the raw power and sensuality... all of it would be gone. I'd be less. So much less. I could... if I fight, Stephen and Elaine die but they're just feral werewolves. Not even human. They wouldn't feel a thing. I wouldn't have to be guilty because they're just wolves. Not human. And Tyler? I don't even know him. Or the girl. Hell, the girl will probably die from the strain anyway. They all die and I walk away. I might even kill Thomas and then I'd be completely free. Completely free to run and start over. I can't just give this up. I can't just go back to being plain.

Stephen is still watching me. Unmoving. His eyes are steady on mine. He knows. Even feral as he is, he knows what I'm thinking. He knows what I'm struggling with. So, why? Why isn't he raging? Why isn't he howling at me to give it up? Why is he just fucking staring at me with those fucking eyes of his? Why doesn't he just give into his fucking rage so I can try to kill this fucking asshole and only remember the feral side of him? Why does he have to be so fucking calm even now? If I didn't know any better, I'd say his eyes were understanding. Why?

Why won't he tell me what to do? Oh god. Oh god. I don't want to die. I don't want to lose this incredible piece of me. I can't. I can't do this. Nobody would ever have to know. Nobody... Oh god.

I kneel and look down at my knees. My beautiful fur is tangled so badly with sweat and blood. I gently stroke through the fur on my legs, untangling what I can. I feel my tail against my ass. I feel the way my pussy pulses from the need I felt earlier. I close my eyes to let this memory last as long as possible. In the distance, I hear Thomas cackling and then cursing followed by the sharp scent of blood. Tainted blood, it smells like. I hear a sudden hum all around me and I know I'm caught. Thomas shuffles over to me and, when he stops, I open my eyes and look up at him. He steps back sharply and then titters to himself.

"Oh gosh. Yes, caught. Hah. Scared me for a second. But, what beautiful golden eyes. Hannah was always so beautiful and strong and proud and it looks like she still is. Worry not, I'll keep my promise. As soon as I break the lock on her skin and leave, I will break their circles. They'll be free. I promise. I just won't promise that you'll live through this. You might want to close your eyes." Strangely enough, his voice becomes almost gentle. "I'll be as quick as I can. Close your eyes, Hannah."

I don't.

I'm not Hannah.

Thomas stares at me for a moment and then nods. He looks along my body as if trying to find the seams. He points at various spots and then makes a complicated gesture. His single eyes flashes with a moment of impossible pity and then he slams his right fist against his open left hand.

Every single nerve in my body screams in agony. I've never felt anything like it. I've never felt such pain in my life. The world is screaming around me and all I see is red and every nerve in my body is a molten point of pain. And then, I feel nothing.

The world flashes around me. I remember darkness. And cold. Growls and bumps. Somebody touching me. Screaming. Voices. Words. Pain. Through it all, pain. I'm talking. Feverish. I'm lying down. Now I'm in the corner of somebody's bedroom, rocking and crying and screaming and in pain. Lying down again. Covered in blankets filled with biting ants. Somebody over me. Light. Water. Pain. Speaking in tongues. Thomas in front of me, pity on his eyes, his fist in his palm. Pain. Thomas watching me. Watching. And then, he opens his fist and I open my eyes.

I'm in bed. The sheets are soaked in sour sweat. It's not my bed and this is not my room. My whole body aches. I can't feel anything except the pain throughout my body. My lips and throat are dry and it feels like I've been crying. A small patch of sunlight shines through heavy curtains on the single window in the room. I twist and moan but stop moving when the pain comes back. Something moves and suddenly Elaine is in front of me. Her eyes are red and watery. She reaches to touch my head but then stops and pulls her hand back.

"Are," she whispers. "Are you awake?"

I try to answer but I can't so I just nod my head. My neck hurts. Everything hurts.

"I'll get you some water and some more pills. You still need to rest. You need to sleep."

I blink and she's there with pills and a glass of water. I try to tell her I must've fallen asleep but nothing comes out. She smiles tremulously and a single tear rolls down her cheek. "This will hurt," she tells me. "But you need to take the pill and sleep." She reaches behind my head and props me up. I gasp and try to lie back down but I'm weak and can't move. I nearly choke on the water and pill when she gives them to me. She lays my head gently back down and when I open my eyes again, there's no sun coming through the window.

Time passes like this. I wake and Elaine is there to give me another pill. Over and over until, finally, I'm able to talk.

"Elaine," I say. I cough and my stomach hurts enough that I wonder if I'm going to throw up. "What happened?"

"No," she tells me. "You still need to sleep. Let it wait."

"No. Tell me, Elaine. Tell me."

I see the concern and indecision on her face. Her eyes are red and looks like she's been crying again. "We," she starts. "We feel your pain. Stephen and I feel it. Literally, we feel the pain of your suffering. It hurts so much. Tyler doesn't know why we can feel it. He's never heard of it happening. He's... He... We don't remember what happened that night. Stephen and I were changed still. Tyler can remember it. He said... He said Thomas showed up. He didn't know him but he described him. He says he trapped us all but not you. Not you." She stops to look at me again. "Please. Please, don't do this yet. Wait for another day."

I shake my head and mouth 'no' at her.

Elaine covers her eyes and swallows hard. "Tyler said Thomas made you give it back. Made you give Hannah back. You kneeled and Thomas did his magic and then left. And... you..."

I know then. I move my hand under the covers and I can feel my manhood. The smooth, taut skin I had when I was a woman has been replaced with the hairy rough skin I have as a man. It feels like I lost weight from when I was a man so I've probably been here a while. I nod at Elaine again, too tired to cry about it right now.

"Tyler says the skin... Hannah's skin... just fell off of you and you were there. Just you. In so much pain. I can remember part of that, even with the change. The pain of it. So much of it. It woke me up and I can remember some of it. Thomas left and we could move again. Tyler says Stephen picked you up and they almost got into a fight with what to do with you. Tyler changed back and we got into the car and drove you to our house. It's been a little over two weeks since then."

Two weeks, I think. Two fucking weeks and I'm still in this much pain and still this weak. And a man again. I feel no wolf prowling in the back of my mind. I feel nothing. My sense of smell is nothing and I can barely hear a single bird chirping outside.

"Stephen worked carefully with a friend on the force and they were able to pin the crimes - the one with the girls vanishing - on Scott. They're still looking for Scott but not so much anymore. The girl lived. She just turned nineteen and she's with Tyler right now. Oh, and Tyler is here. He doesn't want to leave until you're better. He's teaching the girl about the werewolf stuff. She's going to stay until she understands it better. I think they make a cute couple but Tyler refuses to do anything with her. Says it'd be taking advantage of her because she's confused right now. He's a good guy." Elaine is gently rubbing my arm through the blanket and it doesn't hurt very much. It's an odd counterpoint to how much she's rambling.

"Are you," I ask and then stop to breathe. "Are you still a wolf?"

Elaine bites her lower lip and looks away. She nods.

"Am... am I?"

She's still looking away but she closes her eyes and shakes her head. I can't cry about that yet, either. Tears are freely rolling down Elaine's face and her lips are trembling. "I'm," she stops and sobs a bit and presses the heel of her hands against her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. If we hadn't been there..."

I shake my head and try to reach for her but my hands are under the blanket and I'm too tired to get them out. "No," I tell her. "No, don't. Don't feel... don't feel bad. Tired. Tired, Elaine." I don't remember falling asleep but I do.

I spend the next month slowly working my way up to solid food. My joints still ache but I can stand and go to the bathroom by myself and I consider that a win. Stephen visits sometimes to talk but not as much as Elaine. I think they figure Elaine will be easier for me to relate to and is more cheerful for me. They're possibly right. Tyler stops in now and again to check on me and he's always awkward when he does it. He can't quite look at me and he tries to tell me what he's doing and how the girl is doing. Her name is Heather, apparently. It seems she's adapting surprisingly well to the wolf although there have been near misses and some very close calls, sexually. He says the feral stage for a turned werewolf can take a year or more sometimes.