Learning About AI


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I fucking almost lost it when the person that emerged from 214 was not Gina, but Audrey carrying a small bag. Since she was walking toward the stairwell where I was hiding I didn't have time to think. I immediately bolted down to the first floor, exited the building, and hid behind a car. I was hoping that I was hallucinating but when Audrey shortly thereafter exited the same door with a smile on her face I knew that I wasn't.

I collapsed on the parking lot asphalt, unconcerned that I was dirtying my clothes, but seemingly unable to move. Finally after what seemed a long time, but may had only been two or three minutes, I got up and shuffled to my car.

I didn't sleep that night. I went through all scenarios in my mind about how I could have been fooled, why Audrey did what she did, and what to do from then on.

After doing several Internet searches and visiting all social media sites for Gina and Audrey it was probably about 3 a. m. before I came to grips with how I was so thoroughly fooled. The major factors were:

1) I really wanted to believe it so I wasn't as attuned to what was happening as I normally would be.

2) I don't know why I missed it before but Audrey and Gina have very similar body types. I knew a way to confirm that in the future but I was guessing that they were within an inch and five pounds of each other and that while Audrey's tits looked a little bit bigger when clothed it wasn't like they were an A cup and an E cup. Even though Audrey's face and hair were much different than Gina's they could be disguised by facial prosthetics and a wig and since Audrey had been a thespian she could pull that off.

3) Audrey was smart enough to know what perfume Gina wore and to buy some herself.

4) The hardest thing to figure out was the voice; then I came across a website on the Internet about Artificial Intelligence (AI). The website showed how easy it was to fake someone's voice if you were proficient in AI. Audrey is a very intelligent woman and has a technology degree of some sort (I didn't remember exactly what) but I had no doubt that she could pull it off. This also explained the delays the two times I was talking to Gina on the phone "live" and why when she did talk during our liaisons sometimes it sounded "remote" (it was obvious that she had a speaker somewhere with expected phrases on a device feeding it, or maybe even a text to voice -- Gina's voice -- app).

5) Since I had confided in Audrey about my situation she clearly manipulated me and guided me toward the result that she wanted.

Having basically figured out the "how" I then focused on the "why." I thought back about my relationship with Audrey since we first met in college.

I'm not the most observant guy in the world but with my new perspective when I pieced together all of my interactions with her in the past I realized that she might have had a crush on me going back to college but that she was too shy to pursue it. I always thought that our relationship was just "friendly" and I was never particularly attracted to her face even though there was nothing wrong with her body (an understatement) or personality. This was cemented when I thought back about one question that she asked me several years ago -- when she was drunk and I was a little looped myself -- that I didn't think was serious at the time. (With slurs removed: "Have you ever known someone you really wanted to fuck but you were afraid to let them know?")

It was about 5 a. m. when I finally figured out the "why;" she apparently harbored either romantic or sexual feelings for me that I never recognized before.

The last of the three things that I had to evaluate was the hardest: "What the fuck do I do now?"

Bill and Audrey were two of my four best friends; I had always liked them equally, though obviously differently. Now that I realized what a fucking sex machine Audrey was I was afraid that that would cloud my judgment in the future. Should I tell Bill? Should I confront Audrey? How could I have the same relationship with Audrey in the future; or Bill for that matter? If what I did precipitated a divorce would I feel guilty for the rest of my life?

By 7 a. m. I realized that I had no answer to "What the fuck do I do now?" and I finally fell into a fitful sleep sitting on a chair in my den. When I woke up a few hours later with a stiff neck I realized that I wouldn't be worth shit for the rest of the day so I just did yard work, worked out, and vegetated in front of the boob tube.


I had to do something since my angst was affecting my work in the ensuing weeks. One thing that I made sure that I did was to never return any of "Gina's" calls which I figured were made from a burner phone that Audrey had purchased for that purpose. About two weeks after the revelation Audrey hinted at my "relationship" with Gina and I simply told her that despite how awesome that Gina was in the sack the relationship was too weird for me and that I would not be contacting her again. "Gina's" calls stopped after that.

I also "accidentally ran into" Gina in a mall at one point and pretending that I was going to buy a dress for my sister and disclosing that she was about Gina's size I confirmed her height and dress size; five feet six inches and size four. Using the same rouse with Audrey she also confirmed that she was five feet six inches tall and a size four "Although sometimes the tops are a little too tight for me," said Audrey, something that Gina didn't say.

I carefully inspected Gina and Audrey when I talked with them during my rouse and realized that not only were their heights and dress sizes the same but their shoulders, waist, and legs (from what could be seen when they had skirts on) looked darn near identical too.

I knew that it was time to stop agonizing and act when about three weeks after the revelation four nights in a row I woke up in a cold sweat with exceptionally realistic dreams that I was fucking Audrey in her bed and we were exchanging expressions of "I love you!"


I hope that the solution that I came up with was selfless. I confirmed in my own mind that it was necessary when the weekend after my four nights in a row of realistic dreams I went to a sporting event with Bill on Saturday and a matinee with Audrey on Sunday. I looked at Audrey differently than I ever had before -- and actually felt an electric charge up my arm when we briefly held hands while walking into the theater.

I got a new job -- it helped my psyche that it was for more money -- in a place about 200 miles (320 km) away from where Bill, Audrey, and I lived. The week before I was about to move we drove separately to a local park on a Sunday afternoon while they got Bill's parents to watch their kids.

After some joking around and eating a snack and sipping some beers I got around to why I asked them to the park.

"Bill and Audrey you are two of my best friends ever and I value my relationships with you. Something has recently come up -- quite surprisingly so -- that has caused me to make a very difficult decision. At the end of next week I'm moving to another city -- I already have a job there -- and I probably will not be visiting in the future."

"What's the matter?" Bill asked with real concern; "Have we done something to disrespect or embarrass you?" Audrey remained silent but her face turned ashen.

"Quite the contrary; I recently realized that I have romantic feelings for Audrey and I simply can't have the relationships that I've had with you two in the past. I can't afford to hurt myself emotionally or do anything to hurt either of you. The only option that I can come up with is to withdraw from the situation. I love you two both too much, as friends, to do anything else. It's my problem, not yours."

They were both knocked back on their heels and at a loss for words. Bill grunted a couple of times and a few tears trickled down Audrey's cheeks, but they didn't say anything. "I'm sorry," I said, "I wish I could control my feelings but I can't, and after our genuine friendships over the last decade I'm not willing to sully them because I'm weak."

With that I slowly rose, shook Bill's hand and kissed Audrey's hand although they both were like automatons at that point, then slowly walked back to my car and drove away. I thought that I heard some sounds coming from where Bill and Audrey sat, but I couldn't make out what they were and didn't acknowledge them or turn back.


It was hard in my new city for the first six months or so. However, like I said I'm a nice guy and I made new friends fairly easily. I missed my old friends but I didn't dwell on that; except for Bill and Audrey I did contact my old friends on occasion but never went to see them.

I dated frequently in my new city -- there were lots of eligible women. The problem was that even though I enjoyed sex with them (duh) the sexual experiences paled in comparison with those I had with Audrey. For a while I tried to figure out why I was so enamored with her now when I was oblivious before; of course the answer was simple. I didn't know what a sexual dynamo she was until I experienced it and when I combined that with our already great friendship it seemed like love to me.

It was almost two years since I had left my old city and I was doing well at work and with some good investments where I got in on the ground floor would have no money problems in the future. I had an active social life and was probably in the best physical shape of my life since I went to the gym, or bicycled or ran outside, at least four days a week. I had just turned thirty years old a few weeks before when on a Saturday morning there was a knock on the door of my detached house.

When I opened the door there was Audrey in shorts and a tank top. Her only words were "My divorce from Bill is official," something that I didn't even know was in the works since I had had no contact whatsoever with either of them.

Almost wordlessly we found ourselves in my bed a few minutes later.

After I ate Audrey's fragrant pussy three times, fucked it twice, and fucked her tits once, without the help of a little blue pill, dusk was descending outside. We had talked little up to that point. As we lay next to each other, our sweaty bodies having primarily dried although there were still a few drops on our foreheads Audrey asked "You figured it out that it was me, not Gina, didn't you?"

"Yes; and I was embarrassed once I knew that it took spirited sex before I realized that I had real feelings for you. If I had realized that in college we would have married long ago."

"You know that I loved you in college and was bummed when you never looked on me romantically," she grinned.

"Sorry; I didn't realize what a sexual dynamo that you were," I grinned back.

"How about now; is there a chance for us? Can you accept someone who cheated on her husband to be with you? I can stay the week if you need a test drive," she contritely asked and said.

"I'll let you know at the end of the upcoming week," I snickered as I started sucking a nipple and flicking her clit, shocked that my well used little friend was starting to come back to life.

I knew that there were lots of things to work out in the future -- especially child custody -- but for the next week I was simply going to enjoy life and sex with the woman I now realized that I loved.

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SplitGeode66SplitGeode665 months ago

Disappointing ending. Gabe should avoid Gina. 4 stars.

fritz51fritz515 months ago

Don't get too complacent Gabe, she's already shown that she is capable of lying and cheating. There's almost certainly a better choice out there for you...

DessertmanDessertman5 months ago

Ok but nothing special and some things to dislike. 3 stars.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndy5 months ago

Solid Enjoyable reading well done writing as is usual with author! No real complaints just open ended like one of the many JPB stories. Overall worth the time!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

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