League of His Own Ch. 08


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"Need to keep that form into next season, coach."

"True, Danny, but you also need players around you that match your talents. I mean no disrespect to the squad, but I'll be honest with you here in privacy. You're a talented kid, and the club can't afford to lose you."

"Not going anywhere, coach, as long as you don't try to sell me!"

"No chance of that. We know you're still young and will only be in your second year at kick-off in a couple of weeks, but the club is hoping to retain your signature for a while to come."

"I have two years left on my full-time contract, coach. When the club is willing to sit down and discuss the next one, all they have to do is let me know. I have no interest in going elsewhere. The only thing I would like is to play rep footy."

"Perform like you did for most of last year and you might make the first list that's released. But you're going up against plenty of established stars at the halfback position, wearing that number seven, it is coveted. And I know those in charge are not always keen on youth in the halves. Experienced halves but they will happily have young rookies in the centres and on the wing."

"I'd be happy just to make the training camp this year. I've got time on my side."

Kim and Wendy were both home when I arrived, and I changed into my swim shorts before joining them out by the pool. Both were lying back on a towel, soaking in some late summer sun, though both remained rather pale as though they liked a light tan, they were still pale compared to plenty of others. I must have had that contented look on my face as Wendy lifted her sunglasses and smiled.

"Who?" she asked.

"Sue," I replied.

"Oh, that's so lovely," Kim stated, lying on her front, her pert little bottom looking very delectable in her bikini bottoms, "You made love?"

I dove into the pool and cooled off before replying, "Yeah, we made love. She's... She's really happy with me. With all of us." Pausing, I folded my arms on the edge of the bed, Kim and Wendy lying not too far away. "I just don't want to hurt her or anyone else. This is already complicated enough as it is."

Kim turned her head so she was facing me though I couldn't see her eyes, hidden by her sunglasses. "Wendy and I will be back in classes in a couple of weeks, and this is our second year. It ramps up a thousand percent. We'll be spending most of our time over there," she said, gesturing towards the other house, before she crawled over towards me, laying a soft kiss on my lips, "We love that your overriding concern is about hurting someone and breaking anyone's heart. It shows how much you love and care about all of us, Danny. It's why we all love you. If you weren't such a decent man, none of us would have accepted this arrangement."

"Fuck, I think Mum's fallen in love with you too!" Wendy stated, crawling over to kiss me too, "What you've done for us, Danny... For my mother... All you've done is prove how much you love me."

"And I'm living with my boyfriend, and his love and support will help me achieve everything I want," Kim added, "So while we understand your worries, we'll just reassure you when necessary that we love you and want this as much as you do."

"We're going to have so much fun tomorrow night," Wendy added.

"Mum is coming to join in," Kim informed me. She'd mentioned it though hadn't been sure if her mother would come, "She's looking forward to it. She misses her little girl, and from what I know, things are even worse at home now that I'm gone. Dad's being a dick, basically."

"I'll make sure we have her favourite drink ready to go." Turning to Wendy, I asked, "What about your mother? Anything happen this week when you've been at home with her?"

"We've cuddled and kissed the couple of nights I've been home, but she's hesitating to take things further. I'm not going to push it because I know it's a big thing. She'll definitely be with us tomorrow night, and part of me hopes that by the end of the night, I'll finally have my face in my mother's sweet pussy."

Mum and my sisters all arrived within half an hour of each other. Noting we were outside, the three joined us as soon as they could change, Kyla and Aimee looking sexy as hell in their bikinis, Mum would sometimes wear a bikini, but she still looked hot in her two-piece swimsuit. Kim and Wendy joined us in the pool, and I found myself the centre of attention as always, all my girls wanting a kiss and a cuddle. Letting them know of my lunchtime fun with Susan, Mum couldn't stop smiling as I knew she had a lot of affection for my ex-principal.

"I love the fact my still teenage son, at least for a couple more months, is being intimate with a fifty-year-old woman. I know some people would freak out at such an age gap, but I've seen how happy Susan is with you, and I know how much you adore her in return."

I had a trial match the next day, so I made sure I had a good meal and relaxed, heading to bed at a reasonable time. Taking Kim by the hand, we wished everyone else goodnight, aware Wendy wouldn't be going to visit her mother, so it wouldn't surprise me if she spent the night with Aimee. As for Kyla and my mother, they would definitely put a smile on each other's faces.

After we made love, Kim cuddled into me as we lay on our sides facing each other. "Confident for the coming season?" she wondered.

"Club is trying to recruit but it's not going well. I'll leave that to others to worry about. I just want to play well and avoid injury."

"Think you can make the top eight again?"

"I'm hopeful. Trials are going okay. We're playing the Dragons tomorrow. No-one thinks they'll offer anything this season. If we don't win, I won't be happy. It's our last trial match, therefore we'll want a good performance, score some tries, and enter the season proper with some confidence."

Waking up early to enjoy a swim, Kim joined me as she woke up with me. Feeling relaxed, we enjoyed a private moment together, sitting on the ledge as she straddled my lap, kissing lightly and cuddling, but I spent most of the time simply gazing into her gorgeous blue eyes. She laughed when she felt my erection rise again, but I didn't have sex on a game day. That's why she was with me the night before.

Trial matches are usually played at smaller suburban grounds or in provincial towns. Thankfully, all our games remained in Sydney, but we played away from our home stadium. Our last trial match was actually being played further towards the city at Lidcombe Oval. Once the home of the Western Suburbs Magpies, the field was now used by teams in the lower grades, but every year, the NRL would host a couple of trial matches there during the pre-season.

It was an old-school sort of ground. Only one grandstand and the rest of the seating was all grass hills or steel benches. Very little shelter if it happened to rain. And the changing rooms? To call them 'old school' would be an understatement. It was in dire need of some refurbishment, but as the only teams who used the oval were from the lower grades, no-one was willing to fund any sort of improvements.

At least there was a decent crowd waiting for us when we jogged out from the tunnel, plenty of our colours but Dragons fans had made the journey up from the south-east as well. For the next ninety minutes, including the ten-minute break at half-time, I was left increasingly frustrated as we just couldn't get our game to flow. The Dragons barely troubled us, but we should have run the score up far more than we did. By the time the referee blew his whistle to end the game, we'd won but I wasn't the only one unhappy as we hit the sheds.

The coach was happy with the win but let us know in very simple terms that he wasn't happy with the performance. "Play like that against the Panthers or Storm this season, and you're going to get your arses handed to you. I expect you all at training early on Monday as we need to prepare for the first round, and it's obvious after these four trial matches that though you are fit, more preparation is needed before that first whistle of the season." He paused and gazed around us. "But I don't want to end this on a downer You've played four games and won three. First time we've won more than half our pre-season games in years. Enjoy your evening, rest up tomorrow, and I'll see you all on Monday morning."

I always did my best to leave any anger or disappointment in the sheds if we lost a game, and knowing what I had planned for that night, it was easy to leave my annoyance with our performance on the team bus once we'd returned to our training ground. Only Mum was waiting for me by my car, assuming that Kyla or Aimee had driven everyone else home.

"Hey, baby," she said softly, sharing a soft kiss though it wasn't how either of us wanted to really greet each other. But there were too many people around, "How are you feeling?"

"I left the ground very annoyed. Didn't play as well as I should have done. Coach wasn't happy either."

"As long as you all perform during the first game of the season."

I held her hand as I drove us home, Mum leaning over to kiss me whenever we were stopped at traffic lights. Parking up on the driveway upon arriving home, I walked into the front room to find only my sisters with Kim and Wendy waiting for me. "We're giving you time to get showered, changed and relax before everyone else arrives," Mum stated.

"Kyla, want to shower with your brother?"

She was up and running towards my bathroom, already disrobing, it left the other four women laughing to themselves as I slowly followed my sister. I heard the shower turn on as I undressed, walking into my large ensuite bathroom to find her naked and already under the water. As soon as I closed the glass door, she kissed me hard.

We didn't fool around too much; I just wanted a few minutes of privacy with my sister. Getting out of the shower and drying, we snuggled together on my bed for a little while, my sister wanting nothing more than a few soft kisses and to be in the arms of her brother. If I ever doubted how she felt about me, all I had to do was gaze into her eyes for all of a few seconds.

Finally getting up, Kyla joined my mother and Aimee in the kitchen to help prepare some dishes as I wandered out to the backyard to fire up the grill. We'd spent the week preparing for this night, having been out shopping more than once to load up on meat, sides, snacks and booze. Wendy walked over, hand in hand with her mother, as I started laying sausages and steaks on the grill.

Lisa, Rebecca and Susan arrived together, grabbing drinks and immediately heading out to be around me. I greeted all of them with a long kiss and cuddle, particularly Susan, who already had that look in her eyes that she was there to have a lot of fun with me.

Kim walked out ten minutes later alongside her mother. Greeting her with a kiss on the cheek, I called her 'Mrs Smith' as always, earning a laugh and a shake of the head. "You're more than old enough to just call me Natalie, Danny," she stated, "Particularly as you live with my daughter and spend a lot of your time fucking her."

I almost spat my drink out as Kim shouted, "Mum!"

"What?" she retorted innocently, "Don't try and act all innocent, Kim. I don't have hang-ups that my daughter is sexually active with the young man she's been in love with for years. I know you're on the pill and otherwise safe with each other or anyone else involved in your sex lives."

"Starting on us early, Natalie?" I wondered as she sipped at her wine.

"Her father always liked you, Danny, but like a lot of fathers, he freaked out when learning his little girl was sexually active. Wanted to walk down to your house and 'have words'. I told him to pull his head in."

Kissing her cheek again, I wrapped an arm around her, feeling her press her body into mine. "Thanks for coming, Natalie. We'll catch up during the night."

The last guests to arrive was Caroline with my two cousins, who I saw frequently but had never been interested in as anything more than friends. Bethany was around six months younger than Kyla. Sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes, she was a slim thing with a rather perky pair of breasts on her chest. Most importantly, she was a genuinely warm-hearted young woman and we'd always been close. Her younger sister was Zara, only a couple of months older than I was. Strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, a product of somewhere down the family line, she was a small, curvy young woman with, I'll confess, a massive chest that had me thinking about motorboating her. She was a quiet girl, and someone I knew had nursed a crush on me at the same time. We'd never done anything together though.

"Hope I'm going to get some of that dick tonight," Caroline whispered into my ear as she cuddled me from behind, "And are you finally going to fuck my daughters?"

"I'm with enough women as it is," I replied quietly, "The only women I haven't slept with here are Anne, Natalie and my two cousins."

"Why haven't you fucked Anne yet? You bought her a house, Danny..."

"I didn't buy her a house to get into her panties. I did it because I love Wendy and respect the hell out of Anne for the sacrifices she made for her daughter." Turning around, I pulled her into my body, making her smile. "And I look forward to you moving in with her, so I get constant access to your pussy, Auntie..."

She kissed me softly, her tongue ever so lightly teasing me, making her smile as I cupped her arse. "You're going to be in so much trouble when I do move in," she said softly, "Then again, so is your mother." Leaning back, she took a deep breath. "You know Zara still has a massive crush on you?"

"We don't see each other often but we do message each other all the time."

Kissing my cheek, she whispered, "Maybe just spend a little time with her going forward. It'll make her year."

Skin was slowly being revealed as most of the young women wore bikinis, drinks were being consumed, and there was plenty of laughter as we sat down to eat. Mum was looking sexy as hell in her bikini, while Caroline had always been comfortable in her own skin and loved to flaunt her figure. Susan wore a figure-hugging one-piece swimsuit, that still showed off plenty of skin, while Lisa wore a two-piece but even that could barely contain her tits. Finally, Anne surprised me by wearing a bikini, and I definitely gazed at her for a little while, and Natalie looked sexy as hell in her two-piece swimsuit.

"So I take it you have a very unique arrangement here," Natalie stated, meeting my eyes from across the table, "Something I find rather interesting, Danny."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Well... Remember that time a while ago when you and Kim had some difficulties, and she was at home for a while."

"Yeah," I stated carefully.

"I told her the truth about everything, Danny," Kim confessed, immediately grabbing my hand, "Mum could see how upset I was, and I needed to tell someone what was going on."

"It's okay, Kim," I immediately assured her, pulling her to my side and kissing her cheek, "Don't be upset. I understand." Feeling her relax, I met Natalie's eyes. "I'm guessing you don't have a problem with it considering you're here now and you had no problem with Kim living with us."

"Honestly, I think it's kinda hot, and I definitely understand why, Danny."

"What are you talking about?" Anne asked.

Wendy immediately turned to her mother. "Mummy... Um... You know how we're closer nowadays..."

Clearing my throat, Wendy blushed as I wrapped an arm around my mother, Kim snuggling closer into me. "Anne, I'm intimate with my mother, with Kyla and Aimee, and also with Caroline."

Anne looked at me in silence for a few seconds before finally whispering, "Oh..."

"That's totally hot," Zara murmured, "You're fucking your mother and sisters, Danny?"

"I am, Zara."

"I also fuck my sister," Mum stated, glancing over the table at Caroline, "Or she'll sometimes fuck me."

"Oh god yes, that's hot!" Bethany added.

"It is?" Caroline asked, clearly in surprise.

"Mum, you know I love pussy as much as I love cock." Then she surprised everyone by turning to her sister. "And I'd love to share the love with my family, particularly my little sister."

Zara's eyes turned to saucers as she started to blush. "You... You would?"

"Zara, I think everyone knows how much you crush on Danny, but I also know you masturbate thinking about your big sister licking that little pussy of yours."

"I... How do you know?"

"I've heard you more than once moaning my name when diddling yourself."

"Well, this is certainly a night of revelations," Caroline stated with humour.

"I want to fuck my mother," Wendy blurted out, turning back to her mother, "Mummy, I want us to finally make love. I know you're scared about that final step, but trust me on this, Danny loves me, and I know he adores you, and he knows what I want. I want him and I want you."

Mum started to chuckle. "Good thing to know I'm not the only one involved in a relationship with my child."

"What are you thinking, Natalie?" I asked, "You've obviously learned far more in the past few minutes than you probably imagined."

"Can I sit between you and Kim?" She stood up as Kim shuffled over as Natalie sat between us. "Honestly, I'm happy for all of you, that you've all found love, and if this arrangement works for you all, then I can only wish you all the best." She sighed, finishing her glass of wine. "I'm an unhappily married woman and have been for nearly ten years. The only reason I've remained with my husband was for Kim and her brother. She's now moved out and my son will be moving out shortly when he attends university." Pouring herself another glass, she started to laugh. "God, are we all bisexual women here or something?"

"I don't think labels mean anything to any of us," Kyla stated, "I'm in love with my brother and he will be the only man I'm ever with. But I know how happy he makes many of the women at this table, so during those times he's not with me, I find comfort with a woman, whether it be my mother, my sister, or another woman. Licking pussy is enjoyable as I enjoy making my lover orgasm, and I love having my pussy licked by my brother or a female lover."

"I feel the same way, Mum," Kim added, "The core relationships are Danny, Wendy and myself, and then there's Danny, his mother and two sisters. Think of a Venn diagram. Danny is at the centre, and the relationships all work with him. What means the most to me is the fact I know he would give it all up for someone if that's what they wanted."

Susan cleared her throat. "Can I just say something?" Everyone looked her way, thankfully seeing her smile. "I know society at large wouldn't accept most of this. I will admit it is unusual."

"I think it's hot," Lisa murmured, "Totally want to see some family loving in the future."

"If someone's willing to eat me out while I return the favour tonight..."

Susan chuckled to herself. "Anyway, what I was going to say is that while unusual, everyone here is a consenting adult, but the one obvious fact is that you all love each other deeply. I almost feel honoured to be part of it, to share my life with Danny and yourselves. I'm the oldest woman here, I know that much, but these past months with Danny have been the best of my life."

"What are you going to do, Mum?" Kim finally asked.

"As soon as your brother moves out, so am I. I just don't know where I'll go yet."

"Move in with me," Anne offered, "Caroline will be moving in with me shortly. Tonight will be a good way of getting to know each other."

"And we have spare rooms here too," I added.

"Would I be wrong to insist my mother move in as soon as possible, Danny?"

"I'd rather she be here feeling safe and loved if she's really that unhappy or worse."