Learn Your Place Ch. 03


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Crawling back to the kitchen, Nikki noticed that He was in the "fetch" room as she passed it and headed there instead. He was reading a magazine and took no note of her as she entered, so Nikki just sat down quietly at His side, leaving her leash dangling in front of her.

"What's wrong?" He asked without looking, turning another page.

"Nothing Master. Am I bothering you?" She asked anxiously, remnants of her fear of Him making themselves known.

"No. You're exactly where you should be." He stated calmly, reaching out to pet her head. "You're frustrated about something."

Nikki's eyes bulged, and her cheeks colored bright red again as she looked away. Her instinct was to tell Him that it was nothing, but He'd asked her a question and she didn't want to make Him repeat Himself. "I...um...masturbated in the shower..."

This caused Him to raise an eyebrow, turning from the magazine for the moment. "Did you cum?"

Continuing to avoid eye contact, Nikki shook her head. "No Master. I...couldn't..."

Despite not looking, she could feel the smirk forming on His lips. "And why do you think that is?"

Nikki sighed. "Because my orgasms are yours and I didn't want to be a bad girl..."

He grinned wider, petting her head again. "Good answer." But then He went back to reading, lazily attending to Nikki as one would a dog that they don't want to get antsy and distract them. He'd just pet her when He wasn't turning a page. Of course, this only put Nikki's mind further into overdrive.

Even when He fingered her earlier, it could be seen as just placating her because she was horny and trying to tempt Him. But Nikki didn't get too long to mull over whatever seemed off because there was a sudden knock at the door. He sighed and stood up to go answer it. Once again, He seemed to disregard Nikki, but she followed Him anyway because that's what a dog would do. The idea of someone else seeing her made her burn in embarrassment, but He wasn't correcting her action, so she had to assume it was the right one.

By the time they got to the front door, it wasn't so much knocking as much as banging. "Alright! Alright! I hear you. Calm your shit!" He growled with an irritation audible in His voice. Nikki had never heard Him talk to anyone else like that. But then again, she never heard Him talk to anyone else, period.

For the first time in what felt like ages, Nikki wanted to run. But oddly enough, her instinct was to hide behind Him. Instead she just sat by His side and waited for Him to open the door. Her head suddenly snapped in His direction as he began snapping His fingers at her. Holding out His hand towards her expectantly, Nikki made a guess and picked up the handle of her leash with her mouth and handed it over, which earned her a pat on the head which calmed her way more than it should have.

But now she knew that she was doing what He wanted her to and that was all that mattered. That was until the door opened and Nikki's eyes bulged as she saw the familiar uniform.

It was a policeman. He seemed huge. Then again, Nikki was sitting on the floor, so her perspective was a bit off. The officer definitely seemed taller than Him, and maybe broader. But while she was clearly shocked to see the policeman there, He merely flashed a cocky smile. "Officer."

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I was wondering if you'd seen-" The cop in question stopped midsentence and mirrored Nikki's look of shock when he finally registered the woman and the leash that was attached to her, she might have even called it a look of recognition. The officer's eyes took in the situation and it was only then that Nikki remembered that she was nude. It wasn't like He ever made a big deal of the nudity. It was treated like it was how she should be. It had become completely normal.

"Um." The cop sputtered slightly before quickly regaining himself. "Miss...are you okay?"

Nikki did her best version of a shy grin trying to ignore the steady rising of self-consciousness growing within her. "I'm fine, Sir."

The cop's eyes narrowed, giving Him a suspicious glance before putting his attention on Nikki again. "Miss...Wright? You have...a lot of very worried people looking for you. Are you aware of that?"

"I'm...so sorry, Sir. I hope you haven't been too inconvenienced. I was just...really stressed and needed some..." She glanced up at Him. "...time for myself. Could you tell them that I'm okay?"

The officer's eyes widened at her words and then he turned to Him. "I really don't know how you do it so quickly. You've barely had her for four days. She didn't even blink."

Nikki let out a relieved breath as He pat the top of her head. "Well, she spent a night with Alpha pretty early on."

"Ah..." The officer nodded. "Yeah. That would do it. Look at her. All proud of herself." He smirked, reaching down to tilt Nikki's head up to face him. "Be honest. Did something give me away?"

Nikki blushed a bit, somehow not used to anyone but Him touching her. She glanced at Him to get a nod in response and then she turned her attention to the officer again. "Master made it very clear that without His say-so no one could get out of here. So, it only makes sense that if you got in-..."

"He let me in." The officer finished for her. He let out a chuckle and then faced Him again. "You usually don't go for the smart ones."

"I have my reasons." He replied to the officer.

"I bet. Looking at two of them right now." The officer stated, leering at Nikki's exposed chest.

She was going to have to fuck him. Nikki could tell that much right off the bat. Just the way that the two were casually interacting, and the possessive but respectful way the officer kept looking at her. There was one way to be sure. "Are you a real cop?"

"Curious one too." The officer chuckled. "Yes Sweetness, I'm a real cop. There really are people looking for you. Not that I can blame them. If I had regular access to you, I'd be looking too. But don't worry, I'll make sure that you have all the 'time to yourself' that you want."

That's what she figured. And it only solidified the situation. The officer was being respectful because she belonged to Him, but she'd bet her nonexistent clothes that those two had a deal that kept anyone from finding any missing person He decided to make into a dog. And that deal probably included testing the merchandise. Probably why He hadn't fucked her so far today and insisted on her being so clean at that moment. Nikki sighed and resigned herself to the situation.

"Speaking of which..." The officer started only to have Him snap His fingers with realization.

"Right! All her shit." The two nodded at each other as He placed the handle of the leash in Nikki's mouth for her to hold and left the two alone as He went upstairs.

There was a bit of an awkward silence between the two for a while before the officer tilted her head to have her face him again. "I'm Derek."

"Nikki." She replied through her teeth as having the leash in her mouth limited its movement, which she assumed was on purpose. She had to hope that she was even allowed to talk in the first place. Not that it was any information he didn't already know anyway.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Derek stated reassuringly. Nikki merely nodded to that one. Derek looked scrutinizingly at her face, once again making her extremely self-conscious. "It's at my discretion if he's going...too far with this whole thing. If you want to go home, I can make that happen."

"Can I ask a question?" Nikki asked through the leash handle.

"Anything." Derek answered, raising a curious eyebrow.

"How many of us actually fall for that?" She scoffed with a roll of her eyes. She'd already passed the loyalty test or whatever this was. It was just insulting at this point.

Derek threw back his head into a loud, booming laugh, his deep voice echoing through the room. "More than you'd think. Any more questions?"

Nikki was going to say no and remain silent until He returned, but a question popped out before she could stop it. "What happened to the previous dog?"

Derek immediately rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Her. Let's just say you're a vast improvement." He then kneeled to her level, an action that made her surprisingly anxious. "But the fact that you even asked me that question is why I won't answer it. You see...smart little dummies like you take information like that and you process it. 'Is what I'm being forced to do worse than the punishments?' And you act accordingly. But if you don't know what'll happen...you just know it will hurt...well...you're less likely to make those kinds of decisions, aren't you?"

Nikki sighed and nodded. She should have expected as much, but it was worth a shot. She looked up as He returned, her eyes widening slightly as she recognized her folded up clothing and her usual bag that she took with her to work.

"You guys weren't having too much fun without me?" He taunted, handing over the items.

"She didn't take my offer." Derek responded with a smirk.

"Oh, I could have told you that." He replied confidently, reaching for the leash handle which Nikki promptly handed over. "She's grown ...quite attached to me, haven't you, you little slut?" As He spoke, He took His free hand and teasingly stroked her lips with His fingers.

Nikki could feel her cheeks coloring as she nodded. "Yes Master."

His grip on the leash began to tighten it around her neck as he said, "Yes what?"

Nikki blanked at first. She'd called Him Master, hadn't she? But then the lightbulb went off again and she merely hoped she was right. "Yes Master. This little slut has grown quite attached to you."

"Good girl." He grinned, allowing the leash to have slack again. With that done, He turned His attention to Derek again. "Everything ready?"

"Just waiting for you." Derek nodded, appearing amused by Nikki's reactions.

"Let's go then." He began to lead Nikki to what she assumed would be one of the rooms, only to see that she was being taken outside. The primal part of the fear centers of her brain wanted to protest this as nothing good had ever happened to her when she was taken outside of the house. But her desires and fears didn't matter. She was supposed to follow them, so she did.

There was no sign of Lucy and Piper, but they did walk past Alpha's area which made her shudder. Nikki's attention was suddenly piqued when she started to hear voices coming from one of the barns that they were headed to.

Nikki's eyes bulged as she walked in to see four more pairs of eyes staring at her. The talking immediately stopped and once more Nikki was overcome by a wave of self-consciousness. She powered through the feeling as He continued to lead her in the room. Derek ended up leaving and sitting next to one of the others, another officer whose pale skin tone only made Derek's dark skin only look darker in comparison. He didn't appear to be in nearly the good shape that Derek was either, but Nikki didn't discover anything more about him because she quickly found she did not like the way he was leering at her and moved her attention elsewhere.

To surprise her even further there was a woman among the men. At first, she thought maybe she was with one of them but she was clearly sitting by herself and no one paid her much attention. What was especially interesting was that in the world of dark blues, blacks and browns that made up the other men's clothing, she was almost a shining beacon of pink. Her skimpy, and to put it bluntly...slutty choice in clothing was in a variety of shades of pink and white. Even her long hair hung down in braids of pink.

But then Nikki made the mistake of looking at her face and immediately saw why she could only assume the men were keeping their distance. It wasn't all the facial piercings. Those were a bit intense but once Nikki's eyes reached hers, she could literally see the insanity looking back at her. It was wild and primal. It almost reminded her of Alpha. Tied back by a chain and waiting to pounce.

Nikki's eyes quickly moved to the next person. He looked ordinary enough at first glance. He still had the predatory look of everyone else, which hid behind his black hair, which was just long enough to cover his eyes. He was probably the one besides Derek who reminded her the most of her Master. Everyone seemed so eager, held back by a thread. If he was like was them, he hid it well, or maybe Nikki was just distracted by all his tattoos which were visible due to his black tank top. She couldn't tell if it was multiple dragons or one very long dragon that seemed to snake around his body, but it only accented his obvious musculature.

When Nikki's eyes reached the final one, she was in for a shock which clearly showed on her face. "K...Kevin?"

Kevin's expression mirrored her own as he turned to look at Him with pure awe. "You took Nikki? Bruh...you are a fucking GOD!"

"You know him?" Nikki turned to Him as He spoke to her with a nod, feeling even more exposed now that there was someone she actually recognized.

"Yes Master...we...worked together." Nikki muttered, blushing profusely. Kevin always seemed like such a sweetheart in the office. He was always really nice to her and would give her coffee or snacks and things all the time. And because of that, she'd ignore all the times she'd catch him leering at her cleavage or ogling her while she was eating lunch. He knew she had a boyfriend, so he didn't push it to an awkward place, and it just made her feel really sexy to have someone practically doting on her knowing full well he had no chance of doing anything but looking.

He was definitely not hiding his looking this time. Kevin's eyes hungrily roamed Nikki's abundant curves. She could almost feel the intensity of his gaze. But just like everyone there, he wasn't looking at her as if she were a person. They all looked at her like an object. It was one thing when He looked at her that way but having five other pairs of eyes looking down on her the same way was overwhelming.

"Stand." Her Master ordered, which Nikki quickly followed, standing upright.

"Yes Master." Nikki answered, before looking at Him and seeing Him twirling His pointer finger around, having her present herself for the assembled group. She tried to hide her blushing, but it was impossible.

"How's Alpha doing?" The pink woman asked Nikki, her wild blue eyes lingering on the faint but still visible remnants of the bites and scratches that were still on her skin. This comment sparked chuckles among the others.

"He's fine." Nikki replied curtly. She was almost immediately thrown as His hand colliding with her face in a hard slap. He didn't need to say words. She got the message loud and clear. Be more respectful to His guests.

"Ooo! So much sass!" The pink woman almost squealed with eagerness.

"Hopefully not too much." Derek's cop friend stated bluntly. "We got enough of that shit with the last one."

The pink woman let out a high-pitched giggle. "Oh, come now, Teddy. She wasn't that bad. She just cried a little too much for my taste. Waaah waaah, I've lost my depth perception. Waaah!"

"I don't think we'll have that problem with Nikki." Derek stated, giving Nikki an intense look. "She's a smart one. I don't think she'd fight just for the sake of it. Isn't that right?"

"Yes sir." Nikki nodded, trying to convince herself that she didn't know what depth perception was and therefore had no clue what was just implied.

"Slut has survival instincts. I can respect that." The pink woman commented, licking her lips.

"As if your respect actually means anything, Dana." Teddy grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

Dana's eyes immediately locked onto the portly officer, her pink braids whipping with the sudden motion. "You have a problem with me, Teddy?" There was a wild seduction in her movements as she walked over to him.

"He didn't mean anything by it." Derek stated with an exasperated sigh. "Sheath the claws."

"Claws? What claws?" Dana grinned widely, her gaze remaining on Teddy despite her words being for Derek. "We're supposed to be friends here, right? Nice and cozy friends. So, if Teddy has a problem with me, maybe I just need to be a little more friendly." Dana's words and actions spoke entirely to seduction but yet the way every man in the room reacted to the way she said 'friendly' made it seem like her very seduction was a threat.

"Touch me bitch and I will literally beat the pink out of you." Teddy growled. Derek clearly knew Dana better than his partner did as the threat made Derek pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Oh yes! Hit me! Hit me hard, Daddy! Do it! Do it! Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit!" She moaned, hopping in his lap, her smile becoming almost painfully wide to look at.

Apparently, He had seen enough of the display and loudly cleared His throat. "Dana. Please. We are all friends here. Behave."

Dana's eyes bulged as she glanced back and forth between Him and Teddy before getting off Teddy's lap and sitting back on her haystack with a petulant pout. Nikki took in everyone's reaction to the excitement. Derek looked annoyed at Teddy for starting the whole thing, Teddy looked both relieved and angry, maybe even a little embarrassed, Dana looked like a five-year-old who had their Halloween candy taken away, Kevin looked extremely uncomfortable, and Dragon Tattoo was just...looking at Nikki.

Her tits, her ass, her hips, legs, feet, everything. He was just looking her up and down, as if he was scanning her like that was all that mattered. Even when their eyes met, he didn't spend any more time there than he did anywhere else.

She quickly turned her attention back to Him only to find He was looking at her anyway. "Introduce yourself to my friends, Nikki. Maybe that will ease their tensions."

It was the way He said 'ease their tensions', that sent a shiver of fear through her. "A...thorough...introduction, Master?" Nikki asked meekly.

"Just like in the morning, yes. Good girl." He praised, petting the top of her head and then pulling off her leash.

Nikki looked at the others to see that they'd all stood up and were making their way towards her. Her heart began pounding in her chest. It wasn't like this scenario wasn't one of her worst-case scenarios from the moment she walked in here, but knowing it was going down like this and was happening right now was almost too much for her. And that was before Dana reached into a bag to the side of the haystack out of Nikki's field of vision and pulled out quite possibly the biggest strap-on Nikki had ever seen in her life. There was no way that she could see it possibly fitting...anywhere. She was pretty sure it was the size of Dana's head. Nikki's eyes widened in sheer terror, drawing everyone's attention to the source of the fear.

"Dibs on her ass." Dana gleefully called out, almost lovingly running her fingers along the gigantic phallus.

"Now now, please don't break my things. I've barely had her a week." He sighed.

Dana's smile almost immediately melted away. "You never let me have any fun!" She roared, stamping her feet.

Everyone immediately froze. Nikki hadn't known Him for very long, but she knew enough to know that people didn't yell at Him like that. It was like Dana realized her mistake and a look of fear and embarrassment crossed her face and she avoided eye contact with Him. "I'm sorry... She's Yours. You make the rules."

He sighed one more time. "It's fine. If you want to fuck someone with that thing so bad, that's what we have Kevin for."

Dana's head snapped up and her eyes widened with a sadistic glee. "Really?!"

As wide as Dana's went with excitement, Kevin's went just as big in horror. "What?!"

A small chuckle rumbled from His chest. "Just kidding." This received a round of laughter from everyone except Teddy, Dragon Tattoo, who was still staring, and Dana, who pouted again until He spoke once more. "Fine. You can fist her."