Le Belle Donne Ch. 01


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How... He thought to himself. How was it possible that she could look so beautiful. He had just seen her completely naked, a sight he knew that he would cherish for all time, and still somehow, her beauty had grown in a matter of minutes.

There was a glow to Adriana when she saw how Alberto looked at her. Though she had just said that they should go, she wanted to stand there and enjoy the way Alberto was looking at her.

Isabella, who had taken a few steps towards the dirt path up between the bushes, turned and looked back.

Oh, Santo Cielo! Isabella saw her friend and brother looking at each other again. Mostly it was her brother who was being a tad awkward, but she could tell that Adriana enjoyed his attention.

"Are you two coming?" Isabella thought about leaving them and heading home by herself, to give them some time alone, but she and her brother had to go into town and buy some supplies before dark.

"Oh." Alberto blushed when he realized that he had been staring at Adriana.

"Yeah." He gave Adriana a small and awkward smile. At the same time, he wondered if he should maybe apologize.

"Yeah, we're coming." Adriana gave the young man next door a smile and headed up to Isabella.

The three of them followed the small footpath up to the trail that went along the Martacis and Abruzzo's vineyards. On the way, something occurred to Adriana.

"Oh Alberto, you didn't get to swim in the lake." Adriana felt a bit bad for Alberto, especially since it had been scorching hot since morning.

"That's okay, I don't mind." Of course, a cooling swim would have been nice, but it hadn't really been the reason he had gone to the lake. The reason had simply been to spend some time with the girl next door.

"Well, maybe we can go swimming tomorrow?" Adriana couldn't believe that she had just been so forward. Alberto was sure to see right through her now. Though at the same time she really hoped that he would say yes.

"Really? Sure..." Alberto felt his heart skip a beat when Adriana asked if he wanted to go swimming.

"Great." Adriana looked down a little and smiled as the three of them came up to the trail. To the west laid the Martaci's vineyard and to the east the Abruzzo's.

"Well, we'll see you later then Adriana." Isabella gave her friend a hug.

"See you, Isabella." Adriana glanced over at Alberto after having hugged Isabella. She had hoped to spend some more time with him, but Isabella had mentioned that she and her brother had some errands to run in town.

"Bye Al..." "Ehm Ad..." Adriana and Alberto spoke out at the same time, which made the two of them chuckle.

"Sorry." Alberto smiled.

"No, I'm sorry." Adriana returned his smile.

"Ehm... I was just going to ask if I... could walk you home?" With a bit of nervousness in his voice, Alberto took a chance to ask her before she could say goodbye.

"I'd... really like that." She hadn't been able to hide how happy it made her when he asked if he could walk her home, and immediately she blushed a little by how obvious she must have seemed. Though at the same time she really wanted to be more obvious with Alberto.

"Okay." Alberto lit up like the sun above him when he heard that she wanted him to walk her home.

"Don't stay too long though Alberto, we have some errands to run in town." Isabella could tell that she needed to remind her brother. She wouldn't have minded going into town by herself, but she needed her brother's help to carry some of the stuff.

"Oh right." Alberto had completely forgotten about town.

"I'll hurry home afterward." Alberto looked over at his sister who nodded.

"Well, have fun the two of you." Isabella made sure to tease the two of them before she waved bye and headed down the trail towards her family's vineyard.

After waving goodbye, Alberto and Adriana walked quietly along the trail for a bit before saying anything. They were both a bit nervous about being alone together.

"Ehm, so... how was the lake?" Alberto looked over at the girl he was so in love with and asked. He so wished that he had the courage to tell her how he felt.

"Oh, it was so refreshing." Adriana could still feel a bit of the cooling water on her skin. She was so thankful that they had the lake nearby, otherwise, the heat would almost be unbearable.

Suddenly Alberto stopped along the dirt road.

"Oh, sorry, you didn't get to..." Adriana realized that Alberto hadn't had a chance to jump in, and felt a bit bad for telling him how refreshing it was.

"Adriana..." Alberto looked down. His heart raced. He had decided to tell her.

"You're... the most beautiful girl in the world... and I... I love you." Alberto was much too shy to look at her whilst he said it.

Even in the scorching heat, Adriana felt herself get even warmer inside. She had hoped that Alberto felt the way she did, and now she had her answer. An answer that made her happier than she even though possible. And with nervous steps, she walked over to him.

"Alberto." She said as Alberto slowly opened his eyes and looked up at her.

"I love you too." Adriana leaned in and pressed her lips against his, softly kissing him.

"Mhm." Alberto had never actually kissed a girl before. He had dreamt and imagined kissing Adriana so many time, but it paled in comparison to the real thing.

Not only was it more amazing than he could have ever imagined. Her sweet lips, her warm breath and the feeling of her soft breasts gently pressed against his chest made the crotch of his trousers damp with cum.

Leaning back for just a moment, seeing the dreamy look on Alberto's face, Adriana could tell that he was coming in his pants and it filled her with such joy and happiness, knowing that he was climaxing because of her.

"W... wow... that was... amazing." Alberto was filled with tenderness when he opened his eyes and was met by Adriana's loving gaze.

"Mhm, it was." Adriana smiled and gave him another soft kiss.

"And... you... love me?" Alberto had been so nervous that he wasn't really sure if he had heard her. Though he so hoped that he had.

"I do. I love you, Alberto." Adriana felt so relieved and joyful finally being able to say it out loud.

"I really hope I'm not dreaming." Alberto looked at the girl he had just confessed his love to, and that he hoped had confessed her love to him.

"Does this feel like a dream." Adriana leaned in and gave him another kiss.

"Better." Alberto smiled.

"So... what... do we do now?" Alberto had rarely gotten this far when he had imagined what would happen when he proclaimed his love for Adriana.

"Well... we should... hold hands." Adriana looked at Alberto whilst she reached over and lightly slide her fingers along his palm before taking his hand.

Wow... Everything she did was amazing to Alberto. Just holding Adriana's hand was beyond words.

"And we should tell our parents that we are a couple now." Adriana had always believed in being good and proper, which was one of the reasons why she had fallen for Alberto. She had always found him to be so proper... and cute.

"Oh, should I have... asked your father before I... told you how I felt?" Alberto hadn't dared to think that far ahead.

"Well... I think that's something you do when you... ask for my... hand... you know in..." Adriana blushed. She was a bit too shy to mention marriage. And though she didn't expect Alberto to ask her for her hand right now, she knew in her heart that one day she would be his wife.

"Oh, right." Alberto blushed as well. His mind, however, immediately traveled to that one time he had imagined their wedding, which he had also turned into an illustration.

He fondly recalled the picture in his notebook, where he had drawn himself inside the chapel, naked. It was an old Italian tradition that the groom always wore little or no clothes. Alberto had of course picture himself wearing no clothes in front of everyone, with his limp penis hanging down between his meager balls. Next, to him, he had imagined Adriana in a beautiful white cupless wedding dress, which exposed her large and amazing breasts. The cupless wedding dress had recently become very popular amongst Italian brides. On the other side of Adriana, Alberto had of course drawn the two black men Adriana would spend most of their wedding night with. Alberto had even imagined that he had performed il dovere di uno sposo leading up to their wedding.

Il dovere di uno sposo, which loosely translated into the duty of the groom, was a treasured old Italian tradition where a groom would seek out a handsome black man, preferably a black man neither he nor his future wife had met before, and ask him if he would do the honor of bedding his bride on their wedding night.

Being so in love with Adriana that he was, Alberto had felt that he would have probably asked more than one black man.

"Well, I feel that maybe I should ask anyway?" Alberto said, though more in the manner of a question, since he knew how old fashioned Adriana and her family was, much like himself and his family.

"You're so sweet." Adriana appreciated Alberto's gesture so much that she just had to lean over and him, who she loved and that had just been so brave and told her how he felt, a kiss on his cheek.

Alberto had no words to describe the warmth he felt inside hearing Adriana's words and feeling her kiss on his cheek. He had never felt such a strong feeling of joy as the one he was experiencing walking down the dirt path hand in hand with the girl he loved so much. Though the sun still scorched overhead, the warmth he felt didn't seem to come from the sun, instead, it felt like it came from his heart, from the feeling he had for Adriana.

A few hundred meters in front of the young and in love couple laid the Abruzzo household. The white stone and brown wooden featured of the house gave it a very traditional and homey feeling where it laid surrounded by, a large garden, a grove of fruit trees rich with lemons, quince and figs, and of course starting a bit in front of the house, rows upon rows of grape vines.

Near the beautiful garden, a line of clothes hung between the house and a lone tree. Next to the drying clothes, with her hands soaked in a tub of water, sat a joyful woman, humming whilst she washed her family's clothes. The plunging neckline of the woman's dress had become so drenched that her large breasts had fallen out and had become equally wet.

"Mh mhhh mh mhh hh." Eleonora Abruzzo hummed the chorus of one of her favorite folk songs, serate meravigliose. In the song, a housewife prepares supper for her husband who returns home with a dinner guest, a very handsome black dinner guest. In the chorus, the kitchen table shakes whilst the husband tries to eat. In front of him, his wife is on her back and the black man is on top of her. Eleonora, a proud Italian mother of two daughters and wife to a wonderful husband, had always enjoyed the lyrics of Domenico Golino's folk songs, which usually had a housewife theme that she could really relate to.

With the sun slightly towards the western horizon, Eleonora reached up from the washboard to fold one of her dark brown locks behind her ear, when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.


Having covered her eyes, to protect them from the sun, she glanced up towards the trail that led to the lake, and there, after her eyes and adjusted, she saw her daughter and Alberto, and if she wasn't mistaken.

Bravisima... Eleonora felt so happy for her daughter when she saw the two holding hands. And with the smile on Adriana's face, there was no doubt in her mind that her daughter and Alberto had expressed their feeling for each other. Of course, it came as no surprise to Eleonora, since both she and Corrina had obviously noticed how much their children cared for each other.

Up, on the road, Alberto gulped when he saw Adriana's topless mother.

At the age of forty-three, Eleonora Abruzzo was still as beautiful and curvaceous as that of her younger self. Of course, In her husband, Alessio's eyes, she had only become even more beautiful with age. And like all the women in her family throughout history, she had been blessed with huge breasts that drove men crazy. Even now, after having had two wonderful daughters, her breasts were still very full.

"Sento l'amore nell'aria." Eleonora could feel the love in the air when her daughter and Alberto came up to her.

"Oh, Mamma, Alberto and I are in love." Adriana went over and embraced her mother.

Alberto blushed when Adriana told her mother so openly and with such happiness.

"I'm so happy for you, for the two of you." Eleonora looked over at Alberto and gave him a loving smile as well.

"I hope that it is okay with you and..." Alberto looked around to see if he could see Adriana's father.

"Mr. Abruzzo that Adriana and I are seeing each other," Alberto said politely, trying not to glance down too much at Adriana's mother's naked breasts.

"Of course it is Alberto, and I insist that you call me Eleonora. We're practically family now." Eleonora smiled. There was no doubt in her mind that Alberto was her future son in law.

"Thank you, Mrs... I mean... Eleonora." Alberto was over the moon when he heard such joy in Adriana's mother's voice. For a young Italian man like Alberto, it was very important to get the blessing of Adriana's parents.

"Oh, give me a hug you." Eleonora was so happy for her daughter and Alberto that she could go without giving him a loving embrace.

"Oh..." Alberto wasn't sure where to put his hands when Adriana's mother hugged him and he felt her large and tremendous breasts press against his chest. The way they softly mashed against him made his small penis rise up against the damp spot inside his pants where he had recently come.

"Oh Mamma, you're embarrassing Alberto." Adriana smiled when she noticed Alberto glance over at her with an awkward but sweet look. It was a look she had seen before when Alberto had come in his pants, and she could tell that her mother's breastful hug was edging him closer to another ejaculation. Though she wouldn't have minded seeing that dreamy and cute look on Alberto's face again, she also didn't him to feel embarrassed.

"Oh, don't be silly Adriana." Eleonora didn't think she was being too embarrassing as she leaned back. At the same time, she glanced down since she wasn't oblivious to what her bust often did to men.

"Oh." She could see a small bulge in Alberto's crotch, along with a small damp spot. When she saw it, she found herself smiling to herself, thinking she might have just made the young man come in his pants.

"No, Mamma..." Adriana could tell that her mother thought that she had just made him come.

"Alberto came in his pants before when we kissed. It was so romantic." Adriana looked over at Alberto with such love.

"Oh, that's so sweet." Eleonora tenderly glanced back at Alberto. It was so clear that he was in love with her daughter.

Alberto could feel himself blushing slightly. It was quite overwhelming to hear such loving words from Adriana, as well as those from her mother.

"You know, my Alessio still does the same thing." Eleonora smiled and thought about her loving husband.

With the mention of Mr. Abruzzo again, Alberto felt that he should ask him for his blessing to see his daughter as well.

"Is Papá around? I know Alberto really wanted to tell him about us as well." Adriana remembered that Alberto wanted to ask her father if it was okay for him to see her.

"Oh, such a proper young man." Eleonora looked over at and smiled at Alberto. She wasn't surprised though, she knew that Alberto was a good and considerate young man.

"Well, last I saw him he was by the barn." Having pondered for a second, Eleonora recalled seeing her husband mending some grape baskets by the barn.

"Grazie Mrs... Eleonora." Alberto thanked Adriana's mother and had to once again remember to call her by her first name.

"Ehm, would it be okay if I maybe, stopped by later, and said good night to Adriana?" Alberto glanced over at Adriana before asking Eleonora.

"Oh, you're leaving already?" Eleonora had hoped that Alberto would have stayed for some coffee. The inquisitive part of her wanted to talk some more with the young man who had finally revealed his feeling for her daughter.

"Perdonami, but I and Isabella have some errands to run in town." Alberto apologized for not being able to stay very long.

"Ah. I was hoping that you would have joined us for some coffee, but there will be more occasions for that. And of course, you can come by and say goodnight to Adriana." Eleonora smiled as did Adriana.

"Grazie." Alberto thanked Eleonora again before looking back over at Adriana.

"Well...arrivederci." Alberto wanted to give her a goodbye kiss on her cheek but felt a bit too nervous to do so in front of Eleonora.

"Arrivederci Alberto." Adriana wanted to lean over and give her boyfriend a kiss goodbye but could tell that he was a bit nervous.

"Now that's not how two people who are in love say goodbye. A kiss is much more appropriate." Being the romantic that she was, Eleonora wanted to see a kiss.

"Oh." Alberto felt more than a little nervous as he looked back at Adriana. Though the way she looked at him made him relax.

"Ehm." He leaned over to give her a kiss on her cheek when suddenly Adriana slightly turned her head and his lips pressed against hers.

For a moment Alberto was lost in the wonderful feeling of Adriana's soft and amazing lips.

Aww... Eleonora put her hands up to her chest when she saw the two of them kiss. The love between them was so beautiful.

"Ar... arrivederci." Alberto stood there for a moment with his eyes closed even after Adriana had leaned back. Finally, he managed to mumble out a goodbye. His penis was pushing so hard against the inside of his pants, that if she had kissed him any longer he would probably have spurted in his pants once more.

"Such a sweet boy." Eleonora smiled and told her daughter as Alberto had headed off towards the barn.

"Mhm." Adriana felt such happiness that she and Alberto were finally together.

Over at the barn, Alessio Abruzzo and Mattia Tocci were in the process of wiring the top of a couple of grape baskets that had started to fall apart.

"Grazie ancora, Mattia." Alessio put down another basket by the others and thanked his son in law for helping out.

"Figurati," Mattia replied that it was no big deal in Italian, as he was more than happy to help his father in law.

"Is Rafaella here with you?" Alessio wondered if his daughter might have been with him, but gone to see her mother first.

His daughter Rafaella, who was four years older than her sister Adriana, had gotten married to Mattia just last summer. It had been such a beautiful wedding, and Alessio had even found himself with a few tears when he saw Rafaella in her mother's wedding dress. The way her sepia brown skin contrasted with the white dress had made her look absolutely breathtaking.

Even to this day, Alessio found it hard to believe that the black baby girl he used to hold in his arms, was not only grown up but also married.

"I'm afraid not. Nonna Ornella was by yesterday with a recipe for her pecan pie, and today Rafaella had set her mind on baking them." Mattia mentioned Rafaella's grandmother Ornella, on her mother's side.

"Oh, you're in for a treat, Ornella's pies are something out of this world," Alessio remembered when he first started seeing Eleonora and got to taste one of her mother's pecan pies. They were truly amazing.

"Hopefully there are some left when I get back." Mattia smiled and thought of the two black men who were most likely at his house.