Learning the Rules Ch. 06

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Class is always in session, homework is mandatory!
14.7k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/13/2014
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When last we left Alexandra and Jamison, her introduction to Jamison's lifestyle had just begun. He has explained some basic concepts of BDSM to her and given her a 'tasting' of what she can expect. Jamison has initiated Alexandra with a light play session and her first punishment for breaking rule number one: Always tell the truth. Her punishment came in the form of a spanking and to Alexandra's surprise it had a prolific effect on her. Alexandra is not only learning about Jamison and his BDSM world, but she is learning a lot about herself. She is not only being exposed to new ideas and experiences but she finds she has to examine her own feelings and ideals. So far, Alexandra has been a willing and exceptional student, although somewhat willful in nature. Jamison has proven to be a more than capable teacher. The twenty-four hour time limit on their agreement will soon come to a close. Will she choose to carry on with her education? Will Alexandra decide to continue her journey and exploration into all of the 'unknowns' that Jamison has to offer her?

I hope you continue to follow Alexandra and Jamison's story. Enjoy the read and please continue to comment. I truly enjoy and appreciate your feedback. To those of you who have been so kind as to take the additional time to vote, comment, or email me, I thank you. Revel in the journey!!

Thanks again,



Jamison and Alexandra just ended a rather active play session on very little sleep from the night before. Jamison moves behind her and curls his body up to hers. Spooning her tightly against him he pulls the blanket over the two of them. Gently he rubs his hand along the length of her side. Kissing the back of her neck, he checks in with her. "Alexandra are you ok?" He asks as he continues to rub his hand up and down her side stopping and resting his hand on her hip.

"Umm Hmm." She takes a deep breath. "Yes Jamison I'm ok." Alexandra reaches down and grasps Jamison's hand. She brings it up to her lips and kisses it. Then she pulls his hand to her breasts and holds it in her own hand. "Jamison, Thank you. Thank you for everything Jamison. I do mean everything." She says as her eyes close.

"You're welcome." Jamison whispers back as he kisses the back of her neck and holds her tightly against his chest. Within minutes Alexandra's breathing is slow and peaceful. She is asleep as Jamison lies there listening to her soft breaths. It's been a very busy morning and he has had little sleep from the night before. Jamison joins Alexandra in sleep but his mind is actively organizing this afternoon's itinerary.


Two hours later and Jamison awakens from his nap. Alexandra remains asleep in his arms. Slowly he attempts to awaken her, first with a light kiss on the back of her neck. He receives no response. Then he gently strokes his hand down her side fondling her breast as he passes by, still nothing. He lightly blows his warm breath into her ear and still she does not stir from her position.

"Alexandra." He quietly speaks her name directly into her ear. Again, she does not even stir.

"Alexandra it's time to wake up." He says a little louder and playfully slaps her back side. "Smack!" It's not a forceful blow, but the room is very quiet and the smacking sound is amplified in the silence.

Alexandra awakens and rolls over into his arms to face him. Smiling she asks, "So, we are back to the random slapping of my ass are we?" Her words are sleepy and her voice is teasing.

"We are when it takes me five minutes just to get you to wake up and open your eyes." He sounds reprimanding, but she can tell from his facial expression that he too is teasing.

"I hate to be the one to correct you Jamison, but it did not take you five minutes to kiss my neck, rub my side, and blow in my ear. It took barely two minutes before you reverted to brute force." She kisses the base of his chin as she finishes her summary of events.

"Oh, so you were awake then were you?" He smiles down into her bright, but still sleep ridden eyes. "I could count your behavior as a falsehood Alexandra. Pretending one thing when really another is the truth is actually thought to be a lie. Don't you agree?"

She hesitates, looking at him. "Jamison, that's not fair." She looks and sounds surprised by his response and because he looks so serious all of a sudden, she isn't sure whether or not he is kidding with her. She hopes he is because the sting on her ass from her last punishment for lying is still very much present. "I was only playing with you."

"So, after all our play last night and then earlier today you haven't had enough? Are you saying I left you unsatisfied?" Now he is smiling and the glint in his eye, along with his tone, tells her all is well. He continues to tease her. "I guess I will just have to make up for that now won't I?"

He rolls his body over onto hers until she is on lying flat on her back and he is over her. Jamison grasps her wrists and places her arms above her head, bent at the elbow. He holds them in place as his body comes to rest on top of hers. Looking into her eyes he starts to kiss her face. He dips his head down until his mouth covers hers. His kiss is warm, slow, and wet. He licks across her lips and Alexandra grants his tongue access to her mouth.

His look is mischievous as he kisses her for just a few seconds and then pulls away. Then he kisses her again, gains access with his tongue, teases her, and pulls away. Jamison does this a third time and this time Alexandra wants more, she lifts her head to maintain contact with him and to hold the kiss when he pulls back.

"No Alexandra." He says using his command tone. "You don't get to control this. You have no say in how long, how often, or in what manner I kiss you. Now, keep still and maintain the position you are in. If or when I want you to move, I will tell you or I will move you myself. The only movement you may have is to nod "yes" or "no". Nod if you understand."

Alexandra nods yes.

"I also want you to remain quiet. You can moan or make any sound you need to, but no words. Not even my name Alexandra. Nod if you understand."

Again, she nods her head in the affirmative. Alexandra can feel her excitement ignite as Jamison talks to her in that voice. His voice is quiet, even, very composed. His voice is silky and sexy, yet unyielding and demanding at the same time. It sends chills down her spine and initiates a warm quivering feeling from her woman's core. She has no idea what he has in store for her, but by the darkening of his eyes and the smile on his face, she knows he has a plan. He kisses her one last time before he moves his mouth to her ear.

Jamison traces around the rim of her ear with the tip of his tongue. He pulls her earlobe into his mouth and makes little sucking motions on it. He holds her earlobe gently between his teeth as he strokes the tip of his tongue back and forth across it. He starts off slow but quickly increases his tongues movement, then sucks it again before nipping her earlobe with the edges of his front teeth.

"Ouch!" Alexandra cries out and her body twitches from the quick and unexpected pain.

"Careful Alexandra, I told you to keep still and to not say a word. That was very close to a movement and 'Ouch' is most definitely a word Alexandra. Don't you agree?" He sweeps his gaze over her face admiring how beautiful she looks in her just awakened state. He focuses on her eyes as he awaits her response.

Will she remember not to speak and answer with a nod or will she ignore my instructions and speak? Will she agree that 'ouch' is a word, wondering if she will be punished for not following my instructions? Or will she deny 'ouch' is a legitimate word and try to defend it as a sound being willful to the end?

Alexandra is too smart to fall for his ruse. She knows he is purposefully trying to entice her to defy his instructions. She gives Jamison her most apologetic look and pouts her mouth as she nods 'yes'.

"Good girl." He smiles at her. "I thought you may have forgotten my instructions but you remembered, very good. So, since it was such a small word and a minute infraction and since I am in such a giving mood this morning, I will give you a pass. Be careful though, a free pass is few and very far between. Understand?"

Alexandra smiles in an attempt to convey her understanding and her thanks as she nods her head "yes."

"Good. Now, let's continue." Jamison returns to his position by her ear and licks her earlobe again. His tongue is warm and soft. As his tongue teasingly licks over her lobe it tickles her and chills run down her neck. This time he moves his tongue up a fraction and inserts it in Alexandra's ear canal. He swirls it in small circles coating the inside of her ear with his saliva. He starts to thrust his tongue in and out of her ear. As Jamison inserts and withdraws his tongue in her ear, an "Umm" escapes from Alexandra's mouth. She is dying to move her head away from his moist tongue, but she knows better.

"There is a theme here Alexandra. Relax and enjoy it." He whispers to her as he slowly licks from her earlobe down along her jaw line. He traces the curve of her neck with his tongue. He places small kisses over the area of her neck where he can feel her pulse. Jamison continues his journey across her collar bone. His tongue never leaves her skin as he continues to lick further down and over the soft tissue of her breast. Her darkened areola and her peaked nipple show her excitement.

Jamison lifts his head high enough off of her breast so that Alexandra can see his face. He smiles at her as he heavily moistens his lips with his tongue until they glisten with his sputum. He lowers his head back to her breast and opens his mouth, encompassing her entire areola and nipple in his mouth. She can feel the warmth and moisture from his mouth as he suckles on her breast.

Jamison is sucking hard and fast on her breast. His head is bobbing up and down as he mouths her areola and pulls back. He pulls his head back until his mouth closes tightly over just the tissue of her nipple. He sucks forcefully on the peaked tissue. So forcefully Alexandra is fighting not to move or call out. A hot sharp pain is centered on her nipple. As Jamison nips her erect tissue between his teeth Alexandra loudly moans. "Ahh!" Jamison doesn't hold back. He starts to really suck and apply pressure to her erect tissue. He sucks so firmly that when he pulls off of her he makes a popping sound with his mouth as her nipple breaks free.

"Ahh! Umm!" Alexandra has to force herself not to move or cry out his name. The suction he applied to her nipple was very hard. She can see her nipple is deeply colored and swollen from his oral play. It burns somewhat and it is throbbing.

Alexandra watches Jamison's motions as he repeats his mouthing and sucking of her other breast. She bites the inside of her cheek and tries to focus on Jamison's movements rather than her discomfort. After watching him for a few minutes though, she has to stop herself from giggling as she thinks about what it looks like he is doing.

If I didn't know it was my breast in his mouth, it would look as if he were giving head to someone. Oh my God, I can't believe I just thought that. I wonder what he would say if I told him that during his analysis?

Alexandra bites the inside of her cheek so hard, to stop from giggling, that she actually hurts herself and a tear falls from the outside of her eye. Jamison senses something is different with Alexandra. He looks up at her and sees the lone tear slowly drifting down the side of her face.

"Alexandra are you ok?" He can't imagine that anything he has done has been painful enough to cause her to cry, yet he sees the tear.

Alexandra nods her head 'yes'.

"Then why the tear? Are you hurting in some way?" Slightly confused, Jamison questions her.

She nods 'no'.

"Alexandra you may use words to explain to me the reason for the tear." He is using his command voice.

"It's nothing Jamison. You didn't hurt me. I'm fine." Subconsciously she tucks her lips in and bites down as if she needs to do that in order to stop any other words from coming out of her mouth.

"I said use your words to explain the tear. The answer you just gave does not do that, try again. And by the look on your face, I know there is something you are not telling me that will answer my question. So, before this gets out of hand, why don't you just tell me what I want to know and what you so obviously are trying to avoid."

"I was biting the inside of my cheek to avoid.." Alexandra hesitates debating on what to say. Immediately the words "rule number one" enter her head as she is debating telling him less than the truth.

"To avoid what Alexandra?" Jamison asks as he pinches her nipple in order to focus her attention to him. It worked, immediately her eyes focus on his.

"Ok, Jamison here is where rule number one is problematic. If I tell the truth, I may make you unhappy and if I lie, I will most definitely make you unhappy. So it really is a no win situation. But if I just avoid saying anything about what caused me to bite my cheek hard enough to cause a tear, we both win. Doesn't that make more sense?" She asks hopefully.

"No." He responds as he reaches up with both hands pinching her nipples and tweaking them hard causing her to wince and reach for his hands. Immediately his brow goes up and his facial expression dares her to remove his hands. She withdraws her hands from their intended target.

Jamison nods at her retreat and continues, "Rule number one is always tell the truth. Avoidance is not telling the truth. I would have thought you understood that by now." He says all of this while maintaining a hard pinch on Alexandra's nipples.

"I do understand it Jamison. I was just hoping to avoid the "concrete" definition put forth and use a softer, more pliable, more useful definition." Alexandra's nipples hurt so much that she is barely able to cry out her words.

"That's a lot of nice words to say that you want to lie to me." He looks at her slightly disappointed and Alexandra is immediately upset with herself for disappointing him. It hurts more since they have been doing so well during their bargained twenty-four hours. Finally, Jamison releases her nipples from his grasp.

"Oh! Oh God!" She cries out as her nipples perfuse full of blood again, causing her pain. "I'm sorry Jamison; you are right. I promised to follow the rules and I should have just told you the truth. I was just trying to avoid hurting you or maybe making you unhappy or angry. But it really is a stupid thing. Maybe you will even find it funny. I was actually biting my cheek to stop myself from laughing."

"Really, well share the humor. I could use a laugh." He looks at her as if he is reading every thought going through her head. His stare is intense and she feels herself shudder under his scrutiny.

"Ok. Well, when you were mouthing and sucking my breast and nipple, the movements your head and mouth were making struck me as funny." His look is questioning. "I thought it funny because...well...you sort of looked like...well...you looked like you were giving someone a blowjob." As she gets out her last words she rolls her lips inward and bites down on them. She closes her eyes to avoid seeing Jamison's reaction to her words.

Jamison laughs at Alexandra's comments but it's an odd, humorless laugh. "I guess I could see how that would look similar but trust me when I say, that is not an activity in which I have any interest." He says as she opens her eyes in surprise and looks at him. Alexandra is surprised that he is handling her comment so well. She thought he would react harshly to her comparison.

"Yes. I can even understand you finding humor in it. Let's see how funny you find it now." He looks up at her and she notes the change in his voice. It is deeper and a little menacing, he sounds as if he is daring or taunting her. There is a definite challenge in his voice, his words, and his look. His face appears a little more stern in appearance and his eyes have darkened. All are warning signs that he means business and she realizes that she may be in a bit of trouble.

"So Alexandra, if you found that funny, you're going to love what I do next. I'm going to make your little vision come to life for you. Let's see just how much you enjoy it." He looks at the confused expression on her face and laughs. "Remember Alexandra, do not speak and remain very still."

As Jamison finishes his warnings he dips his head down to the breast he left just a few minutes ago. He lavishes her breast with the flattened surface of his tongue. As he licks over her entire breast, he pulls the already sensitive nipple back into his mouth. He sucks on it as hard as he can until Alexandra arches up in an attempt to relieve the pressure he is exerting on her poor little nub.

Jamison slaps her breast three times in rapid sequence. "Slap, Slap, Slap!" His slaps to her breast are fast, hard and firm. Her soft ample breast tissue ripples in a wave like motion as he makes contact and a pink hand print is left on her milky white skin. "I told you not to move. Now don't do it again Alexandra. Understand?"

Alexandra nods her head. She clenches the muscles in her sex as she feels a delicious flood of warm wetness coat the insides of her sex. The slaps to her breast cause a quick sharp pain that is almost sweet in its nature because of the after effects it causes her body to experience.

God is there something wrong with me? How is it possible for me to get so excited by this man and the things he does and says? It just doesn't seem normal. Any sane woman would have left hours ago or have been even smarter and never agreed to come here. Yet I'm here and when he threatens to punish me if I break his rules, I find it exciting. He spanks me and I practically beg him to have his way with me. Hell, there is no 'practically' about it, I did beg him. Now, he sucks my nipple within an inch of causing it to fall off, then he spanks my breast, and I'm practically wetting myself. Again, no 'practically' about it. I'm wet and close to orgasm.

While Alexandra is reviewing her thoughts, Jamison continues to suckle her for several more minutes. When he finally releases her from his mouth, she moans loudly in relief. Jamison continues his assault down the front of her abdomen. Every few inches he kisses her abdomen and then sucks a small section of tissue into his mouth, ending with little bites on her skin before he moves down to the next area. He leaves five "suction" and "bite" marks on his path between her breast and her navel.

Jamison repeats the same actions on her navel that he had initially made in her mouth, on her ear, then her breast. He circles her navel with his tongue. He inserts his tongue in and out of her navel opening. He continues these motions and then bites the soft skin around her belly button. As Alexandra gasps and sucks in a breath, tightening her abdominal muscles.

Jamison continues his path south and reaches her sex. He looks up at Alexandra and whispers, "Remember the theme Alexandra. Now I will start the completion of my story and you will see your little humorous mental picture come to reality. Watch and enjoy Alexandra." Jamison reaches between Alexandra's legs and spreads them apart.

"Watch and enjoy Alexandra." He repeats himself as he slides his hand over her thigh. "I will be curious to see how funny you find me now." His voice is deep and husky. Clearly he plans on teasing her before he completes his "theme."

The level of excitement Alexandra feels triples simply at the sound of his voice and by what he says. She is also aware of a heightened feeling of fear at the implied threat he just made. The two together make her feel like someone has just sucked the breath out of her lungs. She is so nervous her body tenses. She is full of anticipation and is so sexually excited she can feel her sex juices flowing from her. She isn't sure which move is the smartest for her to make, flight, fight, or surrender. She decides that surrender may not be the smartest, but it will be the most rewarding.